The Trend Report

The Evolving Role of the Independent Rep with Jason Levy

September 25, 2023 Sid Meadows, Jason Levy Season 4 Episode 127

Join Sid for a heartfelt and thought-provoking conversation about the evolving role of the independent rep with Jason Levy, a veteran in the office furniture industry. Jason's journey is a compelling tale of resilience and adaptability - from being a culinary student to stepping up to the demands of the family business after his mother's cancer diagnosis. You'll hear his profound insights into the shifting business landscape, his creative marketing strategies, and why he believes building sincere and engaging relationships within the A&D community is essential.

Jason also opens up about his inventive approach to marketing. Wondering how cupcakes, donuts, and his last name fit into his business strategy? You're in for a fascinating set of ideas. He'll also talk about the value of making connections at real-life events and his digital engagement tactics that have helped him grow in an industry that has seen many changes, especially amidst the pandemic.

Get ready to tune in to an episode that's more than just office furniture talk. Jason's passion for Apple products, his belief in the importance of reading physical books to his children, and his insightful thoughts on the blurring lines between residential and commercial industries offer an engaging mix of personal anecdotes and professional advice. Whether you're in the furniture industry or not, Jason's story is sure to inspire, educate, and entertain.

In this episode:

[00:00] Learn all about Jason Levy and his experience in the office furniture industry.

[09:27] Customer-Centric Tools in Business

[21:31] Marketing Strategies for A&D Community

[31:21] Leveraging Digital Platforms to Grow

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The Trend Report introduction music is provided by Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

Sid :

I don't want folks to be waiting on me for anything, and I wanted them to have access to everything when it's at their convenience, not at my convenience or the company's convenience, because that's who drives this whole ship, it's the client, and when you can provide them with the tools necessary to get their projects organized, specified, their materials are all kind of set for their presentations. That's what you want, as either a corporate rep or an independent rep. That's the goal.


Hey friends and welcome to the Trend Report Podcast, where we have real conversations with real people about all things contract interiors. My name is Sid Meadows and I'm your host. I'm a business strategist and certified professional coach and a longtime student of the office furniture industry, and I'm excited that you're joining us today, and my hope is that you will gain some insights, inspiration and motivation that will help you grow and your business grow. So let's dive in to today's conversation. Hey everybody and welcome to this week's episode of the Trend Report. Glad you're joining me today. Today I'm having a conversation with a new friend that I met on LinkedIn and excited to dive into his story and a little bit about his journey in the industry. So join me in welcoming Jason Levy to the show today. How are you, jason?

Sid :

Hey, great. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Sid. Great to be with you today.


Well, I'm excited that you're here. I mean, we actually really did meet on LinkedIn, I forget. I think you commented on a post I had made about the show and we had a great little direct message conversation and I reached out and said hey, I really appreciate your story, come join us. So here you are.

Sid :

To remind you, it was actually the episode with Matt Negron, who's the president of Dolphin. I saw that episode. He's a friend and a contact of mine and I was really excited to see him get the opportunity to join the pod. And that's where I met you, and so I'm happy to be here and happy to share my story.


Well, I appreciate that reminder, because they all kind of run together at times for me. So, jason, tell us a little bit about you.

Sid :

Yeah, so I'm really fortunate I'm a second generation wholesale. Basically I started in the textile line of the business represented my parents both my stepfather and my mother were wholesale reps for Kravitz for many years in the Philadelphia Metro market and I joined the company that they had. They were the rep agency for Kravitz at that time and I joined the company in the early 2000s and was calling on designers in central and southern New Jersey and we had a showroom in Philadelphia that I used to kind of partner with and do some events at. That's really where I got my start in the industry and have evolved from there. And here I am, 20 something years later lot less hair.


So officially you are an independent rep and you cover the greater Philadelphia area as an independent rep In your line package. You're very heavy in the textiles and it makes sense because your family was in the textile business and reps for it and I did notice as I was doing a little bit of research. You've been an independent rep for a very long time.

Sid :

Yeah well, so the opportunity to become independent really stems from my parents being, in essence, independent, but they were an exclusive rep agency for Kravitz at Lea Jofa and, with that being the main kind of mold that I had as my entry into the business, I figured that that would be a good model to take part and go forward for as many years as I'm going to be in the industry and I have evolved my package of lines to be more than just textile oriented. But textiles can be fabrics, it can be carpet, so it can encompass very big channels. So that's where I'm happy to show that I've evolved and I'm doing more furniture and lighting and curated art and things that really have tested my boundaries and made me go back and learn how to really sell this product and speak that language, because it's a different animal than just fabric or furniture or carpet. So, yeah, opportunities abound.


So in the beginning most of your lines were more residential focused, right.

Sid :

Yeah, so in the beginning everything was residential. At that time it was very segmented as far as hey, you're in residential, you're over here and contract commercials over there, and there's really not much intertwining going on. And that was really because the aesthetics were so different in both those channels that there really wasn't a blend. But as the industry has evolved here, that blend has gotten smaller, or that difference has gotten smaller and smaller. The blend is becoming more streamlined and there is just a lot of residential looking product in the commercial world and vice versa. The residential people, they want all the performance from their commercial world. So it's really the best of both worlds, if you ask me.


Well, it's definitely been the blurring of the lines, right? Because, as you said, there were very segmented, like it was your residential or your commercial, and now they definitely, over time, have truly blurred to. You almost necessarily can't tell the difference in some of them. So yeah 100%. So what was the catalyst for you? Wanting to join your family business?

Sid :

So the catalyst for me was growing up in the southern New Jersey area, my parents were very focused on the credit, building the credit business up to another level.

Sid :

They were working at the company before it became Cravet Inc, so they had a lot to do with that ascension in this market. This was a very important market to them and I think when my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and that affected her ability to really go on the road and see her customers and carry this heavy fabric in this wallpaper and all the other things that she was tasked to carry, that really inspired me to get into the business. Being an only child, really being heavily focused with my mom, we were really you know and sing together and she pushed me into the business. I really did not have the confidence when I got into Think that I knew what I was doing and could speak the language to these designers. So that whole process of that diagnosis and Me trying to step up and help the family business, that's what really inspired me at the beginning and has inspired me this entire time.


I think, say obviously it worked with her pushing you, because twenty something years later, here you still are basically doing the same thing with the broader collection of brands.

Sid :

Yeah, well, and the other thing is to, the she was able to really introduce to me was the fact that you know, being independent, you know, yes, your your your task with building your business and selling your product to your design Clients and to your clients overall, but you're also running your own business.

Sid :

you have to manage all these other tasks behind the scenes that most people don't even know that you have to do, sir. You're in the middle of it like, oh no, I gotta do that to you know. So that really has pushed me and again my boundaries, my limitations, reaching out for help, asking people that I've met in the industry become mentors, sure, and really teach me some things that I really didn't know too much about, and that's what I think has helped me get to where I am right now, and I'm never satisfied. I wanna keep learning, keep growing, keep partnering with people that can be smarter than me and teach me more than what I know.


Well, that's the perfect mindset, right there to. I wanna keep learning, I wanna keep growing. That is the perfect mindset. We talk about that a lot on the show. But Before we dive into a little bit more about your journey, I have a question for you and I'm snooping around a little bit of research. So you went to chef school? Yeah, I love that. Actually, I'm a foodie myself.

Sid :

So it was a. It was an interesting experience in my in my youth. I was very enamored with the restaurant business here in south jersey. Everything is Kind of geared around pizza or the Italian restaurant at the corner, yep. So yeah, I was very interested in that world. It was basically, you know, at that time, you know chefs were like the rock star is like On TV, you know all those people were getting a lot of publicity and I just became enamored with it, was a good way for me to connect with my grandmother. She taught me, really got me kinda interested in doing it and you know it's a skill that nobody can take away from me so you actually know how to really use a knife and chop and use your knuckles and all that kind of stuff, right?

Sid :

yeah, yeah, I mean, the skills I learned at CIA were tremendous. You know, obviously they give you a great base. They want you to go into that world. Ironically, I'm In hospitality, but I'm not necessarily doing that, and the house.


