Heal Your Money Blocks Podcast with Keri Williams

#5 Drop the hustle and rest into prosperity on your manifestation journey

Keri Williams

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What if the path to your greatest successes wasn't paved in relentless hustle, but instead in trust, intuition, and rest? On today's episode, we're challenging the hustle culture that's become synonymous with success, and bringing you a fresh perspective that might just save you from burnout. It's about acknowledging the dangers of relentless pursuit and understanding the need to pause, rest and recalibrate. We're unraveling the myth of hustling for success and demonstrating how it often leads to exhaustion and overwhelm, hindering your manifestation journey.

Does working hard without achieving desired results sound familiar? We've got a new approach for you – one that promotes ease and prosperity. We're inviting you to lean into trust and tap into your limitless inner wisdom. To take on the conecept and belief that you can 'rest into prosperity'. Let's redefine success, ditch the hustle, and embrace a sustainable, intuitive approach to achieving our goals. Join us, as we journey from hustle and burnout to ease and prosperity.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome back to the podcast. It's been a little while since I recorded a podcast and published one here, so if you've hung around and stuck with this podcast feed, it is wonderful to be back with you and you know what it's been a time recently. It really has. I think probably on the last episode I was talking about how we were having some renovation work done at home and that renovation work I completely underestimated it. So it actually involved us packing up basically the whole house everywhere that didn't have tiles on the floor because we were getting all new flooring put in. We got new carpets and we got some parkette flooring put in, and it basically meant that we had to pack up everything so the builders could move things around easily and get in. So all of our stuff went into the bathroom in the kitchen and we moved out for a week and came back and just, you know, not having a lot of time to actually unpack the house and put things back together, it's yeah, it's just been really, really busy. So, anyway, I am back after a pretty intense time sorting the house out and sorting my family out, and I'm really happy to be back here.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited to be recording this podcast today and it feels really, really aligned. It feels like something that I realize that I end up coaching on this topic all the time. All the time it's a really hot topic within the School of Manifestation and with my one to one clients. So let me tell you a little bit of a story about how I came to this concept just recently in this way. So I was doing a journaling session the other morning and you know that journaling session I felt particularly connected to my higher self and I asked my higher self what is it that I'm being guided to focus on today? What am I being guided to do in my business today? And I've been leaning into my intuitive practices more and more within my business recently and the words came onto the page rest into prosperity. And I was like that's interesting. And so I thought about you know this concept that I realized this is something that we, that I end up teaching and we talk about all the time through all of the work that I do. So I wanted to bring this concept to you today. It's especially relevant for you If you have been working hard and hustling, if you have been overworking and feeling exhausted.

Speaker 1:

So tune in, stay tuned. If that sounds like you, if you're just feeling tired of your long to do list and you have no idea how you're going to get on top of it all, if you're feeling overwhelmed, this is the episode for you. So what do we mean by hustling? Hustling is that frantic energy, that energy that seems productive, especially because there's so many gurus out there that talk about the hustle culture and you know how you can hustle your way to success and it's the act of efforting your way to get something done. This is my take on it, at least you know so.

Speaker 1:

It's often created through this external kind of expectation, like this course or this guru or this teacher or this book or whatever it is, has told me that if I post on Instagram X number of times a day, then I should be successful in my business. If I do this many emails, then I should be successful in my business. If I say this type of thing all the time, you know I'll be successful in my business. So often what we're doing is we're taking this external input and this external direction and formulating this idea of what we should and could and have to do in business in order to be successful, and you can actually transpose this, too any dream that you're manifesting. It's the same if you're dating. I found this with dating as well, like all the advice that all the gurus and the teachers out there give you ends up feeling like a lot of work and a lot of hustle and a lot of overwhelm, you know. So you can really translate this into pretty much manifesting any dream that you want to.

Speaker 1:

But obviously, here on this podcast, we talk a lot about business and we talk a lot about manifesting prosperity through your business. So I am going to focus in on that today. But if you are focusing on a different goal, you can always translate what I'm saying into something else. So that's what I mean about hustling. Can you identify with that? Have you felt overwhelmed? Have you felt exhausted? Have you felt like you're efforting your way to get something done to create the outcome that you're looking to create? This, to me, is a red flag. It is going to block your manifestation and the worst thing about it, I think, is that it doesn't feel like that, especially in the early stages. It might feel productive, it might feel really great, it might feel like you're doing lots of really great things.

