The No Spin Network

The Gaza Conflict 3 - How Israel Holds the World Hostage

February 16, 2024 Andrew Goffe Season 2 Episode 8
The Gaza Conflict 3 - How Israel Holds the World Hostage
The No Spin Network
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The No Spin Network
The Gaza Conflict 3 - How Israel Holds the World Hostage
Feb 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Andrew Goffe

Wondering why everyone is talking about the atrocities in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli government, but no one is actually doing anything about it? There might be a valid reason, and it's terrifying. 

Here is the link to the videos included in this episode.

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Show Notes Transcript

Wondering why everyone is talking about the atrocities in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli government, but no one is actually doing anything about it? There might be a valid reason, and it's terrifying. 

Here is the link to the videos included in this episode.

Here are the links to their locations online:

5-No longer online (See Google Drive link above)

Since the beginning of the war on Gaza, The United States has done nothing to reign in Israel’s clear genocide of the civilian population. Why is that> Is there something the Biden administration knows that we don’t? The answer may very well be yes. Well, lets get into it.

 It’s been 4 months now since Israel began its offensive against Gaza. The death toll has surpassed 28,000 including more than 20,000 women and children killed in what Israel calls its quest to eliminate Hamas. Israel claims it is simply defending themselves after being attacked on October 7th by Hamas terrorists. What the fail to tell you is what happened on October 6th, one day earlier:


 Hamas did not attack Israel on October 7th, they responded to being attacked by Israel, repeatedly. The killing of 19-year-old Labib Dumaidi in Howard, when Israeli settlers raided the town where he lived and tried to remove him and his mother forcefully from their home. Although all he did was stand defiantly in his doorstep refusing to leave, they began to throw stones at him and his mother and vandalized their car before an overzealous settler opened fire and shot him in the head killing him instantly. It was this event that led Hamas to launch its incursion into Israel in response to the killing, which was not isolated, but just one of over 480 such killings that year and more than 12,000 injuries at the hands of the IDF. If Israel can ask the question, “Do we not have the right to defend ourselves”, can Hamas also ask the same on behalf of the Palestinian citizens they were elected to protect? 

 South Africa successfully pursued criminal genocide war crime charges in the international court at The Hague, the same place where former Nazis were prosecuted for crimes against humanity in the Holocaust and sentenced to death. The court agreed with South Africa, but Israel’s response was that their ruling was quote, just a piece of paper, nothing will stop us”-end quote.

 To me, everything seems so clear. I struggle to understand why there isn’t uniform clarity on this issue. If Israel was attacked on October 7th by terrorists as an innocent party with clean hands, viciously targeted by a terrorist group simply hell-bent on causing terror, the world would have rallied behind them just as they did during the Holocaust, where thousands of allied soldiers lost their lives in the effort to liberate them from the concentration camps. However, when in this case, the truth of the matter is that Israel is the aggressor, the perpetrator of countless horrific acts that most of the world does not see, because they control the narrative and most of the media. How does the United States not see what countries like South Africa sees?

 Although President Biden originally offered his unwavering support of Israel during the onset of the Gaza crisis, the Unites States has finally begun to hear the cries of those protesting in the streets around the world against the obvious intentional genocide Israel is prosecuting under the guise of defending themselves, but some would say it is a case of too little coming too late. Although the State department has finally expressed its dismay at the indiscriminate killing of civilians, Israel is continuing to wage against the Palestinians along with the accompanying hateful rhetoric coming from the highest sources in their government, Israel is not moved and has vowed not to stop until their objectives are met. The have activated their sources within our government and lobbyist in Washington who see their influence triple in power in an election year where politicians become cowards to being primaried or outspent by Israeli funded political action groups. They have put into action a campaign of disinformation so broad that it stands out as completely unusual, because nowhere in history, will you find a country prosecuting a war taking out advertisements on prime-time television even paying more than $7 million for a Super Bowl ad, to make the case why you should hate their enemy.

 The Biden administration, seemingly feeling the heat from the sagging poll numbers, after losing the youth vote because of their blind loyalty to Netanyahu and his criminal government, has shifted position to now taking a more forceful stance against Israel’s action against Palestinian civilians, Biden recently referring to their actions as “over the top”. Although some might call this nothing more than a minor rebuke, it is significant because what we hear in the press is amplified ten-fold in private discussions with Netanyahu’s government because Biden has to take care as to how hostile he sounds against Israel this close to a general election and Netanyahu knows this and is exploiting this. Even with that, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield recently conveyed to the UN that Israel’s anticipated ground offensive into Rafah, the very place where Israel pushed the entire population of Gaza into, quote, “cannot proceed”, end quote. That is the strongest position statement given by the Biden administration to date. 

 Israel, as expected, says they will ignore this demand and do as they please anyway, all whilst holding their hand out for a $12 billion pay day. That’s like you going to the bank and demanding a million-dollar loan, with a 350-credit score, that you will never have to pay back, and threatening to let the world know that the bank has ugly cashiers if they don’t give you the money. 

 America is worried about not being labeled anti-Semitic by Israel and so far, that has proven to be an effective deterrent to official opposition to anything Israel does or says, especially during an election year. I’ve always told my kids that the best way to deal with a bully is to take the bullets out of their gun. Take away their ammunition and the gun can no longer hurt you. America should let Israel know they don’t care about being labeled anti-Semitic if that means calling out injustice and defending the innocent. That would effectively remove that weapon, taking the bullets out of the guns they use to frighten every politician into capitulation. Sometimes words are just that, words. It’s how we perceive them, is what gives those words their power.

 The more I have dug into the issue of the influence Israel has developed over the years on the U.S. government, the more disturbing the news gets. I have found opinions left and right that have tied Israel to major events in our history that have previously been attributed to others. They are hidden behind the well-established tactic of calling dissenting opinions “conspiracy theory”, which is a license to laugh off the opinion and never take it seriously. 

 However, when Bill Clinton signed the Freedom of Information Act-FOIA, that changed everything. The press now has access to virtually ALL documents the government keeps. Even the top-secret ones. Those, however, come with the caveat that they can only be released after a significant amount of time has passed, sometimes as much as 75 years or more. This means that only now can the press gain access to some of the documents regarding acts taken place during World War 2. This apparently was done to ensure that no one who could be held responsible for what might now seem like reprehensible acts of government, would still be alive.

 One such case references the newly released documents regarding the JFK assassination. No case in human history has garnered more claims of ‘conspiracy theory’ than the most famous and well-documented assassination in history. There has been no conclusive definition as to who was really responsible and what was the actual motivation for killing a U.S. President.


 That was author Martin Sandler, the five-time Emmy award-winning, twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize award author who wrote a book on the issue, describing now-documented, previously classified communication between JFK and David Ben Gurion, the founder of the state of Israel and its first Prime Minister. 

 In 1957 France entered into a secret agreement with Israel to provide them with a nuclear reactor to be built in the Israeli city of Dimona. It came to be known as the Dimona Reactor. It was claimed to be for peaceful energy purposes, but from the start the United States was skeptical about the arranged deal once they discovered it. In 1961 when Kennedy took over the Presidency, he expressed his concern over Israel developing a nuclear weapon using the facility. Prime Minister Ben Gurion assured him that the reactor was only for peaceful energy production. Kennedy had long been known for his non-nuclear proliferation stance and was hell-bent on seeing that Israel did not attain a nuclear weapon using that facility and demanded that the U.S. be allowed to send inspectors to verify Israel’s claim of peaceful energy production. According to these documents that were recently released, Ben Gurion was shaken by the request and immediately drew an extreme dislike for Kennedy. However, he did his best not to show his disdain for the American President during telephone conversations.

 Kennedy was firm on his demand for inspection, but Ben Gurion promised to allow them, but stalled on the inspections, citing the need to settle some internal affairs. It was not until several months later that the American Atomic scientists were allowed to inspect the reactor site in Dimona. The inspectors found no indication that the reactor had any capability of producing weapons-grade uranium. Their report eased the tension between the two administrations for the moment because Kennedy became preoccupied with Cuba and the eventual Cuban Missile crisis.

 However, the Kennedy Administration took the matter up again later and demanded a second inspection of the reactor which Ben Gurion initially refused, delayed and eventually allowed. The same result was found. The inspectors reported that there was no evidence that there were any weapons being developed at Dimona. Kennedy was not convinced. His intelligence agencies told him that Israel was indeed developing nuclear weapons in secret and had already produced enough weapons-grade uranium to make dozens of nuclear bombs. In 1963, JKF put his foot down and confronted Ben Gurion again, this time much more aggressively. Shortly afterwards, Ben-Gurion tendered his resignation as the Prime Minister of Israel in April of 1963. 5 months later Kennedy was assassinated by a sniper in Deely Plaza.

 Is there a connection? Lee Harvey Oswald was pinned with the blame but contended that he was innocent and was being framed. Before the JFK Assassination, there were three previous Presidential assassinations. James Wilkes-Booth did not hide the fact that he shot Lincoln, he jumped on stage and shouted, “Sic Sempre Tyrannus”! Charles Guiteau wrote letters to the commanding general of the Army asking for protection after he was going to kill President Garfield. When he was arrested, he shouted “I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts! I did it, and I want to be arrested! President McKinley’s assassin shot him at point blank range in front of a crowd while he was shaking hands with them. This led to Congress officially passing legislation creating the Secret Service and empowering them to protect the President.

 In none of these cases did the assassin even remotely attempt to hide from their deed. This is what made Oswald’s denial so noteworthy. No one kills the President of the most powerful country in the world and believes they will get away. With the newly formed Secret Service in place, the chance of pulling off the greatest crime a country can imagine, and getting away with it by going to a movie and pretending you were not involved, makes sense to exactly no one.

 But what happened because of the JFK assassination? Some have theorized that Kennedy’s desire to end the Vietnam war, roiled the industrial military complex, which made them a likely suspect. A case can be made for that, but after Kennedy was killed, Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy’s successor, took a decidedly softer approach towards Israel, even shipping weapons to them despite there being an international embargo against Israel. Israel’s nuclear program was now confirmed to be that of a nuclear weapons nature by intelligence agencies worldwide. JFK’s dream of a nuclear free Middle East died with him.

 When Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, he became an uncontrollable threat to the far-right Zionist movements. That is because before, they could label him as a terrorist and garner international support for the fight against him. A Nobel Prize wipes that rhetoric away. This is why Netanyahu supported the buildup of Hamas, as a deterrent against the rising popularity of the PLO on the world stage. Arafat had become a rock star and was being greeted around the world to a hero’s welcome. Rabin was eventually assassinated by a Netanyahu sympathizer who had been tricked into committing the assassination. He reportedly told the authorities that he consulted with the Rabbis who told him that since Rabin had given up land to the Palestinians, he had betrayed Israel and betrayed God’s will and that killing him would be not only forgiving by God and the state of Israel, but it was also God’s will. He carried out the assassination believing that he would be hailed a hero. Afterwards, the Rabbis disavowed any knowledge of him and denied that they gave him any message that could have killed to his actions.

 When Arafat took ill suddenly and died shortly after from a mysterious illness, suspicions were raised that this was the work of the Netanyahu government. Suspicions took hold and his body was exhumed, and an autopsy was performed. His clothing was found to have high levels of Polonium 210, a radioactive element often used by governments to commit assassination that evidence of, disappears completely over time. Its half-life reduces by 50% every 138 days until it becomes completely undetectable. This chemical is so hard to attain because it is a byproduct of the nuclear decay of uranium-238. Only nuclear nations have access to it. The Swiss forensic team concluded that Arafat’s death was due to the injection of Polonium 210. 36 times the expected naturally occurring amount was found. He was assassinated.


  I’ll post a link to the entire video; I think you should watch it because it is detailed and extensive and well thought out. It’s worth watching.

 Israel has had a long history of doing heinous acts and then passing the blame onto others. In the last episode I documented their attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 which killed 147 American soldiers they first tried to pass off as Egypt doing, completely denying any involvement, until they were forced to admit it was their military that intentionally shot up the US spy vessel, they thought was intercepting communication during their war with Egypt.

 This time we can go back as far as 1954, only 6 years after Israel was formed on the Palestinian territory. Israel launched a covert mission within Egypt to plant bombs inside civilian targets and frame the West and subversive Egyptian groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood for the bombings. This operation was named Operation Susannah but has become commonly referred to as “The Lavon Affair”. Israeli operatives placed bombs in several locations that went off, but the entirety of the plan was thwarted when the man they sent into Egypt to oversee the operation turned out to be a double agent working for Egypt who informed them of the plot to frame others for terrorist acts. 13 of the Israeli terrorists were caught. Two committed suicide in prison and two were executed. Israel continued to deny involvement in any way, until finally admitting its role in the plot in 2005 even boldly going so far as to award the spies medals for their bravery.  Some say Ben Gurion’s resignation. Was related to his role in this matter. Did Kennedy try to use this as leverage against him? In 1963 it would have destroyed not only his Prime Ministership but his party’s grasp on power in the Knesset. The cased of who stood the most to gain by JFK’s assassination suddenly tilts heavily in Israel’s favor. Kennedy’s requirement that all prop Israeli lobbying groups register as foreign agents working for a foreign government may have been the last straw. This order would have had all Israeli lobbyist restricted by the rules against political donations and groups like “Christian United for Israel” which now has over 7 million members and AIPAC, would not be able to influence American Politics with the unlimited flow of money as they can today. In my opinion, this puts Israel at the top of the list of who would benefit the most from JFK’s assassination.

 In the last episode of this podcast, I also went into detail about the cause for war in Iraq and the fraudulent document that mysteriously worked its way up the political chain to make it to the President’s desk while being completely fraudulent. This document, a proposed receipt that showed that Iraq was attempting to purchased large quantities of Yellow Cake Uranium from Niger was found to be a faked document by the United Nations who discovered that the paper it was typed on was an old version of the official stationary Niger’s used which had been changed before the date of the receipt and one of the official’s signature on the receipt, was that of someone who had died before the date of the listed transaction. 

 Israel provided information assuring the Bush government that Iraq’s nuclear program was indeed real and nearing a critical point where the U.S. has to act immediately to stop. None of this ultimately was true. The document was found to be a fake and not one shred of evidence we as ever found of Iraq possessing any ability or the foundation for creating a nuclear weapon. Yet, the Iraqi government was destroyed, and Saddam Hussein was removed from power and executed, both outcomes Israel desperately wanted. Their disdain for Saddam Hussein claim came to light earlier during operation Desert Storm where the elder Bush sent the US. Air Force into Kuwait to repel the invading Iraqi forces. Israel fueled up their jets and attempted to join the bombing campaign. HW told them to stand down because their presence could ignite a larger regional war. Israel refused to comply. Just before their jets took to the air. HW made what is little known but one of the greatest military decisions in our history. He ordered the Air Force NOT to give the Israeli pilots the ‘Green Code’, the electronic identification codes known as “IFF” codes, Identification Friend or For, which would have protected their planes from being fired upon by the Air Force and allied planes. 

 This meant that if the U.S. or the allied fighters encountered an Israeli F-16 without these codes, they were cleared to shoot it down because Iraq also flew F-16’s previously given to them by the United States. Israel subsequently had no choice but to stand down.

 It is abundantly clear that Israel wanted that larger regional war. Nothing would have suited them better than to have the entire might of the world’s largest superpower, accompanied by the magnitude of the accompanying allied forces raining down hellfire on the Arab countries, that would have entered the conflict to repel Israeli fighters. HW’s move prevented the escalation of a larger conflict, and the U.S. war with Iraq lasted only 100 days.

 The Samson Option

 In one of Tom Clancy’s novels (my favorite author by the way) a novel entitled “The Sum of All Fears”, Clancy bases the book on what he hails was a true event during the Yom Kippur war Israel fought in the early 70’s where an Israeli jet which was routinely flown during the conflict, armed with a nuclear missile, was shot down. The missile did not detonate but got buried in the sand for 40 years until it was rediscovered by excavators and came into the possession of terrorists.

 Recently declassified documents exposed that President Nixon faced a dilemma of such Earth-shaking significance that it had to be kept classified from all public consumption. In 1972 Israel was at war with Syria and Egypt. The U.S. was under the impression that Israel was winning the conflict. Most likely due to the usual Israeli propaganda. Nothing could be further from the truth. Israel had suffered a series of significant losses. They were running severely low on war supplies and was in serious danger of being completely overrun by the Arab coalition. Resupplies from the United States had stopped, and Israel was frustrated with the U.S. According to a U.S. General, Henry Kissinger was responsible for this. He intentionally ordered the withholding of supplies because as he said, “he wanted Israel to bleed a little more to soften them up for post war negotiations”. Golda Mayer reportedly went directly to President Nixon and told him that Israel would not be destroyed alone. If Israel was completely destroyed, it would take the world down with it.

 I’ll give you a moment to digest that. It sent chills up my arm when I read the report about this.

 Mayer told Nixon of a plan Israel had called the “Samson Protocol” otherwise known as the “Samson Option”. In my last podcast I talked a bit about Israel’s historical if not mythological character Samson who was the world’s strongest man who after he was captured, mustered his strength for one last time, pulling down the columns to the Colosseum, killing 3000 people in attendance before he himself was killed. Her threat indicated that Israel had a plan to do exactly the same thing. Before being overrun, Israel would enact the Samson protocol which would launch nuclear weapons against all the major countries around the world for them not helping them defeat their enemies. The result would be the automatic defensive launching of nuclear weapons by the 9 nuclear nations and the beginning of a nuclear Armageddon. The amount of radiological material that would be released would be enough to wipe out life on Earth in totality.

 Freaked out yet?

 If there is any qualification that automatically disqualifies a nation from possessing nuclear weapons, is their potential to irresponsibly use those weapons to create a nuclear Armageddon. This idea is an offshoot of England’s “Moscow Option”. 


 Nixon was now on notice that Israel was threatening the fate of the entire world if their resupply of weaponry was not granted. Nixon immediately capitulated and overruled his Secretary of State and ordered the immediate shipment of 500 tanks and a massive amount of military hardware. Israel went on to win the conflict they were poised to lose just before the demand was made.

 Of all of the Israeli Prime Ministers, Golda Meyer was one of the more reasonable ones. Benjamin Netanyahu is by far, the most unreasonable Israeli leader in their history. Now imagine, 50 years later, the amount and caliber of Israel’s nuclear arsenal has undoubtedly grown and the control of these weapons of mass destruction is now under the control of a man who orders the indiscriminate killing of 30,000 civilians, including 23,000 un-armed women and children who no one doubts would invoke the Samson Option for even less than the total destruction of Israel at stake. 

 Could THIS be why Biden is sending them military supplies when all common sense says to withhold the weapons that are being used to massacre innocent civilians? I can forgive him for being tone deaf to his supporter’s cries for a cease fire if he is staring down the barrel of an Israeli threat such as this. But why a 50 year wait to do anything about this? Top Secrecy in a case where everyone’s life is at stake is inappropriate. If the Samson option is indeed real, and who knows for sure since Israel has gotten away for the past 60 years even having to admit being in possession of nuclear weapons, why hasn’t the world demanded that Israel be stripped of its nuclear weapons, being proven to be an existential threat and a clear and present danger to the world?

 The Hannibal Protocol

 To see if there is credibility to this type of thinking, one need to look no further than another protocol option Israel has. This one is called the Hannibal Protocol.

 Up until 2016 Israel had an official policy against allowing any of their soldiers to be captured or kidnapped. Their thought was that it was too expensive to negotiate for their lives once the kidnappers started making demands. Therefore, before the soldiers could be taken hostage, the Israeli military would launch an offensive on their position that killed EVERYONE there, including their own soldiers, theorizing that it was better for them to die than to be taken captive, tortured, and then killed anyway.

 There are those who would claim that these facts I’m pointing out are nothing more than conspiracy theory. After all, I had a hard time believing any country could be so depraved as to threaten the existence of the entire world or order the killing of their own soldiers. I urge you to look up these protocols for yourself and see if I’m being accurate or not. I promise you; I’m only exposing the tip of the iceberg.

 Israel claims to have abandoned this policy in 2016 but intelligence says that they only went public CLAIMING to have abandoned this program, because it was exposed worldwide. Current intelligence says not only is this plan still in effect, but it has also now been expanded to all Israeli citizens, not just soldiers.

 This would clearly explain this:



This is a copy of the now deleted interview with a survivor of October 7th who claims that Hamas his out in her house trying to escape the IDF who then fired indiscriminately into the house killing everyone inside including the entire family who had come out and laid on the grass with their hands on their heads. She was the only survivor.

 Several reports have come in that on October 7th, the majority of civilian deaths were not by the hands of Hamas, but by the indiscriminate shelling and firebombing by the IDF executing the Hannibal Option when Hamas soldiers hid out in civilian kibbutz’s. Hamas landed near a military base and attacked the Israeli military; civilian deaths began after that. The claims of all of the sexual atrocities and the killing of babies by Hamas have all now been widely debunked as complete lies designed to garner sympathy for Israel which they readily planned to exploit into a revenue stream, as their request to the U.S. for $12 billion, 4 times the annual aid we give them, would indicate.

 Israel is responsible for the mess it is currently in, just as the US is responsible for its messes, we then call terrorism.


 The CIA has been in the business of toppling governments from within and then setting up what should have been friendly governments, that eventually turn on us, and we now engage our military to turn on them and destroy them. Examples:

 Iraq – We gave them F16’s to help them fight Iran and topple the Shaw before we ousted Saddam Hussein and placed a friendly government that has now aligned themselves with of all placed…Iran.

 Ronald Reagan almost went to prison for defying Congress and supplying the Iran-contra rebels with over a hundred million in arms, before we tried to destroy their nuclear reactors with Israel and designate them a terrorist state.

 When Russia invaded Afghanistan, we supported the Taliban against the Russian effort, just watch Rocky 3. That is, until 9/11, then we used that as an excuse to turn on them and go to war with them even though Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan and the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

 fashion, Israel signed the Oslo Accords with the PLO and declared peace with the PLO, until Netanyahu took over and viewed the PLO’s new popularity as a threat, and agreed to Qatar sending Hamas, the new startup group in Gaza, $100 million to help prop them up as the alternative to the PLO. That is, until they decided that Hamas was also getting too popular and decided to designate them as terrorists and go to war with them.

 Politicians constantly change their minds about former allies when they lose control over them. The resulting conflict created, however kills service men (otherwise known as ‘losers and suckers’, as Donald Trump once put it) and women and children civilians. WE always pay the price for their mood changes. 

 The game of chess was created to show how this works. Any of you who know how the game is played, know that the ultimate goal is to protect your king. We don’t put much to the real-life implications of this but, look closer. Every move you make is to ensure the safety of the King. Even the Queen has her job to do protecting him and is given the most power on the board to do just that. Knights, Castles Bishops, they all have limited power, but play their role, even sacrificing themselves sometimes for the king. But no other chess piece sums up life better than the Pawn. Its role is to be the first line of defense in protecting the king and his kingdom. No one blinks an eye if a pawn is sacrificed. They are even played like battlefield soldiers capable of killing any piece on the board if positioned right, but are usually killed first, seemingly willing to sacrifice themselves for king and country.

 Tell me how this differs from life?

  When W Bush decided to invade Iraq, He first tried to make the case that 9/11 hijackers were hiding out there, but that wasn’t resonating the way the Afghanistan message did just after 9/11. So, the narrative was changed to WMD’s. That now dis-proven document W used, which claimed Iraq was seeking to acquire large amounts of Yellow Cake uranium from Niger, became the single most important source used for the justification for invading Iraq. I earlier made mentioned how I now believe Israel was behind that phony document. Who else could get a fake document past 17 clandestine agencies, the Department of Defense, the President’s cabinet, Vice President and ultimately to the President’s desk, except for someone extremely well connected. Someone whose hand is buried deep within the pockets of the right people that can be made to look the other way or defy reason? Someone like the Pro-Israeli lobby that has funded nearly 100% of all elected officials in Washington right now, including both Presidential candidates?

 The only other entity that comes to mind is the Industrial Military Complex, who would certainly benefit from the conflict, but is not as well connected to virtually every politician as the Israeli lobby is, which you would have needed to get a document like this through the system. Therefore, it stands to reason that with the most to gain, that the eradication of a regime that constantly threatens Israel and had the 4th largest army in the world to back up their threats, Israel would have been most likely to have had a hand in getting the U.S. engaged with them.

 In this case of chess, the pawns are the American troops. 4507 American troops were killed and 31,994 more were severely wounded in a war in Iraq, whose motivation to execute was completely fabricated. 