The kind of state a little bit in the same industry but on the opposite side of the fence, if you will correct.

Sid :

yes, chef, school was really cool. The Hudson river was really cold In the winter but that area, you know, I'm back a kipsey Hi park, absolutely beautiful part of the country and a lot of history there.

Sid :

The Roosevelt estate was right next door. I got an opportunity to go over there and check that out and at the time, you know, the Clintons were actually moving into Reinebeck Because Hillary was actually gonna run for senate of New York. Oh yeah, that's kind of the same timeframe that out that that was all happening. They were exiting the White House and that was their next move so this was late nineties, early two thousand.


Well, I think it's just fascinating that you know we all have a story right and the things that we do are part of our story. They're the part of the fabric of who we are right, and there's a direct tie in that. You went to chef school and you, as you said, you learn skills that nobody can take away from you, and now you're still somewhat in the same industry and I would assume that you like to cook a lot.

Sid :

Yeah, I. So. My wife's a high school math teacher. She gets home, you know, kind of early mid after mid to late afternoon. So I try to Be the proactive spouse and, you know, try to prepare food for both my boys. I have two growing boys that literally are eating everything in sight. So I try my best to be ahead of that and I do enjoy it. I don't get a chance to Really cook at a level that I, that I once was, but you know, I think that you know, overall my family gets to, you know, be taste testers for whatever I'm happy to be creating at that time. It's. It was really a way for me to Explore my creative side. I couldn't draw, I couldn't, I was not great with, you know, power tools, so this was kind of how I could create things and make art and that's what I was, kind of the strategy and why I'm that bad.


I love it so and you know again, I think everything we use together to get us to where we are today and everything plays a role. I passed always plays a role in our future, right, and so let's talk a little bit about you mentioned it a few minutes ago, but let's talk about being that entrepreneur, being that independent business owner. I mean there, people, I don't know that people fully understand all the things that are on your plate. And first question is how do you balance it all? How are you balancing?

Sid :

I think, for me, what's been a blessing for me and maybe a curse in some regards. But I'm extremely gifted at compartmental compartmentalizing everything and I think that has helped me be able to focus on one you know channel of things that I have to do as far as either customer you know oriented, or project oriented, or follow up on an order, but then also, at the same time, you know managing my business, making sure my taxes are paid, making sure my you know my branding looks correct and my website looks right. And the message on that website conveys kind of what I'm trying to convey, which is just simply hey, go to my website, because it's where all my lines are listed. Everybody's gone digital in this post covid world and I think it helps people just see something on the screen and get to that manufacturer easily. They're getting to the right site. It's not like they're mistyping and they get to some Weird site that is trying to steal their information. Yeah, stuff like that. I just feel like all these things behind the scenes Are a representation of you when you're not working, when you're sleeping, when you're doing something with your family. I think all of that is really important and has to be addressed.

Sid :

As a business owner. I think that has helped me stay organized. I utilize every technology that I possibly can. I'm heavily into you know technology. I think that that's also help me stay on top of things. C r m it's a vital tool. I think a lot of people in the sales world that are older find it to be more of a detriment than a blessing, and for me it just helps me stay On top everything, cuz I'm working on projects that could take a year, take two years, and I have to be able to stay on top of that as best I can and go from there.


So there is a lot of behind the scenes that happens when you're in, when you run your own business, and on your own business recently launched a new website. You did a new brand. Congratulations, looks fantastic, thank you, but you said something that I think is we talk about a lot on the show, but I also think is really important is and I think your phrasing was it works while I'm sleeping and what you're talking about is the digital assets and the digital tools that you've created. What are your website, so that designers and dealers and users can go to your website and they can do what they need to do on their time frame, find the information that they're looking for while you're doing something with your family, where you're sleeping, or out making sales calls. That tool I, your website, is working for you.

