Womansplaining with Julie Barrett

Legalized "transgender trafficking" could be coming to ME and HI

Julie Barrett Season 3 Episode 148

Maine is the latest state to push for enacting a "Shield Law", allowing minor children from other states to come to Maine for "gender affirming care" and abortions, protecting the providers who are treating these children. In the episode you'll learn about Maine's bill LD 227 and how you can take action to oppose this bill and stand for protecting children. We're also watching a similar bill in Hawaii, HB 2079 that would legally allow for children to be kidnapped and protected under this emergency clause so long as they were seeking "gender affirming care."

These are dangerous times and there is an all-out assault on America's children. We need everyone engaged in this fight!

All the details and a time-sensitive call to action on LD 227: The next state to legalize "transgender trafficking" (substack.com)

Hawaii's HB 2079 article by Austin Martin: HB2079 Would Legalize Child Kidnapping for Sex Change > Hawaii Free Press

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Conservative Podcast | Julie Barrett Womansplaining

Speaker 1:

I truly believe that the biggest battle we are facing in our country right now is over the children, and we see some states moving to protect minor children and take measures to safeguard children and families, and we see other states that are working very hard to allow children minor children to be able to access procedures and drugs that can be irreversible and cause lifelong, long-term damage. So today I want to talk to you about a couple of different states that are working to pass legislation that will impact children across the United States. Hi, I'm Julie Barrett and you're listening to the Woman's Plaining podcast. I'm also the founder of Conservative Ladies of America, which started in Washington State as Conservative Ladies of Washington. We are an organization of like-minded ladies and gentlemen who are working hard to encourage, empower, educate and equip citizens to stand up, speak up and take real action to create change in their local area. They're directly in their own community or at a state level, or even on a federal level. We are really trying to activate citizens so that we can get America on the right track again. You can learn more about our organization and how you can get involved by heading over to our website, conservativeladiesofamericacom. That's conservativeladiesofamericacom.

Speaker 1:

We've got another couple of states that are working on passing laws that I don't really know another way to sort of summarize them other than to call them transgender trafficking laws, and this is very dangerous. This is states not just eliminating parental rights and the right of children to have their parents protect them, but it reaches beyond their state borders and allows minor children to be brought into their state from other states. Best example of this that I find is Washington and Idaho, because they are so close and minor children from Idaho can easily cross over into Washington State and get an abortion or receive so-called gender affirming care. Washington last year, in 2023, passed House Bill 1469, which is also called the shield law. This law protects providers who are performing abortions or giving gender affirming care by way of cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, even surgical procedures, so it protects these providers. If a child comes into the state from Idaho and the parents didn't know about it and the parents find out and maybe the child was harmed let's say, a girl had some kind of complication from the abortion pill and the parents want to take legal action against the provider, because of Washington's law they are unable to do this and we have seen in Idaho and Washington some conflict between the states. Specifically, the attorney generals in Washington and Idaho have kind of had this back and forth, as Idaho has created laws to protect against the laws in Washington, and this is just an example.

Speaker 1:

I believe there are 17 states, including the District of Columbia, that have passed similar legislation to Washington's shield law. Well, the latest state to work to pass a shield law is Maine, and in January Maine had a bill called LD1735, which was essentially the same as Washington's 1469, the shield law, and it had a public hearing. We put out a call to action, as did many other groups. The bill got national attention, a number of people showed up for the public hearing and then the bill earlier this month died and did not pass out of committee, so that was a huge win. Well, in typical Democrat fashion, they had another bill that's almost identical to LD1735, called LD227, which is nearly identical, and earlier this month the Democrats in the health care committee scheduled this bill for a public hearing.

Speaker 1:

Giving the Republicans on the committee very little time to, I guess, strategize with opposition gave very little time for citizens to be able to voice their opposition, whether it's show up to the meeting, to testify in person or to write letters, and this is something that we've seen often with Democrats they are. When they have the power, when they're in control of these committees in their legislature, they're able to round up their people and make sure that they've got all their ducks in a row. So their side shows up. They're all organized, they've got the day off work, everybody's there that needs to be there, and they wait till the last minute so that the other side is not nearly as organized. They don't have time to spread the word, there's no time for media to get involved and really allows them to underhandedly push these types of bills through.

