Israel & Rachel Campbell "SOUP" Podcast

Israel & Rachel Campbell "SOUP" Podcast Season 2 Episode 20 ''Our Job vs. God's Job"

Israel & Rachel Campbell | Flourishing Church

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Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, only to realize some of it wasn't yours to carry? Join us as we traverse the delicate line between our earthbound responsibilities and the divine duties reserved for a higher power. This episode is a soul-stirring blend of personal reflections and stories that reveal the freedom and spiritual growth awaiting us when we learn to trust in God’s sovereignty.

Together, we celebrate worship as a transformative daily practice, not confined to Sunday mornings. It's about living in a way that honors God's enduring rule over our lives. We'll share how worship can shift spiritual atmospheres and bring us into harmony with the divine. And if you're seeking comfort in the midst of life's uncertainties, we delve into the beauty of embracing God’s mysteries, finding peace in faith when answers are scarce. 

We consider the diverse roles we play in God's kingdom and how understanding our place can lead to deeper spiritual transformation—both for ourselves and others. We share stories that demonstrate the power of gentle guidance and prayer over forceful persuasion in changing hearts. As we wrap up, we will explore the therapeutic act of writing down our thoughts, distinguishing between our tasks and those designated to God, a practice that promises clarity and stress relief. Tune in, and let’s embark on this journey together.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey everybody, welcome back to Campbell Soup podcast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Love doing this and getting different conversations out there, things that maybe we've been talking through and chatting about and mulling over in our lives.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and really being intentional about, sundays are such an incredible day of atmosphere, feeling the presence of God, but discipleship so often happened all throughout the New Testament it says well, jesus was walking, he began to explain a parable, or begin to talk about a parable, or just kind of just disciple. And so here we are. Maybe you're on a treadmill, maybe you're in traffic in LA, maybe you're flying somewhere. Hopefully there is a moment of this kind of like discipleship on the go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we're excited about this one because it's exactly what it is it's discipleship, and discipleship is really just teachings, god's teachings on how to live. How are we, in 2024, going to flourish as God's people? And so I'm really excited about this conversation we're about to have, because I think it's very relevant to today, even in our life.

Speaker 2:

Well, and we'll put the title here talking about my God versus God's job, and I think I was telling you my job versus God's job, and I think that we were talking even about, like, if you can get a hold of this concept, man, your life is going to go so much better, I think less stress, I think less energy, you know, used in the wrong areas, and so this is really kind of one of those one-on-ones. But here we are, 26 years, 30 years later, in not just ministry but Christianity, still at times having to remind ourselves of this. So it doesn't matter if you are a new Christian or whether you're a veteran, we can all be reminded of this and kind of put this into place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think this conversation takes the wrong pressure off of us and the pressure we're never called by God to carry and it puts it back on him. God's shoulders are broad, you know, he's built, he carries, he wants to, he wants to carry things for us. And so we want to talk about that and just maybe encourage you to. We talked about it two weeks ago at church just what's God's job and what's my job. And when we begin to define those things, it helps us because we're not called to just be irresponsible and like we. Just, you know, whatever happens happens. God's created us to pursue and to build and to have faith. But sometimes we get distracted and, like, begin to strive and begin to take on the position of God. I'll never forget just starting off Israel. I'll never forget when we first got married and I think it was maybe even during premarital counsel and our pastor said to us don't ever put your spouse in the place that only God can fill.

Speaker 1:

And it's so easy to do that because we want to be everything for our husband or our wife or the people that we love, and I always remember that that was a really powerful tool that our pastor had given us when we were just in our young 20s and we were. It was us against the world. And I just remember there's always this temptation to want Israel to fix things in my life that only God is created to fill or to fix for me. And it can be so easy to just get ourselves out of joint.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I can, even, as a husband, be a fixer and sometimes trying to fix things that I can't. I love that Old Testament story when you were saying that is, you know, rachel couldn't have kids, leah could, and Rachel was like getting mad at Jacob and Jacob was like, well, am I God, I can? You know this situation that you have, you're going to have to deal with that with God on. I can't fix it. And so this really is like you said. It has a couple of different variations that we have to get right, but if we get it, it's so good is there are some things I do have to do?

Speaker 2:

There's, there's not, god's not going to do it for you. It's, you know, like the person praying for a job. Well, okay, yes, god can help you, but it's your responsibility to fill out the resume and, you know, apply and all those, and then God can begin to do things. But there is if and if you can get it, man, just the amount of energy we spend trying to do God's job would change our life. I'm wondering about what the the you know how much anxiety and mental illness could be fixed if we could get this right. And I liked what you said too, it's not a cop out on some things either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember when, during COVID, my, I had someone mad at me because I wasn't worried enough.

Speaker 1:

I remember that I remember somebody confronted me who I loved, but they were like I can't stand how irresponsible you are because you're not, you're not concerned about this.

Speaker 1:

And I just remember thinking that's such a funny perception to have, because of course, I was concerned about this thing that was coming over the whole world and you know, there's so much bad news, so much fear, all of these things, and we didn't know what COVID was. And I just remember thinking, yeah, but I have lived long enough to see that God has always protected me and I don't have to waste my energy freaking out about something I really don't control. I can't control, but I do know one thing I can control control where I put my hope, I can control who I trust and and that's not actually irresponsible and sometimes faith looks irresponsible to the world because they don't understand how you could have peace when you should be freaking out. And sometimes we just have to remember and make a short list, or maybe even a long list, of what's God's job and what's my job, and so we have a little list and you want, I can start and then you can go.

Speaker 2:

Let's just go for it. Go for it, Start with the list, Because I think this is not all encompassing, but it really gets us going in the right paradigm of going. Oh, that's how I need to look at this, and if you don't have that as a reference point, it can be sometimes difficult, and so then you keep on doing God's job or your. You know all of those. I think it's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and imagine how simple it is to just stop yourself in the middle of your freakouts and go what's God's job in this and what's my job? And release that, those things, to God, and then take on the things that we are called Okay. So the first one to just kind of chew on and think about is God's job is to rule and reign. My job is to worship.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's so powerful because, in our nature, humans love to try to control what's going to happen. But he rules and reigns and our job is to worship. And what does worship look like? Worship is stopping and magnifying our God, bigger than any situation. We might be in the middle of exalting him, crowning him King of kings, king of all kings, over every kingdom, every single thing, and you know, when we begin to worship.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but it's really hard to stay worried about my situation, and you know, life can get so small when we're walking through hard seasons. And the thing that makes your world bigger is worshiping the everlasting God, the maker of heavens and earth. When I go to the ocean and I see how he holds back the tide and it falls perfectly in place, and how the sun sets in order for us to have this perfect daylight, perfect night, you know, when you begin to look at the bigness and vastness of God and worship him, it makes the thing that you're walking through so much smaller and also, for me, it makes it so that I can walk forward.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I just, I mean, there is so much If you listen to the news and you know God's created us to rule and reign, so that's awesome. But if you just watch the news, you could be overwhelmed with how do I fix this planet, how do I fix mankind? How do I, you know, fix this for my? You know, even as it gets isolated my city, how do I fix for my family? And you can be overwhelmed and you just, there are some things that you have to go. This is God's got to do. This. I can't.

Speaker 2:

But that doesn't mean that we just, like you, say, just well, that's God's job, I don't do anything. But no, really, like you're saying, declaring and prophesying and praising that he's eternal and that he's in control and that he's sovereign and he knows what he's doing. Yeah, you know, there is something that even changes the atmosphere, but it also changes our heart and really does put it, it's like alignment. I think that you said something the other day I forget what it was, but you know, all cars need their tires balanced or something like that, and maybe that was another podcast we were going to do. So I should not go on that.

Speaker 1:

You're jumping ahead of us.

Speaker 2:

Jumping ahead.

Speaker 1:

Is this what happens when we do a couple of podcasts or we jumble our notes?

Speaker 2:

But the just the, the alignment aspect of oh yeah, that's not my job. Okay, Yep, this is God's job. And really reframing that, that's what praises so powerful is. It reframes, you know, he is Lord of all. Of course he is Lord of all, but we have to reframe it in our own alignment. So I love that. What's the?

Speaker 1:

next, and our worship establishes that he is the Lord. You know, it's worship is bowing low and coming humbly before the King of Kings, and so it's just, it is it's, it's reposturing our lives.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I know you're, I said get onto another one. But like, just for a second, there is something spiritual that happens too when we worship. New Testament says that the enemy was trying to get Jesus to worship. We know, you know, that one of the things that Satan wanted was worship. And so when we look to ourselves, or we look to the government, or we looked at what person to fix all of this kind of stuff we can sometimes be worshiping the wrong thing.

Speaker 2:

And when we decide no, no, no, no, this is God's job and this is my job, our something happens not just in the alignment that we do Okay, he's Lord, he's in control but something also shifts in atmospheres. We are spiritual people and when we begin to declare no, he is God, no, he is Lord, it's not just it is for our alignment, but it also shifts things in the atmosphere. When we begin to declare, no, he's in charge, no, he is worthy of our praise. And you know, I think that we can miss that, like, yes, it aligns us because he is sovereign, but it also there is some we fight in the spirit realm and that's one of the ways to fight is by putting him in his position and us in our position.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if that helps. No, I love it so much because, I mean, we could talk about the importance of worship and the effects of our worship for an entire podcast. Maybe we can do that another time. But, honestly, like if you want to interrupt negative thoughts, if you want to interrupt the accuser of the brethren who comes to our mind and whispers lies, and you know, we all know that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, and sometimes we don't realize that that's happening in our mindset or it's happening in the atmosphere. And when we just stop and we remember okay, it's, it's my job to worship and it's God's job to rule and reign, come on.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and what is worship? Worship is not a song. Worship is literally establishing the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That can be done through what you're saying, how you're choosing to live, how you treat others. All of that's worship, and it's just bowing yourself lower and exalting him.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I, sorry, just keep on getting me to go thinking of just even the Old Testament story where the God, the God, says the battle is not yours, it's mine, and he sent out the worshipers ahead. It goes right along with this thought is my job is to worship, his job is to actually cause the victory, and so the cooperation of that is so vital. And if we are just like you know will, god will take care of it. You know, you could have a maybe a really staunch reformers theology of you know he's sovereign and all that which we believe, but you could almost go. I don't have anything to place with that, I have nothing to do with that. That's actually not true. In that story they had their job, god had his job, and then in our day today, we have our job, god job has his job. So here's a script reverse.

Speaker 1:

That just goes with that, because it is so good and it's so important for us to understand that worship is not something that we're doing at 9 am or 11 am on Sunday morning and then we leave it till the next week. It's not the worship team's job. We're talking about having a life. That is worship right, and I love Psalms 103. 19 says the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all, no matter what. It doesn't matter who's our president, doesn't matter how you're fighting with your spouse, it doesn't matter. His kingdom rules overall. And so when we switch into exalting his kingdom, our lives begin to have peace, they begin to okay, he's the Lord and my job is just to exalt him.

Speaker 2:

Love it All right.

Speaker 1:

The next one. This is so good, but what's God's job and what is my job? Yeah, god's job, and the reason why it's important for us to know, too, why what's God's job and what's our job, is because God calls us to co-labor with him. I love that he calls us co-laborers in his work, in his kingdom.

Speaker 2:

We are co-laborers, and so we all have jobs.

Speaker 1:

What's God's job in this co-laboring? And then what's my job? And I just think that's beautiful, because he could have done it all himself, but he has places and positions for us too, okay. So the second thing that is God's job is to know. I love this, take the pressure off. God's job is to know, and our job is just to know him Honestly, to know him. He knows.

Speaker 1:

Whatever question you're wrestling with, whatever question you're afraid to ask God because you feel like maybe it sounds like you don't have faith or you don't trust him, you know, what I have found in walking through hard seasons is that God knows, and whether the answer or the outcome in my life is what I was expecting, I can rest, even on my worst days. I can rest in the fact that my God knows, and it's not my job to know. And, honestly, there are things in my life that I'm not going to have the answer to why until heaven. And I just see so many Christians hung up on their why. Because something happened that disappointed them.

