
Areeq Chowdhury

OneTeamGov Season 1 Episode 22

We chat to Areeq Chowdhury, founder of WebRoots Democracy and Head of Think Tank for Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology at Future Advocacy.

Beginning his career in U.K. government and Parliament, we hear what inspired Areeq to found his think tank WebRoots Democracy at the age of 21. Areeq shares his expertise on the topic of online voting, and argues for the urgency of engaging the modern generation of voters in political participation.

We discuss the role of technology, social media, and artificial intelligence in shaping recent elections, and how the balance of power is shifted towards the individual by providing independent and secret means to vote. Areeq also highlights the role of accessibility in providing fair and inclusive access to democracy.

Finally, we get Areeq’s thoughts on what he would change about U.K. parliament, and add AOC to our official OneTeamGov drinking game. MLF, you’ve got company!