Sid :

Yeah, I think the other thing that's really happened in this industry over the last five to seven years have been you've seen the push in every company to really be create A digital presence. I was fortunate I started my career at gravate grab. It was ahead of the rest of the competitors with their website, having their clients be able to log in and play sample orders and get reserves and cfa's and other things that they could do at their convenience, not at the convenience Of somebody answering a phone call from eight to five. Sure, I think that has really push designers to become more, you know, flexible, to not think that they have to speak to somebody in that time frame. They can focus on Running their business because they're wearing multiple hats similar to me and I don't want folks to be waiting on me for anything and I want them to be have access to everything when it's at their convenience, not at my convenience or the company's convenience, because that's who drives this whole ship.

Sid :

it's the client and when, when, when you can provide them with the tools necessary to get their projects organized, specified. The materials are all kind of set for their presentations. That's what you want as a representative. You want as either a corporate rep or an independent rep. That's the goal at the end of the day. So you know, creating these brands, this brand messaging, and creating a website and creating an access to get to these Manufacturer sites, I think is vital. You know, partnering with companies like material bank. Certain lines are doing it, certain lines aren't. So my theory is okay. I have, you know, ten, fifteen lines. I want to make sure that if you're looking at any of these lines, you can get access to it and that's that's the goal at the end of the day. Just make your life easier.


I hear in your material specification so I think one of the things that I take away from that as the most important you said at the very beginning, the client is in the center and it's about developing tools For your clients, not something for you. Yes, it talks about you and it betrays you. Talks about what you sell, the services you provide, but you put your client at the center, understanding what their needs are, so that they can get what they need when they need it, on their time frame, and not have to wait on you to call the back or email the back or drop a sample offer, something like that. So kudos to you, man, for Putting the customer first and in the center of your world, because I think it is the one of the most important things that all of us need to be doing.

Sid :

Yeah, and remember the client always. You know drives which way you're gonna go, like what your reaction is going to be. The need a sample, you know. Do they need something a binder than any. Do they need a tip card? They need you to go there and bring a piece of furniture and have them do a sit test. All of these things that you have to basically be flexible on, because everyone has a different need at this point and the more flexible you are, the easier you are to work with, the better off you're gonna be gonna get around, because we work in a very small industry overall and designers talk to other designers and I want people to always, if my name comes up, I want people to always say, oh, working with Jason is so easy, he's always on top of everything and he gets you what you need when you need it, and that's my. That's really what drives me every single day.


You know making sure they have Never underestimate the power of word of mouth advertising now.

Sid :

It's the best advertising out there, but there's a good, and that's right.


I mean, yes, but they share the negative focus on that.

Sid :

Yeah, have to be so over focused on your client all the time and I always tell people look, I'm just so happy you even consider using one of my lines on. Sometimes they might choose someone else. And look, I work for really, really amazing companies in this industry. I got an email the other day and they thought I was the rep for my old company that I used to represent and I forwarded it to the owner of the company and I forwarded to the new rep and gave that person the email. I went on the website of the old company and got that person's email address and gave it to the client Because, at the end of the day, I want the client to be taken care of, no matter what. I don't care. My line, their line, whomever's line they are reaching out and they need help and I am the person who always will make sure that they get the help that they need period and that client's not going to forget.


You did that.

Sid :

Never. And look, I'm just fortunate because I was even considered. They got my email in their system, so now it's in there, their outlook or whatever. So to me it's a win for me, and I don't think that in this industry you're ever going to get anywhere other than you need to treat people as if everyone is using your product, everyone's buying from your particular manufacturers, because you never know when the next opportunity is coming and you want to be ready. But you also want to be always looking at things with a competitive type of perspective, because that's how you're always going to stay ahead of some of the people that you're going up against. And these people are all friends and I respect all of these folks. I'm actually friends with every competitor rep I go against, because that's just the name of the game in this industry.


I totally agree with that.


We could go down a whole rabbit hole about that, but let's talk for a minute about the shifts in our industry.


So you have been around long enough that you've seen that the way we operated prior to 2020 was one way, and the way that we're operating post 2020 is different, specifically with the impact of the hybrid workplace, and some of our customers are not even in the office.


