Sober Yoga Girl
Alex McRobs, known as Sober Yoga Girl, is a former party girl turned international yoga teacher and sober lifestyle coach. Originally from Canada, Alex spent her twenties partying in Dubai, the land of bottomless brunch and unlimited drinks. Alex now supports other women in finding spirituality and sobriety through Sober Girls Yoga - which is part of The Mindful Life Practice, an international online yoga community she founded. In this podcast Alex will offer weekly episodes with insight into her life and journey, including stories, strategies, and sometimes with special guests. Dive into topics such as triggers around alcohol, yoga philosophy, speaking to family and friends and mental health. You’re not alone - and in being her open, authentic self, Alex helps others find and feel that. How to connect with Alex: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sobergirlsyoga Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexmcrobs/ Join our Free Sober Girls Yoga 7 Day Challenge here: https://stan.store/alexmcrobs
Sober Yoga Girl
Introduction to Vedic Meditation - Part 2 with Rory Kinsella
Lots of you have been asking questions about Vedic meditation, after hearing how profoundly impactful it's been for me, so I took the time to sit down with my friend Rory Kinsella to learn more about the practice.
Vedic Meditation uses a mantra and you sit comfortably in a chair rather than in a classic meditation pose like lotus, so many people find it more accessible than other styles.
In this episode, Rory will talk about learning to meditate ten years ago, how it changed his relationship with alcohol and what he’s learned from teaching thousands of people to meditate over the last eight years. Alex will also share the impactful experience she has had with Vedic Meditation learning from both Rory on his retreat and Jenn Agostini online. Alex has now chosen to integrate Vedic Meditation into her Yoga Teacher Trainings going forward because of how impactful it is, and she is excited to share it with you!
Join Alex and Rory's retreat in May of 2025 in Bali at: https://www.wisemonkeyway.com/a/2147781106/wGVhfYH8
Read Alex's Writing at the Intersection of the Bhavagad Gita, Patanjali's Sutras, The Buddha Dharma and Mental Health at:
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