Grasshopper Notes Podcast
The Grasshopper Notes Podcast is hosted by John Morgan the man who has been billed as America’s Best Known Hypnotherapist.
John’s podcasts are a collection of guided meditations and bite-sized, mini podcasts which open you to new ways of thinking, communicating, and responding. You get a finer appreciation of how your mind works and how to use your internal resources to your best advantage.
See a video of John's background at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbCPd00ok0I
In short, John Morgan is a people helper. Explore this channel and see what he can help you discover.
Grasshopper Notes Podcast
What's Your Recipe?
All our behaviors have recipes. The purpose of this week's Grasshopper Notes essay from John Morgan for the week of March 3rd is to find the stepping stones that led us here and make some nuanced adjustments.
Grasshopper Notes are the writings from America's Best Known Hypnotherapist John Morgan. His podcasts contain his most responded to essays and blog posts from the past two decades.
Find the written versions of these podcasts on John's podcasting site: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1628038
"The Grasshopper" is the part of you that whispers pearls of wisdom that seem to pop into your mind from out of the blue. John's essays and blog posts are his interpretations of these "Nips of Nectar." Others have labeled his writings as timeless wisdom.
Most of the John's writings revolve around self improvement and self help. They address topics like:
• Mindfulness
• Peace of mind
• Creativity
• How to stay in the present moment
• Spirituality
• Behavior improvement
And stories that transform you to a wider sense of awareness that presents more options. And isn't that what we all want, more options?
John uploads these podcasts on a regular basis. So check back often to hear these podcasts heard around the world. Who wants to be the next person to change?
Make sure to order a copy of John's new book: WISDOM OF THE GRASSHOPPER – 21 Days to Creativity. These mini-meditations take you inside where all your creative resources live. And you'll come out not only refreshed but recommitted to creating your future.
It's only $16.95 and available at BLURB.COM at the link below. https://www.blurb.com/b/10239673-wisd...
Also, download John's FREE book INTER RUPTION: The Magic Key To Lasting Change. It's available at John's website https://GrasshopperNotes.com
What’s Your Recipe?
We all have recipes for what we do, but most often don’t know what they are. How to unearth these recipes is the topic we explore in this Grasshopper Notes mini podcast.
I’ve mentioned her before, but the best lesson I got on recipes came from a neighbor who made delicious brownies. People raved about her mouth watering delights, and many of them asked for the recipe. She didn’t have it written down but verbally gave it to anyone who made a request.
The problem was nobody’s brownies tasted as good as Barbara’s, even when using her recipe.
That’s because recipes have nuances that don’t make it into the cookbook. Getting in the room and watching and matching her every movement from start to finish got you her taste tempting results.
All our behaviors have recipes whether they deliver excellent or poor results. The useful behaviors don’t need much investigation, but the ones not “up to snuff” do.
The tried and true method for getting in the kitchen with the behavior generator is reverse or backwards engineering. That means to find your way back to the stepping stones that led you here.
This is more than finding out about the history of s particular behavior, it’s a tinkering process with the steps that got you here. What step did you practice over and over ’til they became second nature?
Was it something your parents drilled into you like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “eat everything on your plate”? Or was it something you saw someone else repeatedly do that you wanted for you? Both are ingredients for generating behaviors.
Once you find the initial ingredient, work your way forward. You’ll discover other steps that got you here. This is where the nuance comes in. Did one of these steps take you off the beaten path? If so, this is when to take corrective action. “Ah ha, too much sugar.” Adjust the amount and get back on track towards an award winning recipe.
It’s valuable to find where you went astray and make adjustments to that walkway.
Just a little investigation and some action changing perspiration will get you to replicate Barbara’s taste sensations.
All the best,