Speaker 1:

Well, ld 227 that was heard earlier this month received substantial national attention and 15 attorneys general sent a letter to the attorney general, aaron Fry, in Maine, basically telling him that this would create significant issues between the other attorneys generals, these other red states. I'm gonna read you a portion of the letter, which I think really sums up what we have going on here between red states and blue states, and this is authored by Jonathan Scrimetti, who is the Tennessee attorney general. But the letter says from a practical perspective, ld 227's ill-considered attempt to influence and intimidate officials in other states could also trigger a rapid tit for tat escalation that tears apart our republic. One could easily envision a First Amendment Protection Act that creates state law liability for people, even people out of state, who seek to suppress purported hate speech, or a Second Amendment Protection Act that creates liability for those who seek to regulate firearms or laws that impose harsh penalties on people who express support for one side or another in the war between Israel and Hamas. If one state does not like another state's regulatory regime with respect to cars or food or alcohol distribution or whatever else, it could create a tenuous jurisdictional hook to allow the same sort of extraterritorial bullying attempted by LD 227. State officials would be dragged into legal battles in far-flung jurisdictions, affording their ability to focus on protecting their own citizens, consistent with their own duly enacted laws.

Speaker 1:

The letter goes on to say in America we have the right to disagree. Maine has every right to decide what Maine's laws are and how those laws should be enforced, but that same right applies to every state. One state cannot control another. The totalitarian impulse to stifle dissent and oppress dissenters has no place in our shared America. We will not allow laws like LD 227 to deter us from protecting the integrity of our state's democratic processes.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a great letter and I think it spells out exactly what the problem is with these shield laws that a number of states are enacting, and we are going to see this kind of separation and reaction from the red states to what's going on in the blue states. We're going to see this increase in the sessions ahead, because I think that the left, the far left, socialist, marxist, communist, democrats whatever you choose to call them they do not have any intention of backing down from this agenda. They are bent on assaulting human life. They do not like human life. They want to destroy children. If they can't destroy them in the womb, they'll destroy them out of the womb. They know that the family is very powerful and a foundational aspect of a healthy, functioning society, and they will do whatever they have to do to destroy it because that is the only way that they can stay in power. So this is not going to go away.

Speaker 1:

Attorney General Fry from Maine responded to the letter making note of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who had sent inquiries to Seattle Children's Hospital in Washington about a minor child from Texas who had received gender affirming care at Seattle Children's Hospital, and there was some friction there between AG Paxton and Washington's Attorney General, bob Ferguson, who is running for governor this year, and he also referenced that the same Attorney General, ken Paxton, from Texas, also sent a demand to a clinic in Georgia regarding a minor child from Texas as well, which you know if you're a parent or you're just a sane person. Parents should have every right to know what kinds of services their child is accessing, especially when it comes to health care. That can have a lifelong impact on them and could have very dangerous consequences for them. But see, of course we know that. The Democrats know if parents are involved, if the voice of reason is brought into this conversation, then that will put a halt to their agenda. And I'm sure it won't surprise you to know that Planned Parenthood has weighed in on this whole situation with LD 227. And of course, they're very supportive of the bill and supportive of the Attorney General of Maine's response to the letter from the 15 Attorneys Generals from red states, including my state of Florida. Ashley Moody was one of the signers on that and I've got a copy. I've got a link to that letter if you'd like to go read it in full for yourself.

Speaker 1:

So this bill actually has a work session in the committee this Thursday, march 21st, at 1pm Eastern time and I'm going to link a call to action for you in the notes of the show so that you can email the committee and ask them not to pass this bill. It doesn't have to be anything lengthy or eloquent. I'll put a sample message in the link for you if you want to just copy paste. But please do take the time to send a message to this committee. This, as you're seeing, this doesn't just affect children from Maine. This is going to have a nationwide impact on children across the country, so it's important that we all weigh in and make our voices heard.

Speaker 1:

Well, maine is not the only state doing this sort of thing. We've also got an interesting bill in Hawaii. It is HB 2079. And if you look at the bill itself, the description says relating to health. What this does is it allows people who want gender affirming care to access telehealth. But there's an interesting clause in this bill, a loophole that actually would allow for children to be technically kidnapped. The bill would allow legal protections for any non parent with sufficient access and means to remove a child of any age from their home state and bring them to Hawaii to receive so-called gender affirming care as long as they can't receive that so-called gender affirming care in their home state. So take a state like Texas. If someone an adult other than a parent wanted to take a child from Texas to Hawaii to access so-called gender affirming care, that would be acceptable under this law. The bill has a number of loopholes that cause interstate barriers to be systematically removed so long as the child or the adult helping the child makes reference to the fact that they are trying to access So-called gender affirming care.

