Forecasting Impact

Forecasting Software Panel

Forecasting Impact Season 3 Episode 29

In this episode, we had the honour of having three guests on our panel: Prof Rob Hyndman, Professor of Statistics from Monash University, Federico Garaz, CTO and co-founder of Nixtla, and Eric Stellwagen, CEO and Co-founder of Business Forecast Systems.  

We discussed a range of topics on the role of software in forecasting, the latest status, and future trends in forecasting software. The panel shed light on the importance of incorporating operational information in software and integrating decision information in the software.  We discussed some of the challenges in implementing forecasting software and getting them to work.

The panel shared insights and tips for excelling in forecasting software. Eric recommended defining what you want to accomplish, and the needs that you want to fill before choosing any software. Fede recommended Nixtla as a resource on various forecasting software and Forecasting Principles and Practices by Rob Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos as a reference book. Rob recommended books by Hadley Wickham as great resources.