Nearly Enlightened

Health, Healing, and Planetary Shifts with Stefan Burns

July 09, 2024 Giana Rosa Giarrusso Season 3 Episode 7
Health, Healing, and Planetary Shifts with Stefan Burns
Nearly Enlightened
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Nearly Enlightened
Health, Healing, and Planetary Shifts with Stefan Burns
Jul 09, 2024 Season 3 Episode 7
Giana Rosa Giarrusso

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Ever wondered how cosmic events influence your personal and collective consciousness? Tune into our latest episode where we uncover the mysteries of celestial energies with Stefan Burns, a geophysicist turned YouTuber. Discover the profound implications of Neptune stationing retrograde at the last degrees of Pisces and how it heralds a pivotal moment in the age of Pisces. Stefan sheds light on how historical spiritual philosophies intersect with the modern world of internet and travel, offering a unique perspective on our interconnected existence.

Balance the mystical with the empirical as we venture into the crossroads of meditation, astrology, while being grounded science. Learn how generational planetary influences like Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn shape societal shifts and the breakdown of outdated systems. We emphasize the importance of meditation for clarity and patience, bridging esoteric concepts with practical science. This conversation is designed to resonate with those seeking to harmonize spirituality and science, even if the blend might not be for everyone.

Unlock the secrets of intuition through health practices in our final segment. Hear remarkable personal stories, including extraordinary childhood experiences and transformative moments since 2020. We delve into the importance of a healthy gut microbiome and foundational wellness practices, while touching on astrological transitions and their impact on personal growth. This episode is packed with insights to help you navigate the cosmic shifts and their potential for profound soul development. Join us for a journey that promises to expand your understanding and inspire personal transformation.

Connect with Stefan:
IG @stefanburnsofficial

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We want to hear from you! Send us a text message.

Ever wondered how cosmic events influence your personal and collective consciousness? Tune into our latest episode where we uncover the mysteries of celestial energies with Stefan Burns, a geophysicist turned YouTuber. Discover the profound implications of Neptune stationing retrograde at the last degrees of Pisces and how it heralds a pivotal moment in the age of Pisces. Stefan sheds light on how historical spiritual philosophies intersect with the modern world of internet and travel, offering a unique perspective on our interconnected existence.

Balance the mystical with the empirical as we venture into the crossroads of meditation, astrology, while being grounded science. Learn how generational planetary influences like Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn shape societal shifts and the breakdown of outdated systems. We emphasize the importance of meditation for clarity and patience, bridging esoteric concepts with practical science. This conversation is designed to resonate with those seeking to harmonize spirituality and science, even if the blend might not be for everyone.

Unlock the secrets of intuition through health practices in our final segment. Hear remarkable personal stories, including extraordinary childhood experiences and transformative moments since 2020. We delve into the importance of a healthy gut microbiome and foundational wellness practices, while touching on astrological transitions and their impact on personal growth. This episode is packed with insights to help you navigate the cosmic shifts and their potential for profound soul development. Join us for a journey that promises to expand your understanding and inspire personal transformation.

Connect with Stefan:
IG @stefanburnsofficial

Speaker 1:

This is the Nearly Enlightened Podcast. If you're returning, welcome back. I am Gianna. If you're new here, welcome. I'm so excited to have you. I'm very thrilled to have this week's guest on. Please help me. Welcome, stefan Burns. He is a geophysicist turned YouTuber who analyzes the current energies and educates others on how they might best be navigated for maximum soul growth and spiritual development. He recently launched his Planetary Residence e-course to help others better feel and understand the energetic qualities of the background cosmic morphic field. You can watch his YouTube videos. I'll link them in the show notes and I will also link his e-course and his website Wild Free, organic Welcome.

Speaker 2:

Hello, thank you. I'm happy to be here and, yeah, excited. It's been a while. We've connected a long time ago and now we're connecting again.

Speaker 1:

I know Excited to have you on. So for season three, three, you're the first male divine masculine energy that's been on, so this is really exciting and ground us in your divine masculine energies well, you may be in for a problem because, as I've analyzed my astrological charm, realizing that there's all these feminine energies baked in there, oh, that's fun it's almost like venus wanted to incarnate as a guy, but keep all her Venusian qualities just right below the surface.

Speaker 1:

Well, that works too, then. So I recently just watched your Neptune retrograde video and I really loved it. It was powerful. I actually watched it twice. So for those of you who don't know Stefan, like please go watch that on his YouTube. I just loved the message that we're finally getting this shift in collective consciousness but not only collective but individual and that resonated with me and I know so many others. So, yeah, I just didn't know if maybe you wanted to talk a little bit about that to get started, because that's kind of like the current energy that we're in yeah, there's.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of energies right now overlapping and so neptune stationing retrograde at 29 degrees and 56 arc minutes, which is only four arc minutes away from the end. An arc minute is a 60th of a degree, so literally right on the cusp. As it relates to Western tropical astrology and their measure of the zodiac, it's stopping short and then going back is very significant, not only because anytime it stations retrograde in that whole period, it's stationary in the sky. If you're actually like a look up at the telescope, you're going to not see it moving through the night sky like a planet normally does, or the sun normally does, or the moon, whatever. So that supposedly gives it more of an energetic imprint. It amplifies energies because they're not transiting, it's direct. Then it's deciding to go back and then it's going to be moving out of pisces for the last time, based on my calculations, in the age of pisces and neptune's a co-ruler of pisces with jupiter and the last jupiter neptune conjunction occurred in pisces because neptune moves slowly. So we have all these piscean energies and now neptune's doing this final like review, like going down the checklist, like okay, here's everything that we've learned since around 200 ad and let's review it all and bring it all together and really like mix it all together. Now I think the internet's really allowing for all these different spiritual philosophies and ideas and everything to get mixed together in a way that wasn't possible before, and also even just like the ease of traveling around the world. Now people can look and see that, for example, thailand's an interesting location, so they go there, whereas before they would have had to have the travel magazine and all this. And now you can just see a photo on Instagram that grabs you and it's like whoa, I want to go there, like you just feel that resonance because it's not the photo, it's the energy that's just being like quantumly tunneled through the funnel, like the photo to you, and so, like we've opened up all these little portals and so Neptune stationing there is very significant in regards to that. And it's this, it's this year event, like for july, but then it's also this event for neptune's transit through pisces, which is like 14 years long, which is very significant. Then it's this event for, like the 164 year cycle for Neptune, its entire orbital revolution, because Pisces is the very end, and then it's also event for the very end of the age of Pisces too, because Neptune won't be in Pisces again when we go for the age of Pisces. It's going to end and we'll be in the age of Aquarius, and then, all of a sudden, neptune yeah, I'll reach Pisces again in 164 years, but we'll be in a different astrological age completely, one ruled by Saturn, not by Jupiter very different energies. So this is like the final kind of hurrah for Neptune and again, it had that Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, which was this big expansion of all these themes.

Speaker 2:

That was back in 2022, uh, I believe somewhere around there. So, uh, because, yeah, jupiter right now is in gemini, so you just go back a little bit 2022, like 2021, something like that. So it's just a powerful moment for the collective, but certain people are resonating with it more especially people in this field, and, um, yeah, I mean that's that's one thing that's happening right now. There's also all the pluto stuff and yeah, so it's like a very interesting like web of energies right now, and that's why I'm glad I started studying all the planetary resonances, because it's helped me to decipher the individual frequencies.

Speaker 2:

There's something known as a four-year transform in physics, where you have a single wave function, right, you have a single wave that has all these different peaks and everything on it, and then you can look at that wave and you can split it across time and basically separate out the different frequency components. So you see this like kind of weird wave and then you split out oh, there's a one hertz component, there's the five hertz component and then there's this weird 37 hertz component and you see the different frequencies get pulled out and you see their respective powers this one's more powerful, this one's less powerful, this one's kind of moderately powerful. And so it's almost like, by studying this, I've been able to do like a kind of intuitive four-year transform on the energies at play at any given time, which helps to just understand my own energies and how I'm feeling. Like, let's say, you're talking about how it's helped you to better feel these energies yourself, because we're all receivers. We're all receiving these energies too.

Speaker 2:

So not everything is us. We all make up the collective, but there can be some collective energies that really aren't about you too much as an individual. I mean, yeah, you're part of it, but not really. Some people resonate with it more. But then it'll come in and you'll be like why am I feeling that way? It's like, oh okay, that's a collective energy. I don't have to resonate with that if I don't want to, and that's empowering. So there's a whole bunch of reasons why this stuff is really uh valuable to learn. I'm glad I I kind of dug into it yeah, especially if you have those.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you, you're kind of like one of those people who flexes their empathic muscle so you kind of get it from, from the collective, or if you work with, with the public, um, that is always like you always feel it a little bit more because you're, you're like in it, you're, you're in that frequency yeah, some people connect to it really strongly.

Speaker 2:

Other people are, you know, the more conscious you are these things in general, I find the more connected you are to them. But connected doesn't necessarily mean suffering, right, right, I do think there is a little bit of this theme of, like I'm connected, so I'm suffering. It's like, well, you can be connected but not suffering. You don't need to die, okay, like just because some plan is over some degree point or whatever, it's not the end of the world. Like let's just look at this very kind of objectively at times let's use both parts of the brain, let's use left and right, let's see it for what it is and then also feel it and then kind of navigate that. But I mean, there's a whole bunch of stuff right now victim consciousness, right, it's all in there. So you know, we don't want to scapegoat ourselves, let's be honest, it's all in there. So you know we don't want to scapegoat ourselves, let's be honest.

Speaker 1:

No, you know, one of my teachers always said pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. And that has stuck with me and it goes with that. Like you can choose to be in that, in that victimhood, or you can choose to be empowered by it and use it as a driving force to move yourself forward.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it can be tough. I mean there's certainly like there's certainly times where you are kind of at the recipient end, like I would say 2020, with all the government overreach and stuff. Like I mean I navigated that pretty well. Actually it was a pretty good time for me, but in general there were a lot of things I didn't like, but I have a lot of internal will and drive and I'm very anti-authoritarian.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to tell me what to do. I'm not really someone to just sign up for things and just go with the flow in a sheep kind of way. I'll look at things objectively and say is that good for me, is that not good for me? Um, so that was kind of a good time for me, but also, at the same time, there was nothing I could really do about certain things. Right, um, like you, there were certain places I couldn't go. Like, when I flew into Europe in 2022, the only country that was open for me was me was Hungary, and then they all opened up because they dropped their requirements. But, like, I would not have been physically able to go to that country unless I like snuck across the border or something. I mean, I don't know, it's just you can't get around that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I. So it's funny the theme of this season three of the Nearly Enlightened podcast seems to be like working through these shadow aspects of the last couple of years and and just kind of digging in and and you, like I said, using it to empower us forward, and what you're bringing up is just like hitting the nail on the head. I, too, like 2020, kind of had the best year of my life. Like I was living in Arizona, so it was a whole different world out there. Like there weren't very many restrictions and everything was pretty much open at everyone's own discretion. So you really got to dig into your sovereignty and decide, like, what is best for me and I think this is why I love the practice of meditation and and and just all of spirituality is because you really peel back those layers to uncover the truth, the truth, truth with a capital T. So I feel like you're not as easily swayed by those outside forces, like like we experienced over the last four years.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if that rings true for you or not yeah, no, exactly, um, and some people have that built in, some a little stronger than others, and but everything's a skill and everything's a muscle that can be trained. So like, just yeah, meditation gives gives you the ability to pause. That's one of the main things. It's like can you just pause and can you see things clearly? Like, are your eyes actually open? Like, are you really seeing a situation? I mean, as you get older, you can look back at situations prior and see things more clearly. You also see that, for example, I can look back at my life and see that people are very patient with me at times.

Speaker 1:

I feel like anyone can say that though. You know we're not here. We're not here as perfect beings, Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But then some people just innately have like a stronger ability to kind of defy some of these things, like, for example, our generation. We all have Uranus in Capricorn. Capricorn is Saturn. Capricorn is like order and systems and kind of government and kind of authoritarian, in many ways ruled by Mars. Uranus. There is like, yeah, screw that, like I'm going to do what I want, I don't care. And some people have Neptune and Uranus conjunct in that sign. That's a 170-year cycle. So that's very rare, that's 1993. If you're a 93 baby you got the two of them conjunct, exact.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's funny, that's my brother.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so those people are very much depending on what house it falls in. That then modifies it. Uh, depending on what house it falls in, that then modifies it. But like, uh, in general there's there's a little bit of anti-establishment energy signature there that's going to ripple out through their entire life as people interact with them.

Speaker 2:

And so mine's not exact, I'm before 93, but my Uranus and Neptune are both in the same science. Neptune is that kind of spiritual you know philosophy and the energy of you, know your psyche and that meditative energy and consciousness can also be a little bit delusional at times, but in the higher sense it can be, you know, really seeing things from a greater collective perspective. And so then Uranus can help you see and break those trends. Um, so there's been energy happening all across the zodiac capricorn, pisces, I mean everywhere. But yeah, I I've been going back to those like 2020, 2021 energies as well recently and, um, and seeing how that's really kind of just a preview for like the next, like 4,000 years, based on some of the astrological ages. So that's the video that I'm working on right now.

Speaker 1:

I'll wait for that. One Can't wait.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it should just be a day or two now, but um well, I mean it's not the happiest video but, again T uh truth of the capital, t right. So like I feel like being honest with things, I mean I, we don't know the future, but just based on transits and stuff, that's a pretty good archetypal view of what, what is probably or to some sense is going to come our way.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I feel like we're seeing the breakdown of a lot of systems and procedures and things that don't really work anymore and that you know, those times of transition and change can always be kind of tumultuous before you kind of reach the other side. And I feel like we're not with what's going on astrologically and just like what's going on on the planet. I feel like we're not only at the end of a chapter, we're like at the end of a book where we're about to start something completely new. And I feel like that's like what you're doing and I think that's why I wanted to have you on, because you're really bridging the gap between science and spirit and I love that, because I'm more on the esoteric side of like a little bit more willy nilly and, um, you really bring like this hard fact and data to your videos that I that I love. It's kind of like out of my comfort zone but, um, it's like it's so grounded in reality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's also Capricorn, right. So you know our generation has a lot of Capricorn plants, some people if you're a little earlier, like 89, then you have Saturn and Capricorn, which is home sign. But yeah, it's interesting because I get the people that are more on the esoteric spirit side and they like now learning about some of the actual stuff that's backing up what they're feeling or experiencing and, yeah, that groundedness. Then I also, uh, typically the science.

Speaker 2:

People don't watch my videos to learn about the spirituality, but I do find I have seen with quite a few of my subscribers that they start to appreciate it more and more because there is just some innate resonance there and so everyone has this innate intuition to them and that feeling, and so you have to awaken that, though Some people need that awakened, and so that's. You know, everyone goes at some point through an awakening process, we hope, and so mine's. You know everyone goes at some point through an awakening process, we hope, and so mine was further back, but I just have enough of that in there too, for sometimes that to trigger the some sort of feeling or awakening, and the more science minded folks I've also had people be like this channel is crazy, I'm leaving now it's like okay, goodbye.

Speaker 1:

Then it's not for you. Yeah, yeah, I mean, maybe you'll's like okay, goodbye, Then it's not for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, maybe you'll get there eventually, you don't need to Um. But I do try to uh like with these more kind of fluid energies, the spiritual stuff, I do try to keep it more grounded. I do feel like there's a lot of um shenanigans in that field, A lot of people like there's a lot of shenanigans in that field. A lot of people, there's a lot of liars.

Speaker 1:

That's why using discernment is so important. This is like you're speaking to my heart right now, cause it's like that's why nearly enlightened was born. It's why, like the people that have been on the podcast, all my guests, they're completely vetted by me. Like there are people who I know are not just talking the talk, but they they've walked the walk before they decided to bring this to the public and I know you're no exception to that rule yeah, yeah, I mean there's just that's.

Speaker 2:

One thing that gets me is this we can talk about it people talk about controversial things on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you listened to past episodes.

Speaker 2:

I listened to some of them a while back, but not the recent season, so I'll have to go through and give some a listen.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, just people just have no consciousness as it relates to what they're saying or you know, it spirals, I guess. I guess once you feel like you can say a small lie, cause it'll make a situation better, then you feel you don't feel as much conscious for saying something bigger every now and then. And it's like this it's like you're eating the cheese puffs. You're like once they're gone, you throw the bag away. Did ever happen? Right, you had the whole bag, but two days later that you threw, you take the. You tie the trash up early to take it out to the dumpster. So it's really out of your mind. It never happened. That the receipts in there as well. The only thing your body knows, right, the body keeps score. Your mind does remember your subconscious, but I feel like that's what people do with lies and so, and then people that also lie will have no problem saying that they don't lie. So that's the big thing, right? So it's really this whole thing like you have to. Really. That's why you have to develop intuition. And so you get a lot of people in the spiritual field who just say a bunch of nonsense and what it is? It's polluting. So then you get other people who are pretty good or have the right mindset or morals right, they have a good moral compass but then they get some of that pollution on them and they start repeating stuff just because it's been said a lot.

Speaker 2:

One of these things is that there's like this photon belt in the universe, like that our solar system's traveling through this photon belt. But if you learn about what a photon is, it doesn't even make sense, like the moment you just learn that a photon is this light particle, right, it's like the essence of light. I mean, based on my research, there isn't a photon belt. Light is always coming in. Like there's a stationary structure of light that defies all the laws of physics and we're traveling through it. Like it just doesn't make any sense. But you get people that are pretty well respected, respecting their field, saying there's a photon belt, but not backing up with any evidence, just because it's been repeated for years and years and years for some reason. And so it's the metaphor behind the photon belt. That's exciting for people, that we're passing through this area of higher energy, causing us to awaken, right, maybe some of that is true, but but? But then they claim some sort of like scientific superiority.

Speaker 2:

So then you get on all these things too, so here's your it's kind of what we experienced going back to 2020 yeah, yeah, so it, yeah, I mean I, I, my thing is just always is do your own research, but do it well, right, like learn how to? Just you gotta kind of go back to the basics, and some people have this more innately within them. That discernment ability. Truth resonates, though you just have to develop it and like dig a little bit more. If someone says something, don't just take it at face value. Like look into it. Like my videos. I'll talk about the science a lot. All my research links are always there, right, I put all the dois. You can click them. Someone's like here's this paper we're going to talk about, but then they don't add the link to it. Maybe they don't want you to read it right? Are they just lazy?

Speaker 2:

well, maybe it never happened maybe, but you know they show just the first page, but there's like 20 pages and you read it and you're like, oh, actually, what you said is totally off from what the paper actually talked about. You're just using this as some cover, or yeah, I mean, there's just a lot of stuff out there and you can't get frustrated over it, but, but that's this. That's the neptune, and pisces at the last degree in the last four arc minutes is that you just have this full ocean of stuff right now, and then it's going to be moving into aries. Saturn is going to be moving to aries both at the same time.

Speaker 2:

Saturn is going to be like yo, neptune, we need to like get this organized and get all the crap out of here, and then aries is going to burn it all away, like take all that junk and throw it in the fire, and so there's gonna be a reckoning, I think, for a lot of these uh people and a lot of these ideas. I think a lot of them are just going to get thrown up in flame, um, starting around like 2025, 2026 and maybe I'm a little bit of a herald for that, because I'm tired of this stuff um, but it's also great because there's so much there that their, your curiosity is endlessly satisfied and I think there's a lot of value and interesting ideas like this idea of a photon belt is really cool. That there's this like energy structure that can alter consciousness as our solar system passes through it, that's that's pretty cool, but is it true?

Speaker 1:

I guess that's up to to science to determine. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, and you know what the big thing is too you know, this card, this card's coming in the, in the card of conflict, but in a good way, I hope it's the. What was I going to say? It's like the, it's like the spirit, like the, the superiority aspect to it as well, that, like we, we know this and therefore we're totally superior in our understanding of all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

Right, like you can't talk to me about it, like this is what I know and you can't change my mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think we just need to be open and just to like I think humans are very self-centered and egotistic. Like here we are on earth, this little point, and we think we know everything about the universe. It's like we're not even on Mars yet. We don't even have like a second telescope over here to like we don't even have like a second telescope over here to like we don't even have a view from outside the solar system. Really, we're trying to understand the galaxy and the universe from a single point. Like it's not even possible.

Speaker 2:

Like we, we can't even like it'd be nice to be able to look at jupiter from this direction and also this direction at the same time. Right, it's like the person looking at the tree from a single angle. And we don't have all these other perspectives top down, we're not seeing the roots, like what's underground, all this stuff, and and so we just go off of these limited perspectives and then make these grand proclamations as to everything that's happening and uh, and we need to get past that as a species, as a, as a collective, we need to get over that and that I hope changes soon, because we really don't know most of this stuff. So like, yeah, my, my videos. Maybe what I produced may feel more grounded, but it's really just like the best that we know. Let's just be aware of that.

Speaker 1:

From one person's perspective yeah, I think that's important to note and that that shows, like your, humility, because my friends and I have a joke we're basically just like plankton in the ocean like we're just so insignificant, like not insignificant because we're part of the ecosystem, but like we're such, we're spec, we're spec and that we're only seeing.

Speaker 1:

we're only seeing this world through the lens of our own perspective, and that's different from person to person. I kind of welcome conflict, because I think that's where change happens. If we're able to have these difficult discussions and if you can bring two people together who might have vastly different views but they can kind of talk it out, and talk it out in a way where they respect each other. They don't have to agree, but if you respect each other, I think that's where progress comes from. I think if you're not willing to have those kind of difficult conversations or kind of see things through someone else's lens, then like we're all doomed. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm welcoming these conversations. I'm welcoming the uncomfortable conversations I'm. You know I was during 20,. You know, the last four years I was very outspoken about some things that weren't so popular and, um, I had more than a thousand people on follow me because of my views, and that's fine. Like we said earlier in the podcast, like these people, just, they're not meant to be here then and, you know, hopefully it planted a seed for them and somewhere down the line it sprouts into something that looks like an awakening.