The lack of, or the downturn is relates into specifications because of real estate and the woes that things are happening in real estate, but then the uptick in it as well. But the one thing that I want to really kind of hone in on for a second, jason, is the A&D community, and if you talk to any seller in our industry, whatever it is that they're selling, they have most of them, I'm going to say, have the desire to be have their products in front of the A&D community. Today it has become really, really hard and you have a brand that almost all of your lines depend on the A&D community for specifications. So I'd love to understand how you're navigating this and what are some of the things that you're doing that are getting you in front of this very much, very important yet sometimes elusive, of specifier audience.

Sid :

You know, sid, this is such a major topic right now because, you know, before COVID, it was really easy to get a lunch and learn. You can get 20 designers because they're all in the office, they're all going to show up for lunch, right? So it was very easy to get that audience. Now, with the hybrid workplace, people are working. You know, some people don't ever come to the office anymore, so it's very challenging. And for the lunch and learns or some of the meetings and things that you go try to do in person, the drop in attendance is significant. So it's much more difficult to market to that same firm that you did prior to 2020. And now you have to work 10 times harder just to get the same message that you got out, you know, in one meeting.

Sid :

So, for me, what has worked for me has been, at the end of the day, these are all people and these are all individuals. Everybody is trying to be, you know, more inclusive for everyone, right? Everyone's trying to be more engaging with everyone, no matter what your background is, no matter what perspective you have, and I think that is where I have kind of captured a way to market to the same firm, but I'm doing it individually. So a firm that I used to be able to go and drive and have an easy meeting, and it would be a concise way to do things. I'm now doing that individually.

Sid :

I'm now marketing to that person, that one designer who didn't happen to show up at the meeting or works remotely on Wednesdays. I'm individually marketing to that designer on Instagram or on LinkedIn, or I'm sending them samples to their home, or I'm just trying to be as lean and mean as I possibly can because I don't know what I'm going to encounter. So somebody might say to me Jason, I can take a whole sample box of your product and I could take it home. Other people need a digital brochure because they don't have a library or a space in their home to take materials from vendors. So I just try to be communicative with people. I try to be as easy to work with as possible and try to figure out OK, what's your setup and I'll get you the sample. I'll get you the brochure.

Sid :

I'll get you the information as if I'm standing there, and I think that is where I have had success during this post 2020 world that we're living in now. And I also would say that the brands that I represent, like Tarket Hospitality, for example, they do a tremendous job at their online marketing and it's easy for me to share their content to my client base so they create easy, really fun ways for us to market that product. So that's another way for me to get that product in front of folks. So I'm utilizing every tool that I know of and I'm trying to read and learn more about AI and other things that are coming that are going to affect the way that we're all going to work, and so that's another thing that I try to be on top of as well. So, to summarize, is just being individualized with each person and just trying to market to them individually. That's what's worked for me. So it's a lot of work.


I was just saying your workload is like quadrupled right. Yes, but the way that I would reframe that is, you went from one to many pre-2020 to one to one post-2020.

Sid :

Yes, and you know what that is. It's a lot of extra work.

Sid :

It's a lot of extra work, but in my world. So when I transitioned from the residential world to the commercial world, I thought there would be a lot of overlap. Right, I'm already calling on the ex-designer. They do this. They're going to know me from my private days or whatever. That was not the case.

Sid :

Ok, when I transitioned over to the commercial world, I had to go out and meet all new designers, work with all new design firms, market to people that are not in my wheelhouse, reach out to Drexel and Thomas Jefferson University, which used to be Philadelphia textile, and just try to get more involved, more engaged with the entire design community.

Sid :

And that could be so vast, because I'm in an area where you've got more college of art.

Sid :

You've got so much in Philadelphia alone I'm not even talking about New Jersey like Keen and Brookdale Community College, so you've got all these different people and firms working here that I had to go out and really introduce myself to build a relationship with and yes, I'm fortunate People remember me because they know I'm sincere, they know I'm genuine, they know I'm engaging with them, they know I really want to find a solution for them and, like I said, they might pick somebody else's product, but at the end of the day, that project looks amazing and I'm going to be the first one on this compliment to tell the designer how great of a job they did the architect, et cetera and I think that that has helped also build my presence in the community overall, and so it makes my online marketing that much easier, because everybody knows my name one way or the other, and that's a way to be receptive to people that really haven't had the chance to have a presentation with, or a meeting with, or a lunch.


So I think there's a couple of things here for me to stand out. You're in a very emotional side of our business, because fabrics and flooring and wall covering even some of the furniture that you have evokes emotion. Right, it's also something that designers absolutely love. They would rather look at a full collection of fabrics than they would three chairs. Let's be clear, we know that, right, right. And so I mean, you're in a really unique spot with, again, a group that's really hard to get in front of but is very important in our industry. They play a major role in our industry, and so tell me, if you had to give a young rep or a furniture heavy rep, whoever right two or three pieces of advice about reaching the A&D community, what would you say to them?

Sid :

I would really do three things really. I mean you mentioned two, three things. I would spend all of my time knowing every single firm that's in your particular area, and I mean every firm. I don't care if they work on the smallest of projects to the Gensler of projects. You need to know everybody in your market. The second thing would be is follow these.

Sid :

Every brand, I'm sorry, every design firm has an online brand and an online presence.

Sid :

They've built a website, they put their portfolio on their website, they highlight certain projects on their Instagram, whatever you need as a rep to be engaged with all of the content that's out there that these people who potentially would be your clients are putting out there, and then you need to be able to remember that and say comments and engage in a conversation about that project.

Sid :

And that is huge in this industry if you're a rep, because the design firm knows that you're not just going in there trying to show them something that they're never going to specify, because you sell more of a hospitality product and they work on more healthcare projects. So you need to know what they do, how they do it and what they really try to feature, because that's where you can plug in product to in your presentation, that you can blend into theirs and give them the vision hey, you can use this product on your next project, because this is where I would include it. So that's where I would put all of my energy and all my efforts. If I was a young rep just starting out trying to repair a territory or build a terrible, to start a, yeah, yeah.

Sid :

So, and the third thing I was just gonna say is really spend the time in getting involved in the in your community. Know your, you know your s I d. People Get involved with the n e, w, h b. Involve with the I I, d, a. All of these organizations are there for a reason and if you, as a rep or not, at least plugged into these people, you're never gonna be able to really understand who's getting awarded for their work, who's getting awarded for you. Know, building a team, what the community in the industry is doing as a whole. So that's where I would focus my my efforts, on those three things.


I wrote down for okay, that's okay, though that's my job because I heard for an hour recap them for the listeners, but I feel like for many, many episodes probably last 10 to 12 episodes We've been talking about some form of digital tool, some form of digital something, and sometimes the conversation doesn't start there, but it leads there. But you are a living example of all the things that we've been talking about for the least the last year, about leveraging the tools using digital social platforms to grow. You are living example of doing all those things, and so the I wrote down four things that you said right, know them, follow them, engage with them and connect with them. Know them, know the designers in your marketplace who they are, what they do, the types project they work in. Follow them on instagram, linked in wherever they are. Follow them, engage with them.


So when their firm post something, are they post something, you add a thoughtful comment back to it. Right, and you're selling without selling. And then connecting with them is when the opportunity presents itself to go to in real life events and be engaged in. I d, a s, I d, I a, I a, whatever it might be, go and be present there. So, no, follow, engage, connect. I love that. I'm probably gonna write an article about that. By the way, that's just bought on man.

Sid :

Yeah, it's just so. It's so accurate in our industry. At the end of the day, we're dealing with creative folks and you have to be creative. One of the things that I started when I first transition in this industry, and it was really inspired by my mother. Okay, I have my mom used to buy my stepfather her ties and I was always trying to get my mom to help me with my ties. Back in the day, everybody's to wear the white shirts.

Sid :

Every was afraid of pattern and color on their dress shirts back in the day now everybody it's a total, all other thing in this world that we're living in, but those days it was more Serve it and you had to find a way to be creative without being creative. In my way of doing, that was always with my ties, so I just have tried to take that thought process and apply it to everything. How can I be the most creative person in the world where I'm surrounded by nothing but creators?

Sid :

and as I said in the beginning of the podcast, I was not good at drawing, I was not good at building anything, so for me it's been connecting and building relationships and that's what has been. My blessing in life has been just that just being able to connect with folks and be honest with people and be genuine people. You know, I go and see clients. They happen to be maybe working on a project, maybe they're not working on a project. I just try to find a reason to say hey, I want to stop and say hello, here's some doughnuts, here's something from you know, cupcakes. Because I try to be something. I was trying to get another local business. I was my business and it's just in a world where you try to be a connector, that's what I try to be. Actually, I my last name is is inspired by the levi Try and if you go back in history, the levi were the community liaisons. They connected the the you know, the religious folks to the community. So really I'm just doing the modern version of what the levi stood.


I love that, absolutely love that. I also love that's a bit of a parallel into your using some old school techniques with new school thinking, meaning let me take cupcakes or donuts or cookies and drop them off. That's a bit of an old school excuse to walk in and I'm in the neighborhood of stuff I brought you guys cookies, man, I love it, I appreciate it. It just goes to underscore the evolution of our industry and how it is continuing to evolve and change. In tomorrow. Who knows what's gonna happen? Right, but is it is students of the industry, because I would put you in that category, student of the industry. We need to pay attention. Pay attention to what's happening around us. When you look at new things. We need to try new things. The figure out what works for me versus what works for you and use that, use whatever that is in order to move yourself and your business forward. So I got two last questions for you for wrap up, because we've been talking for a minute now. Sure you mentioned that you're techie, so what's your favorite?

Sid :

tech tool I'm, so I'm an apple user, no disrespect to the other people. So I bought into the iphone many years ago and the iphone and the technology that was in the iphone when steve jobs was standing on that on that stage presenting it in his black Turn on that, I believe that just engaging with that technology and really understanding how I can utilize that In the world of design has been a huge factor for me personally. So the answer apple products, so your I max, your, your ipads, your iphone All those have really helped me in my, in my career so are you gonna get the new phone when it comes out next week?

Sid :

We kept your next so, to be honest with you, my wife and I are in the process of buying a new house, so I am not buying the new house that is a very wise choice all of my current devices when are a little bit longer. That's great. That's the only thing I can say about apple devices. They work for a long time.


Yep, they do a great job at driving demand by teasing you like I don't need a new phone, but like I'm waiting for a tnt to send me the email that says you can pre order the phone now, cuz I'm gonna click yes and I don't need it right. So that I do a great job at driving demand for their products, I so the last question I want to ask you is are you a reader and if so, what are you reading?

Sid :

I am a huge reader. I'm trying to promote reading more not on a screen to my children, because I have two boys and my order one is eight. Almost nine is starting to read to us versus read nice, so that's a really cool transition. I'm reading a book right now about whitey boulder, written by kevin cullen. And shelly murphy used to work for the boss in the globe. They were the two reporters who basically broke the story in the late eighties about how he was an informant for the fb I and sure how that whole story in boston under world was taking place at that time.


That's cool, very cool story I love hearing what people are reading. Jason, I appreciate you coming in and joining us today, sharing All of your amazing insights with our listeners today, and it's been a pleasure to connect with you, get to know you A little bit. If our community would like to get in touch with you, what is the best way for them to do that?

Sid :

so the best ways is a. We're talking about my website. Go on my website. It's literally the easiest website on the planet. It's ww w that, jason json, lv y, a ss o c dot com. Get to me my email, my instagram, all my lines Right there on that on the website. So go there. Emails the best way to contact me personally and I'm quick to respond. So if you need something have been working on something at me up I'll definitely reach back out to you with gusto.


Love that. We will be sure to drop all that information, including linked in instagram and your website email, all down in the sonot so you can head over there if you like to connect with jason. Just if you do reach out, let him know you heard him here on the trend report. That's why you're reaching out. So Thanks again, jason, for joining me today and I got there. Make today great, everyone, and we'll see you again in a couple weeks. Thanks for joining me today on this episode of the trend report podcast. I'm glad that you're here and I hope that you got some amazing value out of today's conversation. For more about our podcast and this episode and our other episodes, please visit my website at sit meadows dot com. We look forward to seeing you next week and go out there and make today great.