The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

Episode 9: Interpretation of Statement 8 of the "40 Day Prosperity Plan" by John Randolph Price

Joya Dass and Carlyn Bushman Season 6 Episode 8

Statement 8.
My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appear as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire. 

Resources that help with this statement:
There have been years and years where I observed a poverty mindset. Life had knocked me down. Series of bad choices around relationships. Bad choices around career. I was grasping at straws, allowing my bank account, my job, my freelance work to define me. Those years were marked by depression. bedbugs. Strife. Eating almonds for lunch. Fishing in my change jar for subway money. Those years, I was vibrating at such a low frequency. Those years took something from me.

It was when I focused inward and started to build myself up, with workouts, getting off the 2:30am shift that the whole world started to shift to my song.   

I was living so separate from Source. I was pinching off the money supply by putting the focus of my wealth consciousness externally. Not investing in my own gifts. Creating my own body of work.

Everything is available and possible. It requires making a decision and clarity of what you want,. 

Bob Proctor’s "12 Success Principles" says attitude is also key. Write down the 20 things you love about being an entrepreneur or your company. If you struggle with this list, write down the 20 things that get you down about your job. Everything in life has an opposite. The opposite exists.  When making the list, what’s the opposite? This is designed to elicit a positive attitude

I did the exercise and listed below 4 opposites

  1. I never get to turn it off. I’m always working.   OPPOSITE: I can vacation anytime I want. I can work from Paris this summer. I couldn’t do that while in TV, which I thought was my dream job.
  2. The rollercoaster that is money. OPPOSITE: I get to make as much money as I want. Nobody can cap it.
  3. I hate sales calls with unqualified people. OPPOSITE: With my new coach, I’m putting in better systems to pre qualify people 

A final resource is the Hawaiian "Ho oopponno pono prayer" for self forgiveness. You can read more about it here

  • Thank you
  • Forgive me
  • I love you
  • I’m sorry


To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan." In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:

1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.

About your co hosts

Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.

Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth