Managing Emotions and Behaviors Around the Holidays
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Managing Emotions and Behaviors Around the Holidays
Dec 18, 2023 Season 3 Episode 45
Lauren Spigelmyer

The holidays are fun and exciting, but are also a break from routines and can be chaotic. We're traveling, have new and different plans and events, the house looks different, people you don't see all the time are coming to visit, etc, etc, etc. 

In this episode, Lauren focuses on managing kids' emotions and behaviors around the holidays. She talks through how to do all the fun stuff and also maintain some sense of emotional regulation and calm.

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode: How do we support others to deal with behaviors in a more helpful and positive way?

Try-at-home tip:  Daily affirmations or a daily mantra

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub: 

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