The FinTech Report

The Fintech Report Podcast: Episode 33: Joe Patrick, Founder, Astral Ventures

Glen Frost Season 1 Episode 33

The FinTech Report Podcast: Joe Patrick at Astral Ventures


Joe Patrick is the co-founder of Astral Ventures – a technology focussed corporate advisory firm based in Sydney, Australia. Astral has worked with some of Australia’s most exciting technology companies including Hivery, FrankieOne, ImmutableX, Spaceship and VC fund Blackbird Ventures, among many more. 

Astral Ventures is also the publisher of the ANZ VC Leaderboard which is a first of it’s kind initiative launched in February of this year. The VC Leaderboard enables founders to make more empowered decisions about whom to partner with - and for VCs to better understand how founders benchmark them against peers.

Prior to founding Astral, Joe was an investment banker at JPMorgan.


In this episode, we discuss:

Joe’s finance background at JP Morgan

Why the move to venture

Who are Astral Ventures? Track record, vision, mission

How Astral work with Founders and the early stage eco-system

Recent report – VC Leader board – grading the investors

Methodology: how do Founders ‘judge’ the investors?

How can investors do better?

Thoughts on the fintech funding eco-system: global macro trends, as well as local micro trends


About Astral Ventures VC Leaderboard. 

700 submissions from founders on 150 funds.

With the data, Astral has created a founder NPS ranking tool - ranking the best VCs in the eyes of Australian and Kiwi founders. Astral decided to publish the top 25 funds, and have shown the remainder alphabetically. Astral’s intention is for founders to use this tool to make more empowered decisions about whom to partner with - and for VCs to better understand how founders benchmark them against peers.

View the Astral Leaderboard report here: