Truth in Politics

Ep. 056: Leftism Destroys Liberalism

April 13, 2022 Andrew Bernstein & Bosch Fawstin Season 1 Episode 56
Ep. 056: Leftism Destroys Liberalism
Truth in Politics
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Truth in Politics
Ep. 056: Leftism Destroys Liberalism
Apr 13, 2022 Season 1 Episode 56
Andrew Bernstein & Bosch Fawstin

Liberalism properly means support for liberty, for individual rights. But the Left, intellectually captive to Marxism and Post-Modernism, has perverted the meaning of the term and opposes individual rights on all policy issues. How did this happen? What are the baleful consequences today and for the foreseeable future? What can liberty lovers do to oppose these monsters? These are the questions to be discussed by Andrew Bernstein and Bosch Fawstin.

Show Notes Transcript

Liberalism properly means support for liberty, for individual rights. But the Left, intellectually captive to Marxism and Post-Modernism, has perverted the meaning of the term and opposes individual rights on all policy issues. How did this happen? What are the baleful consequences today and for the foreseeable future? What can liberty lovers do to oppose these monsters? These are the questions to be discussed by Andrew Bernstein and Bosch Fawstin.

everybody out there in freedom of speech land welcome back welcome back to the latest episode of truth in culture and politics starring your hosts andrew bernstein that would be me at bosch fosten that's you how you doing tonight bosh excellent as always always happy to be here andrew how are you i'm good good excellent uh yeah i mean we we live in a world that's that is really sick in many ways although we we don't want to lose sight of the fact that there's a lot of good people too but you know uh well the topic for tonight you know is about how the left has killed liberalism and lots of lots of other good things so absolutely there's a lot of demented people some of them you know politically some of them in the republican party who uh you know religious conservatives but the joke whatever the whatever the boss you know whenever the conservatives do something that's really bleeped up you know like like these anti-abortion laws in texas and elsewhere it's like you know it's like these the the two sides play can you top this and then the leftists come back you know however bad the writer and they are and then believe me and and this religiosity i gotta say we had an episode about a while ago it is getting a little too much now even with people running god god god it's all about god it's like you're a goddamn politician honestly keep that off the table let me just please it's a private you want to have it good good for you you're not running for priests for local priests or whatever i don't know i don't even know but what i'm saying is enough this is not the way that's nothing yeah you're you're right and we're gonna have to revisit this topic uh you you brought it up in the past and it's getting even heavier i got to say yeah i just want to say that what the guy who just won the masters said publicly god enabled me to do this or something or something something like that like what that god cares who wins right let's just say that's true okay let's say let's say that's true a guy who has a rap album about killing cops and banging hoes and all that thing i want to thank god it's like if you if you actually believe in god do you think he do here who bans owes and kills cops i don't think yeah yeah it kills cops that is so respectful in this treatment of women yeah um by the way boss bex cummings just joined us he said i'm here for a bit i'm gonna have to get back to maybe the work he means hello jess hey bex thanks for thanks for joining us uh but nobody could top nobody could top the contemporary left for sheer vicious insanity no i mean what they what they do to the kids the young kids and the schools is just unconscionable they're the truth you mean them they're the same oh sorry another teacher was i don't know if it was i don't know what was called a video he goes uh doctors guess at the sex of babies because they might look a certain look a certain way you mean between the lips and this instantaneously oh my god it's so it's so sick i just spread out there you know and so someone actually i don't know the typo they said it's gone vile instead of viral it's like well yeah file too but uh it's insane it's insane it is it i just saw on facebook somebody posted a quote from google that go that on on google it says all different kinds of people commensurate including many including that there are many men who menstruate it's it really you can't get more um[Music] reality is is often very obvious gender isn't obvious biological fact young children here's a right in the face yeah yeah young children can see you know what gender they are uh and yet the left fighting against this pure primacy of consciousness mentality in iran's terms you know in in in overt conflict with with the primacy of existence you know and i i don't see the conservatives you know doing this stuff um i don't i almost don't don't see him opposing it well and just to the to the topic of our show i want to add this just just quick before i'm sorry andrew just uh dan bongino the other guys right these liberals these liberals these liberals these liberals those are not liberals yeah they're not liberals not liberals then and you should know better they're hardcore leftists yeah totalitarians are not about the free speech free expression of the free markets not about you know uh true truly progressive ideas they're not about that and i can't stand because when you have to get your definitions you know uh skewed like you can't defeat them you can't begin to defeat the left if you give them the compliment of being called liberals you can't and that's another problem with the the right they don't have the i don't know they don't have the language to fight them they don't have the nerve to fight them they always give them benefit or doubt you know this is why the left has gotten with murder i think because of the weakness of the conservatives libertarians and even some of some objectivists who really left these yeah a nerve to take them on and they're not some of them are just not good enough to take on this evil and what we're facing i'm trying to think of an analog bosch i'm trying to think of an analog in our day you know for the conservatives because they're on a primacy of consciousness mentality too no the idea that that reality is malleable and some consciousness in that case gods in the leftist case of society can alter it could change it you know can um you know like for the leftists i i may be born with a penis and everything but that doesn't necessarily make make me male you know and so on and so forth you know biology is malleable gender can be gender it could be fluid it could change i try you know you know so the bible is filled with stuff like that you know that god you know god makes burning bushes speak and men live inside whales and virgins give birth but a lot of them take it take it literally unfortunately yeah yeah but is it is it this prevalent regarding am i missing something here is prevalent regarding political issues as as the leftist version of of this primacy of consciousness insanity uh you know i mean did the conservatives want did the conservatives want to go into you know first grade classes and have that's why you know what i mean it's it's unfortunate but you know however you know bad some of the conservatives can be and stuff the left just makes them look good by comparison like islam makes other religions look good by comparison but it makes them look you know rational by it by because they're so far off the deep end that they make anyone look you know acceptable that's why you know we can accept some of these republicans that we don't really like but we're like you know what they won't do as much damage as this leftist hack that's really what it comes down to who's going to hurt us less when it comes to politics who's going to damage the country less that's where we vote these days for the greatest politician there are none but who's going to hurt the country less let's go for those guys and they happen to be on the right the conservatives the republicans that's just the fact they're not and don't the biggest problem i have is they can't fight these things as aggressively now they're starting to learn that and we discussed that also on the episode i think about trump where they're starting to learn how to fight a little more effectively that's important because that was the one thing that they've really dropped the ball on their inability to be effective in countering the left and you know even thinking about defeating the left some of them think oh the left is here to stay and they it'll always be this way no it doesn't have to be this way you can defeat them you can and they don't even get a you know they don't even they don't even think along those lines and again they call them liberals which is so off the mark it's dangerous because they're the only one based between us and left meaning our representatives they got to be fighting them effectively politically no no go ahead i mean politically ron desantis seems to be better than most republicans are on these issues no he's and not only is he a fighter he's articulate he's very articulate he's very confident and he he's he has a moral about him uh and it rarely invokes god if ever i haven't heard him invoking god yet but he probably does but whatever you know below keep it to yourself no doubt the bigger i guess if he has designs on the white house which he likely does seems like a you know uh ambitious politician but he's right about so many things during the last two years he's been the leader the example for the republican party and of course what happens is they're not a lot of them who are copying him they're just doing their own thing it's like they don't learn also when they have an example in front of them this guy is more or less our leader right now he's showing us how to do it you know as a governor as a leader as a moral leader as someone who can go out there and make a difference and push back on the evil left call them out and he does it better than trump in a way where he just he's a little sharper he's a little more articulate a little more educated he knows how to go about it in a better way you know in a more a smoother yeah he's not as blustery as he's not always as as trump he's not which which is you know most most people aren't but yeah beck's coming and says how he loves the country was he he was a military guy was he in the navy i forget i don't know but i know he was he was a military makes sense he comes off like that with the confidence and the love of america it's clear yeah he's intelligent and educated i forget did he go to annapolis i don't did he go to the naval academy in the maps i i don't remember learning about guys i really appreciate what he's doing um i think any american who loves a country should i don't give a damn if you just if you don't agree with every little thing but the the gist of what he's doing is a model for republicans it's a model and he doesn't take crap doesn't craft crafting media he doesn't uh you know just call fake news and move on he calls him out you know someone said the hey the the uh don't say gabriel because does it say don't say gay does it say don't say gay does it and the guy had to concede no and just that's what you got to do you got to treat them like children it does not say don't say guilt don't say gay it doesn't say that but that has been it's like a an alternate universe within hours on their side and also one thing and this is true some observation was made about the left right and the don't say gabriel don't say they said no we're not doing this we're not grooming children and then they get enraged at bills that will counter grooming you know it's like why are you getting so enraged you said that you guys are fine you're not grooming and this bill is basically trying to stop that from happening and you were enraged and you're gonna fight the bill to the death disney you know vowed to fight the bill on my grounds you just said that you're not grooming so why are you fighting this bill they're outing themselves they're telling on themselves just by doing that just by opposing it to that level we're you know we're going to work everything in within our power to stop the bill it's like that's insane that's the same and there are rational individuals within disney even transgender and homosexuals who's like yeah we support that bill we shouldn't be doing this with children yeah it just shouldn't happen that's it you know and but they're persona non grotto when it comes to the media the non-leftist homosexuals you know lgbt whatever they are to be just keep them by the side don't let them come out here they'll go on some conservative shows but they will not be allowed on the mainstream they can't have their voices be you know the the basically the the the intellectual diversity within the homosexual movement it exists but they want to deny that existence and just keep oh yes yeah you know if if you don't vote for me you weigh black kind of thing same thing yeah it's the left treats the left treats them such people such individuals like apostates absolutely because they expect the so-called depressed groups uh blacks or non-whites women homosexuals gay gays uh lgbtq you know so on and so forth uh they're supposed to totally left this party line and if they don't the left treats them like apostates and they're they're much harsher on on those on those individuals than they are uh on us you and i we yeah we're just we're just ah they're just fight racists but you know 100 that that's how some muslims treat me you know since i left islam is like i'm worse than any kind of infidel and all this you know they basically you know when they say they don't even they don't even support people on the basis of skin color they don't they support leftist women leftist blacks leftist homosexuals left his trans leftist muslims which exists now just crazy but you know it makes sense they don't they don't support women men you know homosexuals muslims they support gay men gay women yeah well they certainly didn't support clarence thomas did they no and they left this game and left us gave women they that's it it's if they're not leftists they don't count to the left it's never about sexuality it's never about sex it's not about gender it's um that's just bs it's not about race just think about this bosh they got crazy about how crazy the left is we have a woman on the supreme court who can't define woman who's on the court only because she's a woman he said i'm gonna you know pick a female black woman whatever that's what the idiot said but also she can't she can't even oppose she can't even charge these people who were involved with child pornography you know on the level that they should be she's an apologist for them she apologized to one of them for for the years he was getting in prison this is she's in and then of course here's the right again right she's eminently qualified she's incredible she's just it's like shut the hell up all that goes out the window when when you find out that she's soft on pedophiles i don't give a damn don't say that that doesn't matter it's irrelevant she's soft soft on pedifact that's a fact and now she's gonna be likely in the supreme court i mean this guy's leaving in june i think uh mitt romney of course come to the rescue of the left as the old because what he's a leftist leftist right he's a trans republican sorry i mean so yeah that's that's a good thing by the way by the way boss you got a great question for bex how do we how do we stop this and you know i and i think that's that's a question we can spend a lot of time just uh first thing for discussing it telling the truth about it first things first yeah that's a good thing in the world letting it out in the world as clearly as we can that's the first stop that's and then you know i mean when these ideas get out into the world then they could be acted on but they got to get out in the world first and we can't go you know within a closet and just live in our own little world we gotta and this show is part of what and you know what bosh let me give a few propers here to uh mark zuckerberg and his team as bad as they are in some ways because facebook has not de-platformed us youtube platform does after like five shows so now now we're on now we're on 56 and facebook is you know at least tolerating us and maybe whether maybe we're the token maybe we're the token dissenters against they've never been as bad as twitter either they've never been as bad twitter banned me a few years ago uh facebook ignored all the death threats i was getting thousands on their platform that's not that's not good but they they deleted my account once after i wasn't killed in uh garland texas because the base there were there were angry muslims who wait a minute he wasn't we have to kill his his uh account on facebook and they complained to facebook and it worked and then there was a backlash against it but they brought me back and they punished but not as bad as uh twitter that's not saying much yeah right right but they're not as bad as some of these other big social media platforms so true yeah so that's that's a good thing we're getting we're getting we're trying to get the message out two thumbs up trying to get the best one well let me let me let me just say say something here i got a bets i hope you have a few minutes because there's a there's a couple of things i want to say an answer answer to your question because you know i think i mentioned to you once before bosch i don't know i don't think i mentioned it on the air at some point soon i want to write a short book uh you know rules for genuine revolutionaries and the subtitles might be not for marxists not for marxist thugs but not for marxist terrorists right and rule rule number one you know to to fight this and and and you know take the country back from the vicious lunatic left rule number one is parents need to pull their kids out of the government schools absolutely right the schools don't educate and also becks and andrew that conversation is happening openly now yes mainstream outlets mainstream not underground outlets where the truth is relegated now mainstream outlets get your kill get your children out uh youtube uh channels which have millions of you know fox news individuals saying get them out to get them this is happening and my in my book i think you know why johnny i mean we'll get to the rule back to the rules for revolution you mentioned uh your new blurbs though just uh oh robin spencer you can read it you want to read it yeah a lot okay all right um but before before i do so i'll point out the the book i have coming out in june i haven't written the book on rules for revolution that's not that's to come later this year yeah but my book on education why john he still can't uh read or write or understand matthew's be out in june and it won part one really hammers the educational system showing how bad it is and why and that the leftists have done deliberately and then two part two shows what parents could do they could homeschool they could hire a tutor including online you could find tutors online you know and a lot of them are in grad school they're not making much money they're expert in their subject you could hire and you know these are growing by the day the alternatives are growing by the day because the last that's right and there was a article in forbes a year or two ago business magazine on how there are disgruntled teachers who want who want to teach the kids academic subjects but have to fight against the education the stifling educational establishment who are opting out of the system this is what the great marvel collins did many years ago you know and having more and more today with two or three families or maybe more starting a small what they call a micro school or a small community school and actually teaching you know using phonics to teach reading teaching academic subjects not indoctrinating the kids with leftist propaganda this is the few if there's going to be a future in education and for this country that's the future home school tutors micro schools the reading comprehension is really bad kids can't read and that's just that's a follow-up on the book and i'm more susceptible to leftist propaganda because and that's on purpose it's not by accident absolutely absolutely know that it's evil going on it's a it's an agenda that has been brewing for decades and it finally culminated to this but americans are rejecting it more and more americans are rejecting it because become a mainstream conversation which was never the case it wasn't the case even a few years ago it was all some you know wishful thinking yeah one day we'll get rid of that no it's now a cop topic a conversation at how horrific government schools have yeah it has to be in rules for revolutionaries you know the book that i'm going to write probably in the fall uh yeah that's got to be rule number one that we got to starve the monster of victims we got to rescue the children from the monster and use phonics to teach them how to read teach them academic subjects your reading writing math the arithmetic the three r's basic concentration a lot of academic content especially american history telling the full truth about american history including slavery and the mistreatment of blacks you know but also how the the country was founded on the principle of individual rights that principles what led to an abolitionist movement that's what's needed worldwide to abolish slavery in various places around the world and to end totalitarian states we teach the full truth about american history that's the thing you have to tell the full truth and you know considering the full truth we are we have been a great country and gotten better and better and better because of the origins of the country and based on that yeah rosa parks and martin luther king and other heroes were able to make advances in the civil rights movement and you know and what's what was the real the proper name for which should be the individual rights movement for you know for blackberry but it's it's based they made progress because of they were able to take advantage of the principle of independence right in a lot of ways you know i think uh jason whitlock mentions that the black experiments in america that that issue forced america to live up to itself that by issue that's right it really did and it really made us come to what we were always supposed to be and that's a beautiful story it's a powerful story and it's not this at all the only thing yeah and it was we were doing really we were getting better and better on race relations you know from like maybe late 1960s to roughly around the time obama was elected obama is a uh obama's a symptom he's part of the causation he's also a symptom but it's really when post-modernism became dominant in the in the american schools but but for about 40 roughly 40 years we were making progress on race now now we're was was as racist as hell in i mean it's you know everything's about race another piece of insanity at least popular culture and all that but in our everyday lives where's the racism when i come across blacks and hispanics and where's racism there's none we're just dealing with each other as fellow americans yes but emotions so the media entertainment when it comes to all the subject throats and they are uh unfortunately inciting weak minds to act on the idea that we are that's that we are in a race war that we are already in a race war it's just that case yes you know it's just that's a great that's exactly right and america is systemically racist as as if it was 1922 rather than 20 talks you know so you want me to read robert robert spencer's blurb in the book all right all right listen to this awesome all right you guys roberts we had the great robert smith we had on uh two weeks ago uh did a blurb for uh andrew's upcoming book on education why johnny still can't read and uh here's what robert says it's awesome oh dad this is this is going on the back cover everybody quote from robert spencer stephen king a no horror story is as harrowing as andrew bernstein's must read why johnny still can't read or write or understand math andrew bernstein tears the genteel cover off the educational system and reveals the truly shocking extent of the destruction that has been wrought by fashionable leftist educational theories the con the con man quacks and psychopaths who have gained control of american public education over the last few decades and the public educational system's addiction to taxpayer funding and the latest societal trends no matter how damaging they are to children but some of this is so funny i mean like it's like hilarious and skating at once but bernstein doesn't just leave us screaming he also offers a practical readily applicable program for taking back the educational system and saving our children from these lunatics if you have children in school this is essential reading and even if you don't but care about the future of society you must not miss this all-important book unquote from robert spencer that's fantastic and he's a he's a brilliant guy and a great writer himself so it's just that's awesome yeah that's that's that's brilliantly written blurb really is that's one of the best i've heard yeah be honest yes i want that i told the publisher i want that on the back cover of the book that's awesome yeah but but you know so that book could be out in june bosch but and and everybody but i but i think you know like saul olinsky wrote a handbook of your rules for leftists i think you know american patriots yeah yeah rules are radical right uh i think american patriots need a handbook of rules on how we can take back the country from the from the from the vicious uh leftists and you know because i gotta say uh people are always asking what can we do what can we i'm i'm just an individual i'm just a person this is this i'm well you know these books that's the value of these books you know the the left is always talking about right action how to how to do this how to rule through radicals right i mean that's a book on on on taking action to uh push the left as a job the right needs that you're right and there is nothing out there that i can think of right now maybe there is some kind of thing uh but i i miss anything where okay this is what we can do as individuals this is what you can do to make a difference those things are important because action is important without that it doesn't matter we can just talk into the either you know you have to act you have to do something about it and right that was like like a really you know another essential important book that the culture needs so yeah that's that's one thing we need to do if we don't wait in the educational system if we don't win the battle in education then the country's lost that's moving towards hotel terrorism that's got to be rule number one and then uh you know another then in no particular order some of the other rules i think is uh we need real freedom fighters whether objectivists or you know libertarians but people who strongly support individual rights we need to join the republican party and take it over ideologically from within and push the republican party towards individual rights party make it to a good damn party because it's not it's uh they're the only you know the republicans and the democrats are the only two that have a chance to win national elections and unfortunately the democrats are hopeless they're not even they're not even americans anymore no they are true they're they're the anti-american party i mean that's what they are they're officially to unmake america there's no doubt about it anymore and then you got the weaklings on your side it's like no you guys gotta toughen up here you had tough enough because you're our only hope to defeat this politically and we have to defeat it politically yeah and of course i i'd logically everything but politically that's the only bulwark i guess against and they're not strong no that's right education comes first but we have to fight politically also i saw a great quote watch from laura ingram about a year ago where she said we need an investigation to see if the democratic party has any connection to america uh or you know and i mean it's true it's that baby now and it's it's it's getting obvious i mean it's getting to the point i don't know if you saw the saudis made a video mocking biden and harris like a com like a comedy video like the saudis i don't know the saudi government i guess because it's it's you know the state-run media right they made a mocking video about biden being stupid and being dragged around by campbell harris that's a first i don't remember them doing that with trump i don't know i remember them doing that with with uh obama do you it's just another example of you know the world looking at what's going on americans say what america is not behaving like america right now at all at all that's the problem it's like and that's why i resemble say look at you guys you guys suck man you guys i didn't vote for that i didn't vote for that piece of crap in the white house i didn't vote for this agenda no according to you know certain things he's not he's not even legitimate so don't blame us don't say that he defines america he does not at all he doesn't you know it was uh rigged as can be on every level from every institution even countries were in on it and we'll you know we'll discuss that at some point but i just need to be limited to you know hey biden he he defines you guys no not at all not wrong you know and and also i remember a number of years ago when they say you know what they say uh uh damn it what what's that what's our popular line where we deserve our leaders you whoever voted for biden you deserved i don't at all i don't and this idea where you know and again there's the whole idea about the election as well in 2020 there's you know there's a there's a work in place to try to stop the truth from coming out about it but now there are two movies coming out um one one called rigged one called uh what was it called by uh yeah i forget i forget the we get the name of it but it's gonna be out in may the people get the government they deserve and they deserve to get it good and hard again you know i was leftist like rats like uh you know biden and the whole administration you're going to blame me about it i deserve it no i don't no those who do not know no we no we we don't but but anyhow like i was saying bosch and everybody the republican party is the only alternative to to win elections you know the only other one in addition to the left so we need to we need to rule number two actually it's not rule number two but it once i got past rule number one in no particular order uh a definite thing is we have to flood the republican party with freedom fighters you know and and and and hold the republicans feet to the fire because they claim to support the american founders you know the the left doesn't they they hate they hate the american foundation the the american journalists were a bunch of racists but you know the 16 19 prize you know and loving trump started the 1776 initiative so that's that's a good start that's the kind of thing we need to we need to push the republicans to do to stand up for the principle of individual rights on policy issues and and move them towards to be more of a party you know they're bad they're they're they're they're very mixed at best push them to be more of a freedom supporting party as much as they can when trump's response to 16 19 1776 right people say oh they're just doing the same thing no no actually no they're not they're actually telling the truth about the country that's different than a complete utter disgusting lie that's better than this and don't and you know people say well that's just a me too isn't is that me too isn't what it's like what are you talking about that's a good thing to tell the the full truth yes we have slavery and this it's horrific absolutely and what happened after the fact and what happened what led to the the abolition of all that that's the truth also and that's why i think you know things like that are important and trump was on the right track about that but again there's attitude where oh they're just you know that's not how you respond to 619 yes yes you do yeah it is it is well yeah we have government schools we need to abolish government schools but as long as we have government schools that we need to tell the truth about american history exactly right i mean that's you know and it has to be told it definitely and and they the idea where they said oh so you don't want to talk about slavery no no you want to talk about utter lies and that's where the left and yeah sam i mean any honest person out there i want to say loud and clear we want to discuss slavery we want to tell the full truth about american history and we want to tell what how and why uh slavery was entered in this country exactly and it was because of the principle of individual rights which is baked right into the declaration of independence and the constitution so the only country whoever went to war over it i mean that's that's a major major fact of reality that people just want to deny it they wanted oh no it wasn't for that it wasn't to abolish slavery it wasn't all all that libertarians say that left to say that's like yeah well yeah well that might have been true at the start but lincoln lincoln became convinced that slavery had to be abolished during during the war and he and he did he pushed it through a republican congress do you want to uh discuss terms in terms of liberalism leftism and yeah one victim but let me let me yes but let me finish what i was saying about my my book on rules but revolutionaries actually actually i think maybe the second most important role consequently would be rule number two pushing you know taking over the republican party to rule number three would be you know what what you what you always properly point out baj freedom of speech is the issue of our day and maybe of any day and so we have to stand up strong and loud for it and one thing that we need to do uh to take back the country is to establish powerful social media organizations that support freedom of speech hopefully trump's you know i don't know how well trump is doing with his uh what's the name this platform hopefully hopefully that's a start maybe a lon maybe elon musk will do uh you know a takeover of twitter and maybe turn it into a platform that does support freedom of speech but these are the kinds of things we need to do we need to establish social media platforms that absolutely stand for freedom of speech and the only people i think who should be banned are one people who are overtly violent you know twitter you know the taliban should not have a twitter account or two people who who overtly advocate violence those are the only people who should be bad everybody else leftists conservatives you know people who aren't politically interested at all they should they should have that their uh their ability to express themselves should be upheld you know when you bring it up about the free speech issue uh andrew what distinguishes us what is the single greatest factor that really truly distinguishes us from other countries that we you know the first amendment are are it's the first it's not the second it's not the third fourth it's the first that's without that without you know our government recognizing our officially you know i mean basically no country has that no country has the first amendment and there's a part of me that you know always felt like always adopt our constitution to some extent or you know i mean it's been there for a few hundred years now it's like no one has even picked that up to say we can you know actually have this as one of our fundamental rights they haven't we are the country that did do that and that's and then the first amendment the second amendment and you know no other country has it either that's those those two amendments right there that's the end all be all because again our our government our initial government understood the government could be one of the worst enemies of any people you have to have the ability to ward us off if we get a little out of hand those are moral leaders only a moral leader would think about you know giving that kind of power to the people and say hey defend yourselves from us if we get out of hand here that's i mean and again the issue of free speech as we say it's the ultimate because without it again it's may the best thug win may the most brutal win you know you can't argue you can't persuade you can't discuss you can't debate you can't do anything without that and that's why it is ultimately you know yeah we need to stand up for it and hopefully trump or some other billionaires elon musk or whomever will either take over existing social media platforms or establish their own and actually make it a freedom of speech you know sight and show people including leftists this is how it's done in a free country you're you're a bernie sanders supporter as long as you don't advocate violence you know you're welcome on on this site you can push yo bernie sanders program and you know and and so on so forever how about it don't threaten don't sanction violence you know and uh that's it i'm that's you're right and you know let it let that debate happen man because this is america i mean you know fighting for for centuries against each other you know in terms of arguments and getting better ideas through that and that's that's the way things happen and that's that's a beautiful thing about america we can exactly have to debate at an intellectual level i have social media platforms who support that so you you support man-made warming you know you i mean you believe in it have at it you oppose you reject the idea of man-made warming like i do have that but you know present your evidence who has the stronger evidence and then individuals who want to block or mute they have the right to do that and that doesn't oppose free speech it's like you can still talk on this platform just i don't want to hear you you you're annoying i don't have that sense and that's why oh i don't get to listen i mean i don't want to listen so but that's also the freedom you know that you have to not listen to someone as well that's awesome and let me say one more rule here one more rule related to free speech uh rule number four fight cancel culture fight it with everything at your disposal and the rules for dealing with cancer culture are you even if you've committed some transgression some you know some faux pas you were you know you you humiliated yourself in college by singing in blackface you know or whatever you know don't apologize don't ever apologize to cancer culture until never hit them back harder because whatever moral transgression you may have uh committed they're a thousand times worse hit them back here are the leftists who are better than those they try to cancel it's a white black page that i put because they're immoral they're scum and they can't wait to feel morally better than someone by canceling them it's like yeah but you're my you're my moral inferiors and you're trying to cancel me because i made some kind of infraction let's say no that's unacceptable and you're right this also this idea and i don't want to talk about the christian concept of forgiveness but there's no forgiveness you know you can make something you can say something from years ago and you are dead yeah right basically you are booked as a as a on social media in your career because you because you up somehow yeah because when you were when you were a naive college kid you know and you said something that was irrational or therefore you know you are to be erased no no that that's not america that's other countries that's other cultures that's not america that's a foreign idea brought from the left into america and that's all right and so when cancer culture hits you you gotta hit them back ten times harder and you gotta you got a lot of ammo against them because you can say that you can see you guys you guys want to cancel me you're the guys who who first of all you're racist as hell but even even aside from that you're the guys who want to abrogate freedom of speech and freedom of intellectual expression you want to obliterate it off the face of the earth that makes you evil i might have said something stupid and irrational when i was a kid but you're adults now and you're evil and the end and when you do that they run like rats this is my experience they are right they run like rats they they do because they don't expect again they think it's it's the old game where george bush gets you know wrecked every day and he's like okay turn the other cheek no those days are gone it's over trump trump came in i think he gave little people a little more willingness to fight and get a little ugly get in the mud that's needed with the scum of the earth you got to get in the damn mud you can't just sit there and observe i don't want to get dirty we are in a fight for the country we got to get dirty we got to get in the goddamn mud with these scum and we got to defeat them because if we don't defeat them the country's over that's a fact that's not even a question anymore we are at war with an internal with the enemy within that wants to wipe us out to wipe out our freedoms and we have to fight them and that's why i just think you know the things that you're writing also after these i mean really important in addition to your you know the fiction right which is great but this is important stuff and it is incredibly relevant and it's you know and again this show even you're not into politics i don't really you know i was never into it myself but you said hey man things are so bad we got to speak out against it and that's what we're doing here and that's uh thanks everyone for chiming in and thanks uh uh for the comments cynthia about the civil war appreciate it um i don't know i just we're in a cultural war we're in a battle for the freedom of country with an enemy within that hates freedom that doesn't want it to flourish at all but doesn't want the country flourish damns the country from its origins till till now and we gotta get tougher we gotta and again the value of trump was he goes out there hey you guys are fake news that's important stuff it's because it's true they are fake they're lying rats they're repugnantly dishonest and he called them out again repeatedly and that helped i think americans see you know what these are really lying rats that's all they do that's all they do they lie about the country about every every aspect and uh you need yeah and again you're right but listen let's do this budget we got a comment here from scott disalvo the notion that you hit the left back uh 10 times harder presupposes a fat culture and equal consequences for each side that is not the situation on the ground um you know is he talking about physical is he talking about i don't know about intellectual intellect of course twice three times ten times harder you get we have the truth inside they don't yeah i think what scott's talking about is since they controlled the media overwhelmingly they control social media overwhelmingly they control hollywood the book publishing industry the school system and so on they you know they have access to many more minds also no offense god but it sounds like they control you as well because you always got to fight the bastards you can't just concede well you know what are you gonna do i mean you know you they have everything no would you still have the power to fight them you still have it you have your voice don't you scott and others out there who were thinking well you know you know right we got a comment from scott schiff also but scott desalvo i hear what you're saying but that's all the more reason why we have to use every opportunity open to us to speak up and speak out even if it's you know we do i mean uh i'm in the italian restaurant today that i that i favor and i know you know the wait staff and the owners and everything how we talk so i'm talking only to two or three people but um you know standing off individual rights and pointing out that you know the left is the most dangerous and so and so on and so on any forum open to you to your family your neighbors your children you know if you're a teacher to your professor to your students if you have a show on facebook whatever whatever forum is open to us we need to speak up and speak out and that's why i go back to rule number three bosch why we need entrepreneurs like donald trump and like elon musk to set up social media platforms you know that that potentially in time can reach tens of millions of people or more and or if elon musk maybe maybe to take over uh twitter and and make it a freedom of speech make it uh committed to freedom of speech what is what does that say brush i made this graphic now again for scott and others out there right think about this okay think about this please it does not take a majority to bill but rather an irate terrorist minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men that's the thing is samuel adams samuel adams like that's who we're going to go out there and you know no it is the hardcore most passionate lovers of freedom who make the big difference and they can inspire others to follow them whether it's in a city whether it's in town whether it's in the world the global stage whatever to the extent that you can as an individual you can inspire others to stand up right and you've got to yeah even if you just change one person's mind get them to read iron rant i've given out god knows how many copies of the fountainhead and i was shrugged to people to to read uh i mean that's yeah it makes a difference and once you make a difference a person's mind then it's over i mean meaning they they are changed they are they are forever changed and then they can do that to others and so on and so on right oh by the way bash and everybody you reminded me samuel adams great you know great hero another rule you know for revolutionaries reprise the sons and daughters of liberty we need to reprise that organization from the 18th century the sons of liberty well we want the daughters also the sons and daughters of liberty you know and we meet everywhere in people's homes in bars in restaurants you know in parks like the souls of liberty did back in the eighties sorry we're at that point yeah sorry we're at the point now where this is the this is the end game uh america yeah truly great it may be we have 20 years left maybe not free country exactly that's not even a question we are at we are on the precipice here the country's the country can go to hell forever uh we have to save it we have to save it and don't put any obstacles in your mind scott and others like well the left to hell with the left they figured out a way to seize everything that they could you could take it back nothing is is good forever by these rats and they did it on you know by lies and deception and everything that they could to lie to others to get into the fold and basically become you know the gatekeepers for all these institutions that they that they've taken over you can get them back and the left is helping us because of how evil and irrational they are right they've been those in ways that they've never had before and that's why the difference between liberalism leftism is so clear now to anyone who pays attention there was a difference uh and i just the fight has to be fought guys don't worry about you don't have the biggest gun the biggest tool you know don't worry about that you have your voice you know that's right that's right uh yeah again i wanna i wanna repeat we what is synthetic up here i bet friends tell me i'm so glad you speak out cynthia me it's lonely out here in the wind step up absolutely step up guys we have hey we're here we're with you we're with you cynthia um you know what i'm saying yes i've said before yes we need to reprise the sons and daughters of liberty and meet all over the country with one with one topic in mind to to discuss individual rights political economic liberty what it means uh the the the great history of this country and how we can revitalize the country in the 21st century you know bring it to individual rights and political economic liberty we get there are tens of millions of american patriots we can organize and you know and the goal is to do it peacefully but if it can't be done peacefully and i'm more and more pessimistic than it can be given how we know then we need tens of millions of armed american uh patriots like the sons like the sons of liberty who were who were willing to fight for you know for for their liberty before the leftists push us into communism and establish which which is what they want and make no mistake about anyone out there who thinks differently make a mistake about it the castle culture has always been around the left but it used to be them killing others and erasing them from pictures killing them and then cancelling them from pictures now it's you know there's a more benign form of this totalitarianism right unquote benign you know we'll just erase you off of the platforms that's all you know that's we're not killing you right we'll just take your livelihood away we're not we're not murdering you so we're not as bad as as the old that's where it heads that's where it does that that's natural home of cancelling people's lives of killing them eventually yeah remember you know you i know you know you and i used to be nba fans before they got entirely woke but the long time radio voice for the sacramento kings got fired from his job for saying on the air that all lives matter they fired it's absurd it's preposterous but it happened it happened this guy his lobby was taken away because he said something simple and true as hey man now all lives don't matter as an evil people but you get the idea he's saying come on guys let's get straight here human life matters life matters yeah and he banned fired fired he lost whatever however much he he made he's now lesser you know lesser in this country because of it because he said something that is just yeah and that was in that was in the nba it's even worse in the colleges where you have to be very very careful as to what you said and also comedians don't go to colleges anymore they say no it's not worth it it's not worth it these kids they have no humor they have no sense of humor anymore that's dangerous man we got to be able to laugh at the at the evil things that the scum and mock them that's important you know you can't revere evil or like your enemies like some people do oh no treat them like this come here which is why i enjoy making caricatures of these scum leftists i enjoy it i hear you hey bosh what if it happened to andrew dice clay i was just thinking uh we is not against women or immigrants or stuff like that but if it gets leftists and woke mentalities and i believe he is uh at least on some level on the right he is quietly you know he's a jew from brooklyn who put on this persona like he's a goomba you know on me and andrew silverman with andrew silverman was that his name silver you can't be friends with edna cooper if you're not the right that's just almost like like the gift because he's a hardcore right winger so he's friends with him and yeah but i haven't seen him do anything out there explicitly against the woke with the left but i i would love to see him yeah he he he's the guard what the left the left they can't handle mockery they at all they try to ban it erase the canceling mug the bastards they're so mockable it's unbelievable yeah fight them again condemn them absolutely but mock them too that's important it's an important part of this war against them to mock the bastards for the for the scum that they are for the you know every every which way every which way that you can mock the bastards that's also a weapon an important one as well right i absolutely agree so you know there's so many interesting and important things to discuss let's get to liberalism and and let's let's define our terms and by the way bhaj i was saying before that you know like black conservatives or gay conservatives or uh the left treats them as apostates if if people don't know what the term apost apostate means it's somebody a priest apostate support presupposes that there's there's one true faith you know and that you you were born into the one true faith and then you left it either for another faith or for no faith at all and in islam as you well know it's a capital offense right it is muhammad said those who leave the religion kill them that's on record islamic history yes if he existed but that's another story right you know and it's been that way it's certainly certainly that way you know in islam and um possibly some other one yeah the left i do believe if if uh the left had its way and there was no vestige of individual rights left in the country to protect you know people who uh defect from the left uh i do believe that i do believe that would execute them just like i believe that's true because history tells us that because when the left takes power when the socials take power what they do they murder masses and masses of people that's it when