Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

I Will Declare

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk
In the message "I Will Declare", Pastor Jerry looks at what it means when we make a declaration of our faith in God. A declaration of faith doesn’t always come from the place of already possessing something in hand, otherwise it wouldn’t take faith. The declaration often comes through the knowledge that what we seek is within God is possession... and is therefore available BY FAITH for my procurement! A declaration of faith comes from a positive mindset, in even a negative circumstance, and is based on a desired vision with complete trust in God and His word. A declaration of faith isn’t a statement simply based on a whim, it’s a heart felt conviction based rather on God’s character and His word. I want to challenge you to begin taking inventory of what God has said, rightly divide it, believe it... then publish it... Make it know. Declare it! Stand on it! See it come to pass!