Field Notes Podcast

Ep. 75 Why I Stopped Posting on Instagram and Took a Hiatus

Eden Garcia Thaler

In this episode I share about why I stopped posting about healing and spirituality on instagram, took a hiatus from my podcast, and stepped back from my business. We discuss feedback loops, manifesting from an unintegrated place, letting go of external validation, and so much more.


The Anatomy of a Feedback Loop
Achieving Inner Union with the Object of Your Desire

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*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

To Be Magnetic Manifestation Program [Use Affiliate Code EDEN for 15% off]

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About me:

Welcome to Field Notes Podcast (formerly Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey). I created this podcast to be a living roadmap for transforming your patterns into your expanded potential. Tune in for perspectives that spark rapid transformation, tips for optimizing your wellness in a *very crunchy* (yet non-dogmatic) way. On the ongoing journey of finding freedom from the stuff that keeps us stuck—here are my field notes.

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