Lessons In The Ladder Days

Election Day Lunar Eclipse (God's Message To America)

Candace Long
Audio Player
00:00 | 24:50

(Note: Originally released in November, 2022, this teaching is very relevant today!)

This episode is clearly one of the most important messages I have had the privilege of delivering.  I was encouraged to learn that it is the fastest-growing download in the entire series!

When the Lunar Eclipse fell on Election Day, I sensed God was saying something powerful.  It took me 3 days – including weathering a wind storm – to make sense of what the Father was saying and get it on the air five days later!

I hope you find it as insightful as I did producing it.  My prayer is that I did the Lord justice by capturing His heart and His sense of urgency in getting this message out.

You might be asking, "Why doesn't God just speak more plainly so we don't have to go through all the work to figure out what He is saying?"  If you listen...you'll find the answer!

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Three concepts of biblical Judaism that form the foundation for this teaching. 
  • Why God uses "veiled speech" to communicate important messages.
  • The biblical 3-step process to discover God's metaphorical meaning in what He is saying.
  • How to use the above steps in the Lunar Eclipse-Election Day event to discern properly and deliver God's message to America.

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