Grasshopper Notes Podcast
The Grasshopper Notes Podcast is hosted by John Morgan the man who has been billed as America’s Best Known Hypnotherapist.
John’s podcasts are a collection of guided meditations and bite-sized, mini podcasts which open you to new ways of thinking, communicating, and responding. You get a finer appreciation of how your mind works and how to use your internal resources to your best advantage.
See a video of John's background at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbCPd00ok0I
In short, John Morgan is a people helper. Explore this channel and see what he can help you discover.
Grasshopper Notes Podcast
How to compromise without putting yourself in a compromising position is the topic of this min podcast.
Grasshopper Notes are the writings from America's Best Known Hypnotherapist John Morgan. His podcasts contain his most responded to essays and blog posts from the past two decades.
Find the written versions of these podcasts on John's podcasting site: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1628038
"The Grasshopper" is the part of you that whispers pearls of wisdom that seem to pop into your mind from out of the blue. John's essays and blog posts are his interpretations of these "Nips of Nectar." Others have labeled his writings as timeless wisdom.
Most of the John's writings revolve around self improvement and self help. They address topics like:
• Mindfulness
• Peace of mind
• Creativity
• How to stay in the present moment
• Spirituality
• Behavior improvement
And stories that transform you to a wider sense of awareness that presents more options. And isn't that what we all want, more options?
John uploads these podcasts on a regular basis. So check back often to hear these podcasts heard around the world. Who wants to be the next person to change?
Make sure to order a copy of John's new book: WISDOM OF THE GRASSHOPPER – 21 Days to Creativity. These mini-meditations take you inside where all your creative resources live. And you'll come out not only refreshed but recommitted to creating your future.
It's only $16.95 and available at BLURB.COM at the link below. https://www.blurb.com/b/10239673-wisd...
Also, download John's FREE book INTER RUPTION: The Magic Key To Lasting Change. It's available at John's website https://GrasshopperNotes.com
The Grasshopper offered this perspective on compromise: “Real compromise is seeing how far we can walk together without violating our principles.”
Compromise, depending on its form, can make you want to wash or wish you never compromised in the first place.
Some folks have compromise categorized as a loss. They rarely see the gain that can come about by compromising.
The art of compromising requires a willingness to be the person on the other end of the bargaining table for a moment. Walk a mile in their “crocs,” so to speak.
Find out what it’s like to be them and feel what it’s like to want what they want. You’re just trying their position on for size. There’s nothing written in stone that says you have to keep it, but if you experience it, you just may have more appreciation for it. That may help you walk a little further down the path together.
Differences are well demarcated. Commonality is much more fuzzy, until it’s explored. What interests do you have in common? Learn about those and walk as far as you can together on that path. Reminds me of a story . . .
I learned a useful technique from Tony Robbins almost 40 years ago that helps people stretch what they think is possible. You stand up and take your right arm and hold it out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Now point the index finger of that hand forward. Now you turn your body as far as you can to the right without moving your feet. Note the spot your finger is pointing to. Now return to your initial position and close your eyes. You are now to imagine turning much, much further than you initially went. Once you’ve done that imagination exercise, you are to perform the turning exercise again. I’ve done this exercise at seminars with hundreds of people taking part and they were all amazed by how much farther they went without hurting themselves.
You can walk a lot further with someone without hurting yourself. It takes willingness and imagination and it won’t leave you in a “compromising” position.
All the best,