Speaker 1:

That was a disillusionment. Maybe they were hurt by leaders that called themselves Christians. Maybe they lost a loved one that they were having faith for healing. I don't know what your story is. Those are two of mine. You know where I've been hurt in church and I've been disappointed in the death of a loved one too soon in my opinion, and what I have to rest on and what I have to find strength in is that it's God's job to know and it's my job to know Him, and sometimes, when I want to know the answer, it puts obstacles between me and Him knowing each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we live in. I mean, I just go back to the garden of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Speaker 1:

We always want to know.

Speaker 2:

We always want to know, and I don't that tree, that fruit. We're incapable of the complexity of just back to the future, when they couldn't run into each other. You know that they're like oh no, it'll ruin the time. Whatever the complexity of knowing everything that keeps, like you were saying, to keep the waves together, but keeps humanity and all the complexity. Our minds are not even our emotions are created to even handle that or carry that. And we live in a like, we live in such a knowledge based society that we were doing something the other day and you just Googled it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

We could just Google what, like some random that you would have never 30 years ago you would have never been able to like, even if you had an encyclopedia there, wouldn't have been able to find that out. And now we Google it and figure out. Ask Siri, and you and I can't handle that. And there are some things we just we can't know and we're going to find out when we get to heaven and we're going to be amazed at how wise God was and how minute it was in our world. But, like you said, it's a hang up you start worshiping the wise instead of the one who knows the wise, and so I really like that is, I just don't know, but I'm going to get to know him and that will bring me. You know, you probably now have maybe 10 really big, I don't know's, but you've also had this piece that you have because you've gotten to know him, that is, you know, so much larger than those things, even though they're massive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think that it can be a real tool to divide us from God, when really, I've never felt more nearer to God in the struggle.

Speaker 1:

And God's not afraid of our struggle, god's not afraid of our honesty, god's not afraid of our questions, and all that he wants is relationship, all that he wants is to be the one that we go to. And so it's not our job to know, it's God's job to know, and it's our job to know him. And I would just encourage you, if you're walking through a season where you're in the middle of the mysteries of God, where it's something where it doesn't make sense and it you just don't understand, don't allow it to draw you away from him, but let him be your Prince of Peace in it, let him be the calm in your storm. And I'm telling you, the gift is that the way that I know my God, the way that I know my God and that's not in a prideful way, it's in a through the storms is when you really get to meet how good your God is and how faithful and how able he really is.

Speaker 2:

And if you're talking about the master of the universe, like you said, the mysteries of God, if you don't have those, I actually feel like you're missing out on the mystery of God and that just how awesome he is.

Speaker 2:

And if it's just so analytical that you've just got everything down, I think you're missing out on it and then there's no mystery, there's nothing on it, and I actually think it's a deeper relationship with more I don't know's than I know everything. Yep, god is so much bigger. I personally like I don't know with you, but I actually don't gravitate towards people that are very dogmatic and know everything. I actually am more drawn to some people that say I don't have the answers, and I think sometimes as Christians, we do Christianity a disservice because we're always trying to tell people our opinions or things and sometimes it's just like and I really don't know. Job's friends we talked about at a podcast later would have been so much better to just say Job, I don't know, I don't know, but I love you and I know God does would have been a better story. And telling Job what happened but go ahead, baby, I'm interrupting you.

Speaker 1:

No, it's all good. I actually like being interrupted. Israel doesn't like being interrupted and I'm like bring it on interrupt me. It makes me happy. I like those kind of conversation. We're gonna have this conversation afterwards.

Speaker 2:

oh so you don't like to be interrupted, but how many times did you interrupt me?

Speaker 1:

Ha ha, busted, we don't know everything about marriage but I will say this, since it is Campbell's Soup the key to a good marriage is not that. I love like being interrupted and and I also love interrupting people. I think I was supposed to be Italian. I think Italians like to kind of talk like that and Israel is very structured and so if I interrupt his thought, the thought is like it's gone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just like a balloon went away, so my job as a good wifey is to not interrupt him because there was a mop, but as a husband, you're welcome to interrupt me.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Well, that is my job and that is God's job.

Speaker 1:

Israel's job Rachel's job. My job is to bring all the fun Alright, so here's another one. I just love. God's job is to provide and our job is to trust. Oh, oh, we've learned this one. Yeah, exercise this one. I want to read a scripture verse Philippians 419 and my God, who knows everything.

