Field Notes Podcast

Ep. 21 My Emotional Alchemy Process 101

Eden Thaler

In this episode I share an overview of my integration method, including:

  • An overview of my unique integration framework (the process of integrating our repressed, frozen-in-time emotional wounds & dissolving the system of limiting beliefs that keeps our wounding under the surface and our selves fragmented as it prompts us into repeated subconscious self-sabotaging feedback-loops)
  • What the goals of integration are and what it can help with (hint: all the empath/sensitive being issues such as controlling, perfectionism, overachieving, people pleasing, low self-worth, lack mentality, victim mentality, never feeling good enough)
  • Which aspects of life this method works to help transform 
  • An overview of limiting beliefs, shadow (abandoned aspects of self), emotional wounds, and emotional needs
  • What I’ve personally been able to overcome with the help of this method
  • Where this process comes from and my major influences/background in creating this understanding
  • An overview of the steps of integration, and why/how these particular steps create self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, internal validation, self-worth and self-compassion


My coaching training

Trauma Healing Resources

Neuroscience Resources

Affiliate disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small amount of commission when you sign up for the programs below!

*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

To Be Magnetic Manifestation Program [Use Affiliate Code EDEN for 15% off]

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About me:

Welcome to Field Notes Podcast (formerly Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey). I created this podcast to be a living roadmap for transforming your patterns into your expanded potential. Tune in for perspectives that spark rapid transformation, tips for optimizing your wellness in a *very crunchy* (yet non-dogmatic) way. On the ongoing journey of finding freedom from the stuff that keeps us stuck—here are my field notes.

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