The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

Episode 8: Interpreting Statement 7 of the "40 Day Prosperity Plan" by John Randolph Price

Season 6 Episode 8

Statement 7. 
The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs.

Resources that help with interpreting this statement:

Bob Proctor in his book the “12 Success Principles” talks about the difference between those who observe a "poverty consciousness" versus a "wealth consciousness."  Wealthy people know, when lack or limitation starts to creep in, that they have to look inward.  There is infinite supply there. That is a fact.  And they take 100% responsibility for what is happening.  Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy over 4 times. His net worth is still $3.2 billion. His financial thermostat is set ‘very high.’ Where is your wealth consciousness thermostat set? 

Wealthy people are aware that wealth is their birthright.  But that way of thinking isn't just reserved for the wealthy. It's time we awaken to the fact that it is our birthright too.    When we observe poverty or sickness, we actively separate from Source.    True strength and power come from within. When we have control over our own thoughts, actions and emotions, we are able to face any challenge or obstacle with confidence and resilience. 

The Roman philosopher Seneca advocates for complete mastery of our thoughts, actions and emotions. He said, “Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.”

Jennifer Blanchard advances this idea  in her book “Quantum Leap Your Life” Chapter 5.

 She challenges readers to “Act as if.”  

So I did the exercise in my journal. "Acting as if."

June 12th to July 5th, I’m in Paris. Four weeks. I have 3 VIP Client Days booked, each extending for 3 days, 2 nights.

The fourth week is my friend’s birthday celebration, so I keep that free.  I booked the Airbnb.  I booked where I will do yoga. I even booked the flight and started mapping out my wardrobe for the capsule wardrobe for 4 weeks in Paris, June, July 

No doubt or fear is allowed to enter my consciousness.

I’ve made a decision. Now I hold the mental image of being in Paris with my 3 ideal clients who are thoughtful. She has depth. She is comfortably able to spend (and wants to spend) the money on her own personal development. She is ambitious. She is a seasoned traveler. She is someone I want to spend 3 days and 2 nights with working on her thought leadership strategy.   

I’m charging $30K for 3 days and 2 nights, but the VALUE my client gets is way beyond that.  Wallace Wattles, author of "The Science of Getting Rich" talks about something called "Original substance" in his book. Original substance wants you to have everything you want.  Dr. Joe Vitale asks the important question, "How good can you stand it."

Our inclination is to play small. I shouldn't stop at asking for just 3 quality candidat

To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan." In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:

1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.

About your co hosts

Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.

Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth