Heal Your Money Blocks Podcast with Keri Williams

#3 Master manifesting the small things to call the big things

Keri Williams Season 1 Episode 3

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Want to pull the strings of your reality and transform your life through manifestation? This episode is just what you need. Drawing from a popular Facebook live session, I let you in on a life-empowering concept that can switch your vibration to an unshakable certainty, setting the stage for your desired manifestation. You'll learn how to manifest seemingly small things like parking spaces, discounts, unexpected refunds and even loose change found on the street. Although these may not seem significant, they work wonders to enhance your belief and trust in the manifestation process. 

As we transition into the second half of our conversation, we delve deeper into the art of manifesting abundance and nurturing an attitude of gratitude. I provide you with practical tips on how to cultivate a habit of recognizing and celebrating the small moments of abundance in your everyday life. This perspective fosters a sense of gratitude and appreciation, ultimately helping you become a beacon for attracting more good things into your life. Whether you are a veteran or a novice in manifestation, this episode is brimming with insights and actionable tips that will elevate your practice. So tune in, and get ready to step into your power as a master of manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome back to the podcast. So this week I want to talk to you about a really exciting concept that is literally going to change the way you're feeling about your manifestation and immediately like switching into certainty and switching into a really powerful vibration of it is working. So I'm really excited to share this with you. I've shared this topic, actually as a Facebook live, and this topic is one of the ones that I found got the most interaction. So I think this is one of the ones that is really going to help you shift how you're thinking about your manifestation today. So I hope you're having a lovely week. If you're watching me on the video version of this podcast, you'll see I'm surrounded by a very relatively blank room with lots of boxes, because we're actually in the process of moving out temporarily while we get some building work done, and it's been a really big project actually. So having to pack up the entire house and move out with the cats and everything, just for a week going to an Airbnb and then we're going to head back. But yeah, it's really funny actually, because I was saying to someone the other day I feel like I manifested this and in fact, I was saying to a friend of mine. Maybe it was about a year and a half ago that I wanted to manifest a way of moving out of this house that I was in. There was something going on at the time with a neighbor that was really difficult and I was just finding it an unpleasant place to live at that point in time and I felt a little bit powerless when it came to the situation. So I started putting out there that there was a change in this, but also that I wanted to move as well, and then something happened to our carpets and we've had to get building work done, and now I'm actually literally having to move out while this building work takes place. However, the issue with the neighbor has kind of resolved itself. I haven't seen or heard any problems actually within the past like, I think, nine months maybe or even longer which is really funny. So I think this ties into actually that little story, ties into the topic that we're talking about today, which is actually noticing how things are working for you and manifesting the small things, noticing the small things and how the energy is changing already and so that you know and trust and have faith that the big things are coming to you, and it's a little bit like that story I've just told you about my house and the neighbor, like the work that I did in terms of manifesting a solution to the issue with the neighbor seems to have worked, you know, to some degree, because I haven't really seen any problems. I am technically moving out, which is really odd. I'm also getting an upgrade in surroundings, which is lovely because I've wanted this, but also I'm keeping my eye on the bigger goal of I would love to move into a different house at some point and have a bit more room and have, you know, a bit more of a garden for my daughter and all that kind of stuff. So I believe it's all happening and I can see how the energies have started to shift. So I'm literally I've been using this technique and that's one of the ways.

Speaker 1:

The story that I've told you is one of the ways that I'm kind of using the concepts that I'm going to be teaching you about today. So imagine if you would have feel confident in the fact that what it is that you desire, what it is that you want to manifest into your life, is coming. It's just a matter of time. How would that be for you and how different would that be in comparison to the place where you're at now? So this technique is just super simple. It literally is about mass. I can't talk today mastering manifesting the small things.

Speaker 1:

So what do I mean by small things? It can be anything that has come into your life, perhaps by intention, perhaps because you've literally had that intention of I would love to manifest X or Y, or perhaps it's just you know little things that are making your life easier and it's just showing you that the energy is changing. Maybe it's synchronicities, maybe it's you know little coincidences, things like parking spaces, things like discounts, things like unexpected refunds. Maybe there's been a pleasant exchange and you know when there's, you know there was something going on that you weren't really expecting, but it was going to be that pleasant. An example of that for me was when I had a potential fraudulent thing going on with my mobile phone contract and I rang them up and I ended up having a really pleasant exchange and I left the call with a better deal than I had when I actually, you know, made that call and the reason I was making that call was actually to report fraud and let them know that something was going on and I walked away with a better mobile phone deal, which was really interesting. You know other examples of small things can be a little bit of money found on the street. Maybe you find you know a dollar, two dollars, depending on where you are. You know five dollars, five pounds. Maybe you get bought lunch, maybe you get a free coffee.

Speaker 1:

All of these things can be seen as small things and I think these are really, really important because we know that manifestation is all about feeling right like. If you've been in the space of Practicing manifestation, reading and studying about manifestation, the law of attraction, you know that the way you feel activates that vibrational match, and so if your vibrational match is in the space of wow, it's working, wow, things are getting better and better, you start to understand without a shadow of doubt that your life is improving. Things are getting easier, you are being supported by the universe. You're noticing all the ways that the universe has got your back and that you are being supported. So you start to exude this vibration of certainty and that is super attractive. When it comes to manifestation, you're literally also activating the law of assumption, because if you trust that, wow, you know, I've, I got this refund today and I wasn't even expecting that. How cool is that. And then I was driving down the street and I got all green lights. And then I got to the shopping center and I got a parking spot right at the front and I didn't have to, you know, carry heavy things as outside or for a long way, or you know, all those types of things that just make your life that much better.

Speaker 1:

If you're starting to build trust in how the universe is supporting you and how you are an extremely powerful being and that you are literally Creating and shifting reality around you, then you know deep down, or at least over time, you'll get to feel a lot more Capable when it comes to manifestation. You know that the bigger thing that you're manifesting, which might be an extra 5k a month that's something that many of my clients are working towards, and maybe that's a number that you know works for you as well. But substitute that with whatever your thing is. When you start to believe More that it's just a matter of time, look how this is already working. It's working so well already. It's getting better and better and you start to really see how, wow, the better it gets, the better it gets, the more I'm in this vibration of it's working, there's certainty, I'm being supported, and then it starts to snowball and you're going in the right direction. So it's just a matter of time then, before the bigger things start to come to you.

Speaker 1:

What's going on with this? I mean, I think a big part of this is that we just don't have the resistance when it comes to the small things. So if I was to ask you, how confident are you that you might be able to manifest something today that's worth a few dollars or worth a few pounds? How confident are you that maybe you you'll see something in the shops this week that actually is on your list and you need to get it anyway? But maybe there's a bit of a sale on, or, you know, you get to the cash register and actually it comes out up with a discount that you weren't expecting. How confident are you that something like that could happen for you, even if it's just worth a dollar, even if it's just worth a pound?

Speaker 1:

You see, there's very little resistance when it comes to these statements. You know, we just don't have a lot of mind drama when it comes to a cup of coffee or a parking space, so quite often we can slip into the belief very, very easily that you are fully supported in that way and that it's easy to manifest that. So that is where it's a little bit different to money, and especially larger amounts of money, because it's so associated and tied up with survival and so we place much more importance of it, on it and the gravity of not having it. It's much, much more of a big deal. It can be a real disappointment when our desired abundance doesn't come to fruition as expected. So mastering the small things is actually demonstrating and showing and teaching your brain that I'm a good manifester, that actually this really, really works. Look at all the evidence that I'm collecting here.

Speaker 1:

So when you are in that space between where you're at now and where you're wanting to get to, you're really noticing just how powerful a manifester you are. You are noticing how the energy is already changing and you're noticing how it already is working for you. So therefore, you're putting yourself in a much more attractive place, a much more magnetic place, in order for the bigger thing to come to you. Quite often, you know, because of that level of resistance it may not happen overnight, like if you're sitting there wishing from a place of being really broke, that you want to manifest 10K. It may not just happen overnight, although, of course, quantum leaps are possible, because if you haven't built up this belief in yourself, you haven't built up this belief in the universe and you know this belief that it is actually possible, then it may be that that is too great a leap for your energy to take right now, because you just haven't built up that capability yet. And so noticing these small things is a super easy way to get it working, really, really powerful for you.

Speaker 1:

We're not just staying in the energy of it's not working. We're not staying stuck in that place. What I see a lot of people do is when they're manifesting a larger amount of money, it's like they focus on that end result. It's not there. It's not there. Why isn't it there? I must be doing something wrong.

Speaker 1:

Let's try this different technique. Let's try this different technique and actually what you're doing is you're noticing the chasm between where you are now and where you want to get to and the fact that it's not there. So there's a lot of scarcity that comes into that conversation in your mind and unfortunately, our vibration then shifts to a scarce vibration because we are noticing the lack. We get into a place of lack and the little retraction is always working. You know, whatever you're vibrating at right now keeps on be getting more of the same. So if you're vibrating at that level of it's not working, there's not enough, it's still not here, guess what you're going to get More of the same.

Speaker 1:

This is why, by slipping into that abundant flow of it's working and noticing all the ways it's working in all the small ways, it's like you're slipping into the fast lane with manifestation and you're piggybacking on that abundant, flowy vibrational energy that's coming from the free coffees, that's coming from the parking spaces, and then you're able to actually translate that into it's coming. It's working for the bigger financial goal that you're working towards, if that makes sense. So it's almost like you can use your belief and start to attribute that to your goal of money when it's coming from places that you really believe, like the cups of coffee and the $5 on the street, and you can start practicing that you believe that with greater and greater amounts of money, so that over time you're going to build up such a strong belief and such a strong capability in your manifestation ability. So this is really what mastering, manifesting the small things really gives you is the ability, the capability, the experience and the trust that the big things do work. So how do you actually do it? You know what? This is insanely easy and it's kind of obvious when I talk you through this, but I really don't want your brain to discount how powerful this is. So I'm going to talk you through it and if you hear your brain having a response like, oh, that's too simple to be that powerful, you know, please, you know, notice that thought, notice that observation. Perhaps just place it to the side for a moment and be open to actually looking at this through a fresh pair of eyes and asking yourself what else could I take from this that perhaps I haven't practiced before? So, first of all, what you need to do is decide what you want.

Speaker 1:

Decide what you want in addition to your big things, you might be focused on a big goal. Like you know, I want to manifest that extra five care month, that extra 10 K month, in my business. Whatever it is, what else would you love to see in your world? How would that feel Like if, on a day to day basis, things were flowy, things were, you know, working really well? It was, it was all just happening.

Speaker 1:

You're feeling in a place of gratitude, you're feeling in a place of abundance. What do you think that might look like? How would you go about your day? Would you be driving through town and noticing that there's very little traffic? You get all the green lights, you get parking spaces easily. When you get to the shops, you notice things that you often buy. Wow, that's discounted, that is so cool. I just saved some more money on that. Maybe you're getting little bits of unexpected money coming to you. Maybe you're getting lunch as bought for you.

Speaker 1:

So think about how your life will be if you're in a place of abundance and if you're in a place of flow. Just let yourself dream a little bit around that, and then what I want you to do is develop a practice of really noticing those small things, because all you're doing by doing that is you're getting into the state of gratitude, you're getting into the state of appreciation and you're developing a culture or a practice of celebration, which is something that your brain doesn't tend to naturally have. We do need to develop this in a manual kind of way. So ask yourself, maybe at the end of the day, you write down in your journal what are all the good things that happened today, what are all the ways in which I was supported by the universe. And write the things down the parking spaces, the seats that you got on the train that someone gave up for you, whatever else it might be that comes your way write them down and, if you prefer not to journal, maybe instead you want to mentally review them at the end of the day Just take a moment as a practice and think what went on today.

Speaker 1:

What things did I manifest? What things came to me through the universe supporting me? In what ways was I actually supported and did I feel abundance? In what way was I surprised? In what way did I find that there were synchronicities and coincidences? These are often ways in which the universe demonstrates that things are starting to work.

Speaker 1:

So you're starting to notice that energy shift. When you start seeing them and noticing them and that's literally it there's nothing more that you need to do than that. Literally just start noticing them, giving thanks, giving appreciation. Thank you so much, and I do that sometimes. Even when I notice things, even in the moment of time, like if I'm walking down the street and I see 10 cents on the floor, I don't have any qualms about going and picking it up, even if it's really dirty. I sometimes bring it home and I'll just wash it, but I'll say at the time like thank you, universe, thank you for this. Just these little things. They all add up and actually, if you really want to supercharges, put it on your tracking list. Start tracking the value, the value of the free lunch. Maybe it was worth $20 or 20 pounds, maybe you found 10 cents. Literally, put it all on your tracking sheet so that you're starting to track the ways in which this value came to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's what I got for you today on mastering, manifesting the small things to call the big things in. So I hope that that's been helpful. Let me know how you go. I would love to hear your thoughts and I'd love to see you know what you think about this podcast. You can leave a review on your favorite podcasting app If you just scroll down. If you're on Apple Podcasts, I think you just scroll down and you find the review section, and I'd love it if you would just leave an honest review and maybe you can let me know as well what else you'd like to hear about in the future. Okay, have a wonderful day and I'll be back very soon with another episode on this podcast. Take care Bye.