Slater Hayes Podcast

Shhh...They're Talking

Herman Veal Season 4 Episode 36

Today... I have but one admonition. Think of the HELL that our ancestors endured and listen to their voices as you exercise YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.




Yet another example of the continuing relevance of "The Spoken Word". Read the current description and those past. The initial publication dealt with my internal private struggles.

I was awakened on this morning KNOWING that this piece had to be published again AT THIS TIME for the consumption of the masses with the hopes of stirring the consciousness of all those who may possess "it is what it is" attitudes.

That voice...those voices that we oftentimes dismiss may now be the ancestors travailing over what they view as the dismissiveness of the current generation towards their sacrifice, struggles and spilled blood.

That voice...those voices are indeed seeking to capture our attention.

My admonition...

"Shhh...They're Talking"
LISTEN- Before ALL that they gained is snatched away by those that want to see us relegated to times past.

VOTE!!!  VOTE!!!  VOTE!!!



"...the circumstances of everyday life" would lead us to believe that the situations that are occurring within numerous states, cities, town and hamlets throughout the land are set to potentially inflict physical, emotional and financial  harm to us all and is beyond prevention and repair.

However, WE must become aware that "all the noise, all the voices" are designed to cast US into a realm of helplessness that leads US to become more and more self-centered and totally bereft of any desire that aspires to maintain the concept of "the village".

There are others talking. They are saying things that are uncomfortable for many, but are rooted in the truths of historical facts-not watered down and the result of revisionist history.  Which voices will you learn to tune out?   Choose wisely and muster the fortitude to encourage others to ...

"Shhh...They're Talking"
and then...




Just as the opening intro stated, " oftentimes we listen, sometimes we should not".

Throughout our lives we are inundated with the assuming and unassuming voices of friend's, family, loved ones and what are perceived as insignificant passersby. We oftentimes are bombarded with personal anecdotes that those previously mentioned cast upon us in order to address the myriad "life" issues with which, they feel, we are confronted.

Without fail, a number of the "solutions" that are offered to what are perceived as "your problems" are unsolicited and are far removed from what onlookers have personally deduced as the issue that has beset you.

To compound the numerous external voices, I sometimes am overwhelmed by the internal voices that seek to rent space within the recesses of my oftentimes over deliberative brain.

"Shhh...They're Talking"
was composed as I lay in bed one night and the internal voices, well, decided that it was a great night to have a party. No, this was not the first time that this has occurred. On this particular night though I decided to let them know, in writing, that..."yea, I hear you, but I am not listening". Nor will I submit to being "bewildered" by the incessant voices that are perpetually being created by the circumstances of everyday life.... 

Yes, sometimes it is quite the task