Speaker 2:

We learned that last time will meet all your needs according to the riches of glory in Christ Jesus, and my God shall supply all my needs according, not to my riches, not to what I lack, but his riches in glory, love that yeah, and I mean that again, a big game changer, if you can get a hold of this, is this is my, this is what he can do and then what I can do, because, if not, that's a lot of pressure on Couples, it's a lot of pressure on individuals. That's a lot of pressure when the inflation is high, interest rates are high, cost of living in LA is high, house prices are high. That's a lot of pressure if you think that's your job Versus his job and I just think that it's important for people to go through lean Seasons.

Speaker 1:

I think it's really. I'm so thankful for the seasons where we were walking by faith and not by sight. I remember when we were youth pastors and we were obeying what God had called us to do, but it was. We didn't have, we were broke and we used to get that hungry Howie's pizza on Wednesdays for 399 that would be the whole family. Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

get extra and put it in the fridge for the week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was only on Wednesdays, maybe it was even 299 in Orlando, florida, but you know what those seasons, lean times, lean seasons are so good for us and for our faith and we have to remember that this is a faith journey and so we do not need to be afraid. When the inflation is high and it feels like the world is unstable, rise up. It's time for Christians to rise up. What's our job? Our job is to trust and pursue and keep building when times are thin, and and watch the goodness of God in the land of the living. And I'm only saying this because it's been such an adventure and I think that when you live your life and you're trying to create Safety for your kids, safety for you doing, playing, everything safe, I promise you it's not as fun. You don't have as many good stories as me and Israel, because we have. We have chased Jesus through the thick and the thin and we've seen God come through every single time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think there's so, so many great classes out there, whether it's you know Ramsey solutions or just you know Different things Ramsey yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, they have that whole program and some of them are just amazing and great. The only Out of balance that it can get is that you can begin to somehow think you're the source and and control, and so we're nothing against savings, nothing against getting out of debt, nothing about living under, under your means and you know, and having Money for a rainy day emergency. All of that is amazing and good. But you can get to the extreme of where you can't even enjoy life and you can't do things because you're Controlling every narrative and there has to be a point where it's this I'm gonna be a good steward, that's my job, but supply and all that, that's got to be God's. And how do you navigate that rage?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that we have to be listeners to the Holy Spirit too on that, because there might be seasons where God tells you to build an arc, you know, and before we launched in LA, god began to speak to us about hey, you need to really invest in saving, you need to withhold, you need to go without some, because this is going to be a season that's going to take everything when you move to Los Angeles from North Carolina. It's going to take everything, and we had to prepare and it was a season that, god you know it wasn't just for two weeks, it was a couple years where we were very serious and disciplined because that was a season that, god you know. I, I do think that there's this balance of you know, you can either be massively Irresponsible, right, and that's not really trusting God, either. If you're just living your life like I don't have enough, so I'm gonna blow it anyways, that's that's also not really trusting God and doing what he's asking. And so we've got to go to the word. We've got to, you know, being around people who can get you know, teach you how to prosper and how to save and how to offer.

Speaker 1:

I just remember this funny story because you said Dave Ramsey, but Phoebe's in a season where she's making good money at work and she's single and you know it won't always be like this, but she loves these like $18 smoothies. It's one smoothie for $18. It's the Haley Bieber smoothie for your skin at Airwan. And she texted me the picture and she was like Dave Ramsey would hate me right now. I was laughing, but you know, I think we can live.

Speaker 1:

Both ways, wrong, right, right, well, yeah, you can live so constrictive that it's like you're living in bondage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that there's sometimes where our financial planner cannot make the decisions for our future, because then it quenches Generosity, it quenches like there's been some times where we took steps of faith and our financial planner would have been like that's a, you're a move, and we're like, yeah, but that's what God's speaking, you know, that's what he's saying. We've done it empty the savings account, so, or give this away, and it's not the plan. And so that's what I'm saying is, you have to, you can't do that. If you think you're this, if you've got your job wrong, it's your job to you know, and you get that wrong, well then you miss out on a part of great faith. I think we got time for maybe one more. Oh, my goodness, okay, let's go. You miss out on a part of great faith. I think we got time for maybe one more.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness. Okay, let me look at all these, because I really like I have so many, but okay, let's talk about this one. Can we talk about one last one? This is a good one. It's God's job to turn the hearts of men and it is our job to carry His glory.

