Jesus Is My Hashtag Podcast
The Jesus Is My Hashtag Podcast is where positive youth development and youth ministry intersect. Host Deb Schroeder will tap into her 27 years of training and experience in working with young people to discuss building relationships with youth, helping them explore and grow in their faith, and strategies for guiding them as they develop the skills and abilities necessary to transition successfully through adolescence and into adulthood. Whether you are a youth ministry volunteer, a youth pastor, teacher, coach, parent—well really any caring adult--this podcast is for you! Tune in each week for encouragement, resources and strategies to assist you in helping young people make Jesus their hashtag.
Jesus Is My Hashtag Podcast
Finding My Way with Jared Schroeder, Part 1
Today's podcast episode is Part 1 of an interview with my oldest son Jared. He made some poor choices and was lost to his faith, family and future. This episode shares a little background and the first look at where the struggle began.
Also referenced are episodes:
8 -- Safety & Structure for Youth
11 -- Belonging & Membership for Youth
12 -- Responsibility & Autonomy for Youth
Maybe you know a family struggling with a teen or a youth pastor helping a family who is struggling with a young person. Share this episode.
And, don't forget to tune in for more on this interview in the next several episodes.
As Always,
Keep Showing Up & Keep Caring!