The Cultivated Being
The Wellness Brothers, Dr. Jake and Dr. Nick Hyde, talk about doctor stuff, or brother stuff, or sometimes both. Filled to the brim with humor, practical advice, and rich in-depth conversation, these brothers from opposite sides of the country connect on the topics that they truly love. Centered on holistic health, each podcast goes to the core of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and life.
The Cultivated Being
Why Working on Your Gut Benefits Your Brain (and Vice Versa)
The Cultivated Being
Episode 95
Some highlights include:
Lots of sciency things in this episode! The Wellness Brothers break down some of the science between the connections of the gut, immune system, and brain.
Dr. Nick Hyde's website
and Dr. Jake Hyde's website.
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The Cultivated Being Podcast is meant for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat or diagnose any issue. If you have an issue please consult your doctor.