Grasshopper Notes Podcast

In Love Alone

John Morgan Season 5 Episode 23

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The topic of this week's Grasshopper Notes essay from John Morgan for the week of January 20th is about a lonely love affair with an ideal.

Grasshopper Notes are the writings from America's Best Known Hypnotherapist John Morgan. His podcasts contain his most responded to essays and blog posts from the past two decades. 

Find the written versions of these podcasts on John's podcasting site:

"The Grasshopper" is the part of you that whispers pearls of wisdom that  seem to pop into your mind from out of the blue. John's essays and blog posts are his interpretations of these "Nips of Nectar." Others have labeled his writings as timeless wisdom. 

Most of the John's writings revolve around self improvement and self help. They address topics like:

• Mindfulness
• Peace of mind
• Creativity
• How to stay in the present moment
• Spirituality
• Behavior improvement

And stories that transform you to a wider sense of awareness that presents more options. And isn't that what we all want, more options? 

John uploads these podcasts on a regular basis. So check back often to hear these podcasts heard around the world. Who wants to be the next person to change? 

Make sure to order a copy of John's new book: WISDOM OF THE GRASSHOPPER – 21 Days to Creativity. These mini-meditations take you inside where all your creative resources live. And you'll come out not only refreshed but recommitted to creating your future. 

It's only $16.95 and available at BLURB.COM at the link below.

Also, download John's FREE book INTER RUPTION: The Magic Key To Lasting Change. It's available at John's website

In Love Alone

I heard a line in an old song over the weekend: “I’m in love alone.”

It struck me that it could pertain to a relationship or an ideal.

Regarding a relationship, it could mean only one person in that union is in love and suggests the other isn’t. Sad story.

And if you’re in love with an ideal that few others love, it can be an uphill climb. What’s considered perfect by you is not to a large majority of others.

It takes tons of intestinal fortitude to go against the tide. 

But I think there’s a difference between bullheadedness and a personal sense of certitude. 

Bullheaded people ignore facts to the contrary and just plow ahead and loudly proclaim they’re right without evidence.

The person with conviction looks at all the evidence and points out the pieces of it that many choose to ignore, simply because it doesn’t line up with their theory. 

I’m reminded of what Dr. Dave Dobson said in his authoritative voice: “Theory is bullshit and defending your theory is bullshit squared.” Dave had little time for postulating on something that couldn’t be validated.

I consider myself to be a friendly iconoclast: a skeptic of what many claim to be the “God’s honest truth.”

Real truth has no opposite. If someone has genuine facts to the contrary, it’s prudent, in my opinion, to consider them, not dismiss them because they don’t line up with your ideal.

I’ve accepted I’m “in love alone” on the opposite side of some accepted norms. But I’m not going to arm wrestle with you, only steer clear of a pointless argument that leads to a destructive storm.

All the best,


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