What's Your F'ing Business?®
What's Your F'ing Business?® is a podcast about franchising. These are candid interviews with the CEOs, founders and leaders of the best, sustainable brands and the service providers that support them. Whether you are contemplating being a franchisor or are running and growing your brand, there is a lot to learn from these seasoned franchise veterans. Do you want to know what the latest is in franchising, then this is the podcast for you. If you are interested in more information about ethical and sustainable franchising and the folks at FranWise® and O'Connell & Company, Inc., visit https://www.franwise.net.
What's Your F'ing Business?®
Patti Rother, President of Frios Gourmet Pops
Patti Rother, President of Frios Gourmet Pops
Season 5
Episode 2
Patti Rother, president of Frios Gourmet Pops, talks of her leadership journey, being authentic and how to really know your franchisees. Being authentic is part of the fabric of Frios Gourmet Pops and part of Patti Rother leading to a dynamic plan for franchise growth.
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