Field Notes Podcast

Ep. 79 How to Get Out of a Shadow Work Rabbit Hole

Eden Garcia Thaler

In this episode I discuss why we sometimes get stuck in "endless healing spiral" or a bottomless pit of shadow work and how to get out of this vortex.

There comes a time on the healing journey where many of us need to discover a greater meaning and purpose to life than just healing and transformation, even if that is still an important part of our lives (as I know it is for me)!

We'll talk about some ways to get out, and stay out, of an endless healing vortex:

1. Expanding your field of awareness
2. Uncovering a larger purpose or "end goal"
3. Asking questions about the questions that you're asking

Manifestation episode referenced:

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*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

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About me:

Welcome to Field Notes Podcast (formerly Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey). I created this podcast to be a living roadmap for transforming your patterns into your expanded potential. Tune in for perspectives that spark rapid transformation, tips for optimizing your wellness in a *very crunchy* (yet non-dogmatic) way. On the ongoing journey of finding freedom from the stuff that keeps us stuck—here are my field notes.

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