We Needed Roads Podcast
Join Neil Gregory, David Llong, Jose Lopez Jr, Ben Davis & Marie Sztana as they delve into all the latest TV, film and geekery news
We Needed Roads Podcast
We Needed Roads Episode 114:Rivals/Nightbitch/Sweetpea/Smile 2/Interview With The Vampire/Wolfs & The Franchise with Special Guest Cassie Hager
In our new episode Neil, Marie & Jose are joined by a first time guest to the show film critic Cassie Hager as they talk all things TV & Film
In the What we've been watching section -
Cassie - Here/Fraiser Reboot S2 Part 2
Neil - The Devils Hour S2/The Penguin/Heretic
Jose - Uglies/Altered Carbon S2
25.31 - Rivals S1
37.05 - Nightbitch
44.26 - Sweetpea S1
49.48 - Wolfs
54.58 - Interview With The Vampire
66.45 - Smile 2
78.25 - The Franchise
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