Beyond The Lines

The Hidden Opportunity

Jason Davis Episode 66

In Episode #66, I have a truthful and impactful discussion with Brandon Copeland a.ka. 'Midwest Kong.' Midwest Kong is known for his impressive performances in the bench press that you can find all over YouTube and his Instagram page. Midwest Kong has multiple impressive performances bench pressing 225lbs., 315lbs. and 405lbs. But, there's more to Midwest Kong than his strength, power and notoriety. During the discussion, Midwest Kong shares his childhood athletic experience. He also shares who his favorite team was and the athlete that idolized. Midwest Kong also brings us into what his childhood illness was, the "hurdle" that he had to conquer as an elementary school kid and who were the people that influenced and raised him.  He goes in-depth about the trials and tribulations he faced growing up and the different paths that he traveled that ultimately brought him to this juncture in his life. Midwest Kong offers great advice to young kids who may dealing with their own trials and tribulations as well as trying to find their place in life. In the end, I offer my '3 Takeaways. 

Midwest Kong's story is one of turmoil and triumph. His experiences, albeit not ideal, led him to many opportunities that were unforseen. Listen in to his compelling story.

As always, thanks for listening. Take care. 

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