Speaker 1:

You're ticking the box, I think a lot of this conditioning also comes from the way we've been educated and going through the school system. You know, like if you tick these boxes, if you do these things in a certain way, then you get the A grades, you get the gold star, and it's almost like we're conditioned to be wanting to take direction from other people. But I think there's a lot of power, especially when we are creative entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs, whether you're a coach, whether you're a healer, whether you have some other type of business. You know, if you identify with that, chances are you're more empathic, you're more intuitive, and these types of processes can really wear you down quite quickly because they might be very out of alignment with what it is that your soul wants to do. So I believe that hustling your way into creating your manifested desires is a fast track to burn out and it is a red flag.

Speaker 1:

So if you're feeling exhausted, if you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling like you've got to keep on doing the things, that's the point. To stop and say this is not going to get me where I want to go. And I want to talk to you a little bit more about why I believe this is such a block. So the first thing I see with this is that when you're in hustle energy, it's like you're ticking off that to do list. You're being super, you know kind of productive. You're getting the little hits of dopamine. Every time you knock something off your to do list, it's like tick yay, tick yay, I've done it, I've done another thing, I'm getting closer, I'm getting closer. The thing is underneath all of that and I wonder if you can resonate with this, because what I observe is that many people, myself included, are perpetuating this belief that if I take X action, then I'm going to get this manifested outcome, ie if I put in this certain input, then I should get this certain output. And the problem is when you tie those two together and you've got like a condition if I want this result, then I have to do all of these different things together, I have to take these certain actions.

Speaker 1:

It is a fast track to burn out, because your brain is going to be telling you that you have to do more all the time. If you want more, you have to do more to get more. Keep going, do more, do more, do more. And so often what happens is that we do that, and I see that this is a bit of an arc, that kind of ties into the phases of burnout.

Speaker 1:

If you've ever looked at the different stages of burnout and adrenal exhaustion, you'll know that stage one is often where people don't even recognize what's going on. You're almost in this really really not hyperactive, but hyper kind of state where it feels like you've got endless energy, there's an abundance of energy. You can keep going, keep going, keep going. You feel super productive. But actually what you're slowly doing over time is that you're depleting your resources and you're drawing from resources that are not there. And so over time, as people move from the first stage of adrenal burnout into the second stage and then the third stage, that's where they start to see the exhaustion is starting to hit, the overwhelm is starting to hit, their brain is not operating as well as it was before Before. You know, they're not able to hold all of this information in their mind as effectively as they were before and still operate at that level. So feelings of confusion and overwhelm and just things being too much is a really common sign at that stage as well.

Speaker 1:

And then, as we move into stage three, we get much more into the phase of. This is where it really hits. This is where the energy is gone. The burnout is here, the brain fog is here and it is hard to find that energy, to get motivated. So what I'm talking about with that arc there, with the adrenal burnout, is I believe this is what is possible if we keep going down this route, and especially because what we're doing with this energy is it's like we are taking a withdrawal from a bank account, if you imagine like your adrenals have a certain amount of energy and you're taking you know this energy from you know yourself and your body to fulfill the things that are not necessarily your soul's aligned work.

Speaker 1:

At this stage, you're doing things that other people have said you should. You're maybe taking on conditioned kind of belief structures, limiting beliefs. Potentially. I have to do this many posts, I have to be this active on social media. I have to do this, I have to do that, I have to do the other. Therefore, I can get my thing. Therefore, I can create the dream that I would love to create, and this is where we start to deplete ourselves when it has.

Speaker 1:

And this is really coming into the second point, which is that when you're completely in alignment with what your soul is wanting to express today, when you're actually completely in alignment with what it is that you want to be doing in this moment, then you have so much more resource and energy available to you. And I believe that you're drawing and I'm going to get a little bit spiritual here. So you know, and I think you know if you're following this podcast, you're probably with me here but we're tapping into source energy. At that point, we're actually running our batteries from being recharged through the universal source rather than depleting it through our physical energy. Right, because you're tapping into what it is that wants to be expressed through you. And then we have so much energy and so much resource and when we get really good at communicating with our higher cells and communicating with our higher cells and we get those really clear messages that this is what we need to do, this is what we need to speak about, these are the types of things that feel good to me to do today. They feel aligned. It likes me up.

Speaker 1:

My intuition is saying hell, yes, then we have all the energy in the world that we need to do this, so it prevents us from feeling emotionally and physically exhausted and burnt out, and I think this is another point that comes up for me, seeing hustle as a block to manifestation, and that is that when you start to feel the emotional and the physical exhaustion, the overwhelm, the confusion, some of those negative emotional and mindset states that start to come up, that is when we are operating in that vibration. And, of course, as we know, the law of attraction like attracts, like what are you attracting more of when you're in that state? You're attracting more situations that exhaust you. You're attracting more situations that deplete you. You're attracting more situations that require lots and lots of efforting and action in order to see the result.

Speaker 1:

So, if you do not want to have, you know, your dream outcome later on, with the hustle and the burnout and the stress and the high intensity which most of the people that I work with I mean actually all of the people I work with, all of my clients and myself included we all have these, these dreams that we're bringing into reality, where we work less but we earn more, we're feeling calm, we're feeling peace. We know that. You know, abundance is a side effect of that state and operating in that way, so that we don't have to then create a future where we're just going to burn ourselves out and we're going to hate every minute of it and we're going to want to tear it down and burn it down as soon as we manifest it. And then we'll start to think well, that wasn't you know, really, what I wanted. The universe gave me the wrong thing, but if we're operating from this place at the start, that is what we're going to create. So this is going to prevent you from creating a situation in the future where you perhaps do manifest the actual result, the money in the bank, the number of clients, the type of business you want but it all comes at a cost. It comes at a cost to your energy and your time and your effort. So we want to really plug into how can we operate from this space with a sense of trust, with a sense of ease, with a sense of calm, so that we're not going into that burnout.

Speaker 1:

And then you see, when you take action from these places, when you take action from a place of, you know what feels good to me today. What does my soul want me to express today? What is this? I've heard this before as well. If you're a follower of Simone's Soul, you'll know she talks about the spirit of your business, and I love that concept. What is the spirit of your business want you to do today? What are you being called to do and to create in this world? And when you operate from that place, everything feels easy. Everything feels effortless. Right, and imagine what can come to you through that feeling of it being effortless. If you're operating in that space now, then, when you manifest the reality that you want to manifest in the future, how is it going to feel? It's going to feel easy, it's going to feel effortless, it's going to feel peaceful, it's going to feel calm. So perhaps is that more attractive to you? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Actually, do drop me an email or drop me a DM on social media. I'd love to hear what you think about this.

Speaker 1:

You see, as I said before, the biggest thing about this for me is that it often doesn't feel like a problem, especially at the start. It feels really productive and if you're carrying over some of the patterns that come from working in the corporate world and operating through the school system and things like that, it feels like we're doing a lot of good work. It feels like, actually, we are ticking boxes and doing what we're meant to do and it actually feels good and it gives us that little dopamine hit. But the reality is that deep down, we're just perpetuating this common limiting belief I have to work hard for money. And tied to that is also this other belief that I have to do this in order to get this. There's a condition placed on it If I don't do this, then I won't get that.

Speaker 1:

So imagine if we come back to this concept of resting into prosperity. Imagine leaning into the trust that by creating these feelings of ease and calm that when your manifested desire is here it is going to be like that, you are activating the feelings of what you want to create in the future. So therefore, you are actually creating a future that is truly in alignment with what you want. You'll learn to trust yourself when you're resting into prosperity. You learn to trust your higher self. You learn to tap into that infinite wisdom. You learn to receive those messages and experiment with that as well. Take that action, give it a go, see what happens. What's the worst thing that could happen? You know you have a week or two of experimenting with this and then what? Maybe no one signs up with you. You know what's the worst that can happen. You can always go back to efforting if that's truly what you find worked best for you.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that's available, I think, when we start resting into prosperity, is that we get to open up more and more to this beautiful belief that wealth is a side effect of you co-creating your work with the universe. If you identify as a spiritual and a creative entrepreneur, you probably have some sense that what you are doing in the world is coming through you, right? So as we start to do our souls work here on earth and we uncouple that belief that I have to do X number of tasks in order to get X amount of money or clients, then we just get to see that wealth is just a side effect of me being authentic. Wealth is just a side effect of me turning up having the impact that I have been called to have, and that no one action is going to result in X amount of money in the bank. So what do you think about this? How do you like the idea of resting into prosperity? If you want to try this, then I've got some suggestions for you and I encourage you to try this for a week or two. Try it on for size, see if it works for you.

