Seek Things Above

“Monastic spirituality: Listening to and praying with God’s voice” with Fr. John Paul Le, OSB

Mount Angel Institute

Monastic spirituality can be a guide for life and following Christ not just for monks, but also for Christians living in the world. This is the third of four lectures on monastic spirituality in the winter/spring 2024 Christian in the World lecture series.

In this lecture from March 9, 2024, Fr. John Paul Le, OSB, a monk of Mount Angel Abbey, explores monastic spirituality from the perspective of prayer and how this prayer can enrich the life of a Christian living in the world. The first part of his talk focuses on lectio divina, the ancient monastic practice of prayerfully reading the sacred Scriptures. Throughout the centuries, monks developed this method of reading the Scriptures which can be broken down into four steps: reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

The theme of the second part of the lecture is the Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office), the prayer of the Church. St. Benedict calls this rhythm of chanting the psalms and other Scriptures the “Work of God.” Through the Liturgy of the Hours, we unite ourselves to Christ in his eternal prayer to the Father.

The Christian in the World lecture series, sponsored by the Mount Angel Institute, is an integrated program of study, prayer, and discussion for Catholics who want to live their faith more deeply. The program seeks to help participants gain a more profound understanding of the Scriptures and the Church and to support lay people in exploring how to live their baptismal vocation in everyday life.

For more information about Christian in the World, visit