End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Michelle Howard
My guest is Michelle Howard! A Registered Nurse from British Columbia Canada who has bravely worked the emergency rooms and trauma centers of BC's largest hospitals. Watching two of her three daughters entering the nursing workforce has lit a spark in her to be the mentor that so many nurses need in their early careers to create an environment that supports them and protects them from the bullying that so commonly takes place in our health care system.
Michelle is inspiring, self aware, and honest as she takes us through her own journey of what I can only take away as hope in this career. Hope that balance and health is indeed a real possibility for all of us.
Critical to her ability to thrive in this exhausting and demanding career has been her capacity to adapt her work life to fit her lifestyle and her needs vs the other way around and is clear on the importance of knowing our values and setting boundaries for ourselves.
One of the most valuable resources Michelle notes for herself has been the connection and group support she found through her church group and the program she has found so much healing and growth through mirrors that which is provided through the Nurse Rx Program.
If you'd like to learn more about Sandra Payne Wellness and the Nurse Rx Program you can go to https://wellness360coach.com/sandra-payne/ or follow Sandra Payne on FB https://www.facebook.com/sandrapaynewellness/or IG.
If you'd like to join our private FB support group Surviving Nursing please do https://www.facebook.com/groups/638818697054847/
If you would like to be a guest on the End the Silence Podcast to share your story and offer hope and inspiration to our colleagues, I welcome you to contact me at sandra.payne.wellness@gmail.com
Together we are stronger <3