WUN's mission is to help women to connect with other women, so they can share learnings, build confidence, and develop their own passion for the fast moving utilities space. Through our podcast episodes, we aim to provide our listeners with the skills they need to build long-lasting and fulfilling careers in the sector.
Find us at: thewun.co.uk
Ep 36. Re-Thinking Leadership with Karen Moran, Director of Disruptive HR
“Re-thinking leadership”
Listen to the latest WUN podcast Re-thinking Leadership – taking a fresh perspective on how we can all behave as leaders.
WUN advocate Victoria Lemmon chats with Karen Moran, Director of DisruptivevHR to discuss her experience as a HR professional and why she feels some leadership styles need a change. Karen provides an updated view on leadership approaches at all levels, sharing hints and tips we can all take on board.