they have no challengers it's over it's a bloody gory existence at that point there's no question about it we know that that's why you know we know when when people say it's like we see what left has done historically and what they stop at election fraud of course they're going to engage right of course they're going to engage that and and they said their rights mocked them for the lies absolutely that's one of the biggest things without lies they're nothing uh they're they're nothing without their lives the left they truly are without their lives they can't get away with anything they have to lie to people to get them into the fold and then continue the lies as that's it that's what they always do is it's you know libra liberalism right you know uh but it's it's all lies that's how they maintain what they do uh no no no no that's right it's brute force look the influence here is marxism and what's made which made them worse in recent years is postmodernism which is an outgrowth of marxism and we'll discuss that in a couple of minutes but you know the the title for this show was how the left kills liberalism so we need to define our terms because liberal properly me look at the lib root liberty it's the same root as liberty liberals are properly supporters of liberty which means individual rights and you know when they talk about classical liberalism that that's you know real liberalism capitalism let's say fair individual rights political economic liberty limited constitutional government that's liberalism and it's along that way in some parts of the world but the left going back a hundred years ago a hundred years ago you know started to pervert they start to co-opt the term to mean not let's say fair individual rights but welfare state semi-socialism progressive year uh fdr's new deal but they were still liberal in the proper sense of the term in one important way they still upheld free speech they did not they yo 100 years ago 89 years ago the the the left the you know the the these who like who had co-opted the term liberal were still supporting freedom of speech in fact it was the conservatives with the danger then remember they they banned the teaching of evolution in the public high school biology classes 1920s it was it was ac aclu the american civil liberties union who trying to ban video games and all this stuff mark uh says no uh if you could elaborate mark mark mark first of all hi how are you but what do you what do you say what do you say you know what are you saying no to i guess to liberalism but we know we'll by the way yeah well mark's a very smart guy he's a really good guy one of the founders of the american capitalist party you know as well as a terrific actor so as we'll see what we'll see what he's referring to but my point is you know let's say i'm trying to get oh oh he said richard wilson enforced anti-speech laws uh well that's one you know that's one you know person with power and it's believe me i understand but we're talking about the concept and talk about liberty liberals and they did support it in a lot of ways back then they really yeah yeah i get your point market thanks for thanks for thanks for pointing for pointing that out but i think uh i think back then you know the democrats and the the the i got the right term here that the welfare state you know semi-socialists they did in the aclu they did stand up for freedom of speech in any number and any number of cases and any number of issues but they're already you're right mark pellegrino they're already uh influenced by marx and they're already moving towards socialism and consequently you know that top-down command that top-down command system uh you know where you have to live you have to live for the state you have to you have to live you know you have to live for the collective and you're not allowed you're not allowed to to speak up they were already moving in that direction but i do think i will stand by this mark and everybody else i do think that the religious conservatives were the greatest threat to freedom of speech 100 years ago and even the left they want to ban video games ben it's like no no that's just keep that to the left and that's what the left that's what's that's what the totalitarians do and uh mark michael writes here michael curry goes the left has defined the terms of the political spectrum and the alleged right fails to challenge the the terms absolutely right know that about it michael and that's why you know again the terms are important when when you guys conservatives saying these liberals liberal media it's not liberal they're they're they've been devoured by the left it's no longer liberal it's not at all you know they're but they want to maintain that veneer of liberalism somebody's laughing also it's it's like even bill maher claims well we were always you know the good guys no no bill you were part of left you you've been voted in probably abiding so don't don't come to me with this with this blow is mean you know he's going on bench pure show now i think he's going on joe rogan now uh he is an apostate no matter what you know he's he's become an apostate now bill maher he has mom consistently criticizes islam and now he's criticizing the left and walk culture that's that's good and that's good for him but his crew condemns him now so you know he has to be clear also right i think i think bosh i think mark pellegrino is making a good point i think back then like 100 years ago i think you know the leftists were mixed cases they were still they they still had some let's put this way they were still semi-american they still had some respect yeah for freedom for freedom of speech and and and and again you know we talk about these individual leaders like ffdr i think that's that's what i call him fdr you know he was a look there's reason why he didn't say national socialism because he was a socialist he doesn't want to call it national socialism let me call nazis and not say his mountain they wanted to upend it they did but those are the rats in power i'm talking about the the uh the general liberal individuals in america they were more more pro-american they didn't even imagine of getting into our children's you know entertainment to try to to flip them into you know whatever whatever they want them to be they wouldn't they would have done that back then maybe because they couldn't get away with it but whatever they would have done it's gotten to the point i'm thinking back by you know and everybody to you know to who was considered liberals you know meaning semi you know again semi-socialist welfare status uh not not supporters of individual rights when i was a kid john kennedy bobby kennedy daniel patrick moynihan the absolute right yeah these people were americans sorry and did the uh did the uh the research to find out about the welfare state he brought it to uh oh yeah and he yeah he told the truth dismissed and that could have saved if he had taken it seriously it could have saved a lot of the grief that has happened ever since a lot of the time you're right thank you mark i appreciate it i hope you have a great workout uh thank you we got it we got to connect to talk about the american capitalist party at some point i hope you all hope you hope you're doing well big guys have you on also mark about yeah that's right that's right i'm gonna good point josh i'm gonna send you an invitation mark to come on the show uh but yeah good point that's a good point bosch moynihan in his 1965 he was working for lbj in the in the us government uh the negro family i can't you can't use the terminal i think it goes yeah it was called negro something family and and think about this also the number we are now at 70 in terms of the the uh illegitimacy right yes it was twenty or thirty percent at that point think about that yeah it was twenty it was twenty five percent one more that and one hand saw that as a alarm bell like whoa this is terrible think about what he said about today and he's trying to he was trying to get to the bottom of the truth and bring this to uh you know johnson johnson there's a simple there's a simple truth here boys need fathers yes i mean girls need fathers too you know but boys your boy needs a father to show him what it means to be a man in action that he works hard and honestly that he's respectful he's respectful to the kids he's respectful to the kid's mother you know to to his wife he's a firm loving presence in the children's life boys need a father now if you have a 70 illegitimacy rate that doesn't mean that these fathers necessarily don't have a relationship with their kids but when you have 70 or higher there's a lot of cases where the fathers are just gone these kids are growing up without a father and then one one major problem and they're unchecked and they're feminized a lot of ways in uh in an inappropriate way they're there they are feminized they they will fight you at the at a look the wrong look they're going to get to a fight that's not what a man does it's not i don't care what they call themselves will smith slapping chris rock over a joke that's not what a man does and they they said manhood is back oh my god oh my god you're like that's constructed that's right right it's a kind and stand up if your wife is upset you can stand up for her verbally and so could sneeze for god's sake it's america's isn't it he could stand up for snowflakes he got right i think he was in divorce but the point is look i'm not insulting women i'm talking about there's not a man in the house to check the kid at times kid boys especially the rambunctious man they want to test the walls they want to push things and you need a guy in there hey hey man i love you but you know we have absolutely abso absolutely right and my hand you're right moynihan i called him said in the morning and he wasn't sending it in 1965. but senator moynihan pointed out the problems that will arise in the black american community uh from from the welfare state you know pay paying money uh to women to have babies as long as they weren't married exactly and i know and i think one of the reasons why that was scrapped this is a simple disgusting bottom of the barrel you know politics reason right they said look we just got the black vote where we know we don't want to challenge that anymore okay with this kind of the you know this kind of study and the what what's going to be needed we might lose them then that's a hundred percent because they seized the black vote at that point right with the civil rights movement all that with a bill and they didn't want that they didn't want that the results of that study to lose the black vote yeah called morningham racist they they condemned that yeah i want to hear about what morning has said about all the stuff after the fact i don't know about that but i want to know what he said on record about about that kind of dismissal of his incredibly important you know study yeah enormously insightful and and though the left was already you know hateful you're right they called him every you know racist and and and everything else but um they've gotten worse they've gotten steadily you know steadily worse from supporting freedom of speech to you know mark's right it was mixed but to some extent they supported freedom of speech 100 years ago to you know the 1960s kind of welfare state mentality that has been terribly harmful to the black american community and they don't care which to me makes them the worst racist in the in the country they don't give a damn about the ghettos about what's happened to the black you know to the black communities across countries they don't give a damn and one and when you look at that what has happened in these cities where there are the murder rate is i mean out of control and they don't act to change it they want it can't they don't care about black lives matter that's the thing that's the thing got an organization that calls itself black lives matter and we know thousands and thousands of black americans are homicide victims every year in and year out 90 percent are killed by black criminals uh an organization that calls itself black lives matter doesn't say a peep about nothing stops dave's really wrong and they will bail out a would be murder for a few hundred thousand dollars they'll bail him out and celebrate it on the steps of the court when walking down steps bail out a would be murderer why that's i mean that they're they're telling us who they are you know they don't give a damn about about black people about the black community at all and again because these three lesbian communists in charge of black lives matter buying mansions across country i mean it just tells you it was you know from their perspective they they just exploited this for everything they can get that's all it was and the idiots you know who supported you know on what grounds like remember every single website you went to black lives matter look look we care we those things have disappeared if you notice that they have and i mean because of i think customers like okay i get it it's like uh i wrote i wrote earlier i said i am trans exhausted i understand they're trying you know transgender people out there but i'm conversation i i'm tired of it honestly just stop shoving it down our throat it's not a maker it's not the issue in america enough enough that's why i wrote the old the only also i said i am coming out as sexual i am coming out as sex i've got i'm going to come out of the closet as a header robot so all the ladies all the ladies out there you know what i am sexual i just want to let the world know okay okay uh michael also writes black i'm glad to hear sorry a black pastor i listened to a few years ago described a thug as a male with the emotions and temperament of a woman harsh but stated that it was due to single mother families that that's true and fairly disgusting let's not insult women a lot of women are really good really good people not like thugs love women i mean believe me but the issue is true women are a little more emotional a little more reactive to certain things and the boys that they raise in a lot of ways they become hype positive you know they become they get brutal over a look over an insult men don't do that men don't do that they don't drop at the drop of an insult to get into a battle of uh like like a a fight no that happened and i think that's also a factor where they don't put these boys in check they let them run wild they don't uh try to tell them this way is better they don't have the nerve that a man would have that that followed to take that kid say hey hey hey hey uh-uh you're not gonna do that and here's why you know they don't have maybe the edge that men have and they don't have the example of you know they see their mothers maybe lose it emotionally and they think okay that's how i'm supposed to react to things yeah i'm losing an ability you know i wanna oh not all women do that know that yeah there's a lot of women there's a lot of women who are really morally strong people so we have a lot of respect for him i mean one of my favorite women of all time rent you know the greatest the greatest politically margaret thatcher you're the iron the iron lady you know as i have a lot of there's a lot of there's a lot of examples you know but um uh i i want to i want to look at the the degeneration of the left it's it's it's regression how it's got worse and worse and worse because you're going back to the point that the left was mixed on freedom of speech uh remember the 19 late 60s and 1970s there were shows on tv like william buckley's firing line you know who was he was arch conservative uh i don't remember you know i i don't remember i was at teens by then i would i would remember everything i don't remember the left up in arms wanting to cancel buckley's show get him off the air you know silence um i don't know i don't remember that and i remember i remember you know leftists coming on his show and debating you know and debating yeah sometimes call each other nazi and goes off yeah what is that guava doll right would go up with dolls yeah nasty rap bastard and uh i think buckley said i'll plaster you you know talking like hard stuff but i love that where the hell is that today i want that kind of i want to kind of you know look insult him take it and give one right back and go for that and what else have it with words insult the guy if you want okay then i'll insult you twice as hard go for it right yeah right so my my point is in 1970 there was no cancelled culture the left was still you know uh r they were still americans bosh they still recognized just one observation sorry they were edified by americanism meaning they didn't descend into what the soviet union became because there was nothing about individual rights there they were edified they were made better because they were americans they couldn't descend into the pit of leptism all you know like i guess all in they couldn't do it because why they still have an identity as american in america we have values that that without even thinking about we just adopt you know if we think about them of course that's better but yeah at the point where the they don't even identify as americans they hate the country they say so uh black lives matter marches with antifa says uh death to america adopting the iranians chant death to america and the streets of america that is an enemy within they're nothing less than that and they gotta be fought they're gonna be destroyed because if yeah no no absolutely right and by the way frank grail on my facebook feed points out that the frank capra was you know a liberal or a leftist but he loved the usa thank you thank you frank that's an interesting point baj because hollywood was crawling with communists back then you know cp usa members but they still made a lot of patriotic films too i mean john wayne was you know you know was you know gary cooper these guys were you know with you know settling in the west and killing off you know hostile indian tribes and stuff they were winning world war ii wave of the american flag you know there was a lot they still did a lot of patriotic stuff you know uh back then and they got word they got behind america the americas at war will all we're at war ii why because we're american that's no remember before we remember before we run out of time i want to show i want to discuss how how the left got to to be to the point where they're not american anymore no they're anti-americans they're they're they're germans really ideologically now not not americans and the difference is the difference is post-modernism and i think uh you know i don't want to go over the philosophical lecture but but just briefly marx marx has dominated the left for a long time and the essence of marxism you know is class warfare the rich get rich by exploiting the poor and you know the poor have to rise up overthrow the owning class kill the the members of the owning class and you know establish the dictatorship of you know of the proletariat well you know so marx defines society in in terms of not in individuals he was he was opposed to individualism but in in terms of groups of collectors you know the the oppressor versus the oppressed and he defined the press or oppressed in terms of rich and poor now post-modernism uh michelle foucault jacques de radar richard rorty who's an american derek don and foucault french postmodern is now largely a european phenomenon as you would expect uh influenced by marx this is the late late 20th century influenced by marx they expanded mark's view of the oppressor and oppressed it's not just the rich that oppress the poor it's the whites that oppress the non-whites the men oppress the women the straight suppressed the gays and everything and so culture is just seething conflict it's just what you know where especially you know white male straight guys are bad guys the worst guys in the world they're evil by the way we discuss movies the shape of water that was the name of that movie that one won the oscar yeah it was the best picture the white male american men and they were military guys they would make it worse they were just the scum of the earth they had no redeeming characteristics do you remember even that sex scene with the michael shannon characters it's like he's mechanical he's just bad he's just it's just completely mechanical and loveless this is this is their view of white male americans especially you know uh military guys but they were villains they were villains in the piece and it was it was the women the gays the blacks who rescued the monster from the real monsters the white male americans it was perfect it was a perfect post-violence film it was amazing actually i remember i was i was like whoa that's that's just yeah there were things about it i liked actually but the heavy-handed the heavy-handed leftist propaganda where the walk propaganda was you know was awful it was uh uh del toro guillermo del toro i think yeah i think he directed yeah yeah yeah i think it was i think it was del toro leftist yeah in the postmodernist view society is a seething cauldron of endless conflict between different social classes or groups and as good marxist you have to side with the oppressed against the oppressor and so you see the the rise in the country over the last 10 or 20 years because post-modernism now dominates the humanities divisions of our universities and the kids coming out of the universities are just