The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

Episode 7: Statement 6 of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

Joya Dass and Carlyn Bushman Season 6 Episode 7

Statement 6. My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as the Principle of Supply In action it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires.

If wealth creation is an "inside job" and that ‘bank’ is infinite, then no need goes unmet. No desire goes unmet.  First class flights and desires are God/Universe/Higher self's highest form of expression. We are merely the conduit, So, then our work is maintaining faith. "F.or A.llowing I.n T.he H.ow"

After buying a plane ticket and you wouldn't keep returning to the travel agent to ask ask if you are still going on the trip. You would continue on with the certainty that the trip is locked.

In Wallace Wattles book, he shares three foundational statements 

  1. He uses the term ‘thinking stuff’ and in its original form. It permeates everything. Penetrates, fills the interspaces of the Universe. I think of it like lava pouring from a volcano. It will seep into every crevice allowed it.
  2. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.  Thoughts become things.
  3. Man, by impressing upon this lava-like substance with thought, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.  Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about  particle theory. We mistakenly think that we are all solid mass. But if you looked at an atom under a microscope, you would see its empty space. Particles, upon observation, cluster to form things. Like a couch. Or a chair.  So if we steadily, and with certainty, observe a certain outcome, it has to be.

But here is what the above statements don’t cover: 

We have to be specific. I can’t go to a travel agent and say, I want to go to Colorado, Tunisia and Australia. She won’t know what to book when and what first. I have to be specific about the dates, times and airports I wish to fly out of. 

We have to make a decision. That the thing will come into our existence. It requires thinking, believing, acting as if its already happening.

We have to visualize daily.

To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan." In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:

1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.

About your co hosts

Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.

Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth