Beyond The Lines

Clippers and Cops: Saving Our Youth

Jason Davis Episode 77

In Episode #77, I have a sobering and uplifting conversation with Retired Atlanta Detective and now, Founder and CEO of Clippers and Cops Tyrone Dennis. Clipper and Cops is a grassroots program to help young kids in trouble and also to bridge the divide between communities and the police. We began our discussion talking about Tyrone's childhood growing up in St. Louis. He shared what he went through and the things he encountered as young kid in one of the worst neighborhoods in St. Louis. Tyrone discussed the sports he played and which sport, not only propelled him to do great things in his life but which sport, according to him, ultimately saved his life. Tyrone shares what led him to Atlanta and his experiences as a Police Officer then subsequently a Detective in Atlanta. We discuss, in detail, how he created the Clippers and Cops program and the number of young kids the program has helped and will continue to help. Tyrone shares his vision for the Clippers and Cops program and how communities across the country and worldwide can get involved. Finally, Tyrone shares his advice for families when it comes to parenting young kids. In the end, I offer my 'Three Takeaways.' 

I strongly urge everyone to listen to this interview. There's power in numbers and power in togetherness.

As always, thanks for listening. Take Care.

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