Speaker 2:

The whole another podcast.

Speaker 1:

I know it is, but let's talk about it for a little bit and then probably our next podcast we're going to go a little bit into. You know God's job on that, but I think this is a great one to end on. Proverbs 21.1 says this we know that only God has the power to change the heart of men. We can only bring them water, but it is up to the man to drink. The Lord can make the man thirsty, so he will drink. Our job is to bring the water. Our job is to be carriers of the glory of God. Our job is to love people, be led by the Holy Spirit. Our job is to be refreshing, and it is God's job to turn the hearts of men. But so easily as Christians we get that role wrong. And here's the thing. And then you can just go for it. The thing is, I feel so strongly that when we get this one out of alignment and when we think our job is to turn the hearts of men towards God, we tie the hands of God. He's really good at softening hearts. He's really good at showing up in the lives of the lost and doing things.

Speaker 1:

Israel and I are living examples of that exact thing happening and we lived. Both of us were raised in an environment where people tried to change our hearts and it didn't work. It pushed us away. But I think back on some godly people. My grandma never talked about the bad things I was doing. My grandma had my name scratched and chicken scratch on her fridge because she prayed for me every day and when she talked to me she talked to the woman she knew I was called to be, not the person I was being, and I want to be that to other people. Even if I know junk that's going on in people's lives, I just don't want to be the one to call that out. I want to be the one that looks into them and begins to encourage them how much Jesus loves them, how much we believe in them, and allow them to at least get into position where God can turn their heart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's just overrated to me. The whole Jesus, you know, upended tables.

Speaker 1:

Jesus through Jesus tipped over tables, so now I'm going to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'm like, yeah, absolutely, just make sure you do all the things that he did before he threw the tables. So, you know, make sure that you're healing, you're touching the lepers, you're multiplying for you. You do all that, then you go ahead and throw as many tables. But I'm seeing people throw tables and have never done the other works that Jesus did and it's like what's my job, what's his job? And I just one thought again, it's another podcast. I agree so much with you is yeah, and even Paul says it. You know New Testament I planted, apollos watered, I planted, you know all of that. And then, but it was God that gave the increase and it's just what I have my job, and then God has his and I just, you know, I just think of just Sunday, three college age young adult girls just getting ministered to at the altar and it was God doing it.

Speaker 2:

Really, wasn't much that we did? We provided an atmosphere for the church, but we didn't. You know, it wasn't because of my posts on Instagram and Facebook that shamed them for the lifestyle that you know they were choosing or the choices that they were making. I don't even know what those were, but do you know what I'm saying that kind of that, that I'm God, so I have to let on social media know, or man, I'm just going to let God do his thing. And sure enough they come. Power of God shows up and it's like man. He's so much better at his job than I am. Yeah, and people's lives get changed when we do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you know these are. This was a really short list, but maybe it will encourage you guys to just begin in your own life. When you're facing things that are making you anxious, when the when your world fills out of control, just begin to get into the word of God and study out for yourself. Okay, in this situation, what is God's job? And did you see that I said God like this?

Speaker 2:

No, he's not, you're patting me.

Speaker 1:

What is God's job and what's my job and how can I co-labor to see his kingdom come in my life and the areas that it surrounds? And we're praying for you. And this is a season where God's people can be happy and full of life and carry his glory, or we're going to be cranky, old, bitter, judgmental. No, thank you, let's. Let's let God do his job and realize that we're co-labors to our job too.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I know we're wrapping up, but just what you said is so important that writing it down, I think, is really good, just to get it out of your mind, and what maybe the stress you're carrying of just putting it down on paper oh no, this is my job and that's God's job can really revolutionize I think you're just everything in your life. So love you guys. Leave us a comment. What else are we supposed to say as we close? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's your job.

Speaker 2:

That's my job. Leave a comment, let us know, and we'll see you next show.

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