Girl Gang the Podcast

Natalia Benson - Astrologer and Women's Empowerment Coach

December 05, 2023 Amy Will

On this week’s episode of Girl Gang the Podcast, we're in Los Angeles to interview Natalia Benson, Astrologer and Women's Empowerment Coach.

Learn more about Natalia Benson on the episode notes page at

Speaker 1:

Welcome to season two of[inaudible] podcast. I'm your host, amy will and the founder of Girl Gang, the Hi, my name is Talia Benson and your listening to girl gang. The podcasts. Thanks for coming. This is so beautiful. The vibes are so strong. Thank you. Um, yeah. I just want to dive right into it. And how you got started on this career path. I remember when I first discovered you, you were, it said you were doing astrology for some companies. Like who, what, where, Opi. Is that how you got into this career path or were you doing something completely different and just like dabbling in it? Well actually I've been like a through and through astrologer and mystics and probably like age 21 that was like when I really committed and during my twenties I like refuse to have a normal job. My parents were like so upset. They were like great, like good on you that college degree. And then I was like, well I'm a jewelry designer and astrologer so you guys can just like, hold onto your hat because I'm sticking to this. And then, um, all the brand collabs and just really furthering my work and actually creating a livelihood from it that came much later. So yeah. And then so what was that transition like? Was this always the plan where you kind of like vision boarding this if you will? And, or did it just come together organically and waking up one day? Like, Holy Shit, I'm doing it. This is my, I'm living off of my purpose. A lot of people think it's nearly impossible. So I'd love some insight from you to inspire other people to see that this is a huge conversation that I'm cultivating right now and in my work in general because you know, my twenties, I wouldn't necessarily say that I did the correct thing by only living off of my very tiny business. I kind of feel I look at having a business as like raising a child. You don't ask your child to feed you, right? Like you feed your child. So in my twenties I was like super deep thought, really hit home for me. I'm full of these. So just like, get your iphones out, you know, I'm no, get your note, your little notepad out. Um, but yeah, I just, I didn't have the wherewithal just yet, uh, really the, the experience to think like, oh, perhaps I should have something that supplements I'm while I'm seeking to build. So, um, I took a very roundabout way to get where I am today. I did end up going into a corporate job and for a little while I worked in restaurants. I was a personal assistant. I worked at a jewelry store. I did whatever I could to keep doing what I wanted to do and for a long time it was very hard to balance, um, but ultimately like the, the calling to just keep going was so strong that it really overshadowed like any challenge that I had. So only last year I totally renounced. I'm quitting my job. Um, I was working doing social media for an active wear line and I just was like, you know, what, it's now or never like sink or swim and um, but that for me personally, that was like a decade in the making. And I do believe that there is a timing to things and that there is that 10,000 hour rule, you know what I mean? And by the time, you know, I had gone through all these odd jobs and finally took that corporate job really to like appease my parents. They wanted me to like have like a steady income and insurance because that's, that was their reality. And so they really wanted me to have that. So I gave it a go for nine months and then I was just like, you know what, this is not my reality. This is not what I want. And, but then by the time I made that decision and that job wasn't really moving in the direction I wanted, it was like, I mean, it's really quite beautiful. Twenty 18 was a truly like benchmark, like a game changing year for me. And I just stepped into all of this. And um, it's really phenomenal. But it took time. And I always tell people like, you never see those. Those you never see. Like it's like when you see like a musician that you love, you don't see when they were like playing, like doing karaoke, you know what I mean? Or just like playing to like 15 people, like you only see them like with the record deal and like playing staples center, you know, and you. And it always looks like it happens overnight. Any level of success as I'm sure you know, like all the time you've put into build what, what it is that you're creating. We're in this millennial culture where it's like go after what you want. You only have one life, but then how do you balance that without having, just thinking everything is owed to you and that entitlement. It's. And that's something when I'm giving people advice I find it's just, it's really hard to articulate in a short conversation. So through these interviews I hope that people are inspired and understand it's achievable, but also know it takes a lot of fucking work. You can't just wake up one day and say, Oh wow, look at her life and like, look at these women empowerment training courses she has and the all of like, she's a professional astrologer. I kinda like astrology. I'm going to do that. Let's just do it next week. It's like people don't know those 10 years building up to all the other things that you're doing. Um, so yeah, I'm just so excited to learn more about your story and like kind of how everything pieced together into this. It really seems like it all aligned and everything you're coming out with just makes so much sense. It's awesome. And, and you know, I was thinking about it just a couple months ago, like getting to teach the women's empowerment stuff and that's new for me. Um, but I was like, thank God, you know, my twenties were a bit of a roller coaster. Like obviously I started my first little business when I was 19 when I was still in school in San Diego. And I just really made that commitment that I wanted to create my own like livelihood in my own little universe for myself. And that came with a ton of struggle and like a lot of darkness and a lot of challenge. And um, I see myself at this point, like so grateful for all of that because I feel like it, it does give me in, in my own heart the credibility and the feeling of integrity to teach what I teach because I had to go through all of that and figure my way out of it. So that by the time, you know, everything like was on the same playing field, you know, I had a, have a experience and I think that you bring up such a great point. You know, the social media thing, like Instagram, I've only been on instagram since 2012 and a lot of, um, this younger millennial generation and gen x or whoever's beneath as, I don't even know anymore. But it's like they're just growing up with this like thing in your face all the time. That is like creating a benchmark that is not realistic. And that's why something, and I'm glad we're having this conversation. I think this is an important thing to keep talking about, that social media is the tip of the iceberg of everyone's story. And when you see anyone with any sort of level of success, like there is time. One of my favorite books, I'll just plug this really quickly. It's called the slight edge by Jeff Olson. I really recommend it. I'm an audible person, so if I say books, I mean I listened to it on audible. I can't even read anymore. My attention span from social media has gotten very low. But um, one thing that he brought up that I just really loved as he talks about how what most people want is they want to plant the seed and then they want to go straight to the harvest. They missed the whole middle step, which is cultivating the seed that they planted. And that is our whole generation and knots. That entitlement issue, right, is like, okay, I plan to, I planted the seed and now I just want to reap the harvest. So I have the followers, I have the money, I don't have to get up at 6:00 AM to drive to my job. It's like, well that's all great and those are the visions you have to absolutely hold an honor, but then you have to honor time the time it takes to get there and sometimes it's two years, five years, 15 years. Like I was just listening to another book by Jack Canfield called the success principles. Also a great book to listen to as a businesswoman and if you want to get inspired, he's so cute. He wrote the chicken soup for the soul book. Oh my God. Super famous book roundup to share during your episode two because these are. I haven't heard of these ones that you're bringing up yet. And they sound amazing. Oh they're so good. But he talks about the same concept of just like sticking to it and the time that it takes. Then when you start to listen to a lot of like success mindset, mindset stuff, you really start to witness the lay line that the stories are so similar. And um, yeah. So yeah, that Jack Hanfield book is so fabulous and he's so cute. He narrates it and it's just like the sweetest that career I need to like look more into his career path too. He's amazing. All of them. Remind me and I'll send you a couple of things. Okay. Amazing. Um, but I think that that is just a super important lesson we need to be pushing nowadays is the, the beauty of the hustle. It's not like nothing needs to be beneath you. And I think that's the whole thing. 1 million. Some people are kind of scared I think to do the grunt work. You guys are making me an install, jake, that we both used to live in San Diego. So I'm like thinking about that. But I was thinking the other day about how like challenging and beautiful. My young years in San Diego where I was like 18 to. I think I left when I was like 21. And I remember at the time I used to think, God, I can't wait to be older and just be out of this time. And I look back on those, that space in my life is like the most beautiful time in my life. I mean, I love the time I'm in now as well, but man, like it was just so like innocent and I was in college. It was just like so lovely. So that I think that's just a good reminder that wherever you are, no matter how deep the struggle is, you will miss wherever you are. So presence is important and like presence and the process because life really keeps going. If you're fortunate enough to keep moving and um, you, you can miss so much if you're always looking to like that proverbial like end result. You know what I mean? So, um, the song that resonates with what we're talking about, it's Super Dorky, but it's in my head, I would say at least twice a week is miley cyrus. It's about the climb. Whenever I'm like chasing something and I feel like it's just too far away. I'm like, no, Gosh, Dang it. It's just about the climb. You can do it. Just hearing that there's a concept in like, I guess you could say like new age thought or spirituality about like your spirit guides and your guides that are with you, like speaking to your higher self and helping you move through life and what I've read many times like from Sonia show cat, she's like very into guides and spirit guides and stuff. She says that when you have a song continually stuck in your head, that can actually be your guides, like your, your guardian angels, like encouraging you. Isn't that cool? I just love that concept. I just want to picture like a little row of the spirit guides just cheering me on. They like the universe has a very great sense of humor. So yeah. Oh, 100 percent thinking mindset. Amazing. And then, um, I also want to give a quick shout out to Ms Dot Becky who just praises your women's empowerment coaches so hard and she's a new business owner as well. And previously did like website design and had basically the whole tool set just didn't have a product or motivation aligned yet. And so when she came out with soul spirit, she was super excited and then when she started taking your courses, she attributes that to the acceleration of her business. And so it makes me so happy. What does that feel like? You're so new in this, but there's people that are kicking off their businesses and starting businesses from your words and your experiences in life, like they're bringing their visions to life around you already. So how's that feel? It makes me really emotional, like really emotional to be honest. Because something like, I had a coach last year, it was amazing. She, her name's sophie neck by the way, shout out, she's like my sister now, but she was the first person to encourage me to do group courses and as soon as she told me that I should be doing that, I was scared shitless. I was like, I'm not doing group. Like who, what the hell am I going to teach? You know? And I was like, maybe I'll use that. But I was so scared and I didn't want to do it. But of course, that's the great thing about coaching is you have someone there helping you be accountable. So, um, and she was reminding me, she's like, look, this is not yours to keep inside of you, you know what I mean? Like, this is something that you are here to do. So why don't you come up with a concept and present it to me. We'll go from there. And um, my first concept was around this mystical apprenticeship course because I love mentoring. I love mentoring women. I love mentoring anyone that will talk to me, but like I really, I love teaching and like I really love sharing what I've learned and um, yeah, to see that I was able to make it over that fear and to really step into it and then to see like the testimonials I get back and like women who write to me, who have even maybe taken some of my free classes or who've gone the distance over the past six months with me doing these more intensive courses, it's like there's nothing like it. Like I attributed to me being a much happier, more peaceful human being. Because, um, I love like seeing that by me getting out of my own way, um, I'm able to help someone else like live a life that they're proud of and that they feel good about and then that they're making a positive impact on other people. One of my coaches talks about the concept of legacy and the first time I ever started working with her she was like, what's your legacy? Like, what are you leaving? And I was like, what in, what the fuck is a legacy? What do you mean? Like my state, like retirement estate. She's like, no, she's like, your legacy is like 15 generations down the line, like, you know, because we're impacted by things that were someone's idea and they leave a legacy for, for us to follow. And I just think that that's powerful and I offer that piece to you and like your listeners as well that to think about, you know, you getting over your fear is not just for you and your life and perhaps even your livelihood, but for how you're going to impact humanity on some level. Whether you want to impact 150 people or you want to impact 150 million million billion. I'm, I'm horrible with numbers though. Um, but you know, the, that that's really what it's about. And when I started looking at things in that way and then getting the feedback from the women that I work with, I was like, okay, well thank God I found my purpose. So this is, this is great. I'm happy to be relatively young. Getting uh, getting up there a relatively young into a found that because I feel like it's, I'm so excited about like what can continue to transpire and becky's been just phenomenal. Oh my gosh, I love it so much and she's just coming alive from it. And then watching from an outsider, it just made so much sense and feel like it click together so nicely. So what was that process like? I know you said one of your mentors had mentioned doing it and you had to kind of get out of your own way and we're scared of it. So how did you, what practices did you use to overcome that? And what was that feeling like when you like first put it out in the world? Yeah. Oh my God. Well, how much have I always tell my clients and my students that like I, my patient zero. That's a concept that I learned from Jeff Walker who's like an amazing teacher on like how to release digital courses. He's amazing and really cute. He lives in Colorado or something. But anyhow, he talks about the concept of patient zero and I test everything on myself first. So, uh, something that I teach almost religiously as mirror work, like you meet your own gaze and your own eyes in the mirror and you talk yourself through your blocks and you talk yourself through like what's holding you back? Ironically, later on in I just took myself to the Parker when I was there, I was watching a Jack canfield interview and he was talking about mirror work and I was like, cool. So I've been onto something here because I've changed my own life doing mirror work. And as I was making these leaps and bounds, which I'm still always doing, that are very scary, I really meet myself almost every day and I'm like, I'm here for you. I love you. I respect you. I accept you, like, what do you need for me to make this happen? And I just really get myself like with myself and it might sound a little bit nuts, but I like behoove anyone to try it because the reason usually why we don't step into our power, our potential is because were so at odds with ourselves and mirror work is one way to do that. So anyhow, that was a huge thing for me during that time. And then also really relying on my mentors and only talking about my dreams and ambitions to people who I knew were going to be supportive. Like I do not. I don't talk about my plans very often, but I will share them with people who I feel will champion me and respect what I'm saying. And if they do give any sort of constructive feedback is constructive and respectful. I never tell my plans or ask advice from people who are not living a life that I want to live. I think that that's how a lot of people get discouraged and sadly for me over the years there were a lot of things I couldn't tell my parents, you know, because I was going so outside of the comfort zone of what they were used to. So anyhow, I think that those, a couple of those components are important when you're making a leap and then personally releasing these courses again. What did you ask me? How I did it or what my process was? We are kind of both, I mean, everything you're saying, I just really wanted to get the picture painted of you, like kind of over like gaining the confidence or whatever needed to like push you outside of that to do it because I mean me personally and I just, I feel like everyone on the planet has some version of that where it's like I'm, I'm almost there. Um, so yeah, I guess now what I'd want to know is what was that like when it first went live? Like can you picture the day in the moment? I remember it was, I was still living in my old place. I think it was back maybe in like August or something of last year and I had like made a little campaign. Fortunately I'm been quite good with social media and I was in fashion for a while off and on. So I've always gotten the concept of campaigns and I was like, well this is going to be like my little campaign for my first class. And I made a flyer for it. I made a, like a teaser video just talking about what I was going to talk about. And then I think it was like I did a bunch of teaser things because I'd never done anything like that. So like my audience is small but they're very like, we're fucking tight. So anything I'm like bringing to them, they know it's coming from my heart and my soul and it's for them. So I feel like when I was teasing it everyone was like, what are you going to do? What are you talking about? Like it was very exciting and then the morning that I did that, I just released the video, like had this swipe up for people to reserve and initially like being an aries, I'm like, if things are not happening immediately, I'm like, it's never happening. Like the world's against me. It's really cute and adorable and funny. I'm like, one point seven, five seconds, it's fucking never happening. Fuck my life. And then like, you know, 20 minutes later, two hours later or a week later, two weeks later, the momentum begins, you know? And I'm very excited to continually be getting to a space where things are more immediate. But that takes time. Right? So this was my first time I ever, you know, released anything like this. And then I was pretty soon I think that Dave and was starting to get feedback like, oh my God, like I'm so excited I can't wait to do this. And my goal was to fill 12 spaces. And I was like, how am I going to do that? I've never have fired 12 people. I was like so freaked out. It felt like a fucking mount everest to me, but then I filled those spaces and um, and it was phenomenal. It's great class and I'm glad it was small at first and progressively my courses like that have been getting bigger. Um, and I always think and I feel the same about being a, being a Dj and being a performing artist. You're grateful for those moments where you're only playing for 10 people because then when you're playing in front of 7,500 people or in a stadium a year like, okay, like thank God for those moments where I got to practice. Um, and like there weren't too many eyes on me and that's, that's something I offered to anyone who's building a personality or building something like, you know, in this wheelhouse is like just be humble and like enjoy the process of there being not very many people giving a shit about what you're doing because you need that space. You really need that space to figure out what you're saying and who you are. I've witnessed through my twenties, living in Los Angeles, being friends with people who become very successful, very famous, whatever that success that comes too quickly is worse than never becoming successful at all. So because if you successes and energy and you have to be powerful in yourself to hold that energy, you know what I mean? So yeah, just you and my husband have the same birthday as so many things you're saying. I'm just like not with your spirit. Child on spirit says this is like. So I told, I told him today, I was like, hey, did you know where the day of serious purpose? So real for April 17. Oh my gosh. And then what? You have a crystal in your hand right now. Can you talk? It is so beautiful. It's like green and sparkly. We'll share a photo of it on the episode notes page for sure. But can you talk about it? Oh my God. Guess what? I don't even know what it's called.<Unk>. It's like a super like advanced crystal. Did you notice that? Oh my God, I did that on purpose. Just getting. I didn't know. So my dear sister Madison Young, I was telling you guys about her a little bit. She has a crystal store called Openai crystals. She came and taught a crystals for manifestation module for a course of mine and she was presenting. She literally brought like 25 crystal. She had them all over there and she's teaching the course and the energy was palpable because I was like, Babe, I want you to teach about crystals that help you manifest for the year. Um, and so she brought all these like major solar plexus crystals. And I was like, is it just me because I'm fucking wired? And she's like, no, it's literally the crystal. She brought so many, like, seriously just talking about it, it gets me excited. So she was talking about this one about how I don't remember the name, so please don't kill me. I will find out and we'll put it in the notes or something. The episode notes page with them to show you. I'm like, it's so many people have asked me because I've posted it. I'm like, I'm not sure you guys, let me get back to you on it. But basically the thing she was talking about that really spoke to me is that it had something to do about abundance, abundance mentality and releasing the story that you have to struggle to be successful because I think just like the way I was raised, my parents being very corporate, like that was just always the story that I was holding for a very long time. So I even as I started to become successful in my own right, I still had those little stories of like, Oh, well if I'm not doing it the way my parents did it, then that's a not fair and be impossible. So I told Madison I was like, I need that, I'm going to work with that. And it's funny, I do a lot of different, um, in our work, so I'm never sure what's working exactly. I have like my little prescription, but um, I feel like it's shifted so much and I like carry this with me like all the time. I love it. It's like a little happy. So in general, hold it. Oh my gosh. I would love to ask. It's a vibe. Oh my gosh, it is a vibe, you know, it feels good. I just love it. It looks like Psychedelic, like grass. It reminds me of like spiritual currency because it's green light, but I feel like I'm like, they thought of that. Oh, I love it. I'm feeling. I feel like you're just taking an espresso shot to. You did. Oh, I need to put it down sometimes. I'm like, Ooh, that my Kombucha. Oh my gosh, I can't even drink caffeine anymore. So it's like I gave it up a year ago. I was getting too, too wild and recently during the holiday break I just get so antsy when I'm not doing things. And um, and so I made a huge mistake of bringing coffee back into my life after a year for a week. And then after that week was over, I sent out like 40 pitch emails. I mean, it was just so aggressive and um, I, it's just too much. I feel like there's so many. Oh my God, I got out of that. Like I, I my, like my physical self can't keep up with my spirit on Caffeine Hill. One. Millie, I, I do from time to time. Have you ever been to squirrel in? I'm on Virgil. It's so yummy. It's one of my favorite places. Um, but they're the only, I feel like such an la girl when I go anywhere in order to coffee because I don't drink it often, but I have to have a full meal so I'll like, go to scroll. I'll have like, they're beautiful. They have this rice bowl that's like basically heaven. I don't let anyone talk to me while I'm eating it. I'm like, just don't. Um, and then I get the single shot. Uh, they make their own almond milk. Is this such an la conversation? Super. Sorry, this is my, this is me speak my soul speaking here. And I ordered their single shot lots and so then I have fun. If I have like caffeine or I go to breakfast or something, I just know I can't do it anymore. I was addicted to bulletproof coffee for like a solid four years. Oh my God. Like some of my most harrowing moments of life. We're too much coffee from bulletproof coffee. I was, I literally had moments where I was frightened. I was like, am I ever going to be okay? Like I can't. And now like even Kombucha is a little bit elevated. Such a freak. Oh my gosh, no mine. I go to sasquatch and get a DECAF Cortaro without milk. That's like my treat myself is caffeine, caffeine, but you know, we can, we could hae like in my, my friends even are like, what's wrong with you? And I'm like, like I never finished my glassware is. I have one last Thursday. I don't finish. Everyone finishes for me. I, I can't drink coffee. They're like, they're like, they get it, they're there on this tip, but they're just no one's as so many 3:00 AM. Like what is the purpose of life? Conversations in my head have happened from just being way too wired. So, um, I'm gonna like go, just go through the journey of life without the outside forces for sure. I think it's good because all that stuff goes back to that conversation. From that book that I said I liked the slight edge. Like he was saying how drug use or heavy caffeine use or whatever, all this other stuff that's also that same behavioral pattern of like you plant the seed and you want the end result kind of thing. So kind of interesting, right? Like because everything that we experienced through caffeination or all the other things like we can cultivate through our own energy field. Super Weird. Super Woo Woo. I am. I'm ready for all the woo. Okay, let is, let's go straight into the wound now because I'm someone I have loved and used crystals for probably I would say 10 years now. And for me, how I look at them, I'm just personally and then I want to know just like your input and maybe some like some starter crystals for someone that wants to welcome this space, but I just, I love manifesting and the crystals to me remind or like a physical reminder. So. Okay. So crystals like here's the great thing about all things. Woo and mystical and spiritual and all the things. Is that the exciting part of it is that you're the artist, you know, like your intuition is like the paintbrush. So like in terms of getting started with crystals, something I always like to say, and I always plugged madison shop just because she's, she's a virgo, so she's genius with attention to detail and her crystals are just very high integrity if you don't live in La, like just find a website that you like and you know, order off etsy or something. Um, but what I always like to say when you're starting with crystals is use your intuition. If you're drawn to it, there's a reason. So like, look at the shape. The color is like, even if you think you should be getting this one, but you really are feeling drawn to this other one. There is a reason for that. And I've had the most. Can I tell you a crazy crystal story really quick? Oh my God. You know how I showed you that Lumeria and courts over there. So that is not the perpetrator that this happened with. I'm going to tell you a crazy story. So many years ago. I, uh, got this really full on healing session and in the healing session the woman was like, you need to find a clear quartz, you're gonna know what it is, it's going to speak to you. And I was like, okay, so whatever you say. So then a couple weeks later I happened to be at house of intuition in, um, house of adaption. Me Too. It's like a vortex in there. I was in house vinters this probably like four, five, six years ago at this point and all of a sudden I hear down here and I was like, what? I was like literally little boys like for real. And I looked down and there is this honking white crystal. And I was like, oh, that's the crystal. I like felt it and it like literally had like a little intuition because she told me, she's like, you, the money will be there. Don't worry about it, just get it. And I looked at it, I was, I'm sorry, my twenties I was broke. I don't know about everybody with all this money in their twenties, that was not me. So I look as crystals, like 90 bucks. I was like, fucking$90. I'm like, well, I was like, well, I'm getting it. She told me the money is going to be there. So I, I asked them, I was about to go into a healing session. I said, please hold this crystal for me. I come out of this session, I've got to pay for my healing session and this big hunk and crystal. I open up my phone. Someone had booked a session with me for the exact amount of money for the healing session and the crystal. And I was like, okay, got it. So I got it. Long story short, that was like my little road dog for awhile is this massive Lumeria and quartz crystal. And I loved it. I carried it with me. Everywhere was heavy, it was in my bag. People were like, why is there a piece of the earth in your purse? And I was like, don't ask me questions, like just letting me do my thing. So eventually I, I remember I stayed at a friend's airbnb and um, brought the crystal and then months go by blah blah blah. And I found, I finally realized I don't have the luminary and crystal and I'm like, where in the heck did that crystal go? Year? A year goes by, I still think about the crystal all the time. I'm like, where did I leave it? And One night I have a dream and in the dream I'm shown a drawer being opened and the crystal being inside. So the next day I text my friend Tanya who's house I'd stayed at when my place was being airbnb the year before. And I was like, Tanya, do me a favor. I was like, can you just like open your bedside table and see if my crystal and my Kundalini Yoga teacher manuals there things very much. And she sends me a photo of the fucking crystal in the drawer and we're screaming on the phone. She's like, I told you where it was. I mean, it's straight up, told me where it was. And I like his. It was all intuition. It was not like my logic was like, oh, you should call Tonya and like blah blah blah. It was just like, no, like it was like a flow of information. So I got the fucking Krystle back. I actually ended up gifting it to a woman during a session who was having a hard time and then I got my other little baby over there. But um, how crazy is that? Like crystals. Okay. I have a lot of capricorn in my chart. We'll talk a little bit about astrology, I'm sure. So I am a very logical human, like quite pro. I call myself like the logical mistake, like I'm not really, I'm not really like super wooed out as many would like to think I'm very practical and like my, my mystical side is quite grounded so I really need like the proof in the pudding kind of stuff. And when I had that experience of that crystal, like talking, letting me know in my dream where it was, I was like, yeah, there's something to this crystal stuff. So it's like one of my favorite stories. It's so amazing and I can't make that shit up. I'm not a liar and I can't make up something that amazing to push my crystal agenda. But crystal agenda is a thing. Um, but yeah, so anyhow, follow your intuition. They'll probably talk to you. They'll let you know in little subtle ways because they're, you know, they're a part of the earth. We're a part of the earth and um, we're very connected to them. I need to put this down. It seriously gets you elevated holding this thing. Um, and then like as far as like, let's see some crystals that are great for different things. Okay. So like I'm going to give you, like I'm a very visual person so if I don't have stuff in front of me I can forget very easily. But what I would say off the top of my head, I mean crystal quartz is just always amazing. Like there's crystal quartz and like all of our technologies and our cell phones, it's in like watches and everything. So Crystal Quartz is a, is a big one. It's like a very big energy conduit. I think that crystal quartz is an amazing starter, crystal and anyone would tell you that, right? So I'm not reinventing the wheel here. Great. One to keep it around, just to keep your energy circulating. Do not sleep with them. I'm going to tell you another cool story. Selenite crystal is also amazing. That can be a good beginner, crystal selenite crystal. If everyone's familiar with sage. Um, I make this comparison, but selenite is like good for clearing energy so you can take a selenite wand and like move it all around your body and like pick up energy. Last week I was in Vegas, I had to dj for something at ces, which is like a huge technology conference. Talk about that as well. Also shown out my assistant cat is here and she was at cvs, so I like sent a picture. Oh my gosh. She's teaching there. Okay, wait, continue your story, but let's chat about that athlete because that's awesome. Always sleep with selenite. They say it's actually good for keeping like negative energy away. It's good for clearing energy and it's just very peaceful to sleep with. There are certain crystals you can sleep with and there's certain crystals that will give you too much energy. So typically selenite is great to sleep with. So that night got home, did my little Juan situation, got all the CS technology emf off of me. And then I didn't clear the solid I, I just like went to bed and slept with it. I couldn't sleep for two and a half hours. I was just an. And here's how you'll know that a crystal is keeping you awake. It's kind of like, I don't know, I'm trying to think. I can describe this and not sound like a banshee. Um, but basically like you ever know when you're sleeping and it's kind of like twilight where like your conscious mind still very on and you have been sleeping, your body sleeping, but your mind is very active. You know what I mean? That's how you can tell that a crystal is like, has too much energy on it. So what I realized last week with the selenite because I sleep with at night every night, but I realized that from moving it and waving at getting all the energy off my body, it was holding all this energy that I didn't clear. So again, like just a cool example of crystal stuff was stolen. I was like, I'm in Vegas. We just went to see us. Like, are you kidding me? You gotta like, you gotTa save me. Like I was like, you should've ran me under some water sister. Like I don't know what to tell you. Oh my gosh. Okay. So I want to dive in now because. So you, um, you have the women's empowerment classes. I'm like, I would say you're really at the forefront of this whole, like mystic entrepreneur revolution that we're seeing come to fruition. And then Dj. Yeah. So how, how does that balance work? What does that look like? Do you put energy into both each day or do you kind of just let them like cycle in and out because you've performed in. I mean like what is the biggest performance you've done? You've performed in large? Yeah, I played coachella for the do lab. Oh my gosh. I love the do lab. Oh Shit. I played lightning in a bottle of many times. Um, I've played God the Fox theater. I've played with Bassnectar. He found me at lightening in a bottle and like came up to me. I've been abased had bassnectar fan since I was like 20 years old. So when like this tall man sunglasses comes up, he's like, hey digger set. And I was like, Whoa, thanks. What's your name? He's like, oh, I'm lauren. I'm based in actor. I was like, literally at my manager sitting with me and I was like, I slept. I was like my set and Kyle's like, die. He's right here. I was like, so not cool. I'm like the least like chill person ever. But he's been so supportive of. I just played the bill Graham with him and the glitch mob in, um, September. Oh my gosh. So when, so that is like a whole other section. I, other, it's my other self. I always say that to my Natalia Benson peeps. I'm like, so here's my alter ego. She's like, only really comes out at night, but yeah, I really had two sides. I was actually supposed to be a Gemini. My due date was June second, but I was born April 17th. But I retained that Gemini Energy of like kind of having to experience this because it really, I just like, you're doing both so well. And so that's where. And I think that that's another thing with this whole culture that we live in nowadays is aside from wanting that one thing that drives our purpose, a lot of us are want to be multifaceted, you know, and like dip our energy. So, um, is there any advice you can give to someone that had, because they're two very different things from different and so how do you balance those and prioritize them? Yeah. So here's the fascinating thing, like the Dj thing for me, um, I do not put time into that everyday. Like my main work and career at this moment isn't Italia. Benson and I have had many moments at like 3:00 AM waking up, thinking about my existence where I'm like, you know, ninth child and doing electronic music is my soul. Like that is such a deep passion and it's like, it feeds me in a way that nothing in this world can just performing. I was a dancer my entire life, so I feel like there's so many. We're going to go here, a DECAF oatmeal milk situation. Talk to you. I'll sit there quietly, I'll be a good girl, but you know that like feeds me so deeply. But recently I've been having a bit of an existential conversation with myself. I'm like, you know what? You need to focus on one thing right now. Throughout my twenties I was always worried about missing out. So it ended up really working in my favor because I was like a yoga teacher. I was a DJ, I was a jewelry designer and then I did astrology and Taro. So it was like my website had like 30 different menu options and like I think I had like A. I worked with a consultant for a second. She was like, sister, you need to pair it down. And so she helped me with that a little bit, but that's an aries thing to I think is supposed to be like don't want to miss out on anything. So we're just like, let's just do it. All right, corey, when. Right. Okay. Um, and uh, and so at this moment in my wise old 31 years, I've just realized like, okay, I'm happy to focus my energy on this thing that gives so much, not only back to me but back to so many and the ninth child really gets to 9,001 my alias by the way. She gets to live out of, you know, the moments where I have time and then to go to ces to perform a site. It's just so fun, but it's, it's, you know, one of my friends in the fall, I got back from that base actors show I'm in San Francisco and I was so dead like after shows, like even like cs, like it's like I need a week to myself. Like I need like when I'm doing nine child stuff. Fortunately, my Natalia Benson audience likes it and they like to see that I do that, um, but I used to feel very wary of sharing those two things together, but at this point it's, it's very exciting that I think the multi-passionate thing is becoming a little bit more appropriate. Like I had so many people in my twenties be like, pick a fucking side, you know, and I was always like, well, fuck off, like I'm an aries, I'm gonna do whatever I want. It's been my motto since like day five. So, but I'm grateful that it is a bit more appropriate now, but I think you can overdo it. You really can. And, and finding that balance for me personally has, is not easy. And um, I have to, obviously I'm, I have to live and I have to pay for things and I have a dog child that requires a lot as you can tell and um, but then also making sure that I'm like nourishing my spirit by doing something that I'm deeply passionate about. I'm okay with that sacrifice. Um, I, I will be doing for ninth child, um, quarterly shows, uh, when you're doing something as weird as I am, like not many people book you. So fortunately based sector thinks it's great and he's been supportive but other than that I just like do my own shows here in la and making space for those and investment in time. It's, it's, yeah, it's challenging but I, that's why I love listening to like Jack Canfield and um, all my mentors and authors that I really resonate with because they remind me that it's okay to have a hard time when you're doing what you want. It's not supposed to all be super easy all the time. Like I love that it's fluid and mostly quite simple at this point, but that it's okay to like stay strong and like have a little struggle when you're really doing what you want and nine child isn't as developed as mine is. Holly had been work so it definitely is like in the younger, it's like having two kids, one's like 15 and can like do her thing. She's a driver's license. She pays me to exist. And then the other ones like still like a bit of a child and like needs a lot of my energy. So I'm just going to ask before we wrap up a couple of questions that people asked on our instagram. Cool. So the first question is from Monroe three. One, two. She asked what advice would you give when looking for supportive woman to be friends with? Oh Man. Well I always like to veer away from the word looking. I think like seeking usually we usually don't find what we're looking for when we're looking for it. It's kind of like a weird, weird, universal truth, but I would say, you know, cultivate that as an intention that you are calling in and excited to experience supportive, amazing women around you and even even speak it in the past tense. Like I'm so grateful for this amazing group of supportive high vibe women in my life and just, you know, kind of do a little metaphysical fund work with it and then be the woman that you would want to be friends with. You know what I mean? Like kind of a little bit of like manifestation will work, but like be that woman that you want to call into your life and hold that energy in that vibration because that's how you call, you know, call that into your reality. In addition, if you have people in your life currently who are very, they complain a lot or, and look, I can play in. It happens. It's okay. I'm like complaining or negative or kind of shit on your dreams or whatever. Like you gotta let those people go. The universe loves to fill a void. But if you're like, you know, having all this energy in your life of, of people who are not really what you want, but they're, they're out of fear or they're, they're out of you not wanting to be lonely. Will the universe like, okay cool, well that's what she thinks she's worth. Or that's what she thinks is like that all that's possible. So I would say like if you have people that are not what you're truly calling in in terms of a group of women or support, you have to release those relationships and create that space. Oh my gosh, that is, that's comprehensive. Oh my God. That is a beautiful. It's like just taking the limiting belief but applying it to the people in your life. Yes. I love that. At your local girl gang for sure. Um, okay. This is from lives journal journey. She wants to know what advice would you give your younger self? Oh Man. To be more gentle with the process. I cannot tell you how often I was so afraid. I mean that was raised with fear as most of us were, right? Like a lot of fear, a lot of like this, a lot of fear and I would just tell my younger self like, number one, like I love you so much. Like I'm with you. Like we're going to get through this and just, you know, to be gentle with the process and trust that it's all going to unfold because that's why I just really have loved getting older is like you just see how everything worked out. And then I'm like, well cool. Well, I know that, you know, for the rest of my days, I'm excited to have that awareness that no matter what I experienced, I'm going to be able to make it through, no matter how challenging and I always have myself. These are great questions. Um, I know these are so awesome. Okay. So this is from soul spirit. Life gets crazy. Um, do you ever fall out of alignment and what do you do to get yourself back into it? Fucking lilly all of the time. Um, but I have my tools, so when I'm out of alignment and I'm feeling number one, I always take into accountability where I am in my cycle. It's usually much easier for us as women to feel very out of alignment when we're premenstrual or at the beginning of our cycles depending on what the vibe is for each of us. So I always take into account where I am in my cycle. I'm, if I know I'm like premenstrual, I try to be gentle, but I tap into my tools. Um, let's see. I love to do eft tapping. I learned that from gala darling. She's like a dear friend now, but she's a mentor of mine. Um, I love to do tapping. What else do I like to do? I'm like, what else do I do? Tapping came along and just literally cleared all of my out of alignment. That bullshit like here that it's all the. Yeah. It's like all of the Meridian points. It's life changing. I looked at a photo of myself. Galo was the one who first did tapping with me. I looked at a photo of myself from last summer before topic and then I looked at a photo of myself like a couple days after doing topping. I looked like a different person. Straight up. Stop it for a minute. I feel the vibration right now. This, this is like a major meridian point. And then when you're. Yeah, so tapping is a really great ones. Like get yourself back into alignment. I love it. Sometimes I'll check in and do my Tarot cards all order myself. My favorite yummy meal. I'll cry it out. I'll call my mom. I'll call my therapist. I'll call a friend. I'll lay on my rug and just like have a moment and then figure it out. You know, like we all have moments where we get like severely hard on ourselves are very out of alignment and fearful. I read a book, I phone a friend. Just kidding. You know, all the things. You just have to find your tools like what works for you and those all the little mystical things including like support from people that love me and that have my best interests are helpful for me to like remember my truth. That's so good. Just having like a go to tool set I feel like will also help relieve maybe some anxiety because I still need to extensively work on mind, but when I start to get a little riled up I just have like default things that I know will calm me down. Exactly. It's, it's literally like that's the thing is like life is here to challenge us. You know, it's not, it's here to be enjoyed, but it's also here for us to evolve and grow. So our responsibility as individuals. It's just to find the things that help give us some respite and hopefully those things are empowering because you can get respite from a glass of wine or 20 glasses of wine there, you know, like all, like maybe other things that are a little bit more disempowering. But I think the trick is to find and cultivate those tools that empower you and sustain you versus maybe put you deeper in the rabbit hole of like whatever's making you feel out of alignment. You know what I mean? So, oh my God. Wow. You got learn to come. My Gosh, I'm just picturing. I feel like we have 30 quotes to put out into the world. This is so good. Thank you so much for opening your home and welcoming us for you and Taro. Terros the dog and uh, just a very fashionable Jean jacket right now. She's like crushing it and she just like, won't even look at us because she knows that she's like, I'm everything. She's like, yeah, catch up. Like I've been here for a minute. Like, what are you learning.

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