Slater Hayes Podcast

"Lessons From Ton Le Sap"

Herman Veal Season 4 Episode 31

Simply, I am re-sharing this piece because it speaks directly to what was discussed in DAYSTART- a daily morning spiritual learning program hosted by @Journey Center Global.

The topic for the week and one of the daily scriptures dealt specifically with exhibiting love to one another- one's neighbor.

The Cambodians along the Ton Le Sap Lake have gotten it right-for they exhibit LOVE for one another.
Journey with me as I once again share
"Lessons From Ton Le Sap"



God has blessed Marjorie and I to be able to travel to a number of countries throughout the world (more so she than I). In various countries we have witnessed the day-to-day living of the inhabitants of the countries visited.

During our most recent travels we had the opportunity to witness the hustle and bustle of Hanoi in North Vietnam.  the laid-back city of Hue, located along the Huong River, in central Vietnam-just 5 miles from the South China Sea, and the difference in the politics of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)., located in South Vietnam.

We were also blessed to be able to visit Cambodia.
This is where I was filled with an intense desire to document what I was seeing as juxtaposed to what I live and observe as an American.

"Lessons From Ton Le Sap"
was inspired by our travels up and down a portion of Ton Le Sap Lake. There we witnessed the indigenous people go about their daily lives that consisted mostly of fishing. In fact, it seemed that their entire existence was dependent on Ton Le Sap. This was ultimately conveyed to us by our tour guide.

There was a difference in their manner of living that was quickly observed and highlighted. We were told of the level of cooperation that exists among those we encountered.  For example, the individual harvests of fish are combined and picked up daily by a local company without contentiousness over the amount of one's contribution. Children piloted boats up and down the lake delivering classmates to and from school. Floating homes were anchored in spaces that are individually owned, but there seemed to be no easily identifiable markings that separated the adjacent homes.

The natives of Ton Le Sap are living in a community that is predicated on cooperation among the group. If one's boat is larger and creates a bigger wake, then the pilot of the larger boat willingly pilots his or her boat to the side, slowing down to allow the smaller vessel to proceed. This, all done without the use of verbal communication or horns.

It was simply inspirational observing the level of cooperation and the level of community.

It led me to think about what would be possible within OUR community(ies), the nation, if the same level of "village" think were prevalent in America.

I pose a question at the end of this piece. Ruminate on its' words!

Personally, I am left to wonder and remain HOPEFUL!!!