WUN's mission is to help women to connect with other women, so they can share learnings, build confidence, and develop their own passion for the fast moving utilities space. Through our podcast episodes, we aim to provide our listeners with the skills they need to build long-lasting and fulfilling careers in the sector.
Find us at: thewun.co.uk
Ep. 29 Fertility Friendly Accreditation with Liz Brand at Cadent Gas
WUN Advocate Lillian Philip speaks with Liz Brand, Risk and Assurance manager and Fertility lead at Cadent Gas.
In this episode Liz shares Cadent’s journey becoming the first utility company to be awarded the “Fertility Friendly Employer” accreditation by Fertility Matters at Work.
We talk about the importance of employee advocacy to showcase different skills and create inclusive communities. We also hear about her own personal journey with IVF in the workplace and how she channelled this into making a positive difference at work.