Gone-Gpn Show
Gone-Gpn Show
Gone-GPN Podcast 14 - Rubicon Roundtable
The history of Rubicon dates back long before the 49ers headed over the Sierra Nevada to California’s Gold Rush towns—the indigenous Maidu Indians traversed this summer route to Lake Tahoe. The Rubicon Valley was settled in the 1880s and the Maidu’s footpath became a wagon trail and eventually a public road. In 1953, Mark A. Smith and members of the Georgetown Rotary started the Jeepers Jamboree, beginning the Rubicon’s 70-year legacy as the world’s most iconic four-wheel drive destination.
We’ve gathered the four of the most knowable and influential people in the industry to discuss what the future holds for the grandaddy of Jeep trails.
Ken Hower, Rubicon Trail Foundation
Roger Salazar, California OHVMR Division
Pearse Umlauf, Jeep Jamboree USA
Bob Sweeney, Jeepers Jamboree
A video conference will be held on February 15 at 5 p.m. PST, attended by the below organizations and other involved agencies. You can register to listen in here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpduyupzMqGdBLt29jw4zqNHK6OZvtsIiw?fbclid=IwAR26S6AKjuAEP6zNo90TUEfkGWKvdWSfh_jdTqBk2-ISiRX0pSAeACNMqCY