Speaker 1:

Um, but if not, like I need to stand true in who I am and keep discovering what the truth is, with a capital T, be like honoring that objectivity and and seeing things beyond my, my limited view. And you know I'm a Gemini sun sign and I think Gemini's get a really bad rap sometimes for being flip-floppers or you know whatever. But we have this thirst for knowledge and if we, you know, I could tell you like one thing and be adamant about it. But if you're like, oh, hey, but if you look at it this way, and and here's the data on that, here's what I experienced Like, yeah, would I change my mind? Like I'm very comfortable with changing my mind about things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, change, being comfortable, changing your mind when presented with like better evidence, and also being comfortable like raising your hand and asking a question, like I do that all the time. I have no problem when someone says something, I'm like I don't know what that is. Or I went to this retreat and Costa Rica has invited to this retreat. It was really quite amazing and uh, I mean at the time, it's not like I am nobody. I guess I have, you know, right now, at this moment, 80,000 subscribers on YouTube. I guess it's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty decent.

Speaker 2:

It used to be like 500, though, right, it doesn't feel any different, other than I have more comments to reply to now, right, and it helps to pay the bills now. But, like the, my ethos and mission is basically the same direction. It hasn't really changed, um, but there was a lot of like these really well-known musicians and some scientists that you know, they're like working with celebrities and everything, and there was, it was these people are more spiritually minded, that's for sure. Sure, but there was also definitely a lot of ego there, for sure, and so and I didn't know any of these people, I was invited out randomly because they watched one of my videos. One of the people that's running the event watched my video. Really, liked, it's like we want you to talk about the shumai residences, so I show up, and there was, there was a few times where I'm talking to someone and they're like, do you know who I am? I'm like, no, no, I don't. They're like what? You don't know who I am, like, you haven't listened to any of my music. I'm like, I was invited here randomly and no, I have no idea who you are. I'm just looking at you right now as a person, like, like, I know I've never listened to you, know your spotify and and seeing that you have, you know, 400 000 monthly listeners like I, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Or there's this other girl, um, and she was telling me about her like out-of-body experiences and like her astral travel and everything, and and so I was like, okay, let's, I want to do a dream experiment with her. I wanted to cause I have very good dream recalls Like you should visit me during your actual travel and then I'll wake up. I'll definitely remember it. If it occurs, I can wake up and then we can like court, like correlate, to see if that actually occurred. Like we can do a little science experiment here and uh, but there was like this weird energy, uh, where I was like, yeah, so, and.

Speaker 2:

But there was like this weird energy where I was like, yeah, so just follow me on Instagram, you can message me there. And she didn't like want to share it. She's like you know, I'm really popular on Instagram. I'm like, ok, like what? Like whatever. It's like no, you don't get. I'm like really popular. I'm like I don't know your Instagram. I don't, I barely remember your name. Right now, we just met. This meant this just sounds like a cool experiment to do, um, but there was like this weird you know, with ego comes insecurity. Uh, that's why the ego exists is to like kind of hopefully deal with any insecurity, um to to like solve that problem. You could say um, and so it was.

Speaker 2:

It was interesting, but there's a lot of there's I think we need to do a lot more work at building healthy ego. There is healthy ego. It's not a problem to have a healthy ego.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, if we didn't have a healthy ego, we would lose the will to live. So I've said this on podcasts before too I do believe that there is a healthy ego. There's no such thing as an ego death, because then, you know, we just evaporate into the ethers, into light and beyond, to the next, the next realm yeah, yeah and and so like.

Speaker 2:

One of the things that I thought of recently is, like before reaching the ocean, right, there's this like the poem of the river finding itself. And it reaches the ocean. It's afraid to become the ocean. It's not gonna be the river anymore. I'm like, well, before we get to any of that, I want to figure out my little drop. Like can I just figure out my little drop here before I reach the river, before I reach the ocean? Because how can I remember any like, how can I even remember my drop once I'm in the ocean if I don't know my drop? Now, drop is so much smaller, and so I guess there's a little bit of that too, with the ego is like trying to figure out your drop, or like I'm the drop with a million followers, like that's how you, that's how you define your drop, but that's just all surface stuff. That's not, that's, that's not actually your drop. Your drop is inside right I.

Speaker 1:

I had an issue with this when I first became a yoga teacher, because becoming a yoga teacher became part of being my drop, and then I realized like oh no, like that's, that's not it at all, that's like not even what I am like. It's so much deeper than that. Yeah so we put all these little labels on our drops but like it's not, it's not it, it's not where the magic happens. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so I hope that that's. That's also one of the things I try to convey with what I do. Things I try to convey with what I do and and to help, like with these, understand these energies is to help people see what's not part of their drop, specifically what is part of the ocean instead, which we're all connected to, but then also to help people to better understand their job just by because, really, like, there's certain spiritual philosophies and practices and mantras and all this stuff that we you know, we know and a lot that we don't know. But I find that I don't need to teach people this stuff in terms of, like specific phrases or bible verses or anything. It's really more just like you discover those feelings and those energies and that self-empowerment by just doing very basic stuff like grounding, like if you just go outside in nature, god will give you that experience, right Like I don't.

Speaker 2:

I just need to be the person to help push people to do that more because it's cool or something right, like we emulate who we find is cool or that we look up to, and so if I do those things and I help inspire other people to do them, then that will give them that better inner connection, because that's what I've experienced is that when I do certain practices like yoga or like grounding or just meditation, then I encounter those spaces all into themselves. And it's not through reading a book on Zen, though that book on Zen is cool, but it's. That's not the experience, it's the knowledge.

Speaker 2:

And so you just have to drive people to those experiences, because I can't give it to you, only you can. But you can help guide them there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I think that's what sets apart, and this is why using discernment is so important when you're, when you're looking to work with a practitioner and you know if, if somebody is telling you that they are the guru and they have the answers like, run the other way, like, like no, they should be teaching you how to embody these practices yeah so I have a question yeah how did this come about for you, like, how did the science mind come first and then you kind of found spirituality, or were you always kind of like in tune with spirit and just had a knack for science?

Speaker 1:

or how did the two kind of worlds converge for you?

Speaker 2:

because I feel like in this society we we do separate them vastly yeah, it's interesting like oscillation, because when I was a kid I had a lot. I've always had a very active, uh, dream space and in, effectively, that's just how how much can you maintain consciousness during lower frequency brainwave states, theta and delta? And so if you can maintain your waking consciousness, then you can experience those different aspects of reality. So you're talking about, like lucid dreaming, yeah, things of that nature. So I had a lot of interesting experiences as a kid, um, as it relates to lucid dreaming, but also like these, like these weird experiences where and this happens very rarely I you know, if I will it, I can make it happen um, to a pretty high percentage, like probability.

Speaker 1:

But you know what your human design is yeah, manifesting generator.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes sense. I was gonna say that I can send you my chart later. But, um, the like your body. You can feel your body go to sleep, but your mind is still normal, active, and so, and there's like this shaking period where your body, if you feel this like vibratory shake, then all of a sudden all your body rhythms are in sleep but your mind is still going. So I had experiences like that and like I had sleep paralysis once, and just this variety of interesting.

Speaker 2:

There was one time as a kid where I was in my room and it was like quiet, I was just I don't know what I was doing, I was just chilling or something like reading a magazine or something, and all of a sudden I heard like the radio station and I was able to listen to this song, just like it was a speaker playing, but it was just just completely in my brain. And it's not that I remember that song perfectly, because it had every single instrument and thing embedded within it. It was full, high resolution, full fidelity, everything. And I mean I don't know how to explain that experience, but maybe it was like my brain actually recognizing that radio wave and then being able to translate that into just directly into the experience of that music. It was like I was listening to music but without having actually conveyed it through my ears, turning the sound waves into you know electromagnetic impulses which traveled down the auditory nerve, which then I then processed via the you know the the brain, like I didn't have to do any of that.

Speaker 2:

And so I had experiences like that which which were weird, and so I mean I always knew that something out there was greater, there was something more, but then. But then that kind of subsided. I think a lot of that subsided because I drank a lot of tap water. I mean I didn't know the difference. So I think the pineal gland slowly got calcified, and then what?

Speaker 1:

happened and I what happened? Like societal pressures too, like there are, there are things that stifle that, as as a child, yeah, just in the background and everything especially during, like that, adolescence, teen years.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it gets really with the, the flame gets squashed down yeah, I mean I never talked about it to anyone but uh, but yeah, I mean you start to just your focus goes elsewhere, and and then um, and then during, actually when I had COVID in 2020, like February, like straight from the lab. I mean that's what I think it came from. Like straight from the lab. Uh, it was brutal, most sick I've ever been. Halfway through.

Speaker 2:

Uh, all of a sudden, I, you know, I woke up to drink my water, just like go to the bathroom sink and fill it up and and I had to spit it out. It tastes so bad. And so I was like this is crazy, like this water tastes awful. And so, luckily, right down the street was this like a water filtration store and I started drinking reverse osmosis and now I just drink spring water and I think that has helped me to decalcify the pineal gland and just, in general, reset my endocrine system back to more normal functioning it's pretty impressive that you were able to taste it yeah, and now if I drink tap water, it's like, oh, like I can, and just in general, I have a very good, like very good, taste buds with water, even if it's filtered.

Speaker 2:

I can taste now how it's very flat and and unstructured. Uh, so filter water doesn't do it anymore either. Um, I mean, if I have like a little bottle here or there because I'm thirsty, it's not the end of the world, but generally I'm pretty good with getting my good spring water. Um, but yeah, it's not the end of the world, but generally I'm pretty good with getting my good spring water. Um, but yeah, it's all important stuff, so you need to like do that as well. Right, how many people are? Yeah, I mean, I don't want to get into it too much, but I mean, that's what we're here for, um.

Speaker 1:

But it's like also with um, like one of your courses is like a gut microbiome course, and I think that you know if, on the surface, if you're somebody that's just awakening to this kind of stuff, like, yeah, start drinking the filtered water or the spring water and start looking at what you're putting into your body, because if your gut isn't right, how are you supposed to listen to that intuition? Your intuition won't work properly if your gut's not functioning properly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly. You really just start with the base. Yesterday I went to the beach and you know, eventually I'm going to sign up for a gym membership here. I just moved to San Diego and you know I've been traveling a lot, so I've had to learn how to stay active and fit without usually like a gym or things of that nature. I go to yoga classes when I can, but I haven't been going three times a week for three years.

Speaker 2:

Um, but I just walked to walk down the beach and I walked in the dry sand, so every single step was uneven and my feet were getting a crazy good workout. Right there's, the toes are spreading out, right, I could feel my calves. I could feel my calves, I could feel my knees, like in a good, like active way, my quads, and it was really just me going for like a walk down the beach. But this is like ultra basic, foundational stuff which is tremendously impactful if you do it consistently. So like something like something like drinking spring water, something like making sure you just go outside, and like grounding every day requires very little like conscious effort. In regards to, I need to do all these calculators, I need to have a workout program and stick to schedule and all this like, maintain third eye gaze and whatever Like it's, it's just it doesn't have to be that complicated.

Speaker 2:

You're just out there plodding along, you know, just doing the basic stuff, but that's like 80% of it, and so people do that. That really is impactful. And so I mean this isn't always the case, but when I see people that clearly aren't doing that, that's a big red flag. So the job that I was going to take before I launched into the YouTube thing, I took like a leap of faith travel the world, all this stuff the job I was going to take was going to be this big pay bump. I was going to be an office manager for my own geophysics company. Like I was going to do all the surveys and run the office there and expand that branch of the geophysics company in California.

