The No Spin Network

The Gaza Conflict

December 11, 2023 Andrew Goffe Season 2 Episode 6
The Gaza Conflict
The No Spin Network
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The No Spin Network
The Gaza Conflict
Dec 11, 2023 Season 2 Episode 6
Andrew Goffe

In this episode I take a long (very long) look into the recent and ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinians and the things that led up to the conflict. I have viewed over 100 hours of video and resourced and verified more information for this podcast than any subject I have ever researched, ever. Accuracy was exceptionally important to me in this because the stakes are so high.

When I first began researching this topic, I never imagined some of the things I would uncover. I had to independently verify everything I came upon. Many of the videos that are referenced in the podcast, have been systematically deleted and might be hard to find. It appears that there is a clean-up effort underway, in an attempt to sanitize the story.

That effort will fail, because there are others like me who have archived relative videos off-line to preserve them to prove the points we make. Here is a link to the entire transcript of the podcast, web links and all of the video files referenced in this podcast:

The narrative being pushed forward by those who back the war effort against the Palestinians, is being complimented by literally the greatest disinformation effort I have ever encountered. 

It is important that we all begin investigating for ourselves what is actually going on, not just what we are being force-fed through the media channels they control. 

This is a point in history where what we do will be judged forever. Apathy is not an option, just as it wasn’t during the Holocaust, Slavery or Apartheid.  We must all speak out when we encounter injustice and genocide. No one is above international law. No one has the right to kill a child in the name of “defending themselves”, EVER. 

This podcast is my small part in bringing to light the conditions that led up to October 7th and its devastating aftermath in Gaza. 

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode I take a long (very long) look into the recent and ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinians and the things that led up to the conflict. I have viewed over 100 hours of video and resourced and verified more information for this podcast than any subject I have ever researched, ever. Accuracy was exceptionally important to me in this because the stakes are so high.

When I first began researching this topic, I never imagined some of the things I would uncover. I had to independently verify everything I came upon. Many of the videos that are referenced in the podcast, have been systematically deleted and might be hard to find. It appears that there is a clean-up effort underway, in an attempt to sanitize the story.

That effort will fail, because there are others like me who have archived relative videos off-line to preserve them to prove the points we make. Here is a link to the entire transcript of the podcast, web links and all of the video files referenced in this podcast:

The narrative being pushed forward by those who back the war effort against the Palestinians, is being complimented by literally the greatest disinformation effort I have ever encountered. 

It is important that we all begin investigating for ourselves what is actually going on, not just what we are being force-fed through the media channels they control. 

This is a point in history where what we do will be judged forever. Apathy is not an option, just as it wasn’t during the Holocaust, Slavery or Apartheid.  We must all speak out when we encounter injustice and genocide. No one is above international law. No one has the right to kill a child in the name of “defending themselves”, EVER. 

This podcast is my small part in bringing to light the conditions that led up to October 7th and its devastating aftermath in Gaza. 

The Truth About the Gaza Conflict



When I began researching this topic, I was looking for information that would potentially shed light on what was happening in the Middle East. I wanted to know more about what was going on, without the usual spin you hear in the news. It wasn’t long before I discovered that there was far more to this story than we were being told and literally nothing was what it seemed to be. I don’t say this lightly, but with absolute sincerity. I expected to find further information that verified what I was hearing. Instead, what I found, began to unveil things that put the entire situation in a different perspective. By the time you get to the end of this podcast, you will undoubtedly find out new things, as I have. It simply means that we must keep digging and keep searching for the truth and speak on it when we find it.


Here at the No Spin Network, I’ve always tried to focus on un-spinning political rhetoric to get to the truth of the matter, no matter how difficult or how ugly it is, because truth matters. What I have found over the years is that literally everything you hear coming out of Washington runs through a filter before you hear it. Sometimes that message is filtered by the left and sometimes through the right, bottom line, there is always more to what you hear in politics that what you are being told. 


The reason for this is because literally everyone in Washington knows that politics is perception. It’s what people believe, not necessarily what is true. So, I set out to uncover the real meaning behind the spin we face on a daily basis, to get to the truth.


The situation in the Middle East is not only a good example of what I’m referring to, but also a prime example of it. I’ve wanted to post an episode on this topic ever since October 7th but was advised strongly against taking a side because I was running for Congress. There is so much to unpack, and the other elephant in the room, which I think is holding many of us from truly speaking our minds, is the machine that is in place to come after us when we do. Regardless of which side we come down on, we can expect cries of antisemitism of we criticize Israel or Xenophobia if we criticize the Muslims. I’ve decided that neither was a good reason any longer, to not look at this issue like I do any other issue where I think that the political spin is louder than the truth.


I was advised to wait until things died down over there and the temperature cooled a bit before posting this episode, but I am constantly reminded of the saying that “All evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing’. I thought I was a good man…I did nothing, I said nothing. Shame on me.


Although I may sometimes have personal opinions about things I speak about here, I usually try my best not to include them in any analysis I make of the information I un-spin, but human nature sometimes kicks in and the listener might be able to tell how I feel. It doesn’t change the facts; it just identifies sometimes how strongly an issue affects me. This is such a case. You will undoubtedly know where I am on this issue before we reach the end. It’s become an emotional issue for just about everyone. I’m no different. I have, however, aspired to bring you what I found and believe to be truthful information. I give you my word, as always, that there is no spin, no filter, no inherent bias in what is contained in this or any of my episodes, but especially this one. It is the truth as I understand it from what I’ve found, no spin whatsoever.


Tic-Tok has become a primary source for this generation to share news and opinions that isn’t filtered by partisan media. Many of today’s youth, as well as older adults, turn there to hear firsthand accounts of what took place on October 7th and is still happening today. If hit counts, the number of times a page is visited, means anything, the news cycle is changing in a big way. On or shortly after October 7th, Tic-Tok’s Info-graph showed that searches related to the terms “Israeli Hostages” or “Hamas invasion of Israel” trended as the number one search parameter. However, the most recent graph shows while there were 246 million searches for “Israeli attack” or “October 7th”, there 20 billion searches for the term “Palestine genocide”.


Before getting into things, let me clear something up before it even starts. There isn’t an ounce of hate or animosity in me for the Jewish or the Palestinian people. I have no ax to grind with either. They are both the victims in this mess. As is always the case, the authorities of two nations can’t agree, and the citizens of both pay the price.  The actions of ANY government are ALL fair game for criticism without fear of being called a Xenophobic or an anti-Semite. Those who automatically resort to that label in the face of fair criticism usually have weak arguments to support their cause and look to sway public opinion with labels that have no basis in fact. In short, it’s a smokescreen, one we should not allow to deter us from calling out a wrong, or an injustice.


Any of the comments I make here, are directed at the government of Israel and the government of Palestine.  Hamas was elected to office in 2006 by the Palestinian people. Any actions they took, can be considered an act of the government of Palestine as a result. When Japan invaded Pearl Harbor in 1941, it was a sneak attack, and 68 civilians were killed along with the 2403 military personnel. That was an act of war. The United States then declared war on Japan and ultimately retaliated with the world’s first and only nuclear response. 


Germany committed acts of terror on the Jews during World War Two, the likes no terrorist organization had committed before, or since. 


The start of World War Two itself, was precipitated by an act of terror Germany perpetrated against its own people during the false flag operation called ‘Operation Canned Goods’, or otherwise known as Operation Himmler. 




Before I explain, let me tell you what a false flag operation is. Contrary to the belief some have, that it describes that the incident never happened or was false, the opposite is true. The concept of a false flag is that the incident in question did indeed happen, with real-world consequences but it was made to look like something other than what it really was, usually to evoke or inflame an emotion which then creates public support for a retaliatory action. Every nation does them, including The United States, just look up Operation Northwoods.


The Nazis carried out a series of attacks on their own people designed to look as if Polish terrorists committed these acts they labeled as an attempt of ethnic cleaning of the German people. They would storm buildings firing shots dressed as Polish soldiers and have their own soldiers fire back at them using blanks or purposely missing them but leaving real bullet holes in the walls. They left the dead bodies of real Polish soldiers behind to be found by authorities and reported on as the culprits being Polish terrorists. This operation’s central point was when German soldiers dressed as Polish soldiers attacked the radio station Slender Gleiwitz. They killed the beloved radio host while he was on the air, so the public could hear the massacre, then they left the bodies of 2 Polish soldiers they had previously executed by lethal injection, to make the case that the Polish attacked first, and that Germany had the right to defend itself. Sound familiar? 


Hitler took to the airwaves, denouncing the attack as an attack on the fatherland and vowed defensive action against Poland. The next day, he invaded Poland and that was the beginning of World War Two, all based on a lie.


On June 8th, 1967, during Israel’s 6-day war with several Arab nations. Israel launched a military attack on a military vessel at sea they thought was spying on their communications in the region during the war. An Israeli fighter plane hit the military ship with missiles creating a large hole in the hull. An Israeli Navy motor torpedo boat followed up by firing armor piercing rounds through the walls of the boat killing at least 34 crew members, two marines, and one civilian employee and wounded 171 other crew members, although the vessel was operating in international waters. The attack was halted when the captain of the Israeli Naval boat intercepted a distress call from the ship it was attacking, to the American 6th Naval Fleet. The vessel the Israeli was firing on was the Converted American Naval Auxiliary Technical Research Ship called the USS Liberty, which was converted to a communications spy ship tasked by the Americans to spy on Russian communications. It had identified itself to the approaching Israeli warship 30 minutes earlier by radio communications. The Israelis also flew reconnaissance missions over it the night before where the clear US flag could be seen on display. 


Israel rushed to do damage control for the disaster which killed or seriously injured so many American soldiers and civilians, with the express intent that the public never be made aware of the incident. The Israelis pressured the American government to block all journalist from approaching crew members or being anywhere near to the ship as they removed wounded soldiers. Guards were posted at the doors to the hospital rooms to all of the wounded soldiers so no press could interview any surviving soldier. As one survivor recounts, “A total press blackout was in effect”.


When Israel attacked America


During a meeting with the Israeli Ambassador, the U.S. Secretary of State demanded an answer from the Israeli Ambassador as to why a clearly identified American ship was targeted and sunk by the Israeli Navy. The Ambassador originally denied that Israel was at fault and seemed genuinely surprised at the details of the operation that occurred. Eventually Israel admitted that they had mistaken the ship as a vessel that was intercepting their communications during their war. A claim the Americans did not believe was a mistake. Israel pressed that Americans to keep the issue secret so as not to ruin their standing amongst the American people who they relied on for support.


President Johnson, who was to date, the most Israeli-Friendly President was having none of that and leaked the story off the record to Newsweek magazine. Once the Israelis found out that Johnson was the one who leaked the story to Newsweek, they threatened to cut off his political funding for his re-election by painting him as an “Anti-Semitic” in order to cut off his funding from any Jewish source and to also sue him for what they called “Blood Libel”. Israel then went on the offensive gathering a legal team to go after Johnson, kill bad stories in the media about them and slant other stories to make them appear to be the victim in this incident.


same video



Despite the PR onslaught which for the most part had been successful in keeping Israel’s involvement to a minimum, the intelligence community did not see this as an accident and assumed that this was an intentional act by Israel designed to draw America into their war with the Arabs.


same video


Some of President Johnson’s closest allies were pro-Israeli and reported back to Israel every move he made or position he took on this issue. Israel’s reach within the framework of the U.S. government and the national media in America was on full display now.


You may be wondering why I’m recounting this 56-year-old story now. It’s only because of its age, that now some of the information finally has been declassified by both the United States and Israeli intelligence, and the story here bears a startling resemblance to what happened on October 7th and the aftermath.


On December 7th, 2023, Hamas breached Israels borders through no less than 29 entry points that included over land, through the air and by sea. Let me clarify this from the onset, what they did next, killing 1200 Jews and taking over 200 people with them to use as human shields is reprehensible and is a war crime. They should be disavowed as a governing body and held accountable in the Hague if it is found that they committed any war crimes, should any of them be caught alive.


Israel is located in clearly hostile territory, being surrounded by Syria and Turkey to the North, Iraq and Jordan to the East, Egypt to the South and the Mediterranean Sea to the West. They have been in a war with literally every one of these countries at one time or another. That’s why they have spent so much money on developing what has become the most formidable defense in the region, despite their size. They are also the only nation in the Middle East with nuclear weapons. Whether they admit to having them or not. Their Iron Dome anti-missile system is the best on Earth, so much so, that The United States uses that technology to supplement its own Patriot Missile system. Israel has long worried about terrorists crossing their borders to carry out suicide bombings, so they monitor every inch of their border including a 440-mile border wall.


The monitoring of their border is done by the IDF, the Israeli Defense Force. Any incursion that is detected is immediately met with an armed response with the authority to use deadly force when responding. It has been said by former IDF soldiers, that a mouse crossing the border in the dead of night would trigger an armed response by the IDF. 


how sensitive the border


However, Hamas sent 2000 men over Israel’s border, over land, over sea and through the air, killed 1200, and took 233 people with them, all without incurring any IDF resistance? In fact, The Israeli Defense took 6 hours to mobilize and respond. How is this possible? There might be an explanation for that. That 6-hour response time seems improbable and may very well not be accurate.


Just days prior to Hamas launching its attack, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, authorized the celebration of the Jewish traditional week-long festival of Sukkot. It is a commemoration of the Jews ancestral freedom from slavery under Moses and their forty-year pilgrimage through the desert. It is celebrated by the Jews building temporary housing that symbolizes what their ancestors had to live in during that 40-year trek. The festival itself was not the issue, as it is celebrated every year. It is where it was being held. Netanyahu authorized the Jewish settlers who organized it, to carry out the week-long celebration in the West Bank, against the stern objections of his local military and police leaders of the region.


Jewish settlers had been undertaking a series of armed raids into Palestinian towns in recent weeks, in the attempt to force the Palestinians from their homes and seize the land for themselves. Now, this was not the Israeli government, rather ordinary settlers who felt entitled to take whatever land they wanted regardless of who currently had possession of it. These settlers brought animals with them to the raids as a symbol to the Palestinians that they intended to establish a settlement by seizing their land and property. 


Dogs attacking Palestinian farmers


Again timeout, imagine a similar scenario happening in the United States. Someone shows up at the door to the house where you were raised, where your parents and grandparents were also raised and said, “I’m here to take your house and all the land that it sits on. I’m going to pay you nothing, now leave”. What do you suppose your response would be? What would your reaction be, looking over their shoulder you saw an armored vehicle with a gun turret, backing them up, waiting for a fight to break out? Just a little perspective.


Normally these raids escalated to violence as one would expect, but the settlers were apparently usually backed with the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces. 


Tensions were already high, when the settlers, attempting to seize the Palestinian land, turned their gun on a 19-year-old teenager named Qusai Jamal Maatan and shot him dead during one of their raids. Hamas then put out a message to the Palestinians to mobilize and counter the attacks of the Jewish Settlers. This is according to a report filed on August 5, 2023, by the Middle East Monitor. That’s two days before Israel was attacked by Hamas. It also clearly indicates that the Hamas attack was not unprovoked as the early narrative suggested.


Now, the Israeli military leaders, understanding the extreme tension, tried to convince Netanyahu that protecting the festival would be a logistical nightmare, considering the event’s theme was celebrating the very settlement housing issue that saw the young boy killed in his hometown. But Netanyahu ordered 800 soldiers to the West Bank anyway, to watch over the festival, again, against the strenuous objections from his Department of Defense. It was because the soldiers he was transferring were tasked previously to guard the other parts of the border. This left the border woefully short of soldiers to respond to any crisis. Was this intentional?


Somehow, Hamas knew all of this and planned their attack within two days, around the festival and the movements of the troops. This should be a big red flag for you. It is for me.


Troop movements are probably the single most classified information ANY government secures about it’s military personnel because the lives of the soldiers you put in harm’s way, is directly related to the enemy NOT knowing troop positions, troop strength or troop strategy. How did they know the border would be weakened by this move on this particular week? Where it would be weakened? Is it possible they had spies in the Israeli government? That is a possibility. 


Tension had already been high because of an incident that happened at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem last April. The Al Aqsa Mosque is considered the third holiest place on Earth for Muslims, behind Mecca where their prophet Muhammad was born, and Medina where he is buried. The Mosque is where he prayed. But it is located in Jerusalem on a site Jews consider part of their holy land.


At the end of an evening Ramadan prayer, Palestinian Muslims locked and barricaded themselves inside the Mosque after reports surfaced that a group of Jews planned to disrupt the gathering of Muslims by sacrificing a goat at the Mosque, a practice which is even forbidden under Jewish law. Apparently, Israel’s Security Minister Ben-Gvir suggested that Jewish group go to the Mosque but stop short of allowing the sacrifice of the goat for Passover on the Holy Muslim Mosque site. Local police arrested some Jews there in an attempt to stop the incursion, but it wasn’t enough to prevent the Palestinians from engaging the Jews who had disrupted events. A clash broke out and Israeli police stepped in wearing riot gear and raided the mosque, throwing stun grenades and beating the Palestinians who had barricaded themselves inside to prevent the Jewish activist from sacrificing a goat in their mosque. 50 Palestinians were injured and 400 were arrested. One Jewish protestor was arrested. Hamas condemned the action as a crime and even a senior Israeli official assessed that Israeli police went too far but claimed that they had intelligence that Palestinians had weapons stored there and had the intention of attacking Israeli civilians. No weapons were found there after the raid.


Ok time out. Something seems completely off to me here. If a group of worshipers gather to pray in one of their holiest sites, and an agitator group shows up to perform a provocative act, an illegal act, not even one that is borne of a protest, simply one designed to be disrespectful to the worshipers and go so far to kill and bleed out an animal on their holiest of grounds, wouldn’t THEY be the aggressors? Wouldn’t THEY constitute the majority of arrests? Especially when the act they came to commit was illegal under both Israeli and Palestinian law? Also, why does Israel have the authority to raid a mosque and use teargas, stun grenades and batons to injure those who chose to sit in and protect a mosque from being defiled? I literally scratched my head when I found this out wondering what I missed. I urge you to go look up the incident for yourselves, there’s even a Wikipedia page about it. 


Now take that incident and combine it with the Sukka Festival where the Jewish settler killed the Palestinian boy, and you can now see that any violent act by the Palestinians or Hamas in response, cannot truly be called unprovoked. 


Back to the Sukka Festival and the decision to move such a large number of troops to protect the festival goers. The reduced troop presence at the border alone, still doesn’t explain the reported 6-hour delay. The IDF is said to have outposts no more than 45 minutes from any point of the border, where soldiers stationed there could quickly respond to a call for help from their border security force. Israel has an active military force of 169,500 soldiers with a reserve corp of 465,000 reservists they could call up at a moment’s notice. More than enough to repel 2000 Hamas militants. Why then the six-hour delay?


Some right wing pundits such as Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens, have suggested that Netanyahu may have intentionally withheld his soldiers so that Hamas could make the case for him invading Gaza, by inflicting so much damage on innocent Israeli citizens that the public, and world outrage would be so great that he would have a world-wide mandate to invade Gaza and wreak havoc to Hamas’ military infrastructure and dismantle its tunnel network, known as the Gaza Metro. 


Charlie Kirk ▶️ Watch this reel


Something that he has voiced a desire to do for some time now. This scenario has yet to be substantiated, and in the absence of direct evidence, any suggestion of that is merely speculation. But go back and compare the aftermath of the attack on the USS Liberty and the Military’s assessment that they had ulterior motives for attacking the U.S. ship and now look at the potential 6-hour gap as a possible piece to the puzzle of a ground invasion into GAZA.




The narrative that 1400 Israeli civilians being killed on October 7th had to be recently revised, when the United Nations challenged the figure not being in accordance with its own figures. The Israeli government then revised the numbers down to 1200 civilians killed and that number stands as the now official number of civilians agreed upon, that were killed on October 7th. Israel claims these civilians were killed by Hamas terrorists, as the called them. However, recent information has come to light challenging how the entirety of those deaths happened. An interview by Israeli Journalist Dan Cohen with a survivor of the attack accounts, in a newly found video which was censored from release by the Israeli government, that Hamas took up positions in Jewish houses and the IDF indiscriminately fired on the houses, killing many of the civilians lost that day, in their attempt to get at the Hamas soldiers.


Arabic language interview


Here she is saying: “I saw people from the kibbutz on the lawn. There are 5 or 6 hostages lying on the ground outside just like sheep to the slaughter in the face of shooting by our [commandos] and the terrorists.”


(He asks): “The terrorists shot them”?


(She replies): “No, they were killed by the crossfire. Understand, there was very, very heavy crossfire”.


(He asks): “So our forces may have shot them”?


(She replies): “Undoubtedly”.


(He says, talking over her) “When they tried to eliminate the abductors, Hamas”?


(She replies): “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages, because there was very heavy crossfire. I was freed at approximately 5:30 PM, the fighting apparently ended at 8:30 PM after the insane crossfire. 2 tank shells were shot into the house. It’s a small kibbutz, nothing big, you saw it on the news.”


(Him): “Yes”


(Her): “Not a large place. And at that moment they were all killed, there was quiet, except for one woman limping, Hamas, in the garden”.


(Him): “How were they all killed”?


(Her): “From the crossfire”.


(Him): ‘Crossfire, so it could also be from shooting by our forces”?


(Her): “Undoubtedly”.


(Him): “Really”?


(Her): “That’s what I believe”.


(Him): “Oy, it sounds so bad”.


(Her): “Yes, and everyone died”.


I saved this video because it was deleted from its original source. I had to find an alternate site where it was posted. A day later is was also deleted. So, I recorded it when I found it and I have posted the most recent link to where I found it. This interview was not allowed to be seen in Israel but was smuggled out of the Israeli censor’s reach and is now airing because others have saved it too. I recorded it because it is being deleted from every social network it has appeared on so far. Why? Why deny that a crossfire may have led to the unintended deaths of local civilians? Unless you want the narrative to say something very different.


This account puts into question, the claim that the Israeli military did not respond for 6 hours. It is documented that Hamas left the region within 2 hours. Continuation of the fighting was carried out by some local Palestinian militias and residents that used the opportunity to exact revenge on Israel for the recent violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers.


Israel has shown in the past that it does not discriminate when it attacks a target. They’ve been known to use the Russian method when resolving hostage situations. You will rarely, maybe never see reporting of a Russian hostage situation because Russia is known for storming the location where the hostages are held and killing everyone inside, including the hostages, to send a clear message to hostage takers that hostages do not provide any protection from the use of force. It is very effective in preventing future hostage taking, but terrible if you are ever a hostage.


Medhi Hasan interview


What if Israel was actually using this tactic and when the collective body count got so high, they changed the narrative they gave to the public, because of the bad press, and now claim the soldiers did not respond for 6 hours, because it is more acceptable to be seen as inept rather than called blood thirsty murderers? It’s all about the messaging and Prime minister Netanyahu has been known to spin a tale or two in the past to cover his administration’s missteps.


Obama and Sarkozy


That was Obama and then President Sarkozy in 2011 having what they thought was a closed mic conversation after a summit. And Here’s Trump basically channeling the same thing,


Trump saying, he was wrong about Netanyahu




While I was researching this topic, I came across an inordinate amount of bad press regarding Netanyahu. Bad press about a politician is not unusual. However, where it was coming from was alarming to say the least. In 2011 during a summit President Obama and French President Sarkozy were caught on open mic here is a direct quote of what they said:


Sarkozy says to Obama: “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar”.

Obama responds: “But I have to deal with him even more often than you”.


This clip goes on to reference statements Netanyahu made regarding Hamas. The commentator questions if Netanyahu’s true intention was to destroy Hamas. Here is a quote of what she said:


2nd part of Obama France video


This is concerning because the rhetoric coming out of Israel right now is that Hamas is a group of murderous terrorists hell-bent on the destruction of Israel and that we could be next. Yet, just less than four years ago. Netanyahu was directing funds in the tune of $100 million from the Qatari government their way, to ensure their survival.


Bob Woodward, the journalist who broke the Watergate story, recounts in his recent book, Rage, that in 2017, during a meeting with then President Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu showed Trump and the heads of his military a video pro ported to show Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, ordering the killing of children. After Netanyahu left the meeting, then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Trump he believed the video was doctored.


Babies’ heads video


This claim was never verified and led Trump to refer to Netanyahu behind closed doors as quote: “An obstacle to peace”. Why would the President of Israel knowingly bring a doctored video and present it to the President of the United States? Did he think the U.S. Intelligence agencies would not discover this? Or was it more likely that he was convinced that the United States was that easy to fool? Remember what he said in his living room about knowing how easy it was to move the United States. It should be clear by now that literally NOTHING Benjamin Netanyahu says can be taken at face value or even believed. His history of manipulative lies literally led to the start of wars. The only question is, why does America continue to stand by the claims he makes which are so easily debunked?


Remember that years earlier, Netanyahu asserted that Israel must separate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians-in the West Bank? The West Bank is in the upper most, North East corner of Israel. The Israeli Military is currently hoarding all Palestinians from Gaza to the southern region, separating them from the Palestinians in the West Bank just like Netanyahu spoke about years earlier. This cannot be coincidental. It appears to be part of his plan from the beginning, thus calling into question the very notion that October 7th was a random terrorist attack.


Charlie Kirk is a conservative commentator and the founder of Turning Point, the production company that gave people like Candace Owen’s and Ben Shapiro, a platform. Now, I have no love lost for any of those I just mentioned, and their normal incendiary rhetoric, and I certainly have literally never before, ever agreed with Charlie Kirk. Yet, I find his assessment lines up with what others have been saying quietly about Netanyahu, listen:


Charlie Kirk


Could there be something to this? Is it possible that Kirk could have touched on something when he referenced his helicopter ride taking only 45 minutes to reach the Gaza Strip, yet soldiers were not dispatched to the region for six hours. All the while, the attack was being live-streamed on the internet, so deniability cannot be because they didn’t know about it.


Listen to this former US Marine Intelligence Officer recount his interaction with Netanyahu:


Intelligence officer


Remember, this is the man who ordered the raid on Gaza, ordered the Hospitals targeted and forced the Palestinians to leave their homes and move south. The West Bank is located in the far northern part of the territory. Remember the clip I played earlier, Where the official said his play all along was to separate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank?


Obama / Sarkozy part 2


Let me pause for a second and address something. The effectiveness of propaganda is enhanced by the fact that if the true intention of the propaganda is found out, it is usually nullified by the propagandist crying “Conspiracy Theory”. If you’ll notice, I’ve made no direct claims so far, I am simply asking questions and providing support for why those questions exist. The more questions that remain unanswered, the more we should doubt the voracity of the story we are being told and. We then should be obligated to dig deeper, probe more, so that if an Injustice is being deliberately perpetrated, the information needed to call attention to it may help remedy that injustice. Let’s continue.


Here is an interview Netanyahu gave when he was much younger. I will let you hear it just a little bit of it but it appears that he is speaking either Yiddish or Hebrew I’m not sure, So I’ll read the translation which appears at the bottom of the screen:


Young Netanyahu


Here’s what he is saying: quote, “USA is not a unified block. We have the Senate, the Congress and a strong Jewish lobby on our side. We have a strong influence over the general support in America. America won’t force us into anything”. End quote.


Again, I’ll post a link to this video so you can see it for yourselves. Here I get the distinct impression that Netanyahu is being cocky that they have played chess with America just right and have positioned their pieces exactly where they want them. He isn’t the slightest worried about losing the support of the United States.


In this next clip, this one has gone viral. It is a clip of Netanyahu sitting in a home casually dressed, talking to what appears to be friends or family members. I’ll play a little of it but it’s in his native language so Ill read you the translation afterwards.


BiBi Living room


Here is what he was saying: Quote: “The main thing is first of all to strike them not once but several times, so painfully that the price they pay is unbearable. So far, the price tag is not unbearable. I mean a large-scale attack on the Palestinian authority causing them to fear that everything is about to collapse. Fear is what brings them to…


He is interrupted by a woman saying: “Hold on, but then again the world will say that we’re the aggressors”.


To that he responds: “They can say whatever they want”.


SHE REPLIES: “Aren’t you afraid of what they’ll say BiBi”?


HE REPLIES: “Especially today with America, I know what America is, I know how they are. America is something that you can easily maneuver and easily move in the right direction. So, if there is a chance that they will do something, so what? 80% of America supports us, It’s absurd. I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Clinton administration. I wasn’t afraid to confront Clinton, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN…”. End quote.


Let’s put the timing of these comments in perspective. It appears this video was taken some time during President Bill Clinton’s term in office between 1992 and 2000 or very shortly afterwards.  It was during Clinton’s Presidency in 1993 where the Oslo Accords was signed at the White House by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Negotiator and future President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas. It was at this ceremony Yasser Arafat and Rabin shook hands signifying a peace accord had been reached between the Palestinians and Israel where the Palestinians renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist. Arafat and Rabin would go on to share the Nobel Peace Prize for this historic agreement. An agreement Netanyahu despised.


Netanyahu was on-record vehemently opposed to a Palestinian state. Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated shortly after the Accord was signed and Netanyahu took office as Israel’s Prime Minister 6 months later. It stretches the imagination to fathom how things could have deteriorated so quickly from a historic peace deal to Netanyahu making those comments you just heard. 


Netanyahu seems to have a problem telling the truth. I guess that’s to be expected from a politician and after the record number of whoppers from our own Donald Trump, how could we be surprised when Netanyahu is accused of fudging a fact or two or thousand?


Indian video of Netanyahu denying he was told of an impending attack


Even throwing his own administration under the bus. I guess it was a bridge too far and He did something Trump has never done. He recanted his story and now claimed he was “mistaken”. So all is well.


Soulless eyes here


The world is now engaged in the current Middle East situation, At least England and the United States providing Israel with weapons, billions in new revenue and tactical support. The U.S. has moved its newest and most powerful aircraft carrier, the Gerald Ford, into the region as a deterrent to Iran or other Arab nations who would consider getting involved which would broaden the conflict. All this, as the architect of this military response, Benjamin Netanyahu, sits awaiting criminal trial for corruption, bribery and a host of other crimes that could land him in prison for the rest of his life. There used to be a time when labels like those would automatically invalidate your words. Times have certainly changed.


After the Hamas attack, Israel finally got organized and began an aerial bombardment of Gaza like none we’ve ever seen before. Their message was that they were going after the Hamas terrorists and that civilian casualty was inevitable. That seems to be quite the understatement. As of this podcast, the Health Ministry has reported 14,000 Palestinians have been killed. 2600 women and 5000 children with more than 25,000 injured. According to the website, 500-700 children are in Israeli jails going through the court system, the most common charge, stone throwing, but some are there simply for stepping foot onto forbidden Jewish territory. There are many places in Israel and Gaza where Palestinians are forbidden to set foot on under penalty of arrest. Hamas and Israel have begun to swap the captives for women and children in Israeli jails. Hopefully by the time this airs, that deal will have closed, and they both have released what they’ve offered.




Earlier I laid out how a false flag operation works and why it is used. I have no direct evidence to confirm that this is one of those, but that option cannot be taken off the table. The reason being, that there are more things we haven’t discovered yet or should I say uncovered. One of the biggest parts of a false flag operation is how the message gets out to the people and the requisite ears that need to be swayed. This is where propaganda comes in.


Propaganda has existed as far back as mankind could form words. Biblical accounts have the snake using it on Eve in the Garden of Eden.


However, it wasn’t until the emergence of mass communication such as the radio in the 20th century that it was truly weaponized. Joseph Goebbels was the Nazi’s Chief Propagandist, and he was very efficient at what he did. His job was to make Hitler’s action look benign to the German public and the rest of the world. Through outright lies, deception and covert actions he made sure that what the Nazi’s were really doing to the Jews during the holocaust, gave off the appearance of Germany doing what it was supposed to do for its people, defending itself. That is why when the war was over, most Germans were actually stunned to discover the extent of what the Nazi’s were doing in the concentration camps. 


In war, Propaganda is everything. As phrase goes from the movie Gladiator, “win the crowd”. It’s used to win over the crowd, because that’s half the battle.


The word propaganda has long been associated with the old Soviet Union or the WWII Nazi disinformation machine ran by Goebbels. Propaganda, however, is used by every nation and every politician within these nations. The degree to which it is used varies and determines whether one can say it is being used to influence only, or to hide an atrocity. What is propaganda? The dictionary definition is: 


“Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view”.


By this definition almost anything said containing a political talking point can be referred to as propaganda. It is the most dangerous weapon in a politician’s arsenal. All the nuclear missiles in the world combined, are not as dangerous as a single line of Propaganda in the hands of the wrong person in power. Propaganda is not only the controlled information you receive, it is also the suppression of conflicting information and their source, to give the false information an opportunity to propagate throughout the masses.


Israel paying Justin Bieber


Israel has a stronghold on the entertainment sector in the U.S. This last clip demonstrates how they use that stronghold to create a narrative. They send out letters to influential A-list celebrities such as Justin Bieber to speak out in support of Israel. Now if your entire livelihood is controlled by the very people that may have sent you that letter, what do you think your response would be?


Balsam Yousef comic


At the beginning of the Israeli military response, one of the first acts the Israeli government did was to cut off communications from Gaza to the outside world. Phone service, internet service, even satellite phone signals were turned off or blocked. Israel ordered that all journalists they allowed into the region must submit their footage of any report they intended to file and routinely censored footage hey did not approve of getting out. This appears to be an attempt to control the flow of information in and out of the region to ensure a unified message going in and out. However, history always shows that attempts like this only have a limited effectiveness. Reporters find ways to smuggle footage out uncensored, others save hard copies and smuggle them to sources not under Israel’s control. One such source is the Al Jazeera News Agency, which is run by Qatar. Some call Al Jazeera the CNN of the Middle East so Israel takes their reporting seriously. Unfortunately for some, they may take it too seriously.


Lead Al Jazeera correspondence reporter Wael Dahdouh is the face of the conflict in Gaza to many of the Palestinians, Arab nations and those who watch their news broadcast. While he was in the field, he recently learned that the Israeli’s had bombed his home, killing his wife, his children and all of his family.


Al Jazeera report about Wael



Dahdouh’s son who was an aspiring journalist was also targeted in the attack and killed. Wael had specifically moved his family to a refugee camp designed to keep them safe, but that was not enough. Israel claims that they were just collateral of them bombing the region but that is not believable. Israel’s Missile systems are second only to the United States. The targeting systems are so precise that they could land on a dollar bill on the floor they were targeting. Refugee camps are supposed to be off limits to bombing by international rules of war. Bombing a refugee camp is a war crime. This is the third time since the conflict begun, Israel has bombed the location they sent Palestinians to to avoid their attacks.


Each of their targets, Israel claims to be connected with Hamas. Israel has made no claim that Dahdouh, his son or any of his family members were associated in any way with Hamas or any other organization they consider terrorist groups. 


The IDF has a habit of targeting and killing journalists, which during a war, is a violation of the Geneva Convention and also a war crime. Last year they killed Palestinian journalist and American citizen, Sherene Abu Akleh while she was reporting in the West Bank. They originally blamed the death on Palestinian terrorists, but later admitted that Israeli police were responsible. Since 2001, 20 journalists have been killed by the IDF while doing their job in the region. Not once has anyone been held responsible for any of the deaths.


Was Dahdouh’s family’s killing an intentional attempt to silence the news, or just a casualty of war as Israel claims? That certainly depends on who you ask. I find it hard to believe anything but that they were targeted. Dahdouh had reported on several stories for Al Jazeera which contradicted the explanations given by the Israeli government. His trust among his viewers gave him credibility Israel apparently had to address.

In 2001 after the Afghanistan war had started in retaliation for 9/11, a single document circulated through America’s intelligence. It was a reported document which showed that Iraq was negotiating the purchase of Yellow Cake uranium from Angola, which is used in the making of nuclear weapons. The document made its way through the FBI, the CIA, NSA and the 17 Intelligence communities, to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Vice President and ultimately to the President’s desk. The President then went public with the information contained on this document claiming that Saddam Hussein had to be stopped. Colin Powell, the then Secretary of State, went to the United Nations to make the case for war. The United States ultimately invaded Iraq, deposed Saddam Hussein, toppled the government of Iraq and installed a new government in its place. Saddam Hussein was arrested and eventually executed. Thousands of civilians and soldiers lost their lives in the war. It would later be found out that the document this entire scenario was based on was a forgery. The propaganda sold it and caused a global conflict from just the stroke of a pen. This is a prime example of a false flag operation like what I mentioned earlier. The Bush administration had an agenda they wanted to accomplish in Iraq but knew that to achieve public support for that mission, they had to create the condition that enraged us enough to build that public support. The threat of nuclear weapons development by a rogue nation we recently went to war with is as good a reason as any, to drum up public support.


There are certain things to look for to spot Propaganda over normal information. Consider the terms used by the speaker, for one example. 


Note that whenever any representative from the Israeli government refers to Hamas, or any entity that fights on behalf of the Palestinians, they are called terrorists. When Hamas invaded Israel on October 7th, their fighters were allegedly sent by Hamas. Hamas is the elected government of Palestine, so those fighters are the military of the Hamas government, or at the very least, their version of Special Forces like America’s Seal Team Six or Israel’s Mossad. Yet, they are always referred to as terrorists, not fighters, not soldiers, not the military. When America sent Seal Team Six into Pakistan, they entered the compound where Osama Bin Laden was staying, without Pakistan’s knowledge or permission, killed nearly everyone there and retrieved Osama Bin Laden’s body after shooting him. Seal Team Six was never referred to as terrorists, nor did they kidnap Osama Bin Laden. They were the military of the United States sent into foreign territory to exact retribution for the 9/11 attack.


Since October 7th, the IDF has detained hundreds of Palestinians they think may have ties to or be sympathizers of Hamas. These detainees are always referred to as “prisoners”, a term that has the underlying meaning that the person being HELD has done something or at least been accused of doing something illegal. That is not by accident. It appears to be an attempt to control the narrative and sway opinion by completely de-legitimizing Hamas’ fighters as well as Palestinian civilians detained.


The people taken from Israel by Hamas are always referred to as “hostages”. The dictionary definition of the word hostage is: 


“A person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition”.


When the 233 Israelis were taken from Israel and brought back to Gaza, no demands were made for their release. Several days later, Hamas released two women they held without the satisfaction of a demand or a condition. Two weeks later, two more people were set free, again, without the fulfillment of a condition. The exchange that happened later between Hamas and Israel was the result of a negotiation spearheaded by Qatar and the United States. 


This challenges the notion that the people taken by Hamas, were taken for the purpose of fulfilling a condition as a necessity to gain their release. Rather, by the Israeli Command’s own words, they believe Hamas was using these Israeli civilians in their tunnels as human shields, to deter Israel from performing an all-out bombing campaign on the tunnel system. The proper term then should have been captives. However, the word hostage has the underlying meaning that the entity who has hostages is in direct violation of the law, as kidnapping and holding hostages, is a crime is every civilized country.


It is why, considering the current situation, we should be aware of the messaging coming from all sides and be ready to spot when propaganda is being used to unduly influence public opinion. Both sides are using propaganda, some of it is fact-based, but propaganda, nonetheless. However, the amount of refutable propaganda coming from the Israeli Defense Force and the Israeli Government is concerning.




During the early stage of Israel’s military response on Hamas, a hospital was hit and destroyed by a single aerial projectile. 500 civilians were killed in the attack. Israel immediately said it was Hamas misfiring a rocket. President Biden backed that up shortly thereafter by saying that his intelligence community’s conclusion, was that it was highly unlikely that it was Israel. Those supporting Israel, quickly took to the airwaves decrying the rush to judgement that Israel was guilty, and they had now been vindicated.


Had they?


I came across a video of someone who did an analysis of the bomb that could be heard soaring at the hospital just before it hit. I will leave a link to the video in the description of this podcast so you can view it for yourself. 


JDAM Missile comparison


The sound coming from the missile that hit the hospital had the distinct and easily recognizable sound of what it sounds like when something travels at near to or exceeds the speed of sound. That’s called hyper-sonic. The high pitch sound of the missile that hit the hospital was clearly that of a hyper-sonic missile. Hamas does not have hyper-sonic missiles. Hamas has mainly crude Qassam rockets that average in cost about $800 per rocket and uses a fuel source similar to the components that make up fertilizer, a mix of sugar and potassium nitrate. These low-tech rockets have a range of 3-5 miles and its warhead contains metal ball bearings. This clearly was not the missile that hit the hospital. The hyper-sonic missile that hit the hospital was likely one called the JDAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition. Soldiers who served in Afghanistan know the particular sound this missile makes when it is dropped from a fighter airplane, and some swear that it was a JDAM missile that hit the hospital. Listen for yourself.


That seems pretty convincing. Hamas does not own a single JDAM missile, neither does Hezbollah, Syria or Iran. Israel, however, has plenty. Supplied by the United States, who just recently sent them a re-supply of 1800 of them.


Shortly after Israel denying that they were the ones who destroyed the hospital, the Palestinian Authority held a press conference claiming to have saved a now deleted Tweet (or an X, whatever it’s being called nowadays) where someone in the Israeli Government bragged about the successful bombing of the hospital. 


Palestinian new conference


It apparently was sent by Hananya Naphtali who was known to create social media content for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an official government spokesman. Here’s a direct quote from the Tweet.


“Breaking: Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza. A multiple number of terrorists are dead. It’s heartbreaking that Hamas is launching rockets from hospitals, Mosques, schools, and using civilians as human shields”. End quote.


Before I go into that, why haven’t we asked the question, if Israel knows Hamas is using civilians as human shields but still indiscriminately kills those civilians, just to get to the Hamas fighters, are we OK with that? I don’t know, THEY seem to be. However, the Geneva Convention isn’t.


That Tweet was almost immediately deleted, but I guess someone forgot to tell them that nothing is ever truly deleted from the internet.  In law school I was taught that excited utterances usually yield true statements. This tweet seemed celebratory to me and clearly was posted in the vein of an excited utterance. It was eventually removed however, when it was realized that 500 civilians were killed, which made this strike no longer look victorious, but inept, cold and a callous disregard for innocent life. Precisely what Israel claims Hamas to be. Israel then went on a PR campaign claiming that they had evidence that the hospital was hit by a rocket misfired by Hamas.


Hospital video 2


Shortly afterwards, Israel released a statement regarding hospitals, after yet another hospital, this time, a children’s hospital in the Palestinian enclave, was struck by, yet another destructive missile strike. Three civilians were injured, including a child. The IDF statement denied being responsible for the strike, again claiming that Hamas fired a rocket that misfired and hit the hospital. Hamas, through a spokesman called the accusation laughable. 


Here is Marc Lamont Hill challenging former Israeli Ambassador David Friedman about claims that the hospital housed a terrorist headquarter.


Marc Lamont Hill interviews David Friedman here


Friedman attempted to use as a given that the claim the Israeli government made was valid by default and Hill challenged that. It was clear from this video that Friedman was not prepared for that push back, which indicates that it is how that part of the message becomes a part of the dialog. Repeat it enough times and it becomes the truth to some, regardless of the source.


The United Nations expressed doubt that the missiles that hit the hospital killing the 500 civilians were Hamas rockets, citing the size and scope of the damage being disproportionate to any rocket previously launched by Hamas. In 23 years, 30,000 Hamas rockets fired have resulted in only 69 deaths, But the Israeli claim would have us believe that just one of their rockets killed 500 people? It simply doesn’t pass the smell test.


The story Israel initially led with, drew heavy criticism because it asked us to suspend logic and believe that Hamas, who just pulled off one of the most well-organized military incursions on a nuclear nation no less, was so inept, that they accidentally bombed their own command center not once, but twice?


When the claim about two hospitals being accidentally bombed by Hamas did not generate the outrage they anticipated, even with the claim that Hamas was hiding weapons there, Israel changed tactics and now used a ground force of solders to raid the Al-Shifa hospital, the Palestinian’s largest and last standing hospital. This time, instead of bombing, they went in on foot, met no resistance from Hamas and descended to the basement where they claimed to have found a cache of weapons stored there. Potential proof that their claim Hamas was using the hospitals to store weapons, was true. I have two questions to this.


Israel wasted no time in changing its tune and began to claim that hospitals were fair game because Hamas was using them as cover, by setting up its command center in the hospital’s basements. Hospitals under the Geneva convention are completely off-limits during wartime. Hospitals lose their protected status however if it is found that they were complicit in harboring soldiers for the purpose of launching attacks from the hospital. This is conveniently what Israel has claimed for every one of the hospitals it has bombed or raided in Gaza as justification for side-stepping that particular rule  of war. 



Israel followed with a news report featuring an Israeli commander entering one of these basement rooms under the hospital where Hamas was supposed to be operating from. The commander in the video pointed to a cache of weapons laid out on the table and then to a piece of paper taped to the wall. He ran his finger over writing on the top of the paper which read: 


“We are in an operation, an operation against Israel, started the 7th of October”.


He went on to claim that the list showed every strike they made, the shifts the terrorists took to guard the hostages, signing in and out by name of the terrorist. An Arab man who speaks and reads Arabic, who hosted the video, called out the commander for directly lying. Arabic writing is read from right to left, the opposite from western writing. The commander ran his finger over the passage from left to right as he was reading the text, a clear indication that he was indeed NOT reading what was on the paper. The Arabic man also pointed out that what was on the paper was simply a calendar and had no reference to any terror attack or hostage shifts.


The video has since been resoundingly debunked as completely untrue. Here is Medhi Hassan of MSNBC confronting Israel’s Ambassador Mark Regev about it:


Medhi Hasan video


You should watch the entire video; I’ll post a link to it in the description. I’ll have to warn you though, it is very frustrating sometimes to listen to. Regev is a master at manipulating a conversation to go the way he wants it to go. When he gets frustrated, he raises his voice to put the host on their heels. It’s an old tactic used to control a discussion when things are not going your way. The host, not wanting to appear to be badgering the guest, then backs off, and now he  has a platform to speak uninterrupted. However, good, seasoned reporters recognize this and are ready for this. 


The BBC recently went in dept challenging a report issued to the press about what was ground in the basement of the Al-Shifa Hospital. They analyzed the video and tore it apart for doctored footage and inconsistent statements.


BBC Al-Shifa video


To date Israel has not only failed to show any headquarters underneath any of the hospitals they destroyed or raided, or any weapons cache of rockets or munitions stored in their basements. The largest weapons storage was 17 rifles they found. 


In what was to be a routine interview between former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack and veteran reporter Christiane Amanpour, Prime Minister Barack made a comment about the tunnels under the hospitals in Gaza that Israel claims were designed by Hamas to be secret headquarters and weapons storage sites, that caught her off guard. I will admit when he said what he said, it caught me off guard exactly as it did her. She reacted exactly as I did.


Christiane Amanpour interview Prime Minister Ehud Barak


He literally told her that Israelis built the tunnels in Gaza, when Israel used to control the territory, not Hamas as we were being led to believe, and the tunnels were built as extra room for hospital patients and a safe space for them in the case of a military strike. The Israeli propaganda video claiming the blast door which had a gun turret in it, apparently left out the part that it was Israel who built them. It’s how the know they exist.


Barak faced swift condemnation from Israel for his revealing comments. 


Why lie about this? Didn’t they know that this information could be easily discovered? Or did they think that they were capable of controlling the narrative from all angles?




When asked about another separate false posting made by one of the Israeli cabinet ministers, former Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev, being interviewed by Medhi Hasan, claimed that the minister was a good man, a friend of his that simply made a mistake. What he was referring to, was a reference Mehdi made about a Tweet this minister made, where he posted a video of a woman applying dirt and applying fake blood to the face of a young girl lying on a stretcher, claiming that Palestinians were faking their injuries. The media researched the footage and found that it was a short film that was made in Lebanon and had absolutely nothing to do with Palestinians. However, when pressed as to why after 7 days, even after the Tweet had been debunked as completely false, why hadn’t the Tweet been taken down? Regev again resorts to raising his voice and not answering the question.


Mark Regev – Medhi Hasan interview


The question you must then ask, is why did the Israeli information ministry allow this video to be broadcast to the world? CNN reported that all footage they take in Gaza and Israel, MUST be screened first by the Israeli government and censored when they choose to delete footage the do not approve of. It means that if you see a video like this, Israel approved of it. All communication, internet, cell service, land line service and even satellite access has been blocked by Israel so no one can send a signal out behind closed doors. If this video is as false as has been claimed, then which others are also misrepresenting what is going on? 


Remember this story reported by CNN?


40 babies story on CNN


Note that CNN reports that the story has been verified by the office of the Israeli prime minister


Replay CNN babies report


2:40 reporter double down and Israeli soldier also double down


President Biden then ran with this story claiming to have actually seen photographs of the beheaded babies.


Biden “I saw babies pictures”


Lt Colonel Jonathan Conricus from the IDF, went on record claiming that the report has been verified.


Interview of IDF soldier here


The story was picked up worldwide. Here is a report from the Australian News


Australian account here


However, none of this was true. The story garnered world-wide attention and condemnation for Hamas as well it should, had it been true. But it wasn’t.


Retraction here


When I once served on a jury, the judge gave us instructions, one particularly stood out to me. He said, “when considering the credibility of a witness, if you find that a witness was untruthful in one single thing, you can assume that everything else they said was also untruthful”. That is the standard the courts, not only in the U.S., but around the world use to test the believability of the witness. The case can be made that if a false statement such as this claim, which can also be coupled with the false statements about where responsibility lies for the destruction of the hospitals, can anything they say be further believed?


In this now viral video, what appears to be a Palestinian nurse at the Al-Sharif Hospital, appears to be sneaking a live video of her terrified, with the sounds of bombs falling not too far away. She is complaining that Hamas had raided the hospitals of their supplies and left her none to treat the sick children.


Fake nurse viral video


However, the Palestinian authorities interviewed the staff of the hospital and said that did not recognize the woman in the video and the backdrop did not appear to be in that hospital.


France rebuttal here


Being a musician, I know a little something about sound and sound design, as I use it in my daily life. What stood out to me about this video was exactly what the experts concluded. The bombings heard behind the nurse’s cries were all exactly the same volume and duration, which is literally impossible during combat. No two explosions EVER sound alike…unless you are repeating sound effects. This was clearly an attempt at disinformation by the Israelis, but an incredibly poor one. This leads me to believe that they may have been doing this sort of thing for so long, and have been so routinely successful, that they’ve become complacent and have started making mistakes.


The question must be asked, why all of this disinformation coming from the Israeli government and its proxies? If you were attacked by Hamas, while you are purely innocent, why the need to embellish stories to the level of stomach-turning claims about 40 babies having their heads severed by terrorists who then go and steal all of the medicines and food from the children in the hospitals? 


I can personally recount speaking to someone I know about the issue of the beheaded babies, and I could hear the pain in her voice even fathoming the scene, and the subsequent outrage against Hamas because of the report. Is this what Israel wanted? Blind outrage against their enemy? When their very next step, even before finally retracting the beheading story, was to request $12 billion in military aid from the American government, any legal system on the planet would establish that as adequate motive. 


If they are willing to not only lie about important facts of the case, but allow that lie to propagate throughout the world unchecked and even offering official verification of the false comments, which comes from the highest sources of their government, how can anything they subsequently say be considered truthful? At this point we are far beyond the “Trust but Verify” standard Ronald Reagan spoke about. We are simply at the “Verify Everything” we are told now, stage.


I have always suggested that before any analogy of a situation can truly be complete, the why must be explored. Why does an act occur? Why is a lie told? If You can understand the motivation behind what happened, you may have a better understanding of its true intention. Su why does someone like a Netanyahu consistently try to bait the U.S.? The Answer can be clearly heard in an answer Netanyahu gave to a question posed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich before congress in 2002.


Netanyahu interview here


It appears that Israel wants the United States to engage its more formidable enemies instead of taking them on themselves. Iran boasts an army 6 times the size of the military of Israel. They have long range ICBM’s, high tech weaponry, a formidable Navy and one of the best Air Forces in the world. Iraq had the 4th largest Army in the world before the Gulf War. Libya’s Army is also formidable, and all three countries are wealthy, Iran alone boasting a trillion-dollar economy. Since these statements were made, Libya was invaded by the West, its leader Muammar Qaddafi was executed by troop members, Iraq was Invaded based on a fraudulent document, its government removed from power and Saddam Hussein was also executed. The United States and Israel then teamed up together in a covert operation called Operation Olympic Games and sent malware throughout the Iranian nuclear computer system, that became infected when a spy inserted a flash drive with the virus on it. This virus, called Stuxnet, was responsible for crippling Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and temporarily disabling their entire nuclear program. This cyber-attack was followed up by the targeted assassination of three of Iran’s nuclear scientists by a group called the People’s Mujaheddin of Iran or MEK, that despite its name, was financed, trained and armed by Israel. 


Netanyahu got his wish. All three countries he mentioned in his appearance before Congress saw either their governments overthrown, or their nuclear programs crippled. The WHY in this case is very clear. Netanyahu would love nothing more than the U.S. to get involved in the region at its defense, taking on countries like Iran so they don’t have to. One then must closely scrutinize reports of American troops being fired upon by unknown rocket positions within territories close to any of the countries Netanyahu wants the U.S. to engage in a fight, as Israel has shown its willingness to create the situation that leads to the escalation of a conflict, nothing can be ruled out as to what they might try to do.




Former hostage 85-year-old Yocheved Lifschitz was among the first to be released by Hamas before any prisoner exchange had been contemplated. She came under heavy criticism when she was asked to recount her time in captivity in the tunnels. She described her captors as ‘very friendly’ who often shared their food with them. Quote, “they provided us with everything needed”. The Times of Israel reported that she said her captors beat her on the way to the tunnels. But if you listen to the translation of her interview, that is not what she said.


Interview with former hostage Yocheved Lifschitz


She said as she was traveling through the streets on the back of her captor’s motorcycle, people on the streets swung sticks at the motorcycle motorcade carrying the captives, some of which hit her. How the times of Israel got this wrong is sadly no longer a surprise.


What really got under the Israeli government’s skin was a part of the live interview that they were not able to censor. At the end of the interview when she was released from captivity, she turned around and shook the hand of her captor and said “Shalom”, an Israeli greeting that means peace and health. This ruptured the narrative the Israeli was trying to put out that the Hamas captors were “blood thirsty terrorists” that posed an imminent threat of death to the hostages. Israel immediately went into damage control mode, revising its policy on access to the hostages that were released. Now, no one had access to to then but Israeli authorities. Not even the Red Cross, to whom they were released to, were allowed to question them and the hostages were warned to keep their mouths shut or face severe repercussions.


Israeli spy’s comments about keeping mouths shut


“You will keep your mouth shut or we will shut them for you”.


“You will not interfere with our management of this war”.


That was convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who was an American intelligence agent who was actually a spy for Israel, transferring them volumes of documents regarding the NSA’s signal intelligence capabilities, who was sentenced to life in prison for violating the espionage. He was granted Israeli citizenship while still in prison and was somehow released. After completing his probation in 2020 he relocated to Israel where he was met by Netanyahu to a hero’s welcome. 


Israel cannot afford to have hostages repeat what Lifschitz said and did. They need Hamas to be reviled and feared as terrorist killers and thus the ultimatum and the threats to its own hostages.




On December 8th, Israel responded to the previous day’s attack by waging a blistering air campaign, dropping more than 25,000 tons of explosives on Gaza. To put that in perspective, that’s the equivalent of two nuclear bombs, more than the total nuclear payload dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. They specifically targeted hospitals by their own admissions, after first claiming that they didn’t. After significant blow back for the large number of civilian casualties, they raided the Al-Shifa hospital with ground troops only.


First question: If a ground force can go into the largest hospital in Gaza, meet literally no resistance, and secure the hospital with basically no loss of life to military action, why bomb the other hospitals where hundreds of civilians including over 100 children were incinerated?


Second question: Palestine is a separate entity from Israel. In 2012 The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly, 138-9 to recognize Palestine as a ‘Non-Member Observer State’, one step short of full recognition as a member state. Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people to represent them in government in 2017. They are the elected government of Palestine. Now, let’s clarity something. I am not speaking to what Hamas does, or what terrorist designation they have been given, I’m just citing facts. 


While their actions may be considered by some to be reprehensible acts of terror…and I for one, consider the acts of October 7th to be barbaric and beneath any standard of warfare we know, the actions of the Nazis during the holocaust, I think, no one will deny, were considerably more brutal and an even greater affront to humanity. Yet, we consider the Nazis the functioning government of Germany at the time, because they were duly elected by the German people. Hamas was also duly elected by the Palestinians and therefore are responsible for their military and the defense of the territory. The underlying question of whether you agree that the basement of a hospital is an appropriate place to store weaponry or not, isn’t the question. 


The question is, how valid is the argument that storing weaponry under a hospital, if they were found to have done that, validates the terrorist claim? One could suppose that with the constant oversight Israel has on all of the Palestinian’s movements, weapon sites which may be for defensive purposes, would be all databased and cataloged by Israeli satellites, so that they would be immediate targets in the case of war. Ironically, Israel as well as practically all industrialized nations, use hardened underground bunkers to store missiles and other weaponry so that they cannot be easily destroyed by an enemy smart bomb or easily located to be neutralized. While using human shields during wartime is a crime under international law, specifically Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions, as well as a violation of humanitarian law. Hiding weapons under a hospital is not a direct violation of either law if it was done in peacetime.


However, the practice of using human civilians to shield military assets, is not only commonly used when a smaller nation faces a bigger nation, Israel has routinely used it throughout history up to 2009 that we know and can prove. Israel’s high Court of Justice banned it, although it was already considered a war crime under the Geneva Conventions since 1949. In 1977 Protocol 1 was added to the Geneva Convention and later in 1998, the Rome Statute of the International Court declared it a crime against humanity.


Human shields video here


Since October 7th we have heard about the 1200 or so Israelis that were killed during the Hamas invasion. What you are not being told is that approximately 50% of those killed were not civilians, they were soldiers killed when Hamas turned their weapons on Israeli military bases. Of the remaining 50% that were civilian casualties, a significant portion of those civilians were killed by IDF fire when they indiscriminately fired on the homes Hamas had entered, firing on those homes with tank shells, killing everyone inside.


When Israel responded, they did not attack Hamas positions, they had no idea where they were, by their own admissions. They leveled buildings they assumed Hamas had taken up in to use human shields for cover, The IDF did not care however, leveling those buildings with hyper-sonic missiles and tank fire. Here is a Palestinian doctor explaining how he lost his entire family this way.


Piers Morgan – Palestinian doctor describing his loss




Before the 2002 Israeli court ruling, the IDF was repeatedly accused of using Palestinian Civilians as human shields, often gathering random Palestinians civilians, and using them to surround tanks and armored vehicles that moved through the streets, to prevent attacks on the vehicles. Using them as cover when they approached the home of suspects they wanted to persuade to surrender. 


5 instances of Israel using human shields


The IDF routinely used the homes of Palestinians in Gaza to position snipers, who would than target Hamas fighters, knowing that Hamas will not fire on the house of a Palestinian family. Israel claims to have abandoned the tactic of using human shields after its court ruled it illegal but are many claims of it being used as recently as during their Gulf War in 2008, in an operation know as Operation Cast Lead and also in Operation Protective Edge. Israeli defense officials openly admitted to using the practice more than 1200 times during the Second Intifada between 2000 and 2005.


Here, a former Israeli sniper recounts using homes in the Gaza Strip as perches for IDF sniper assassinations.


Israeli sniper admission


It is clear that the world at large disapproves of using civilians for cover in a time of war no matter who is doing it, or for what reason. The point here, is that Israel cannot claim the moral high ground on this matter when their hands are very dirty from doing the very same thing.




Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Elihahu was quoted during an interview saying, “dropping a nuclear bomb on the entire Gaza Strip was one of the possibilities”, also claiming that there were no non-combatants in Gaza. When you couple that with the acts of indiscriminately bombing hospitals and buildings know to house civilians, in the attempt to get any Hamas militants that might be hiding amongst them, it strikes at the heart of irony that one of Israel’s biggest issues with its Arab neighbors, is that they are constantly calling for Israel’s destruction as a people and do not acknowledge their right to exist. The Heritage Minister’s comments which only yielded him a suspension, despite calls for his firing, may prove that at least, some in the Israeli government hold similar views about the Palestinians that Israeli’s reject being held about them.


An interesting scenario Mehdi Hasan posed to Ambassador Regev at the end of the interview we heard earlier, clearly caught him off guard. Listen to it here:


Israel bombing Hamas hideouts in Israeli buildings question – at end of interview


He asked him if their justification for bombing buildings and knowingly killing civilians because Hamas had set up shop in their basement, was an acceptable casualty of war as he has previously stated, would he do the same if Hamas fighters instead hid out in the basement of a hospital in Israel. Would you still bomb the hospital, kill the civilians and consider it an acceptable loss due to war? Regev switches quickly into damage control mode and again raises his voice to shift the conversation, but ultimately does not answer the question.


This is how Propaganda works. You do your best to control the narrative and the flow of information. Deflect when confronted and hopefully the key points of your message resonates.




The underlying issue regarding the current situation is ultimately about the land, statehood and who has rights to both. So, whose country is it anyway? I ask this facetiously because the Israel territory was granted to the Jews by Britain in 1948 in what was supposed to be a 50/50 land sharing situation between the Palestinians who were already living there, and the Jews. That immediately went south within the first six months when the first Arab-Israeli war broke out. Today when asked, both Israelis and Palestinians claim an ancestral heritage to the land as their holy land or promised land. So, who’s country is is anyway? Let’s explore this.


Who was the original inhabitant of the disputed territory. Some say that ancient Canaanites were there first, but records show that from as far back as 12,500-9500 BC, the land was inhabited by people from the Natufian culture. Apparently, evidence for their inhabitants there has been found at archeological sites in Jericho, a city which is older than the very practice of agriculture itself and is thought to be the oldest site of human habitation in the world. By 8500 BCE the largest settlements in Jericho consisted of only a few hundred people. By 6000 BCE Jericho was a fully agricultural city which was surrounded by the now famous wall of Jericho. During the Bronze Age of 3000-1200 BCE, city-states were established in what was now called Canaan. The Canaanites spoke Semitic languages which were derived from Afro-Asiatic languages. This language formed the basis for languages which are spoken today by over 500 million people including Hebrew, Arab, Aramaic and Maltese.


The Hebrew Bible indicates that in 2000 BCE, Abraham lived and bore a son named Ismael first, and then another named Isaac. According to the text, Isaac had a son named Jacob who eventually changed his name to Israel and hence became the father of the Israelites. The Hebrew Bible goes on to say in the book of Deuteronomy, that God promised Abraham, Isaac and his son Jacob, Canaan as the promised land. One would ask then where was Ismael in this promise, considering that Ismael was the first born of Abraham?


The reason I ask, is because Ismael, according to the same text was also promised land by God to establish a great nation. Ismael who was cast out by Abraham at the request of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who now resented him and his mother Hagar, Abra ham’s maid, who she, Sarah, arranged for Abraham to sleep with to make a baby because she thought she was barren. Well, he went on to become the father of the Arabs and is considered a forefather to Muhammad, the father of the Muslim religion.


Many scholars now challenge these texts as myths, that they were written centuries after the fact, as late as 600 BCE, nearly 1400 years later by landowners who remained during the Babylonian captivity in an attempt to trace their roots and establish rights to the land.


Jews lay claim to the land of Canaan by way of the story of Exodus in their bible, which chronicles the freeing of the Jews from captivity by Moses and their 40-year trek through the desert in search of the promised land. After Moses’ death, Joshua led the Israelites and conquered Jericho and thus the Israelites laid claim to the land of Canaan. The Hebrew bible suggests that the United Kingdom of Israel was established in 1020 BCE. Before this, the land of Canaan was controlled exclusively by the Egyptians from 1250-1150 BCE.


A side note: The Hebrew bible is not an accepted historical document designed for research purposes as it was written by people who may have had a clear partisan agenda. Scholars often dispute the voracity of stories that defy reality such as the parting of the Red Sea or Methuselah living to age 969, claiming that no other independent source can verify these claims. The reference made here is merely to refer to what source some of the claims are made from, and to also put into perspective why some dispute claims such as “promised land” if the only reference to it is in the Hebrew bible and not corroborated elsewhere.


That being said, back to the topic. Canaan was soon attacked and conquered by the Philistines and the Jews were driven out to the worst part of the land to live and set up their own territory. The Philistines then set up five city states, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Enron, Gath and most notably Gaza. The Philistine kept the Jews oppressed until they were invaded and defeated by King Nebuchadnezzar the 2nd of the Neo Babylonian Empire. He ruled over what we now know as the country of Iraq. The entirety of the land previously known as Canaan, today would have been comprised of Israel, The West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and the southern parts of Syria and Lebanon.


In 63 BCE, Rome invaded and conquered Jerusalem and attempted to forcibly remove the Jews from the land. It was upon this conquering of the land that it was named Palestine by the Romans. Indigenous Palestinians have been documented to share a genetic link to the Canaanites who occupied the territory before the Israelites emerged as a separate ethnoreligious group in the region.


Ultimately, the land known as Canaan, was repeatedly attacked, conquered and changed possession many times. They were conquered by Egypt, Ancient Israel, Judah, The Persian Empire, Alexander the Great, and his successors, The Hasmoneans, The Roman Empire, Several Muslim Caliphates, The Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire and ultimately the British Empire who then created the State of Israel and relinquished the territory to the migrating Jews and the Palestinians who were already occupying the land.


So, if anyone makes the claim that the land was theirs ancestrally, while they might just be right, more than one people can make that claim. However, land that is lost to war, no matter how sacred, is no longer the property of the loser of the conflict. The loser no longer has claim to, nor is normally ever granted re-ownership of that land unless they retrieve it by successful combat, or the expiration of a negotiated lease such as Great Britain handing over Hong Kong to China in 1999 after its lease expired. Just as Native Americans and Mexico can no longer claim U.S. States they lost to war, regardless of their ancestral heritage linked to the land, neither can the Jews or the Palestinians make a similar claim to land they lost in combat. 


Ownership and possession are two completely different things though. If the Palestinians can trace their DNA back to the Canaanites, they can claim to have had possession of the land during the time the Canaanites ruled, however they lost ownership of the territory once they were invaded and conquered by the Israelites. The same applies to the Israelites, who also were invaded and conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and then the Romans. The Israelites now can no longer claim the land of Canaan as their own.


The Romans brutally pushed out the Israelites from the territory, while others left voluntarily and set up roots in places such as Iraq as far back as 586 BCE, in Mesopotamia. The Jews also migrated to European cities, notable the Island of Rhodes in Greece after the Alexander the Great conquest. Over the centuries the numbers of Jews diminished from the land and became spread out over the world with a heavy concentration in Europe, especially in Germany. The Palestinians mostly remained, although the land was repeatedly conquered, and ownership changed hands each time. In 1948 when the British placed displaced European Jews in the territory, the initial census had 3% of inhabitants to be Jews, 4% to be a mix of other Arab ethnicity and 70% were Palestinians.


In 1897 Theodore Herzl, a Jewish journalist from Austria, created what is now known as the Zionist movement. Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat, which translates to “The Jewish State”, which called for Jews to reunited from around the world for the creation and migration to a Jewish state located within the proverbial holy land. Herzl died in 1904, 44 years before the state of Israel was created, but is widely considered the father of the Zionist movement. Let’s also clarify something. The Zionist movement is not a religious movement based on any form of Judaism. It is a form of nationalism, a call for reunification.


In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Rothschild who was a wealthy and prominent leader in the British Jewish community. In this letter, he called for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. This letter was eventually acquired by the press and published one week later and became known as the Balfour Declaration. This letter referenced a document that was issued by the League of Nations in 1923 which gave Great Britain the responsibility of creating a Jewish national homeland in the British-controlled Palestine. On May 14, 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state with the end of the British mandate in Palestine. The rise of Zionism ultimately led to the massive migration of Jews from all over the world to the newly created state. Today approximately 43% of the world’s Jews live in Israel.


It must be noted though, that Arthur Balfour was a White Supremacist and a raging anti-Semite, who hated Jews and wanted to get rid of them from England and Europe. The Balfour declaration was not a rallying cry to create a Jewish state from a Jewish perspective, it was a call to rid England of its Jews that Balfour loathed being around. The Zionist movement simply ignored this little detail because this declaration seemed to present an opportunity Herzl and the Zionist movement couldn’t pass up.


The Palestinians who were uprooted by the implementation of the Balfour doctrine, did not take to the forced displacement kindly. Over half of the Palestinian Arabs were expelled or fled Palestine. The remaining Palestinians were moved to Gaza and the West Bank to make way for the influx of migrating Jews. In all, 15,000 Palestinians were killed by the newly placed Jews, in what is now known as “The Nakba”.


How Palestinians were expelled from their homes



The United Nations created what was called the ‘Partition Plan’, which was designed to separate the two territories for the potential creation of two independent states. Jerusalem was to be held under administration of the United Nations, but when Israel declared independence, they waged a battle that captured far more territory than the partition agreement originally allocated. What was initially intended to be a 50/50 split of the land, saw Israel now lay claim to no less than 77% of the territory. It didn’t take long for the Arabs to respond and begin conflict with Israel over the territory. Over the next seven decades, saw an almost constant state of war and unrest in the region. 


Now tell me, who has the rightful claim to the land? If you could figure that out, there’s a Nobel Prize waiting for you.




One of the most contentious issues regarding the whole current situation in the Middle East pertains to the rhetoric that Muslim nations seek the total annihilation of Israel and deny that they have the right to exist. This common thread is repeated time and time again and used as a rallying cry, not only in Israel, but among Israel’s supporters worldwide. Is there truth to this? Let’s take a look.


Last month, U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlieb posted a video on Twitter of Palestinian protestors using the phrase “from the river to the sea”, and accompanied it with the following words, quote: 


“From the river to the sea is an inspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction or hate. My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity”, end quote.


That seems like a completely benign, maybe even inspirational statement from the Palestinian-Born Congresswoman. But, under pressure from the Israeli government, Republican leadership decided disciplinary action for her statement was necessary. 


For that Tweet, Republicans voted to censure representative Tlieb. Apparently, the GOP’s tolerance for free speech ends when you say something they don’t agree with. The ultimate Irony is that Israel’s Likud party used that exact phrase in 1977 as part of their party’s platform, when they referred to Jude and Samaria not being handed over to any foreign nation. 


The quote was: “Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty”. The phrase was even quoted by Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin, but is now considered hate speech when used by Talib in a call for a cease fire? The hypocrisy is not lost here.


From the river to the sea


This chant which can be heard at virtually every Pro Palestinian rally, has become a lightning rod. Repeating it can cost one their career such as it did Marc Lamont Hill, who closed out his UN speech by using it


Marc Lamont Hill UN speech


He was fired from CNN the next day.


Or it can garner a censure in the US House of Representatives as it recently did for Congresswoman Rashida Talib. The question is, why is this seemingly innocuous phrase so offensive to some and inspirational to others? 


The river most agree is being referenced, is the Jordan River which sits just to the east of Israel and the Sea, would be the Mediterranean Sea which sits just to the west of the Gaza Strip. Israelis take offense to this phrase which they say is a call for a second Holocaust.


2 explanations of phrase regarding 2nd holocaust


Palestinians however vehemently reject that. They claim that the phrase MUST be taken in its entirety to understand what the true meaning is. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. The contention that currently Palestine is not free. That they do not control their own destiny, that they live subjugated to rule by Israel and they yearn for a day when every Palestinian who resides within the borders “from the river to the sea” will truly be free.


Radio interview in England here


During the 2021 riots in the United States because of the killing of George Floyd, outside infiltrators from White supremacist groups actively dressed as protestors and broke store windows, set police cars on fire, assaulted police and carried out various other forms of criminal mischief designed to make the public think the protestors were responsible for the lawless carnage. 2135The reason they did this is because of the previous effectiveness of Martin Luther King and John Lewis, who showed the world how powerful a peaceful protest could be in swaying public opinion to the side of your cause. Those who have vilified the Palestinians’ use of the “river to the sea” phrase, seemed to have taken a page right out of the George Floyd agitator’s playbook.


It seems as if their intention is to vilify the slogan in ways not meant by Palestinians, in such a unified PR blitz, that the common phrase calling for freedom from oppression, should instead be viewed as a call for Israel’s destruction, ergo, a 2nd Holocaust. To wipe Israelis from the face of the Earth. The question is often asked “If from the river to the sea means a free Palestine, what happens to the Jews? Where do they go?” The impetus is that the phrase calls for the eradication of the state of Israel. I have yet to find a single Palestinian who agrees with that.


At a recent speech given in front of the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called for a remaking of the Middle East region where Israel lived in peace with all of its Arab neighbors.


Netanyahu UN speech with map


This is a speech that needs to be seen not just heard. Without seeing the props that he brought, his words fall out of context with what his props indicated. He held up a map of the region which indicated the 1948 placement on Israel in hostile Arab territory. He then turned it over to a map of the future where he highlighted all of the Arab countries the surround Israel and indicated that he saw a day where all other Arab nations followed Saudi Arabia’s lead and signed a peace deal with Israel. However, the entire territory from the West Bank through the southernmost tip of Gaza was marked as the entire state of Israel. 


Mahmoud ABBAS response to Netanyahu UN speech


The Palestinians immediately took this to mean that Netanyahu was indicating his vision for the eradication of Gaza and the West Bank, making a unified Israel. Was he? Was he calling for the complete destruction of Palestine and the extermination of the Palestinian people? Where were they going to go? Does this sound familiar? I ask this question obviously facetiously, because as you heard earlier, the claim that the phrase “from the river to the sea”, meant the extermination of the Jews because, as THEY said, A free Palestine begged the question, where were the Jews going to go? So, if the map shows no Palestine in his vision of the future, where did he suppose, the Palestinians were going to go? They could make the very same claim that he was proposing genocide for the Palestinian people because after all, where were they going to go?


By vilifying the phrase, Israel has an automatic PR weapon at their fingertips. If they can get the message out using the principle, ironically popularized by their tormentor Josef Goebbels, during the Holocaust, a master of manipulating the public through words, the principle that a lie repeated enough times becomes the truth. This seems to be a deliberate attempt at deception by the Israelis to have anyone who repeat this phrase, now be automatically labeled as an anti-Semite, and enjoy all of the trappings that come with taking a bit out of that apple, as Rashida Talib and Mark Lamont Hill unfortunately found out.


Let’s go back a bit. Prior to the 1967, six-day war, there was a nearly unanimous consensus among the Arab nations calling for the complete obliteration of Israel. Since the establishment of Israel proper in 1948, It has been in conflict with its neighbors in what would seem to be a never-ending series of wars. From the 1948 Arab Israeli war that started things soon after the United Nations, led by the British and President Harry Truman of the United States, decided to place the Jews rescued from the Holocaust, into the Palestinian occupied territory, which was controlled by Great Britain, who had seized the territory from the Ottoman Empire which held the land for hundreds of years. Since then, Israel has entered into wars with Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinians. During the six-day war of 1967, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria, Egypt and Jordan formed an Arab alliance that fought a short war with Israel which believe it or not, Israel came out on top of. The Arab world displayed a unified hatred of Israel and called for its complete destruction. Going so far as to include in their charter that Israel did not have the right to exist and must be destroyed.


So, there is enough history to prove that the claim that these nations were calling for the destruction of Israel and did indeed claim that they had no right to exist. 


However, in 1996, the PLO renounced its position, bowing to the insistent demands from Yasser Arafat and revoked its 32-year-old charter which called for an ongoing armed conflict to destroy the Jewish state. In a 504-54 vote, the Palestine National Council voted to end its call for Israel’s destruction and acknowledged publicly, Israel’s right to exist. Arafat pushed for this change after he had successfully negotiated the Oslo Accords with then Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Perez. All three were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, for their efforts in trying to end the Middle East conflict. 




In 1997, then Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, sent a Mossad agent to spray a poison into the ear of Khalid Mashaal, who was at the time, the leader of Hamas, in an attempted assassination. The poison was a slow acting agent meant to eventually cause a heart attack and subsequent death. The Mossad agent was captured while trying to escape and Khalid Mashaal was transported to a hospital where he laid dying as the toxin began shutting down his respiratory system. The attempted assassination took place in Jordan, and Kin  g Hussein of Jordan threatened to hold a public trial and execution of the Mossad agent if Khalid Mashaal died. After repeatedly denying that Israel had anything to do with the attack, Netanyahu, now faced with universal condemnation for the act, assessed that a public execution of an Israeli agent, would be devastating to the message that Israel was purely the victim in the conflict, and under pressure from American President Bill Clinton, who had overseen the Oslo agreement earlier, to provide the antidote for Khalid Mashaal. Prime Minister Netanyahu relented and sent the antidote to Jordan where Mashaal made a full recovery. Netanyahu even personally traveled to Jordan to apologize to King Hussein in person. 


Was this an act of terror or is it just a military exercise because it is sanctioned by a state government. Doesn’t the U.S. AND Israel call Iran a terrorist state because they are known to sponsor acts of terror around the world? To the people of Palestine, Israeli act such as this one, are seen as acts of terrorism. The question is, why the United States is only one of a few member countries of the United Nations that refuses to refer to any of these acts as acts of terror?


I’m bringing this up because in times of conflict, nations are known to do despicable things. No nation is exempt from maneuvers some would call acts of war, while others would call them acts of terror. It all depends on your point of view at the time. Was what Netanyahu did, an act of war, although they were not at war, and it was considered a retaliation for a previous Hamas suicide bombing, or was it and act of terror? That depends on who you ask.




In 2009 Israel bombed the Al-Fakhura school in Gaza and killed more than 40. An American intelligence officer stationed in Israel at the time claimed that Israel knew exactly what time the most children would be at the school, because at 11:30 am every day the school changed over from younger kids to the older children. The bombing was intentionally scheduled for 11:30 am. Israel claims that it fired on the school in response to gunfire they believed was coming from militants hiding in the school. A subsequent UN inquiry found that there was no firing of any weapons from the school grounds and no indication that any militants has taken up positions at the school. This highlights a common thread Israel turns to when committing an egregious act that is condemned by the world community after things go awry. Claim that the place they just destroyed was being used by terrorists, the same argument they made regarding the hospitals they destroyed in the current conflict which have now been debunked.





Despite what would seem to be a justifiable reason to push for an escalation in rhetoric against Israel, in 2006, Hamas under pressure from within to become more of a mainstream resistance organization, rather than proudly wearing the terrorist designation, instead revoked ITS 1988 charter designation which called for the complete destruction of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state in its place. The move softened Israel’s stance against Hamas so much, that soon afterwards, Prime Minister Netanyahu, authorized the transfer of $100 million from the Qatari government to Hamas, the impetus behind it was that Hamas was easier to deal with and control than the PLO and Yasser Arafat.  Many in Israel were vehemently against Netanyahu propping up Hamas, but his strategy was sound to him in trying to pit Hamas and the PLO against each other for control of GAZA. Yasser Arafat had gained too much international acceptance after winning the Nobel Peace Prize and painting him as a common terrorist no longer worked for Israel. It could be said that Netanyahu needed a new boogie man and thus Hamas grew under his watch with his support. I guess he didn’t learn from the America-Iraqi alliance that went south after America propped up Saddam Hussein to help fend off Iran in the region. In similar fashion, Hamas grew more and more powerful and soon Netanyahu could no longer control them, so in came the terrorist designation and the rest is history.




The claim that the Palestinians and Hamas deny that Israel has the right to exist and are actively calling for its destruction are clearly false, as neither the Palestinians nor Hamas have an active charter calling for Israel’s destruction anymore and have both acknowledged Israel’s right to exist. Those wishing to influence public opinion, have used this false claim to enrage the public in Israel and America in order to drum up support for aggressive action against both. Unfortunately, this particular propaganda has been wildly effective, as virtually everyone you stop and ask about it will claim to have heard about them calling for Israel’s destruction.


The real question should be, even if you disapprove of the methods Hamas uses, does Palestine have the right to defend itself?


Woman grilling Israeli official


Do they?




One way to spot a disinformation campaign is when things that are completely out of consistency with what is normal and expected, but instead is being passed off as if it were normal or routine. Just the other day I was watching the news when a commercial came on not selling a product, not announcing an event, but just trying to make the case that Hamas was evil, and Israel was the champion in fighting terror. It struck me as odd because in all of my years, I have never seen a commercial trying to make the case for war which wasn’t tied to an election. This wasn’t. It was purely a propaganda reel of atrocities they attributed to Hamas, which tried to convince the viewer to back Israel’s case for war. That was dumbfounding as to why they chose to air something like that while they were in the midst of a war…unless they somehow felt that they tide of public opinion was turning against them and they had to shift back the narrative from the outrage that has begun to swell over their disproportionate response to the Hamas attack.


When a government resorts to making the case for war using a Hollywood style commercial, one may acknowledge that complete control of the narrative may very well be the goal. Disinformation being the tool to that goal.


It seems to be in Israel’s best interest to control the narrative because as re-evaluations continue to emerge, they tend to be damning validations of what some are claiming is occurring right now in the region. I heard conservative talking head Ben Shapiro recently challenge a Palestinian student who got up to ask him how he could support what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. If you know who Ben Shapiro is, you know he is a fast talking, supposedly very intelligent right-wing conservative contemporary of the likes of Candace Owens (who he’s currently at odds with over the Gaza issue) and Charlie Kirk who both only take their message to college campuses because they feel those young people are less equipped to challenge them. 


Ben began by documenting how Israel went out of its way to avoid civilian casualties and never bombed a facility without warning everyone to get out. (Didn’t Shin Fein, the IRA terrorist group do exactly the same thing? But we call them terrorists and Israel…Hm) Shapiro made a quirk about the leader of Hamas sitting in an expensive hotel room watching from afar. He even asked the student “How many Jews live in Gaza and answered it for her, “Zero”. He then went on to say that Israel has given the Palestinians their independence and self-determination and does not control them in any way. When she tried to refute that claim, He then quickly pivoted to the trope “so now you think Jews don’t have the right to exist”? That was clearly designed to turn the audience against the student who had a legitimate question he clearly had no rational answer for. 


Shapiro is a Harvard Law School Graduate, cum Lade, so I will pull no punches here. He is intelligent. He should know that 270,000 Jews live amongst the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. A simple Google search would have verified that. He should also know that Israel does not leave the Palestinians to self-determination. They cannot vote, it is illegal for them to marry a Jew.


At the beginning of this war, one of the first actions Israel took, was to turn off the Palestinian’s drinkable water, internet and cell phone service. They ended the importing of all fuel supply and stopped all public transportation. How did they do that? They were able to do it because they retained control over all of Palestine's infrastructure, from their power grid to the water supply, for moments such as this. They flew over and bombed every home with solar panels on the roof to eliminate the possibility of them generating electricity. Israel ordered all of the Palestinians in the North to migrate South to avoid the bombing campaign they were planning. Even going so far as to open a corridor directing them to the al-Maghazi refugee camp where they could sleep. Israel then bombed the refugee camp killing dozens including women and children. Their claim was that they believed that Hamas had fighters within their ranks. Now go back to the question the reporter Medhi Hasan asked Israeli Ambassador Regev and rephrase it for this question: “If those civilians in the camp were Jewish, would you have bombed it, killing them just to get the terrorists? I think we all know the answer to that.


No one expects war to be neat and tidy, but there is a line that cannot be crossed. That line has been clarified in so many ways in the Geneva Convention, a code of ethics and international laws regarding the rules of war. Article 4 of the Geneva Convention forbids the targeting of civilians for any reason, unless they pose an identifiable threat at the time. Sleeping civilians in an encampment, certainly qualifies under article 4.




Jake Tapper – Anthony Blinkin video


It’s astonishing what a difference a few months can make. He’s not alone though.


President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Layen – describing what Russia is doing to Ukraine – Sounds like Israel


Would you agree? At first hearing this, you’d think this was a comment about Israel cutting these services to the Palestinians at the beginning of the Israeli offensive. But it isn’t. It is Ursula von der Layen, the President of the European Commission commenting on what Russia did to Ukraine at the beginning of their conflicts. Do you still agree with her?


She also makes the claim that the Holocaust was the greatest tragedy in human history. 


Continue Ursula’s video


No one discounts that the loss of 6 million Jews at the hands of the Nazis was an especially barbaric and cruel example of what humans are capable but calling that the greatest tragedy in history discounts the 60 million slaves that were killed during the slave trade, the 15 million that were killed during the Crusades, or the 20 million Russian civilians killed by the Nazis during World War 2. The rest of Von Der Layen’s comments continue with a stream of disinformation so smoothly delivered that if you didn’t do your homework, you’d probably just believe her simply because of her status as a world leader.


The conditions in Gaza have been compared to the conditions in South Africa during their Apartheid period, only exponentially worse. Jews were placed in the territory By the British and the UN in 1948 to share the land with the Palestinians, that would seem to indicate that they would coexist equally in the land. But that concept disappeared for the Palestinians. 


Ethnic cleansing


Israel now controls their infrastructure and their livelihoods. After the October 7th attack by Hamas, Israel retaliated immediately by cutting off food supply, water, fuel, electricity and all basic necessities to the region. The reason they did this is because they could do this. The Palestinians have been living under this threat for decades now. How did an equal entity get control of these services that the had the ability to turn them off at any time?


40 years an Israeli reporter


Israel has been known to flood Palestinian farms with sewage water to kill all of their crops. Palestinians are not allowed to have a seaport to accept ships coming in with cargo. All cargo entering Palestine must go through Israeli ports and is inspected. Only what Israel deems permissible is released to them.


In this next clip there are no words so let me describe what’s happening so you can visualize it in your head.


Soldier taking 6-year old’s bike


What can be seen here is a 6-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza riding her bike in a circle in front of her house. This is before any of the current conflict started. She is approached by an Israeli soldier who stops her and places his foot on her bike turning her and the bike over on its side. She appears confused. He just stands there with his foot on her bike as she gets up and looks at him unsure what is going on. He then reaches down and picks up the bike and takes it away from her and just stands there. She now understands that her bike is being taken and runs towards her front door crying. The soldier casually walks away with her bike.


If you think this was hard to hear, it is even more difficult to watch. Even though no one was hurt, you could feel the pain the little girl felt by having her joy taken from her for no specific reason. Why was the soldier even there? What is an Israeli soldier doing patrolling in Gaza if as Israel says, they are free. That clearly is not the case.


Soldiers routinely enter the homes of Palestinians and sometimes stay for hours sleeping in their beds. The occupants are forbidden to leave until the soldier wakes up and leaves the home. Children coming home from school are not allowed to come inside until the soldiers allow them to and must wait outside alone until permission is granted.


CBS - 60 Minutes story


Imagine the indignity of someone knocking at your door as you are about to leave for work and it being a soldier who tells you that you can no longer go to work because the soldier has to sleep. Which of us would tolerate that. The answer to that is simple because none of us would have to. The very concept of that was so egregious to the founding fathers that they included the abolishment of that concept in the constitution under the 3rd amendment.


Israel handles all of the policing for the Gazans who are not allowed to have a police force. These police routinely enter the homes of Gazans without warrants because they are not needed in Gaza and take children from the homes in the middle of the night. Parents are often not notified for several days that the IDF took their children. Imagine how difficult those few days are for parent who have no idea where their children are or if they are even alive. These children are often arrested and interrogated without a parent present. They are subject to interrogations that would never be accepted in any other civilized society.


Kid being interrogated by Israeli police


This 13-year-old was confronted by angry Israeli settlers who just shot his cousin dead and ran him over with their car. After being taken to the hospital, the Israeli police detained him and aggressively questioned him about the incident. Somehow, he was then sentenced to prison for 12 years. Now, I don’t know the entirety of the story so I can’t say if there was some underlying crime that he committed, which we aren’t being told about in the video. But, to interrogate a child like that, especially who just saw his cousin shot to death, is positively inhuman.


There are currently as many as 700 children in Israeli jails right now, the most common charge is stone throwing at Israeli armored vehicles, As many as 120 of those children are under the age of 12. The next most common charge is trespassing and setting foot on Israeli territory. Yes, you heard that right, be the wrong skin color and walk down the wrong street, go to jail. Now why does that sound familiar?


Restricted Israeli territory


Yes, there are streets, buildings, stores, restaurants that Palestinians are not allowed to enter simply because they are, well, Palestinians. 


Australian tourist


When there is a Palestinian business that has a back door which enters into one of these forbidden streets, Israeli authorities place iron welds on those doors so that they cannot be opened.


A Jew marrying a Palestinian is strictly forbidden by law. Similar laws existed during the post-slavery and Jim Crow eras in the United States as well as in Apartheid South Africa. Palestinians are given separate passports which are green, not the traditional blue, so that they can be easily detested by Israeli authorities. They are not allowed to leave Gaza or enter Gaza without the permission of Israeli authorities. When they are re-entering by car, they are sent to a separate long at the border checkpoint for Palestinians only and are not allowed to enter through the normal entry point reserved for Jews. Mixed families can easily compare the disparities because they confront them on a regular basis.


Jewish lady married to Palestinian


Palestinians are not allowed to build an airport. Israel bombed the radar station they built for the Yasser Arafat International Airport and sent bulldozers to destroy their only runway in 2001, and it has not been allowed to be rebuilt since, nor are they allowed to build a railroad or operate a train system of any kind. They are forbidden to build a public transportation system. There are no public busses at all in Gaza, although it is comparable the size of the state of Delaware in the United States.


All construction must be approved by Israel and 85% of all Palestinian permit applications are rejected by the Israelis. Homes and businesses that are built without the necessary Israeli permits, are destroyed by the Israeli government.


Gazans are not permitted to live, visit or stay in Israel except for exceptional humanitarian cases. They are only allowed to cross into Israel to work. Most Palestinian women are restricted to agricultural and manufacturing jobs. The men are predominately hordes to construction jobs in Israel or on Israeli settlements.


When Israeli settlers decide to move in and seize Palestinian land, they are nearly always escorted by the Israeli Defense Force. The settlers themselves are always armed and they take the land from the occupants by force. If a Palestinian resists and tried to defend their home, they are near certainly beaten and often killed. Yet, there is not repercussion for the Israeli settler who committed the battery or the murder. In 2022, 1,150 Palestinians were forcibly removed and displaced from their houses by Israeli settlers. In January of 2023, the Bedouin village of Al-Araqib was demolished by the Israelis, for the 212th time According to Amnesty International. The United States has repeatedly asked Israel to stop the process of building settlements on disputed land while they help with peace negotiations. Israel has repeatedly ignored these requests and thumbed its nose at the U.S. and continues building these settlement as they see fit.


Israel holds Palestinian prisoners in jails under what they call “administrative detention”, where no due process is served or even allowed. Prisoners can be held indefinitely without lawyer, trials or even finding s of guilt. The longest current detention of such a prisoner currently stands at 15 years. Imagine being jailed for 15 years and not even being given a chance to have your day in court? This practice is a clear violation of international law and Israel has been put on notice by the international community that it is in violation of international law, but doesn’t seem to care, as they have not made any effort to change this practice. 


Eliehairy shouts down student


That was a Jewish Rabbi responding to a female Jewish student who pushed him as to why he doesn’t speak out more about what is happening to Jewish children in Israel. This issue is not an issue of Jews vs Muslims. That’s what they want you to believe. So much PR effort has gone into painting all Muslims as either terrorist or, well, terrorists. When is the last time you’ve heard the media represent them as anything else? This instead, is an ideological battle of right vs wrong. Who is right? Who is wrong? That’s the purpose of this podcast. To present you with information un-doctored by those with an agenda so you can make an informed decision on your own.