 More Israeli False Flags

 If 1957 saw Israel attempt to infiltrate Egypt with terror attacks they designed specifically to have the blame placed on the west and the Muslim Brotherhood, 67 years ago, then attack an American Naval ship an attempt to pin the blame on the Egyptians, forge a document to have the world think Iraq was seeking WMD’s and cause us to attack them, shoot a Palestinian journalist and immediately blame a Palestinian terror group, then destroy a hospital in Gaza killing 500, then blaming Hamas when it has been now proven that Hamas does not possess they type of precision rocket that hit the hospital but Israel does, of executing the Hannibal option to kill its own civilians, then blaming Hamas and using that false blame to execute 30,000 Gazans, it can no longer be denied that Israel has baked into its DNA the tactic of perpetrating heinous acts then making sure someone else shoulders the blame for it:

 We have to take a retroactive look at every single act of terror perpetrated against us in the past with a fresh perspective that us vilifying Arabs as terrorists may have been the doing of the Israeli government to bring us to that end against their enemies. Even 9/11 cannot be overlooked. There are a million theories about what happened and why and that’s an episode for another day, but in short. What we know is that the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia under the instruction of Osama bin Ladin. How do we know that? The manifests of the Aircraft identify them as such. Does it? They were all killed, along with anyone who can identify them as ever being on the plane. How do we know the true identities of the hijackers?

 There is a verified report of Mossad agents that were reported on a rooftop in New York, filming the collapse of the twin towers and were cheering when the towers collapsed. This caused a resident nearby that saw this, to call authorities who then came out, followed these men, and watched them get into a van parked nearby that was identified as a van used by a local business for moving purposes. The CIA got involved because the location they entered was a known front for the Israeli Mossad. The building was raided, and the Mossad spies were arrested and eventually deported back to Israel. Why wasn’t this a bigger news story? Who do you think owns the mainstream media outlets? And then there’s this:



If you were paying close attention, you heard a Rabbi telling passengers in the car he was driving in as they passed the twin towers, that the towers would soon cease to exist. That was -week before 9/11

On July 24, 2001, Larry Silverstein bought the Twin Towers for $3.2 billion dollars. After the collapse of the towers, Insurance paid him $4.55 billion to cover his losses because of a loophole that saw each tower’s collapse as a separate event. He turned a profit of $1.35 billion when the towers fell. Remember in my last podcast I documented that someone in Israel made millions on October 7th because they shorted the Israeli defense stocks is just before the attacks. It cannot be ignored when someone profits over a tragic event. They should become persons of interests. Yet again, these coincidences get a pass when Israel is involved. Why? What are we so afraid of? If there is no consequence for bad actions, what prevents them from happening again?

This week, Netanyahu’s government announced its intention to bring a ground offensive into Rafah, the southernmost region of Gaza Israel sent the nearly 2 million Palestinians to in order to avoid being bombed, before bombing them there. Rafah ends into the Egyptian border which Egypt has closed and refused to allow Palestinian refugees to cross. Not because they don’t care about the opposite, the exact opposite is true. If Egypt allowed the refugees to cross, Israel would force all of them out of Gaza and take over the territory permanently. They would never be allowed to return to their homeland. Egypt has drawn a red line in the sand and told Israel there would be serious consequences if they force the Palestinians to cross into Egypt. So far, Netanyahu has given Egypt the finger. Biden finally submitted a warning to Israel, that prosecuting a ground invasion in Rafah, would be a mistake and have grave consequences. Netanyahu’s response? He gave Biden the finger basically telling him to shut up and send us the money we asked you to. The Senate Led by ardent Israel supporter Chuck Schumer, not only had the Senate approve that financial aid to Israel, they increased the amount and approved $14 billion dollars, $2 billion more than was originally proposed.

How can our political representatives be so corrupted, our government be so infiltrated by Israeli influence, that Senators fly Israeli flags in front of their Capital building offices. Senators like John Fetterman, walking by protesting American veterans, on the steps of the People’s House, waving the Israeli flag at them, completely ignoring their calls for a cease fire, while proclaiming his allegiance for Israel. Or, Congressman Brian Mast, Republican from Florida who showed up to work in the Capitol building wearing his Israeli Defense Force Uniform, later declaring on Twitter “I will always stand with Israel”, suffering no consequence whatsoever for his disloyal act to his elected office. Imagine if a Member of the Israeli Knesset showed up to work with a Black Lives Matter t-shirt.

I’ve events of this week promise to be newsworthy at the very least as Israel prepares to defy the entire world and begin a ground offensive into the last standing portion of the Gaza Strip. How the world, the U.S. will respond will be noteworthy in defining the n ex stages of this brutal assault against the people of Palestine. All I ca hope for is that America grows a spine and stands up to the Israeli war machine and lives up to the vision of our founding fathers, that we value freedom and justice overall. So far, we have yet to prove that to be the case here.

Join me next time as I unspin the spin on the No Spin Network.