Speaker 2:

And I don't mean to disparage this guy. I mean he was nice enough when I met with him, but the owner of the company was like grossly obese and it didn't seem like a good energetic interaction. Like he was a nice guy but like clearly something is not functional here. He was a nice guy, but clearly something is not functional here, something's not working. And so I often now go, based on my interactions with people it doesn't matter what the offer is or whatever If I feel some sort of something's wrong or some disresonance.

Speaker 2:

I'm just not into it.

Speaker 2:

If there's something there and and it's giving you just a very physical thing too, right, I mean, everyone has different problems and conditions, unfortunately, but but I do feel like a lot of.

Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe I'm just more tori and just focus on some of these physical things, but if that's out of balance, like you said, if your gut's out of balance, how is your intuition going to be there? Your gut, microbiome, um, brain consciousness, this it's like we can. We can look at these simple things and and it's not a judgment it's you making the decision for your own benefit and therefore for the benefit of everyone else. Right, if you're doing it with the higher consciousness in mind, you don't have to take a bad deal just because maybe that person wants you to like no, you can say no. And so I didn't say no just because the guy was fat, that's, I didn't do it just because of that, but I did because there's a whole bunch of factors, and then that was just like a little bit like oh, and the guy who took the job, the guy who had the job before me, he died of cancer, and so there is definitely something energetic going on there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so here here's. The conclusion is, I then started to research into this stuff to a bigger degree. I mean, I was already in geophysics, but I did then effectively a lot of research into electromagnetism, into quantum physics, into biophysics, into all this stuff. Now I'm doing it more into, like, the planetary aspects and solar system. I've kind of moved outwards. But then I learned about all the health effects of electromagnetic fields and even the like, the non-thermal effects from, like microwave radiation and from power grids and all this stuff, and there's a ton out there. And so this job, one of the main responsibilities, would have been to go to different power stations and substations and to locate the utility lines, so then they could dig a trench or whatever, and so I would have been taking myself directly into, like, the nexus of the EMF radiation, where it's like 10,000 or 50,000 times stronger than background when you're just walking around outside it's like putting yourself in a microwave that's where you're being, that's where it's being generated, yeah, so so I?

Speaker 2:

I personally don't think it's a coincidence that the guy who did that for 25 years died of cancer at 65. Uh, because he just had too much radiative. These non-thermal emf fields like microwaves and radio waves, all this stuff. It's really just an exposure equation. What, how much exposure are you getting? Cause they can still cause DNA strand breaks, either single or double, and the more strand breaks you have, that's what creates cancer. Eventually, the the it just starts to mutate.

Speaker 2:

So, uh, guided away from that, yeah heck yeah because of little things, seeing the energetic, the energetic equations at play, right, and you see, you can see that in people's bodies, you can see that in people's faces, right, it's. There's just different ways of thinking about it. You can think about in terms of energy, like someone has an inflamed face, their face is all puffy, I'd say, and there's acne or whatever, right, and maybe you're young and so that happens when you're young, but you can see it as like the energy, or you're going to see as like their hormone system, but really it's both at the same time. But you can get a big glimpse into people and their life and what they're going through and their aura and everything you could say, just by looking at their actual physical body. And we shouldn't, we shouldn't be gaslighting ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So that's not the case, because we do that collectively yes, I know, in the name of um acceptance and inclusion yeah, and so it's just, it's just the truth yeah the capital t?

Speaker 2:

um, and so I know, like personally, where I need to work on things. You know, there's a reason I wrote a gut health book is because that's like ancestral karma and the family, and so I just have to be very precise on like what I eat. But also, at the same time I think spirit gave me that because if I eat super clean with certain foods, just like if I just eat things that only agree with me, I just, you know, I focus on what agrees with me and just you know I don't eat things that my body doesn't want amplifies the spiritual, like evolutionary process, um, because that's your energy coming in and so that needs to be in resonance as well I agree.

Speaker 1:

That's why part of the yoga sutras is about eating, and, and even the yamas and the niyamas are like health practices, hygiene practices, and that's also been hugely important for me Growing up. When I was young I was I probably had some like past life stuff that I came here with to work through. I had a lot of like throat chakra stuff and lived like the first seven years of my life basically on antibiotics because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

Speaker 1:

So a big chunk of my 20s was, yes, finding yoga and these physical practices, these spiritual practices, but also finding these health practices really elevated what I was doing too and pushed me forward. I was vegetarian for seven years and that was something that my body needed at the time and then my health kind of changed and I added in grass fed beef into my diet here and there and it has been life changing. So, just like listening to those things that your body needs, and when you tap in and when you kind of, like I said before, remove all those layers, you start to uncover what the truth is and you really you know what your body needs, you know what it's calling for. Like I can tell if I'm getting a cold, like I know right away, like I know when my immune system is down and then I can take those precautions, so like I'm not getting sick for like a whole week, two weeks. I'm getting sick for maybe like two days. I need like a little extra rest, a little extra something, and then I'm back to my normal self.

Speaker 1:

And I think when you tap into those practices and like they're all one, we've compartmentalized all of this stuff. It's like we compartmentalize science and spirit when really they're one. Like God gave us science for a reason and it's the same thing with health practices. Like we've compartmentalized it, but there's a reason in the yoga sutras. 5,000 years ago they knew that body, mind and spirit, wellness were all one thing. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so to go back to your question of like, how did I get into it? I really think that in general, it's a snowball effect.

Speaker 2:

And so as you start to do it, it just starts to kind of grow and grow and become easier and easier, and that's why focusing on those foundational inputs is such a good uh recommendation in my opinion, because it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it. You're not overthinking like you. You're a gemini, I'm a virgo. We could both overthink for sure. Uh, our, our blessing and our curse, but you just keep it, really keep it simple, stupid, and you just keep plotting along. You know and uh well, I think that's why meditation?

Speaker 1:

has been hugely helpful for me, because it helps you to weed through that overthinking and and you learn to control your mind. Otherwise, your mind controls you. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a good place to wrap it up. Oh okay, yeah, sure it's already been.

Speaker 1:

Uh yeah, wow, it's already been quite a bit of time I know time just flies when you're when you're having fun yeah, when we're roasting everybody that's not that this is what this podcast has become, but we definitely dive into the shadow aspects.

Speaker 1:

Like I am not a fan of the positive vibes, only crew like we didn't come to this planet to only talk about that, and I think that's why I love your. Your take on astrology and and the cosmos is because it it is grounded in reality, it's and, and you also have a great way of being like oh well, here's the opportunity for growth, Like it's all an opportunity for growth, and you know I'm not for the doom and gloom astrology either.

Speaker 1:

Like there was somebody who I just came across on on Instagram and like my discover page or whatever, and he was like don't be out in this full moon, it's dangerous. I'm like oh, take these people off the internet. Like you, sir, are a menace to society. And like stop making people fearful.

Speaker 2:

Like, just like made me shake my head and like yeah, big difference between saying this moon has these qualities to it, these archetypal energies, and another one just saying like you can't leave the house today, like you need to do this, you're going to feel like this, like I don't like some of that language where it's like, because this energy, you're going to feel like this, you're going to feel emotionally vulnerable and in pain and you may feel like you need to eat three sleeves of oreos. It's like that's you saying that and putting that on everyone else too. Just know what are the energetic properties. Like I just recently had Pluto moved over my Pluto's on my MC and then Mercury then went in opposition to Leo, which is right on my IC and the quick story is that Pluto on my mc, that's like your, your job and everything. A lot of people would interpret that as like this very negative thing. In fact, mercury's communication over on my ic, which is home.

Speaker 2:

I needed to find an apartment in san diego, so I made a video just very much it's a neptune video where it's talked about the struggles that I had and that if they people want to support me, I have the course now which is to support them, and that it would make this all transition easier, like it was perfect timing for the launch, and so I utilize that career and that home access.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, I got some orders, which is great. It was a good launch, and now I have an apartment. And so it wasn't this doom and gloom thing, it was actually channeling, using the two of them together, and that opposition created an opportunity. Oppositions aren't bad, it's just you build a polarity, and there was this polarity in my life between I needed to keep pumping out YouTube videos to pay the bills, but also I don't have an apartment, which makes that difficult. So that was the opposition, really, and I brought them together, synthesize them and then had, like you know, the result that is now. I signed a lease yesterday, so, but a lot of astrologers tell you that this is some awful thing, but I use that in a very harmonious way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a tough thing. Even retrograde gets like such a. People hear the word retrograde and already, like the, the fear flags are flying and it's like they're. They're not necessarily a bad thing. Like it's, it's a time of reflection. It's a time to like go over what has happened so that we can move ourselves forward in a in the best possible direction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's also like I just took a kundalini class and supposedly guru, guru means darkness and ru means light. That's what he said. So you know, but in general, light comes out of darkness. All the creation myths have night and darkness and chaos first, and then light emerging from that, and so that that's that's really kind of the thing, like I feel like light workers who aren't afraid to go into those dark spaces. You know, they're the ones that are really actually delivering the light from the darkness, um, and so that means embodying more that yin aspect at times, and so I I feel like I'm I'm very much yang, but also very much yin, uh, because I can, I can be in those realms to some degree and then shine a lot of light out and just hopefully help people in that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and what we all are, like Kundalini, is that merging of masculine and feminine energy through the snakes up the spine and you know, and some people, it just comes out more one than the other. But we all have, we all have both it's. It's working with the duality and you know I I've been very candid on this season Like last year was a very tumultuous year for me. It was like not great. There was a lot of like grief and loss and just like just those hard life things. And I really feel like I didn't see it at the time but it put me in in the right space and it set me back on it, a different path than what I wanted to be on, but it was. I'm seeing now that it's where I'm supposed to be, it's where I was meant to expand and propel forward Like I wouldn't have had this expansion that I've had in the last couple of months If it wasn't for that, that like kind of contraction time.

Speaker 2:

Same. The same thing happened to me in 23 in general, but, yeah, big blessing. Yeah. So you know my card. My card was the five of swords and it says conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs, sneakiness, bully, stepped in abusive relationships. And so I think it's just important that we see people and we see situations for what they are and we're willing to, you know, stand up for ourselves. And if anyone took anything from this conversation, it's just, uh, just always take a pause, take a beat even from this and just to like meditate on it and and like you don't have to be triggered behaviorally, to like jump into anything instantly, like we can, we can take our time with this, like there's you can look into things more. We can just in general, like we can just go our own direction and we don't need to listen to what everyone's telling you to do. At least, I haven't in the past few years and it's worked out great for me, and so if I can be a spokesperson for that to some degree, then that's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, when you tap into that inner knowing and that infinite inner wisdom, I feel like there's no wrong decisions. It's always putting you where you need to be.

Speaker 2:

Eventually it all works out.

Speaker 1:

Eventually, it all works out. Yep, that's the perfect place to end. Thank you for being here with me today. It was a pleasure having you. Thank you for listening to the Nearly Enlightened podcast. Please like, subscribe, share and I will see you next time.

Exploring Energies
Navigating the Spiritual and Scientific Divide
Ego, Humility, and Seeking Truth
Unlocking Intuition Through Health
The Impact of Basic Health Practices
Navigating Astrological Transitions and Inner Wisdom