steeped in this stuff and it's been 20 or 30 years now and they're starting to get positions of influence at cnn in the democratic party in hollywood and jersey and they're saying things that are insane yeah that was just accepted as normal now yeah right and they just push this hatred they're spewing hatred for whites for men for straight you know and and uh it's just that's that's where the left is today and if you don't side with them then you're then you're standing up for the oppressor you're siding with the oppressor against the oppressed which makes you evil it gives us the right to cancel you it becomes a moral duty to cancel the oppressors that's the post-modernist mentality and it's just it just dominates intellectual policies it's in lieu of morality because they have the morality so it's in lieu of morality that they can cancel meaning anyone who's not us is evil it's a very child-like way of looking at at life if you're not us you're evil meaning again it's not it's not because of moral character moral character never comes in into the equation if you are not us you're evil that's it and again it's in lieu of morality that's what they do in luke morality they just judge people as not us and therefore evil and to be destroyed but again you know getting the livelihood of people i mean wanting to see people suffer to get their careers their careers wiped out that's almost as bad as killing you it's almost as bad as killing you if that constitutes your life in a lot of ways i mean if you're very successful whatever field you know that turn you get wiped out you know no one else will hire you more you are you are toxic they get off on that they love that that's evil in in their vicious marxist postmodernist mentality they're fighting for the oppressed you know against the uh yeah exactly and notice how out of touch with reality they are you know they talk about america as a systemically racist country which it was a hundred years ago you know but since the since the civil rights movement you look at look at all the data you know the rise of an extensive educated black middle class is this there's just a ton of of of data points you know the most educated most educated ethnic group in the country are nigerians or at least they're up near the top at the top or near the top the most affluent ethnic group in the country like by far are indian immigrants and and and their children you know and asian immigrants japanese immigrants korean chinese immigrants they're all up to the top white americans further further down the uh further down the list uh and you know you get all these data points and yet you know that would be impossible in a systemically racist country doesn't matter to these guys because they're immersed in their philosophic system you know they what they see yeah right they see everything through the prison yeah they're ideas it's unbelievable that's where we are right right that's dangerous right they just spew out their philosophy their marxist post-modernist philosophy and it's completely at variance with observation reality at no point doesn't make any contact to hell with reality is there just is the gist of leptism to help with reality yeah yeah if you and i point out point out facts you know like you know the rise the rise of the black middle class how what is it roughly the most affluent or indians and all like shut up you racist it's like what exactly we point out i think in the in obama's two elections you know combined i think he got roughly 40 percent to the white vote you know i think something this is tens of millions of white voters voting for for a black man who actually he's but he's not racial yeah yeah but but yeah we point out this data you know like like you said indian immigrants and their children are by far the most affluent ethnic group in the country which would be impossible in a country a country of white supremacists and if you point out the data they just call us names you're what you're racist do you do why racism rich famous black people on television talking about slavery still exists this is not an exaggeration okay slavery in america still exists it's like you are on tv you're a millionaire you're famous and racism exists against black people you're i mean i just said you know it's just it's a self-defeating i mean but again they don't care saying it at this point also that's our move from reality they are where they don't even give a damn what they're saying they just want to basically say whatever the hell that they want and anyone who objects to that is the end is an enemy i don't know i just it's once you start thinking about what they actually say sometimes and you got to stop i still get a little shocked i gotta say i still i still do yeah someone's something that comes out and you know if if i want your one last point to make because the the title of this episode is how leftist and kill liberalism to me and i think you've been really good on this bosh you know the essence of liberalism is freedom of speech freedom of intellectual expression right is a key element of individual rights leftism is warring against it right and we and we've seen in a way that they never did prior to the last you know five or ten years we've seen we've seen the reason why we've seen the reason why they become woke because of postmodernism they have on his there's moral crusade to save the oppressed against the oppressor and anybody who's against them is aiding the oppressor and has to be silenced and you they have this moral fervor now to silence dissent because that makes you racist i i think referred to like the like the right their their evil is righteous you know yeah right exactly but it was a beautiful book and and i get i get pushed back from that from christians like hey can't be righteous i said you understand what i'm saying you understand what i'm saying you know the they are righteously evil the the islamic enemy has the same they actually believe not out of reality but they believe with everything every emotion that they have that they're the right ones the good ones and everything else and else that is not them is evil did the uh yeah did the show off or or is the show uh something that just popped up create account did the show cut off or no i think i think we're still i think we're still live everybody next month thanks jumping in everyone else awesome i'm glad to have you here mark and uh yeah come on one day we'll talk about movies whatever you want to talk about i'd love to yeah yeah absolutely but we could see now how the left killed off liberalism even the last element of it within the left you know when they supported freedom of speech to some degree you know even even you know tolerating william buckley on tv and coming on you show the debate with him not anymore right not anymore but that was the last point where it's okay you know they're up no good if they can't support free speech they're no damn good they're good for nothing i mean at that point good for nothing they turn themselves out to be and americans can see this more clear than they ever have before and you hear from people who say wow i didn't know how it was this bad they're saying that now they're saying i didn't know it's bad and they're starting to realize that and there's more and more voice out there again it's awesome because there is an awakening happening against the wolf culture and uh i didn't i didn't even mean that no pun intended but yeah right that's right it's true the awakened versus the wall it's a nice distinction about that even though maybe just you know yeah yeah there's there's so by the way i didn't i didn't i didn't have a chance to mention to you but our good friend todd albanici the lawyer told me in a few weeks he'll be ready to come on the show to discuss to revisit election fraud in light of the new books movies and evidence that's been coming up it's uh it's brewing the uh the uh the truth is trickling in little by little despite the left attempts to try to you know what was it it was tens of thousands of votes in in the 2020 election in arizona mismatch how many how many were there i think 70 000 which was disgusting 70 000 and i i think biden only won by 10 000 you know by by by 10 000 votes again against trump so look uh wisconsin there's another uh you know wisconsin even talking about uh they're getting a little further than the rest they're talking about decertifying the election the official politicians in the congress in wisconsin are talking about decertifying the election not talking about discovering election fraud they're talking about decertifying it decertifying wisconsin electoral votes president state legislators say yes they are and that is now it's big talk it's huge that's huge that's huge it's not just like there was there was fraud they don't that's a given now in wisconsin there was fraud but we want to decertify it and let's see what happens because that talk if you can decertify one of them of the battleground states the rest drop like flies they do because that's that was where even zuckerberg put in what 300 to 400 million dollars he put a lot in the battleground says they said yeah he gave it to somebody too i said yes cya he wanted to say hey i gave also to restate see i mean probably give it to some kind of red states who really leftists but whatever that's a whole different story but yeah awesome great here because uh it was it was a good show it was last year i think i think it was last year yeah it was like january it's one of our first shows awesome january or early early february yeah so we will revisit the election fraud issue in the next few weeks based on on the new evidence that's coming up auction deal and yeah i'm i'm going to read a lot of excerpts of the book i i read lined a lot of the rig book there's the the new one joe hofft uh the steal to the movies just come out i think uh back to back i think at least a movie called rit came out now it's interesting the guy who made rigged was the one citizens united against hillary clinton remember that one what did they they won major against hillary clinton and they're the ones behind the movie rig so that's a that's a good sign because these people actually did something they did something to really hit one of the rats in our in in our culture hillary clinton one of the evil yeah one of the worst rats we're hungry disgusting anyway yeah one appreciate it yeah go up on rumble everybody like us right subscribe subscribe to the channel and uh yeah thanks thank you i agree with you bosh thanks everybody for chiming in and we will be back next week you know with more enlightenment offered here uh on truth in cultural politics so so uh oracle everybody bone sua we will see you next week