The Tefilah Podcast
The Tefilah Podcast
Tehilim 1 (Ashrei ha'Ish) Part 4 of 5
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!
In tonight's Tehilim shiur (5/11/20 at YBT) we continued learning the first perek of Tehilim with the commentary of the Meiri. After reviewing what we said before, we hacked our way through the rest of his commentary on 1:3-4. We didn't get as many profound ideas this time as we did in the last two sessions, but that's how these things sometimes go. We'll attempt to finish the last two pesukim and tie everything together next time.
Tehilim 1 Part 1
Tehilim 1 Part 2
Tehilim 1 Part 3
תהלים א עם פירוש המאירי
If you missed the crash-course on "How to Learn Tehilim," here are links to the YouTube video, the podcast episode, and the written version.
Here's another article I wrote entitled How TO and How NOT to Apply Tehilim to Your Life.
Lastly, here's an article I wrote entitled How to Say Tehilim for the Sick Without Violating Halacha.
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
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"The Stoic Jew" Podcast: https://thestoicjew.buzzsprout.com
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast: https://rambambekius.buzzsprout.com
"Machshavah Lab" Podcast: https://machshavahlab.buzzsprout.com
"The Tefilah Podcast": https://tefilah.buzzsprout.com
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