The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price

Episode 11: Interpretation of Statement 10 and Conclusion of the "40 Day Prosperity Plan" by John Randolph Price

Statement 10
I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

Jennifer Blanchard in "Quantum Leaping Your Life" talks about creating a vacuum by releasing. This can mean releasing old clothes. Old harmful thoughts.  Anger. 

A great way to engage in the Hawaiian "Ho'oponopono prayer" for self forgiveness.
You can read more about it here.

She recommends another tool: Write a letter to god with all of your hearts deepest desires with great specificity and watch the magic unravel.

To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan." In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:

1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.

About your co hosts

Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.

Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth