June 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10

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Big Joe isn't Emmie's only problem.  Blood is about to flow.


By James R. von Feldt

All rights reserved

 Now before we take up where we left off, I’ve got to elucidate one point.  Big Joe McCully is one of the McCallister clan due to his daddy’s marriage to Beula McCallister as well as to the fact that Big Joe grew up right there along Dead Creek Crossing about six miles east of Frenchie’s place. That point cleared up let’s see, where’d we leave off?

 Yes, Emmie-Loy had Big Joe from behind, his arm twisted behind his back almost to dislocate, and a sharp knife foisted at his throat. The McCallister’s who had circled around Garfield taunting him into a fight was close by but too far to do anything for Big Joe. 

 In the full moonlight, the astonishment on all their faces was astounding. Emmie-Loy had Big Joe no question about it. She pulled him five steps back from the circle as they gaped in amazement.

 No one moved. No one made a sound.

 Nothing. And at that very instance Garfield, whose head had cleared significantly, took advantage and charged out of the circle knocking two of the gang to the ground in the process. Quickly, he got behind Emmie-Loy, grabbed the 30-30, though it was still slung over her shoulder, and pulled the trigger. 

 In the moonlit clearing, the noise was deafening, and by natural reflex, the circle of McCallister’s shattered in all directions as if a bottle were thrown against a rock wall.

 Next, and this part is attested to by many who were there at the same time as the gun went off, a large figure crashed to the ground to the left of Emmie-Loy, totally unexpected.

 A huge cougar with evil, hungry eyes glistening in the moonlight glow was looking right at Emmie-Loy, Big Joe, and Garfield. The yellow eyes ablaze and teeth bared, some say the cougar had heard them coming down the road and had climbed up the big cottonwood tree in the clearing. He was clearly looking for something to eat.

 At any rate there he was, in the middle of the road, in the moonlight, a hungry, huge cougar that had fallen unexpectantly. 

 The cat roared and coiled to spring. In that very instant, taking advantage of the surprise, Big Joe took off like a wild rabbit leaving Emmie-Loy and Garfield to face the cat that some say was nine feet from nose to tip of the tail.  However, in an amazing split second of determination and ferocity, before the cat could get off the ground, Emmie-Loy, knife in hand, attacked and hit the creature with her full force. 

 The battle was ferocious. The cat lunged and missed. He lunged again and again. 

 Emmie-Loy dodged and weaved with the speed of a mongoose, waiting for her chance. 

 As they bobbed and parried thrusts, Emmie-Loy stared into the eyes of the monster cat with a ferocity that would wilt a cobra. 

 Finally, In a monstrous leap, where both bodies collided mid-air, Emmie-Loy dodged the lethal claws and imparted the fatal blow.

 Meanwhile, Garfield, sitting on his rump, in the middle of the clearing witnessed the whole event. He testified that the cougar didn’t have a chance.   

 Eventually, when all was still, Emmie-Loy stood up, looked around, and some say uttered a hiss which unnerved what few of the McCallister’s that had stuck around to see who would win. They took off for home on foot as fast as they could go.

 Now Garfield, despite some of his obvious shortcomings, was not totally stupid. This amazon woman had rescued him from the clutches of the kidnappers then pulled him from the jaws of death. His brain begins clicking.  

 As Emmie-Loy stood over the lifeless heap on the ground, Garfield slowly approached to take a closer look, though safely behind her.

 In the moonlight. At that very moment. With the smell of sweat, fresh blood, and dust still settling on the carcass, it happened. For Garfield, this was THE moment. Not at all what he had set out for. But isn’t that just like life, you don’t always get what you set out for? Sometimes you find your Emmie-Loy.

 They just stood there looking at the huge cougar lying on the ground.

 Then looking at each other. Cupid’s arrow struck. True Love hit home.

 In time, Frenchie and the riders came into the clearing making more noise than they should so as not to startle anyone; as if to say “we’re here”.

 When all was explained and the carcass of the big cat loaded on the wagon, they headed back to Frenches where the celebration took up where it left off.

 Well, that’s the truth of it as told down at the Gas & Grill. 

 What is remarkable, however, is what happened later that week. Garfield and Emmie-Loy went back to Go-Springs and started door-to-door campaigning. They even went to call on the Murphy clan, telling them - not asking, but telling them to vote for Garfield. 

 By then, the marriage, as well as the kidnapping and cougar fight to the death, were stories flying all over the place, especially at the Dew-Drop-Inn, where, depending on how many rounds had been consumed, the fiercer the fight was - even to the point of impossibility. 

 At any rate, Garfield and Emmie-Loy and their door-knocking campaigning made a sight to be sure. As it happened the vote swung in their favor and both Garfield and Emmie-Loy were selected Joint Supervisor, which as far as I can find was a first. 

As far as I know, they are still there Supervising as needed. 

 Harry Nation harbors a thousand stories of strife, love, and even conquest. In its peculiar way and just like all of America, it is truly exceptional.


Well, that’s it for now. 

From where the corn grows tall, and pigs fly.

 Take care. 

 All my love,  

 Grampa Jim