End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Fola Veritas RPN
What a gift to have Fola as a guest on the podcast.
Just being in her presence made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzies inside.
She gives embodiment to merging spirit into everyday life.
Fola is an RPN in Alberta and has been working in mental health and addictions for over 11 years dedicating herself to promoting wellness through the integration of both traditional healing methods and modern scientific knowledge.
She has been on her own personal journey as many healers have been, myself included, experiencing depression and anxiety and then moving through a psycho-spiritual emergence in 2015. She explains her emergence vs emergency, which is what she has witnessed many of her patients experiencing, in such a way that it offers a perspective of those who society has labeled "crazy" and institutionalized.
It brought to the forefront for me the experiences of mental health and our system and how when our basic needs are not cared for and we are in pure survival mode in life a spiritual download or connection can be very challenging to navigate and how grateful I am that when I personally went through this time I was in a supported place to move through it all.
For me this emergence Fola talks about was an awakening. A clearing of my lens to see the world, the institutions and systems, and myself through a whole different view. One I believe in my soul is aligned with truth and not the illusion that our world has purposefully designed for us to try to fit into. Again for me, this trying to fit in, was quite possible the source of much of my and many others suffering. Trying to be something we are not so that we can belong and feel worthy of love.
Is it possible that this desire to be loved and belong can lead us down dark paths that shadows who we truly are and leads us into what we call depression???
This is something I have been sitting with for years now and I truly believe that it as truth.
Come check out more on the Nurse Rx Coaching Program https://www.sandrapaynecoach.com/health-wellness-services/nurse-rx-coaching-program/
Check out Fola at Deep Mind Squared https://www.deepmindsquared.com/about
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