The Holistic Psychiatrist

Episode 2 of The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series: Healing from Emotionally Immature Parents

Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM Season 2 Episode 20

Episode 2 of The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series: 
Healing from Emotionally Immature Parents

I am excited to start The Empower Energy Technique (EET) Healing Series which share the EETs that I've done over the years with my patients that have been particularly useful for my patients and can be universally helpful for others.

To start this series, I've created three different YouTube videos and podcasts. The first is a brief introduction to EET and will walk you through an EET session that addresses negative self-judgment and regret.

This second episode using EET targets healing from emotionally immature parents. If you've read the ground-breaking book by Lindsay C. Gibson called "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents," then you know what this EET will be targeting. 

Emotionally immature parents are self-centered and lack empathy. They use their children for their own unfulfilled needs. The adult children of emotionally immature parents feel unseen and unlovable despite their efforts to be all that they can be to "earn" love from their parents. Session 2 of the EET series uses Life Energy to heal from the consequences of these early childhood traumas.

I hope that you will benefit from this particular application of EET. Enjoy!

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To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600

Dr. Lee is located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.

The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

Marc Ronick:

Welcome to the holistic psychiatrist podcast, a place for inspiration, insight and information on holistic mental health. Join your host, Dr. Alice Lee, and discover critical information on safe, effective psychiatric medication withdrawal. Explore new ideas that enlighten and expand the mind with cutting edge authors and experts along with former patients as they share their miraculous healing journeys. It's time to build your well being from the thought up. It's time for the holistic psychiatrist podcast. Here's your host, Dr. Alice Lee.

Dr. Alice Lee:

Hello and welcome to the holistic psychiatrists podcast and power energy healing series. Today we're focusing on using E T to heal from emotionally immature parents. I'm your host, Dr. Alex Lee, the holistic psychiatrists practicing in Utah in New York. For those of you who are not familiar with et, it's a new generation of powerful energy healing techniques that does not require tapping, like E F T. It uses words ideas, intentions and connection to an ideal source of energy that I call life energy to shift energy to a healthier state of being. As you do et it's natural to yawn or tear out. Let yourself do this to clear blockages. Of course sometimes energy healing techniques result in increased levels of detoxification. The body's reaction to energy healing is sensed most powerfully for three days after the energy work to help you release the toxins that block your physical ability to follow through with your healing. Please drink more water, eat more cruciferous vegetables, and rest is needed. For those who are afraid of connecting to life energy, it's helpful to think of it as an unconditionally loving, infinitely wise and powerful source of energy that powers our bodies in the universe perfectly and beautifully. It's important to let go of any negative judgment from the source of life energy, and trust the life energy will help you in a kind, compassionate, and gentle manner. life energy is not meant to represent a religious figure, nor does it operate through fear, guilt or punishment. Today, our E T focuses on healing from childhood trauma. For those of you who have read the book adult children of emotionally immature parents by Lindsay C. Gibson, you may be aware of the damage that can happen when self absorbed or absent parents objectify a child and use them to serve their own unfulfilled needs. In one of my sessions with a patient, we dealt with just such parents, and created a list of intentions to help the person heal from the consequences of being raised by emotionally immature parents. The core issues of emotionally immature parents are their self centeredness, and lack of empathy. children growing up in these homes feel unseen and unloved. Many become highly accomplished, because they feel that they need to be in order to earn love. And yet they feel empty inside despite their outwardly successful careers. The following E T is to help these adults who want to reclaim their lives again, to review the overall structure of ET, you can find it on my website, holistic, that's h o l i s t Go to the Information tab, and the energy medicines techniques section. So let's begin we're going to begin with energy brass and then we're going to go through the E T together. I'll just walk you through it. We're going to try to do this E T three times. It is a very long e t but I think it's quite powerful and comprehensive. So I'll walk you through it. And then we'll talk a little bit about it at the end. Alright, so let's go ahead and begin with energy breaths. Let's close our eyes and take some nice deep relaxed breaths. Visualizing light within you and all around you. If you have difficulty visualizing light, just think of your breath as bringing in beautiful, perfect life energy. As you breathe out, release any blockages to allowing that life energy to fill you. Those of you who can visualize light just imagine your light getting stronger I'm brighter within you and all around you. We're gonna think of the slide as representing the idea of perfect life energy, and that it comes from a pure, perfect and infinite source of life energy. We set intention to be one with this infinite source of life energy at all levels of being through space and time. We set intention to be open and receptive to divine spiritual support and healing. We asked for that divine spiritual support and healing to help us maximize the benefits of our energy work. We suncatcher in our life energy will deliver additional helpful supportive strengthening energy to us at all levels of being at an optimal points in time, helping the healing to be more complete and long lasting. All right, let's go over and see E T together, I'll just walk you through it. I now choose to be one with life energy, as a wave is one with the ocean. Whereas a sunbeam is one with the sun, and be empowered to heal, clear and release the belief that my parents can and will claim credit for my accomplishments, successes, and happiness. Heal clear and release the belief that one way to prevent my parents from owning my story and life is to undermine or hurt myself. To heal clear and release the belief that I am responsible for my parents happiness, and well being and must sacrifice myself and my happiness for them. To heal clear release my vulnerability to and being controlled by my parents, negative reactions, manipulations, or opinions of me to heal clear and release the habit of making myself small, relinquishing activities and interests and undermining my successes in order to protect my individuality from my parents habit, or desire to claim my achievements for themselves. Number six, to reclaim, embrace and own the full gamut of my social life, achievements, intelligence, interests, creativity, and talents. I completely and gratefully accept healing energy at all levels of being of space and time. From life energy to create and achieve this healing process. I embrace the positive shifts that occur as I heal my beliefs, emotions, fears, pain habits, traumas, injuries, negative spiritual influences, and other blockages that prevent me from receiving all the energy and support I need to heal and empower my life at all levels of being now and through space and time. All right, very good. Let's take a few breaths let's do the second round. I now choose to be one with like energy as a wave is one with the ocean. Whereas a sunbeam is one with the sun and be empowered to heal Claire release the belief that my parents can and will claim credit for my accomplishments, successes and happiness. He'll Claire release the belief that one way to prevent my parents from owning my story and life is to undermine or hurt myself. Heal Claire release the belief that I am responsible for my parents happiness and well being and must sacrifice myself and my happiness for them. Heal clear release my vulnerability to and being controlled by my parents negative reactions, manipulations or opinions of me. You'll Claire release the habit of making myself small, relinquishing activities and interests and undermining my successes in order to protect my individuality from my parents habit and desire to claim my achievements for themselves. Number six, reclaim embrace and own the full gamut of my social life, achievements, intelligence, interests, creativity and talents. I completely and gratefully accept healing energy at all levels of being in this space and time. From life energy to create and achieve this healing process. I embrace the positive shifts that occur as I heal my beliefs, emotions, fears, pain habits, traumas, injuries, negative spiritual influences, and other blockages that prevent me from receiving all the energy and support I need to heal and empower my life at all levels of being now and to space and time. Take a couple of breaths. Third round. I now choose to be one with life energy is a wave is one with the ocean, where the sun beam is one with a son and be empowered to heal clear and release the belief that my parents can and will claim credit for my accomplishments, successes and happiness. Heal clear release the belief that one way to prevent my parents from owning my story in life is to undermine or hurt myself to hear clear and release the belief that I am responsible for my parents happiness and well being and my sacrifice myself and my happiness for them. Number four, heal clear and release my vulnerability to avoid being controlled by my parents negative reactions, manipulations, or opinions of me to hear clear and release the habit of making myself small, relinquishing activities and interests and undermining my successes in order to protect my individuality. From my parents habit of claiming my achievements for themselves and to reclaim, embrace and own the full gamut of my social life, achievements, intelligence, interests, creativity and talents completely and gratefully accept healing energy at all levels of being and through space and time, from life energy to create and achieve his healing process. I embrace the positive shifts that occur as I heal my beliefs, emotions, fears, habits, pain, traumas, injuries, negative spiritual influences, and other blockages that prevent me from receiving all the energy and support I need to heal and empower my life at all levels of being now and through space and time. We're going to focus on gratitude and receptivity for the additional life energy that has been provided to us through space and time healing us spiritually mentally, emotionally, physically and socially. Their intentions and connection to life energy students focus on that gratitude and receptivity. All right, very good. Hope that this is helpful in that you've actually on during the technique teared up during the technique that will be a sign that it's been helpful in releasing some blockages. Have a good week, and I hope to create more of these ADT statements and supportive intentions for you so that you can continue to find greater happiness in your life. Thank you for listening and

Marc Ronick:

the content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the US FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice which should be obtained from a medical professional