Children's Storybooks on Abuse (Part 1)
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Children's Storybooks on Abuse (Part 1)
Aug 12, 2024 Season 4 Episode 23
Lauren Spigelmyer

This is the first episode of a review series where Lauren introduces children's books that address topics like private parts, abuse, and anxiety. In this episode, Lauren gives an overview of each book and her recommendations for adapting it to kids in different age groups. Check them out online for reviews and Lauren will give her opinion of each book.

Different books resonate with different people, kids, and situations so make sure to look these up online and check the reviews to see what other people are saying.

  1. My Body is Mine (Marnach)
  2. God Made All of Me (Holcomb & Holcomb)
  3. Somedays He Growled (Ostrowski)

Try-at-home tip:  Read books with your kiddos!

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