So back to the issue at hand. Palestinians are required to pay taxes to the Israeli government. These taxes are supposed to go for the infrastructure of Gaza. However, whenever it wants, Israel ma cut off and withhold any money due to the Palestinians, such as they did at the start of the current conflict. Israel imposes hefty taxes know as value added taxes or (VAT’s) on the products shipped into their ports which are intended for Gaza. These taxes are very high and restrict many of the average working Palestinian families from affording them. 


In 2009, Israel dismantled a Palestinian solar micro grid that would have been used to collect extra electricity from solar panels on the roofs of the homes in Gaza. Israel changed the type of solar panel allowed in Gaza to a cheap inefficient panel that retails for approximately $0.43 per panel. Homes not connected to the Israeli run power grid average 3 hours of usable electricity per day. When Israel responded to the recent Hamas attack, they systematically obliterated every house in Gaza that had a solar panel on it. Combined with turning off their electricity grid, left residents without any source of power, in the approaching winter season. Not even generators were an option because fuel was also restricted.


”These lies cannot be allowed to pass”


As said by former Israeli negotiator Daniel Levy.


One of the most recent claims made by Israeli officials is that some of the hostages were brutally raped by Hamas. A spokesperson went on record claiming that not only were the women in captivity raped, so were their young daughters, who were then shot in the genitals and their bodies mutilated. An Article in the British Telegraph reports that quote: “Hamas deliberately shot women in the genitals during the massacre”. An Israeli spokesperson “Simcha Greinman” claims to have seen bodies of executed women with nails and other objects stuffed into their female organs.


These acts are the very definition of horrific, and if they are verified to be true, Hamas should be held accountable in the most severe manner possible. However, as I said before, Israel has made incendiary claims just as egregious that have turned out not to be true. Once that happens, we must assume that everything is a similar falsehood until it can be proven. Lying, and I don’t mean white lie-lying, I mean bold face lying to us, negates your benefit of the doubt. It makes us wonder why you need to lie in the first place if you are in the right? It usually means that you aren’t. 


A reporter grilled an Israeli official at a press conference as to why no rape kits were done on the victims they alleged were rape. Why no hard evidence submitted to verify these claims? The official dodged the question and never answered why. It appeared Israel had gotten so comfortable with us believing them just because they say it, that facing questions for verification of their claims, throws them at the podium.


I cannot say for sure that these attacks did not happen. What I can say is that the Muslim religion strictly forbids the harm to women and children especially in the times of war. In Muslim countries rape is one of the most heinous crimes a man can commit and receives sentences sometimes greater to that of a murderer. In some Muslim countries a rapist receives 100 lashes in a public square, which can be enough to kill a grown man, but if the rapist is married, he is stoned to death. Some Muslim countries do not even differentiate. In Iran and in Egypt it is an automatic hanging. In Afghanistan you are either hanged or shot in the head, In Saudi Arabia you are beheaded within day of the rape. The male children are raised with this fear of death for an act Israel claims is now common among Hamas encounters.


The fact that Hamas agreed to release the women and children they were holding captive even before a prisoner exchange was suggested by Qatar, would be in line with their teachings from the Quran. Israel now prevents all returned hostages from talking to the press and instead, relays their messages as they were told during debriefing. This is incredibly suspect when you combine the former Israeli spy sending out the social media message to former hostages to keep quiet after Yocheved Lifschitz went on camera saying she was treated well by Hamas and wished her captor good health. 


Israel is now complaining that the UN and the world at large is too slow to take their claims of rape and torture seriously. Could it be that they too, feel the recent lack of truth in Israel’s claims are beginning to take a toll on their credibly worldwide?


One of the more bizarre and utterly disturbing practices I came across while doing research, is in regard to Israel’s cemetery of numbers. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re not alone. I questioned whether the reporting of this was actually true because if it was, there is no explanation that can justify its existence and the practices that are used there.


Cryo storage here


In this cemetery Israel keeps the bodies of some of those who died while in their custody and bury some of them in this cemetery marking their grave site with only a number, no name or any other recognizable marking. The families are not allowed to retrieve the remains and no memorial services are allowed. Others who died in their custody are cryogenically frozen and stored for years under the belief that if their body is not laid to rest, their soul cannot transition in the afterlife. These bodies are kept in storage for the duration of the sentence which was handed down on them while they were still alive. Some have been there for as long as 40 years. This practice has been called, by several human rights organizations, collective punishment, because it seeks to torture the families of the prisoners for the crimes Israel alleges, the prisoners committed while they were alive. 


How in a civilized society, is this practice allowed to continue? This is barbaric and inhumane. This is something that if we were told of it happening during the holocaust, the world would rightfully rally together, and did rally together and condemn it. Instead, we now turn a blind eye and offer no recourse for this clear human rights abuse? When did we lose the moral high ground, the moral character to be disgusted and enraged by practices like these? 

There are far more instances of Apartheid conditions that inhabitants of Gaza are subject to than I have time to explain here. Making ourselves aware of just how poor the conditions are for the residents of Gaza, makes it easy to see why there may be some who want to fight their way out of being oppressed.




Remember when I said earlier that we must always ask they “WHY” question? Why Is Israeli really destroying Gaza? After all, the just paused fighting to do a prisoner exchange with Hamas and as soon as the pause expired, they were back to shelling and bombing Gaza. This is hardly the proportionate response the international community allows for a response to an attack. There might be another reason altogether.


Oil pipeline video here


There is a natural gas deposit in Gaza of approximately 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians have been trying to extract that gas and put it on the world market but have been repeatedly blocked since the field’s discovery in 2000 by Israel. Currently the U.S. is the world’s leader in natural gas production and new competition from such a large natural gas reserve would certainly affect prices and America’s natural gas bottom line. Could this be why America is reluctant to call out Apartheid actions by Israel or hold them accountable for war crimes? Could it be that Israel holds the key to leveraging America’s powerful energy industry who likes they way things are currently and have no desire to fight off new competition? Who knows?


That may be only one possibility. There are some who feel that this military response is only the guise for Netanyahu’s true intention. The complete annexation of Gaza and the West Bank. 


No better recruiter for Hamas than Israel


It has been said that there is no better recruiter for Hamas than Israel itself


While I will never condone any act of violence, even in retaliation for violent actions perpetrated against them, it is completely understandable as to the motivating factors explaining WHY these violent acts of resistance exist. To live under the rule and the literal thumb of another nation is in and of itself a historically repetitive reason for revolt in the quest for freedom and independence. George Washington and those who fought the Revolutionary war in search of freedom from what they considered was the tyrannical rule of King George the third, would today, be considered terrorists. Nelson MANDELA was once jailed for 27 years for planting a bomb in what some call an act of terror, until they didn’t. He would later go on to lead South Africa to freedom and prosperity from Apartheid rule, just as Washington went on to Lead America to its own independence.


Peace in the Middle East was nearly achieved in 1948 when after a brief conflict, both sides agreed to split the land 50/50 under a UN mandate, until Israel started a conflict with the Palestinians 6 months later and claimed 70% of the land for their own. Significant peace was again in hand in 1993 with the signing of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians, only to have its signer assassinated by an Israeli hardliner and the deal then scuttled by the emerging Netanyahu who changed the conditions requiring Palestine to turn over its weapons to Israel and cede more land to them.



I went into this episode with an open mind hoping to better understand the intricacies of conflict and get to the truth of the matter, without the spin. I came out a different person than I went in. The citizens of Israel deserve a home where they can live, raise their families and flourish in the absolute safety they deserve, but the desire for that peace, cannot be bought with the blood of innocents. Children are Life’s most important features. They represent the future; they are born innocent. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, justifies killing an innocent child. Once you have decided that killing a child serves your greater good, No matter what your grievance, It now becomes irrelevant because you now have become the monster.


Israel claims to be the victim, having suffered a horrific attack on October 7th. The attack was horrific but, Israel is by no means the victim here. The Palestinians are. The unconscionable acts taken by Israel, knowingly and indiscriminately targeting civilians and the deaths of more than 6000 children is simply unforgivable to me. There simply is no explanation I can hear which justifies these numbers. After watching hundreds of hours of videos, listening to hundreds of hours of testimony from both sides of the argument, Israel’s argument does not add up. While they may call Hamas a terrorist organization, the Palestinians see them as a strong arm that fights for them matching terror with terror. While no one can rightly condone the barbaric things they are accused of doing, there is a motive behind every act they take. The occupation of Palestine by an oppressive government is their driving forces. If Israel does not take the aggressive actions, it does in controlling literally every part of the Palestinians existence, or continually make strides to drive them out of the land, Hamas would not have flourished lack they have. If Netanyahu did not miscalculate, that their existence was necessary to divide Palestine and weaken the PLO, if he did not authorize the hundreds of millions of dollars given to them as he pushed for their growth, they might not be as formidable as they are today.


If peace is to ever be achieved in the region, and I am hopefully optimistic that it will happen in my lifetime, we must first strive for full accountability from both sides. No more staged scenes followed by journalist walk-thru’s, no more campaigns of disinformation, no more human rights abuses hidden behind the thin veil of preventing alleged terrorism. Both sides must address their value of human rights, and commit to respecting that all life is precious, even if they don’t look like you or share your views, or your religion. That, children are precious and without fault and must be protected at all costs. And are NEVER acceptable casualties of war. That war is NEVER the only answer; that peace is ALWAYS an option. The world must also commit to not remaining silent, not remaining on the sidelines, because their direct interests are not threatened, yet. We must reject the urge to rush to judgement and insist that all the facts be laid before us before coming to a conclusion that could lead to a larger conflict, or the even greater loss of human life.


I hope this episode has been informative pertaining to this complex and highly emotional issue. I urge you all to ask questions in search of the truth, not just look for an easy answer, or just to prove a point, search for the truth for yourself, not just the opinion of the loudest voice and what they want you to hear. 


That’s it for now. Join me next time as we un-spin the spin on the No Spin Network.



1-When Israel Attacked America


2-Dogs Attacking Palestinian Farmers


3-Charlie Kirk


4-Did Israeli Soldiers Fire On Israelis?


5-Medhi Hasan Interview 1


6-Obama, Sarkozy, Trump


7-Babies Heads Cut Off Verified Report

7A – Hamas Response to Babies video


8-Charlie Kirk 2


9-American Intelligence Encounter With Netanyahu


10-Young Netanyahu Interview


11-Netanyahu Living room Conversation


12-Netanyahu claims he was never told of an impending attack


13-Netanyahu has soulless eyes


14-Paying Celebrities to persuade


15-Balsam Yousef Interview


16-Wael Dahdouh Al Jazeera reporter’s family killed


17-JDAM Missile comparison


18-Palestinian ministry news conference


19-Hospital Video 2


20-Marc Lamont Hill interviews David Friedman


21-BBC Report on Al-Shifa Hospital


22-Christiane Amanpour interviews Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack


23-Medhi Hasan interviews Mark Regev


24-40 Babies story 2

24B-40 Babies story 3

25-40 Babies story 4


26-Biden claiming to have seen pictures of the beheaded babies


27-Fake viral nurse video


28-Rebuttal from France


29-Another Netanyahu Interview


30-Interview with Yocheved Lifschitz (1st hostage released)


31-Former Israeli Spy warning hostages to keep their mouths shut.


32-Human Shields


33-Palestinian doctor describing his loss


34-5 instances of Israel using human shields


35-Former Israeli Sniper admits using Palestinian’s homes to kill.


36-Bombing Hamas Hideouts?


37-How Palestinians Were Expelled From Their Homes 1


38-How Palestinians Were Expelled From Their Homes 2


39-From The River To The Sea


39A – What does From the River to the Sea Mean?

40-Marc Lamont Hill UN Speech


41-Phrase Regarding 2nd Holocaust 1


42-Phrase Regarding 2nd Holocaust 2


43-Netanyahu’s Speech with Revised Map To UN


44-Mahmoud Abbas Response to Netanyahu’s UN Speech nU4?si=FVvCNeAfJHr9h3sj


45-Woman Grilling Israeli Official


46-Jake Tapper Anthony Blinkin Video


47-President Of The European Union Describing What Russia Is Doing To Ukraine


48-Ethnic Cleansing


49-40 Year Veteran Reporter on Ethnic Cleansing


50-Ethnic Cleansing 2


51-Ethnic Cleansing3


52-Israeli Soldier Stealing 6-Year-Old’s Bike


53-60-Minute Video Of Soldiers Sleeping In Palestinian’s Homes


54-Israeli Police Aggressively Interviewing Child


55-Restricted Territory In Israel


56-Australian Tourist Cites Apartheid Conditions


57-Jewish Lady Married To Palestinian


58-Eliehairy Video


59-“These Lies Cannot Be Allowed To Pass”


60-Israel’s Cryostorage Prison


61-Gaza Oil Pipeline


62-No Better Recruiter For Hamas Than Israel 1


63-No Better Recruiter For Hamas Than Israel 2




64 – Israelis mocking Palestinian suffering.


65 – Israeli Song Promoting Genocide


66 – Is Israel eradicating the region a mistake?


67 – Piers stands down a Jewish critic


68 – Israeli Ambassador Lie


69 – Russia warns Israel about killing Turks


70 – Interview with Dr. Normal Finkelstein