Field Notes Podcast

Ep. 69 The Universe Never Withholds Love

Eden Garcia Thaler

In this solo episode I speak about the topic of "tests." The notion of how the Universe "tests" us is a big one on the spiritual and manifestation journey. 

While the question: "is the Universe testing me?" or trying to interpret tests from the Universe is sometimes helpful, it can also turn into a limitation. In this solo episode I talk about:

  • The stage of the spiritual journey (aka the moments in time/space) in which looking at things through the lens of "tests" is helpful
  • 3D vs. 5D manifestation 
  • When the wounded parts of us, and our egos, hijack our manifestation journey
  • How we project the "caregiver role" onto the Universe, and how this reveals the parts of us that need more love
  • The helpfulness (or lack thereof) of the notion that the Universe withholds our manifestations until we pass tests

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About me:

Welcome to Field Notes Podcast (formerly Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey). I created this podcast to be a living roadmap for transforming your patterns into your expanded potential. Tune in for perspectives that spark rapid transformation, tips for optimizing your wellness in a *very crunchy* (yet non-dogmatic) way. On the ongoing journey of finding freedom from the stuff that keeps us stuck—here are my field notes.

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