Speaker 1:

Because I tell you what, when I've had I've coached clients recently and I've got two stories that come to mind from recent times, where one client recently had a really tough time at home and she kept on having thoughts like I'm neglecting my business because she was drawn away to focus on her kids and focus on home life a little bit more because things were going on and she just wasn't able to be as present in her business and so her brain was telling her you're neglecting it. And the to-do list was there and she should be getting on with things. And when she saw that in that moment, because of the work that we had done with her abundance coding session, her brain actually started switching into but that's my old pattern. And what if it was okay for me to be just where I am today, as is? And she chose not to force herself to do all the work when she was exhausted, she chose not to do all the things that she supposedly should be doing. Guess what happened? Someone reached out to her the next day, they booked on a call with her and then they ended up signing up to work with her. Isn't that interesting. So she actually had a week where she was virtually not present in her business and she signed a client Right.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not saying ignore your business. This is the way to go. What I'm saying is that at certain points in time, we get to recognize where our boundaries are. We get to prioritize self-care, we get to operate from this frequency and trust that it is still coming and it does Okay. So if you'd like to try this, the first thing I would love to recommend to you is when you do a journaling practice in the morning. If you do a journaling practice in the morning, if you don't, I highly highly recommend it.

Speaker 1:

But when you do a journaling practice in the morning, one of the things that I love to do is to start scripting my life the way I want it to be.

Speaker 1:

So I use the scripting practice. You know, I am experiencing this. I love having this in my life. I feel like this I'm, you know, finding that I'm doing this. These are the things that I've let go, these are the things that I've attracted into my life. It's amazing and I weave in there, you know, things that I'm doing, behaviors, habits, things that I have now, physical things that I have now and then also how I'm feeling, so I can really get into that state of being, in that vibration where I have the thing. This is why scripting is so powerful and that practice for me this is just my personal approach, but that practice for me gets me in a state where I'm connected to my higher self, where I'm connected to the future version of myself and she knows exactly what it is to do. And I trust from that place that I'm going to receive guidance on what to do today.

Speaker 1:

And, as I was saying at the start of this podcast, that's where I asked the question in my journal what am I being guided to do today? And that is where I got the answer resting into prosperity. And then from there I had a whole host of things come up. So try that on for size, see if that practice works for you the scripting practice to get you really in touch with your vision, to get you really in touch with your future self. And then delve in and ask your future self what am I being guided to do today? And experiment with taking action on whatever it is that you're guided to do today.

Speaker 1:

Now, if scripting doesn't really float your boat, you know, the end result of scripting for me is really just getting in alignment and getting into the space of experiencing what it is that I want to experience in the future, of visualizing it, of feeling it or feeling it on a cellular level. And so if there's any other practice that you prefer other than scripting in your journal that gets you into that state, then you can also try that as well, and then ask your higher self what is it that I'm being guided to do today and see what the answer is, and then just experiment with following whatever it is that you're guided to do, and this is how you build trust over time. This is how I built trust in my intuition. This is how I started to be able to distinguish, with my intuition, the difference between my logic and my fear and my intuition, and so it's very, very powerful. You just need to start experimenting with following the breadcrumbs as they're presented to you and seeing what the outcome is. And if, on the other side of that, you find maybe that wasn't the best step and maybe I didn't learn certain lessons, you know, perhaps you were operating from logic or perhaps you were operating from fear, and that can take you more into a practice of finding a way to connect with your intuition. But either way, it is going to take you forward leaps and bounds in your manifesting journey Because really, you know, everything that we're talking about is about getting in touch with your intuition.

Speaker 1:

So I hope you've enjoyed this today. This is my take on resting into prosperity and if you love this podcast today, you know this is exactly the work that I do with my coaching and with my gorgeous community in my highest level mastermind, the School of Manifestation. So if you're curious about taking the next step, I'd love to have a conversation with you. Do get in touch. You know, at the time of recording it is September and if you sign up by the end of September, you are going to get a free abundance coding session with me.

Speaker 1:

This is my signature method where I've bought together the best of kinesiology, energy healing and the EFT, tapping specifically around manifestation blocks and money blocks. So it helps you to clear the energy and to clear your blocks so that you can get manifesting even quicker. So get in touch with me if you wanna discuss joining us in the School of Manifestation or doing some one-to-one work if you want a more personalized approach to what you're going through at the moment. I would love to have a chat to you. Okay, have a wonderful week, happy manifesting, and I'll speak to you again soon. Take care.