Global Health Matters

Can we eliminate malaria? Perspectives from two women leaders

September 10, 2024 Dr. Garry Aslanyan Season 4 Episode 3

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Significant progress has been made towards a malaria-free world. Forty-three countries have successfully eliminated malaria, with Cabo Verde becoming the third African country declared malaria-free earlier this year. Africa, however, still continues to experience the highest share of the global malaria burden, with 94% of malaria cases and malaria deaths. To discuss the challenges and opportunities to eliminate malaria, host Garry Aslanyan speaks with two influential African women leaders. Francine Ntoumi is the Founder, President and Executive Director of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research in the Republic of the Congo who served as the first African leader of the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria. Corine Karema is the Director of Malaria, NTDs and Global Health at Quality & Equity HealthCare in Rwanda. Corine is also the former Director of the Rwanda National Malaria Control Programme and served as Interim CEO of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership.

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