Speaker 1:

In the bill it reads a state, a court of this state, shall have temporary emergency jurisdiction If the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the number one the child or a sibling or a parent of the child is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse or to the child has been unable to obtain gender affirming care. So they're basically saying it would be an emergency giving the state emergency jurisdiction if the child wants to obtain gender affirming healthcare services and they have not been able to do so. So whether that's a parent that has not allowed it or they have been brought from another state that does not have gender affirming care for minor children. So that would allow Hawaii basically to have jurisdiction over the child. Austin Martin, who's the chair of the Hawaii Libertarian Party, has written a pretty good article on this, which I will have linked in the notes as well. But he says the court that prevails in exercising jurisdiction first usually maintains jurisdiction for the rest of the case, both practically and statistically speaking. Under the proposed language from House Bill 2079, once emergency jurisdiction is sought and approved by the Hawaii Family Court, several critical timelines begin to toll for the legal residency of the child to determine which court will have the ultimate say in final custody termination, the next phase in the so-called temporary orders hearing.

Speaker 1:

The section of House Bill 2079 creates another loophole that can be easily exploited by a motivated kidnapper to keep a stolen child for longer than the short-term emergency jurisdiction alone would allow. So he's got all of these different loopholes noted in this article. It's a very thorough article and I encourage you to go read through it. But one of the things that really stands out the most to me is that this is another instance of one state taking jurisdiction over another state and really getting involved in the affairs of other states. So, again, if you have a child from a state like Texas or Florida or Idaho where they have put in measures to protect children from these harmful services, and somehow they get to Hawaii which I mean at least with Hawaii it's a little bit harder for kids from the mainland to get to, but it still is. I mean, it's not without question that someone could easily take your child from your red state to Hawaii and you won't get them back due to if this becomes law. If this becomes law, this allows Hawaii to keep your child, essentially taking your child, away from you, and I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that, and I know that this is already happening.

Speaker 1:

There's a network of people in the transgender community whatever you wanna call it, who are trafficking these children, who are targeting these children. You have your clubs at school, you have these community schools, they have mental health care and they have health care clinics on campus at schools. If you don't know if your local school has a clinic on campus, I encourage you to look that up. But there's a huge push across the country and, yes, even in red states, for these health care and mental health cares in the schools. You can go look up the CDC's community schools guidelines and the whole school, whole community, whole child. The whole agenda is to make schools a one-stop shopping. So this is a primary place where kids are targeted for this agenda and this is where they get access to the people who will help them find these services. So I think it's very critical, especially in red states, where people tend to be a little bit more apathetic about things and a lot of people, especially who have come from blue states, are like few. I've finally gotten to someplace where it's safe. I can just let my kids go to school and relax. No, you can't. You need to stay on guard. You need to engage in the fight, because the leftist agenda is to go into the red states and it is to get the children from the red states and make sure that those children have access to these very same services.

Speaker 1:

I wrote a piece yesterday about a new bill, a federal bill that would give federal funding to schools and youth mental health care for LGBTQ youth, particularly into the schools. So this is a federal funding bill. This is your tax dollars going to. Specifically. You can motivate people toel LGBTQ, xy, pdq. I know they had. The two-spirit thing was specifically spelled out in this bill and I'll link that as well.

Speaker 1:

But there is a nationwide agenda for this transgender movement and for, you know, really to ruin an entire generation of American children, and so it's important that, no matter what state you're in, it's important that you be aware of this. It's important that you take action on these legislation that's going on in blue states. That you might think, well, that doesn't apply to me, that's not my state. It's important that we speak up, that we need to get loud, we need to stand up for our children. On the Hawaii bill, it hasn't passed out of committee yet, I don't believe so. Their session is still ongoing, so this bill could easily be passed.

Speaker 1:

I'll be tracking it and I'll certainly put up updates on my sub-stack on my social media. All of that will be also linked in below. If you don't follow me on those places and you want to keep track of updates on this, I'd suggest that you follow me there, and I would ask that you share this episode, share this information with everybody in your circle so that we can really spread the word and get people engaged in this battle to protect our children and to restore our families in America, because I truly believe that this is the way that we will save America. So thanks so much for listening. I appreciate it so much and I look forward to chatting with you again next time.