Israel & Rachel Campbell "SOUP" Podcast

Israel & Rachel Campbell SOUP Season 2 | Episode 5 : A Journey Towards Becoming 'Hurt-Proof'

Israel & Rachel Campbell | Flourishing Church

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Have you ever wondered how to become resilient, how to become immune to hurt? Welcome to the Campbell Soup Podcast with your hosts, Israel and Rachel Campbell. In this episode, they dive into the topic of becoming "hurt-proof." Join them as they discuss the importance of not letting offense and hurt control your life, and how to navigate the challenges that come with being a believer. The hosts share personal stories of church hurt and betrayal, emphasizing the value of staying planted and resilient.

Israel and Rachel highlight the significance of the scripture, "Great peace have those who love thy law, and nothing shall offend thee," in shaping their lives. They stress that while offenses are inevitable, being offended is a choice, a lifestyle decision.

The hosts also reflect on their own experiences of church hurt, where they faced unexpected challenges, betrayals, and hardships within their faith community. They discuss how staying rooted and not getting hurt enabled them to overcome these trials and grow stronger.

Rachel shares a recent personal experience of deep betrayal from people she considered family, acknowledging that there will always be painful events in life. The episode emphasizes the need to hurt-proof your life and not let offense control your destiny.

So, if you're looking for practical advice on navigating the challenges of faith, staying resilient in the face of hurt, and learning from the hosts' own experiences, be sure to tune in to this episode of the Campbell Soup Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we're back, and this is only our what take, honey. We won't even say, uh, we had some first take.

Speaker 2:

As far as I remember, I think it's our first.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we had no technical difficulties or being on the same page. What? Well, we're always on the same page. Welcome to the Israel and Rachel Campbell soup podcast. Season two baby Episode five. What are we talking about today?

Speaker 2:

Voila, oh nice. Look at your magic trick right there. We are talking about becoming heartproof.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's going to be a good subject.

Speaker 1:

That is probably um. You know, my, my mom he used to make me there was all these scriptures that we would have to memorize as a kid and there was one that was just always and I had a little rhyme to it, but she would always say great piece, have those who love. That line, nothing shall offend the great piece, have those who love. And it was kind of like, um, israel don't get hurt, israel don't get mad, israel don't get upset. And it was just, um, even though it got to be monotonous, it's part of actual our life and even our kids life, the power of the scripture, but then also the power of stop getting hurt. And I feel like, like our generation was you, you didn't have helmets, um, and there were no knee pads and there were no elbow pads. And like we got hurt skateboarding and we got hurt doing life and splinters. And obviously we don't want severed limbs and obviously we don't want hospitalizations for three weeks.

Speaker 1:

But I also feel like, uh, we might be on the verge of getting wimpy because we've over might be on the verge and we're all and people sometimes are always hurt, and if you're always hurt, you really never actually enjoying life or really being what God wants you to be. So we're talking about trying to become hurt proof If that is an okay thing to say.

Speaker 2:

I think it's an important thing to say. And, um, I think about like, just you have these scars on your arms where you had to go have surgery. Why did you have surgery? I uh fell and landed on my arm and broke it and had to be carried by your dad and, um, do you know, like I just okay, think about this If you never fell and then never experienced that pain, you would have never known your dad's love, in a rescuer kind of way, where he had to pick you, swoop you up and you'd go to somewhere that could care for you.

Speaker 2:

You had surgery and now you have the story to tell it and yeah, that was a stinky moment, but actually it's part of your story and I think sometimes we rob ourselves and others of um. Part of our stories are not of the good days, but of the really hard days, of the real days, and I have a hole in my leg that I will forever have.

Speaker 2:

I have two holes in my leg now, but one of them I had a hole in my lower leg because my brother told me he was teaching me how to ride his dirt bike when I was a little girl. And, um, he's like you just pull this throttle until you hear it really, really, really loud. The louder it gets, the better, and then let go of the break and it'll just take off. Well, it literally did just take off like full blast, popped a wheelie. I was flying around.

Speaker 2:

I was like uh evil conneval for a little bit showing off tricks and then the. I think the bike landed in a tree and I was on the ground, but the kickstand had hit my leg and dug it out. It was disgusting. I still have um scars to prove that I'm a forgiver to Philip Roger Smith, my older brother.

Speaker 2:

And then, um, another scar I had was when that brown recluse bit me and so and it started eating me at my flesh. But we have scars, and they're these stories of our life, and I think that sometimes our society wants to rob us of fully being alive, which also includes the pain, the healing, the experiencing, the relationship through it, and all of those things. Those are so important, aren't they? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

And I have to. At any time, I can possibly talk about the Seattle Seahawks or football. Uh, I will bring it up, uh and uh. Well, they did not scar me or anything or hurt me, but they've had interviews with, um, the coach who I want to look like when I'm, uh, eight years old or whatever. He's a nice looking man, I see you going that way, uh, but he said that they actually, when they are looking for players, they look for something called grit, and so they actually want a story, they want to hear a moment of pain that they overcame, because they feel like that's the kind of football player we want, and that is, like, so what you said.

Speaker 1:

If you're consistently trying to, um, keep that from happening, you're actually robbing. I would have been in the NFL of my parents, wouldn't have, but no, you, just you. You have to think about it like there. People want grit, and the thing is, life is so tough You'll, you will get grit just living life, and so, um, what it is, though, is becoming hurt proof, because, um, it's, it's, it's it's. If you're injured, hey, we're going to recover from that, but if you're, um, somehow you know, hurt for life. That that's obviously not what we want, and we're not trying to say that over you either Like well, just accept it and just do that.

Speaker 1:

But there is kind of a wimpiness that we're facing right now that at least our generation was walking off. Our generation was like get out there and play. Our generation was a little bit more of a you know, you know, no bandaid, you don't need it, just let the air fix it. And so let's talk about that today. How do we become hurt proof? Yeah, um, and as believers, uh, you know, honestly, I see more wimpy Christians and sometimes I do wimpy world people, and it should be the opposite. So how do we become hurt proof? Right?

Speaker 2:

I love it. So, um, I love what James says. We're going to talk about James 17, cause it's such a good portion of scripture and it tells us everything we need to know. And he just says then he said under those disciples, it is impossible that offenses will come, but woe to him who stays offended. And I absolutely love that scripture because it is so true that Offenses are going to come. And Jesus even says it I'm sorry, I don't think it's James, it's in Luke and I was reading something else in James, but in Luke 17. Jesus says to his disciples and he says it to be recorded so that we have it today, because he knew how much we were gonna need it in 2023.

Speaker 2:

But, israel, don't you love that? Jesus instructed us this. I think if Jesus didn't instruct this, it would have been harder for us to make the decision to not be offended. But Jesus himself said it is impossible that offenses won't come into your life, especially as a believer, but even as a non-believer. But woe to him who gets offended. And what Jesus is saying here, that is so important and I'm so glad that your mom always had you quote that scripture verse because it's a muscle, it's muscle tone for you now. But and Israel really taught that even to me, because that wasn't one that my family really memorized. We had other ones. But that one great piece of those who loved Ilaun, nothing shall offend me. There are days where I quote that like a rap. I'm like great piece of those who love Ilaun. Nothing will offend me.

Speaker 2:

Great and it's a gift from God and when I declare it over myself, I'm receiving his power to not be offended. But I love when Jesus says in Luke 17, he says offenses are gonna come.

Speaker 1:

And so being a Christian doesn't mean that then, all of a sudden, now everything's easy, everything. You get good parking at Target, things are on sale, yeah, just everything. Is awesome, awesome.

Speaker 2:

That Christians are gonna be really nice to you and that no one's going to ever hurt your feelings or no one's ever gonna betray you. That's just not the reality, and so I love that. Jesus says this it is impossible. The defenses won't come, but woe to those who are offended. That's actually putting out this stick for us, where it's like okay, offenses are gonna come, but don't get offended. Offenses you will have a chance to be offended, and I heard somebody say that I thought was brilliant, and now it's your turn after. This is that they said offense is an event. That happens, it comes, it pops up. Offense is an event, but being offended is a lifestyle choice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so good, and I think we were talking about it like we do, and these are our conversations that we have, whether we're walking the beach, walking the dog, talking in the bathroom, just all the things post church or whatever, just talking about different things, and this was one of the subjects that we wrote down. Like you know, what people need to be and we need to be hurt proof and when it comes to the church, I think that this is a big one that I've been hearing a lot of lately is the word church hurt. And obviously, well, first, before I even say obviously, just a couple of stories. So you know, so we're not like just you know, oh, everything's always been good.

Speaker 1:

Some of our greatest hurts in life have been in church, and so some of the greatest chances to be offended were in church. But we have been hurt proof, and so we're not talking about it. And so sometimes I'll have somebody come to me and talk about their church hurt and I almost I wanna be nice and sincere, but I almost wanna roll my eyes because I'm like Rachel was a girl on her way to lead praise and worship at their church and there was a letter on the door and the locks had been changed, kicking her parents out of the church, saying that they were no longer the pastors. That was Rachel Sunday morning.

Speaker 2:

As a teenager. As a teenager, when you don't process things well as a teenager.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and then my situation is after my dad died. The pastor that came in after pretty much just said one Sunday that before ABC had ever done the TV show Wife Swap. He said thus sayeth the Lord, that he was gonna marry his secretary, his secretary's husband was gonna marry his wife, and everything that my parents, myself, all the times I had set up chairs and we had done all this stuff was gone like this. The church disintegrated and so I've had church hurt. I can remember my first office was taken away from the because it was a closet and Rachel and I decorated the closet to become really cool looking, it was so cool babe.

Speaker 1:

And then when somebody finally saw the closet was cool, they took it from me and then they put me in a smaller closet and it's just, that was scripture verse, great piece of those. And I could have been hurt if I would have got. Can you imagine, rachel that was 26 years ago If I would have gotten hurt that that church took away the closet that they gave me and we fixed with our own money, our old, like you stuff. We dumpster dived for the very first time together, found a little cushion chair. We refabricated. Do you remember that, babe?

Speaker 2:

I remember.

Speaker 1:

And painted it. Those were good days, good days. If I would have gotten hurt there, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast today, because we wouldn't have made it. We stayed in church, stayed planted, didn't get hurt and because of it now we can look back and go. Grace of God. Grace of God, grace of God, and that hurt didn't take us out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we wanna talk today about how important it is to you know like hurt proof your life, especially when it comes to your relationship with God and his church and God's people, because that's where the enemy wants to take you out. I personally, in the last year, I honestly have had opportunities and offense events come at me that should have taken me out in some ways Like really deep betrayal, hurt that I did not see coming from people that I let in the closest, like family, the closest family, and you know. So this is something that I'm not preaching out of this place of. There's still a tangent like my eyes water when I think about it, because there will be painful things in our life If I can just get real.

Speaker 2:

I know everybody gets uncomfortable. This is going down again. I always get the one. But I'm just gonna be honest, cause I think somebody needs to just hear the reality of what maybe Israel and I are walking through. But when COVID broke out, there was so much division going on in different areas and attack, and so we've walked through that. And then this last year I thought that now we're rebuilding and there are some new hits.

Speaker 2:

Just personally, that the enemy that I know that the enemy was trying to just cause me to be offended because a fence causes me to stumble, a fence causes me to be trapped, a fence causes my heart to change. It causes. This is what happens when we're hurt. We get numb, we isolate, we walk and hurt. We start expecting more people to hurt us, we start doubting and instead of trusting, it seems like one thing, but really it's the domino to take you out. And so when we don't realize that it's the ugliest enemy that is pointed, it's a sword that is pointed to take us out. When we don't realize that and we play around with offense and we withhold forgiveness and we begin to mistrust and we allow those feelings instead of choosing what God says and going I will not be offended. I will not let this take me out. I will not retaliate. Because someone did something towards me, I'm not gonna do something back. I'm not gonna speak ill against them, I'm not gonna. The other important thing is I'm not gonna defend myself, and I think that-.

Speaker 1:

Are you giving two points? You just threw in another point there. That's okay, go ahead, I'm just telling my story. Go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

You give me getting into points, the point mask, but those are the things. For me, that it's more. I'm not fighting flesh and blood. We're not fighting flesh and blood. We are fighting an age old spirit that has been around on this earth trying to attack God's people and get us off of mission, get us isolated so that we can begin to be devoured since the fall of Adam and Eve. That's what it is, and when we realize that we stop getting hurt by the face of a person because Israel can attest to this. In our life we have been hurt almost the same way by different faces because it's not a person, it's a spirit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you gave all three of my points in one quick recap. Okay, let's itemize it First. Do you have to make a decision to not get offended, correct? Before the offense. Before you get offense you gotta go. Gi Joe says knowing is half the battle. And again I get to quote football, I get to quote GI.

Speaker 2:

Joe, you would be such a full on guy today. I like it.

Speaker 1:

But really making a decision to not get offended before offense comes, because you recognize it, okay, there's gonna be opportunities for me to be offended, and so you have to make a decision, I believe, beforehand. If you don't make a decision beforehand, you're gonna get in it and then you're gonna let the emotion of that moment make a decision versus the base of it beforehand. And so I think you said that and I think that's really good, is you and your wife, you and I have done that before grabbed each other's hand and just said, babe, we're not gonna get offended at this, we're not gonna let this, we're not gonna, we're gonna get through this. You know, this is not and we've walked through that and just said that. And then the other thing that you had said going through. The second thing that you had said was what?

Speaker 2:

was it you said so much? The third one was Sorry, I do say a lot.

Speaker 1:

The third one was so good, had to do a lot with, had a lot to do with making sure that you understand it's a. You win in the spirit, not in the flesh, and I think that that was so good. The story is, what happened is Rachel I told you earlier when she was a young girl these elders of their church did not like what their dad and mom was doing, losing control, and so they changed the locks of the door, voted them out or whatever, and it was just very traumatic, obviously for Rachel and her family and her parents and all of that. But that was funny because then when we pastored, it had another state, another city. We ran up into this situation once and it was like, well, these are completely the different people, different state, different church.

Speaker 1:

Totally different, accents Different accent, but the same spirit Like oh my goodness, that's the it's. And then we, what we did? Is we recognized? Oh my gosh, this isn't a person, this is a spirit, and so let's unpack that for a second, because that alone can will revolutionize your life If you recognize the war that we're facing the Bible says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and when you can realize that it's a spirit of racism not a person.

Speaker 1:

It's a spirit of control, not the person. It's a spirit of insecurity. Paul even tells Timothy God is not giving you a spirit of fear. So there's a spirit of fear, then it's a game changer, because it hurts, it's still hard, it's still hard to process, but you take the person out of it. Now you're not mad at a person. Now you're not mad at a race. Now you're not mad at a gender, now you're not mad at a generation.

Speaker 2:

Now you are mad at the spirit.

Speaker 1:

And we win in the spirit, different than when we win in the flesh. Cause in the flesh, come on. Mama said knock you out. Another exact good quote from LL Cool J Come on, we want to fight it in the flesh, but when we realize it's in the spirit, oh, that's a game changer. Oh, I know how we're going to deal with this and I can remember. I remember going around in our house and praising and praying, because we were fighting in the spirit, not in the flesh.

Speaker 2:

Well, and when you realize it's a spirit, it takes that opportunity to be offended towards someone away. So then it breaks that back of division. It breaks the back of division when you realize you're not fighting a person and a face, You're fighting a spirit. And so that spirit is translated all over the world and but the enemy knows. It's kind of like when somebody robs a bank and they've got the security camera and they are not wearing a mask. They can catch them within 24 hours. They can find out who they are, where they live, knock on their grandma's door. They're hiding, eating chocolate chip cookies in the bathroom. And there you have it right, We've seen it on the news. And then there's someone with a masked face and they're like we don't know who it is. If anyone has any leads, we don't know who we're fighting. And so then you can't catch that thief and the Bible talks about if you can't just leave he has to pay back seven times.

Speaker 2:

But if you don't know who the thief is, then actually you're the one who's breaking down, you're the one who's stuck in unforgiveness, and the enemy knows it. So he masks himself in different faces. And then can I just say too? Jesus said to the disciples this is really a very sobering thought. Israel like that maybe we could talk about too is.

Speaker 2:

Jesus turned to his disciples at one point and he said what spirit are you up? Yeah, and it was because the disciples thought that they were saying things, they were aligning with the heart of God, and they were not. And do you know that the enemy can use Christians when they're not consulting God, when they're not in the Word, when they're not aligning with the Lord? The enemy can actually use your mouth to hurt and offend other people.

Speaker 2:

And so it's really important not only that we have a propensity and a decision beforehand we're not gonna be offended, but also we need to make sure what spirit we're of, and even if we see something in a fellow believer, god might not be asking us and gracing us to be the one to correct. And so Jesus could look at me in my well-doing, in my seeing somebody that I think has something wrong with them in the church and without going in the grace and the actually God telling me this is what I want you to do and then having the sacred responsibility of correcting or speaking in love, with grace towards someone instead of judgment. To open, it says that it is kindness that leads us to repentance, and there's so many Christians I bet Jesus would come and say what you might be saying. The right thing.

Speaker 1:

What spirit are you of? But?

Speaker 2:

what spirit are you of?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What spirit are you of? Because the wrong spirit, saying the right thing with the wrong spirit can cause offense too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's a whole other podcast, maybe the next one.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the gist of what you're saying is don't be the one that offends everybody is what you're saying, because the enemy's number one goal is just that everyone's offended, and so he'll work on me to have the wrong spirit, and he'll work on you to offend me because you have the wrong spirit. And we just need to realize the word is spirit, it's all spiritual.

Speaker 1:

And the thing that makes the church the church and you see it from the very beginning, sorry first couple chapters is that it's the fusion of Gentiles and Jews. Bless you. Sorry, I'm not getting choked up by it, but Do I love it when he cries?

Speaker 2:

Are you crying about it?

Speaker 1:

No, it's the fusion of Gentiles and it's the fusion of Jews, and there's this what made the church the church. You know, like people, I just want to get back to the early church. The early church dealt with this and it was prejudiced, there was racism, there was hypocrisy, there was religious, religious people and it's the blend that makes the church. And so, unfortunately, when I join a church, I Just added my life, my experiences, my pains, my problems and it it makes the church this living organ at organism that Jesus is coming back for.

Speaker 1:

But the pains that come in church and the hurts that come in church Actually make us better because we come together. It's the only thing that in the world that works, that brings unity. And so when you get hurt and you leave the church, you actually walked in the devil's plan where, when you stay and you work it out and you forgive and you repent and you embrace. Now the church is the most powerful Organization on the planet, but when everybody's hurt and pulls out, it's actually Just a nice club if we're not careful does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

We're no different than the world. We're right finding a place that Aligns with what we believe and I love. Can you say what you said? I don't know if you wanted to share that, but it was such a good nugget today about that coin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was so good. Yeah, it's a whole another podcast Talk about this you're gonna have to tune in next week.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk about the coin. That'd be a good one the coin.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about church heart, how to avoid it. I think one of the other things is so we talked about you. You just got to go into it knowing that, hey, this isn't gonna happen. You got to also Stop looking at the person, know that it's spirit, and then I think you know just what I just mentioned is you've got to be Committed to the process. It's part of it's part of growth, it's part of that. We don't. You don't throw out a kid cuz he poops his diaper. You don't throw out your baby because they didn't run a mile the first time they, you know, started to crawl. I mean, you know it's a process and so you got to know that. And then I, like you kind of mentioned, don't be the person that offends. What are some other things that keep you from Hurt, being hurt-proof?

Speaker 2:

Okay, colossians 3 13. I think is a really great scripture for this. It just says make allowances, allowances for each other's faults. Hmm, let's just stop right there. Make allowances for each other's faults, and Each other's faults means that we're all human and we're going to fail each other, we're going to mess up, we're gonna offend each other, we're gonna hurt each other's feelings, we're gonna not be invited to a church event that's outside of the church meetings. You know there's going to be things that happen that are opportunities to be offended at somebody else because of their fault. But it says Jesus says make allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others as well, and I think that's just all that we need to know is that this is not a suggestion. If we want to have a hurt-proof life, then God is instructing us that we have to make allowance when people fail us and we have to be good at forgiving. We have to forgive when people don't deserve it. We have to forgive when people don't ask for it.

Speaker 2:

And I had a girl come up to me and she'd been gone from the church for three months and I love her dearly. She's awesome girl and she's a little bit younger in the faith and she's really been making strides to Overcome a lot in her life and and digging in. But she got hurt by one person in the church, one person, and she started telling everyone that she had church hurt, because that's the thing right now. You know it's people talk about it on tiktok, it's a buzzword church hurt. And so she came back to one of our women's events and I threw my arms around her, but I was about the 20th person probably that threw their arms around her, because everyone loves her. Women have been coming to me. I'm really trying to see her again. I love her so much. Do you know what's going on? Reaching out to her? I know all these things and I was talking to her and I was like I am so glad you're back and she goes. Well, it's been really hard. It's even triggering to be here because I got church hurt here and I write them in there.

Speaker 2:

I didn't wait. I didn't go talk to my friends about it, I didn't go ask the intercessors to start praying. I went wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay. So when you say church hurt, how did the church hurt you? And she said well, this one girl didn't invite me to some events that she was having with a bunch of other girls. And I said that's not church hurt, that is a hurt between you and a person, but that's not the church hurting you and the enemy will take you out. And I told her right then and there, in the most loving way, not in a correcting way, but I love you enough to tell you that you're not hurt by the church. This church loves you, stands for you, welcomes you.

Speaker 2:

But someone in the church didn't welcome you into some out of outside curriculum things and, by the way, side note, there are gonna be things we're not invited to. You know we can. We can preach every Sunday. Don't have clicks in church, but people naturally mesh together. I'm not invited. I see events at our church that look really fun and I have not been invited people. And Imagine if that hurt my feelings every time and I have to find my strength and confidence in God to go. I don't have to be invited and I rejoice that. There's people making friendships and so you know what I can do. I can have some people and go do some fun things too, and there's not this Someone hurt me.

Speaker 2:

So I just said to her the church didn't hurt you. A person hurt you and we need to walk through that and that is very serious and I know that hurt you, so let's, let's face that. But you can't call that church hurt. And I just held her to the wall, a little bit like the church doesn't. The church has not hurt you, we have not hurt you. We love you so much, you know. And she showed up again. She's coming and she's walking through that and I know it's painful for her. I'm not saying that these things don't hurt because offenses are called offenses. Jesus teaches on them, because they can take us out. They hurt so bad, but it's good to have people in our world that will kind of call us out and go, don't start going down that trail.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so good, and I would just close with this because we're getting on the time about this, but I the verse that we kept on quoting in Psalms 119, great peace have those who love thy law, and nothing shall offend thee. There is this nothing shall offend thee when you love God's law, which is, in other words, if you break it down, it's how much time are you spending in God's word? And that helps me measure my hurt ability or my offense ability. Really, really, really busy, really really doing stuff. Might even be doing ministry, but not into God's word. So good, my pain tolerance is very low, highly in God's word, highly saturating. God help me with this. Meditating on God's word, god renew my mind. You know, all of those things transform me. Well, then, all of a sudden, oh, I just brush it off. Oh yeah, oh, this is a spirit. I gotta win this in the spirit, not the flesh. So great peace have those.

Speaker 1:

And so a lot of times I have noticed a correlation between a person's word life and their hurt life. And the higher the word intake, the lower they get hurt. The lower the word intake, the greater chance of them getting hurt in those things. And so you know not to be judgmental on that and not to be like, well, where's your word intake, but to just know that's for me, helps me. Am I getting offended too early? Am I get it? Is everything kind of me? Am I starting to become a victim? Man, I better raise up my, get God's word to be the source of my life, get God's word to factor and it's almost like being tossed in the sea without a compass or any kind of navigation. But when you have God's word doesn't mean that there's not storms, doesn't mean that there's not you know, tossing and stuff, but at least you have something to. Okay, there's my true North. I'm heading this way in Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, I've got a joke to end for the day. We've never closed with a joke. I know, but I was thinking this would be good because it's going to remind people how to deal with hurt. Okay, this little chicken in my joke. He found the way to be hurt-proof. Okay. So why Israel? Why did the chicken go to church?

Speaker 1:

Why have no idea leaving?

Speaker 2:

talked to God. That's a good one.

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