Let's Talk Conservation

A Little Look at Environmental Consulting - Elizabeth and Heidi

Jennifer Choyce Episode 9

In this episode I am talking to friends and colleagues of mine about the world of Environmental Consulting. It is an industry that offers a variety of opportunities - from terrestrial to marine, field work to legislations, even research. It can be seen as if those of us in the industry have ‘sold our souls’ to help development but that’s not the case. We are in this industry to help the environment alongside development. To make sure laws, regulations and legislations are followed. To advise on how to improve how we develop the world without completely devastating it. Without environmental professional, develop would run rampant! it is an intense industry and a steep learning curve, but those of us in it do love it!Don’t judge us until to hear our side. You never know, you may want to join us. Come to the Greenside we have Cupcakes.