Mind of Snaps Podcast

How to START | Episode 12 - Mind of Snaps Podcast

She Snaps Season 1 Episode 12
I asked everyone on Twitter "What's the biggest challenge you face when it comes to accomplishing any of your goals?" and tons of people responded with "not knowing where to start or how to start", so this podcast is for you!If you're feeling stuck and wondering how to get yourself out of this rut and back on track to living your best life, check out this nice short podcast on How to Start!

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Welcome to the mind of snap podcast with your host, Jeff A. She stamps a popular twitch broadcaster, photographer, entrepreneur and Mendel. That ticket in this and future cast expect to fall on with snaps as she learns more about her mind in the world and her fellow humans. It could get messy, but stick around. You might just learn something as you enter the mind of snaps Hello and welcome to Episode 12 of the Mind Snaps Podcast. And thanks for being so patient with me as I recovered from the Guardian Con backlog. Thanks. Also, to everyone who showed up to my talk at guardian Con, it meant so much to have so much support in there from this community. And it just really made me want to keep going with what I'm doing here because I got so much positive feedback about it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Ah, lot of the feedback I received really reminded me of why I wanted to start this podcast and begin this journey into mental health and mindfulness with Jill. I want to help in any way I can, and I think a great way to do that is to experience a lot of this stuff with you guys so we can do it together and encourage each other to keep moving forward. That's why I sent out that tweet on Thursday and asked a simple question. What's the biggest challenge you face when it comes to accomplishing any of your goals? Over 100 people responded to this and relatively quickly to which tells me one thing money of you are feeling stuck and I so get it. So let's get ourselves unstuck together. I read there the messages and one of the responses I saw frequently was I don't know where to start. I can totally relate. But I have got such good news for you. You're about to get your ass is unstuck today because you're gonna finish listening to this podcast and get yourself a plan to start working towards your goals. We're going to do it together, so don't worry, you won't be alone. Okay, so let's get started with how to get started if you follow my streams. You have probably heard me getting all jacked up lately over all these new things I've been learning. I've been reading a ton and listening to podcasts and watching movies. I'm dedicating so many waking hours toe learning, and it has been so great. One of the things I keep seeing over and over in the books I'm reading and the podcasts I'm listening to is the best place to begin is within. I love that that rhymes. Best place to begin is within. Yeah, So if you're feeling stuck and you're hating your job, your relationship, your living situation, whatever, start with this simple question What's my life's purpose? This may sound silly to you, but I'm serious about this. Takes some time and think about yourself. Think about your future. Allow yourself to stop looking backwards and stop focusing on where you are now and all the things that are holding you back. Just imagine your ideal life for a moment. What would your life look like if you had everything you truly desired? And this is where the looking within really comes in. Don't let the world around. You influence your life's purpose. Don't just jump to a mental picture of you having the best version of your life that you can manage that won't upset those around. You really think about what you want, What makes you happy and what you imagine a fulfilling life toe look like, You know, there are people who go to work each day and feel good about it. Not everyone has to be stuck waking up. Earliest fuck going to an office there, a job they hate but continue to do because it pays the bills. Some people have managed to break away from that, and others have even taken steps. Wave has that and are now wealthier than most people can even imagine. Why is it why do those people get to live the lives that we barely allow ourselves to dream of? Because they knew who they were, what they wanted, and then they went for it. I know what my life's purpose is, but I will admit it took me half a day to think of it Honestly, I made it a goal for the day to figure out my life's purpose. And once I did, I wrote that shit down. I read it every day in the morning before I start my day. That is what your first step is for your day today. You are going to set aside some time for some soul searching. You need to sit and think about what you really want out of life, and then you're gonna write it down. It does not have to be ultra specific. Your brain and the universe will fill in those pieces later. Trust me. Here's mine Life's purpose. To become the best version of myself, to add value to the lives of others and build a successful, stable life that can sustain a large family. That's it. Nothing too detailed. Nothing specific, really. But when I sat down and considered what I want out of life, I just kept having these visions pop up in my brain of myself, my man in our future offspring, traveling the world and living a comfortable existence. I saw happy, relaxed faces in these images when I thought about a future job. All I knew is that I wanted to help people. I want to add value to the lives of others. I didn't know how I was gonna do it initially, but that's fine. Like I said, your brain and the universe will help you to figure that shit out later. Think about yourself. Think about any and all things and people that bring you joy. Think of the things you've always wanted to try. Think of the things you've always wanted to learn. Think not about money, but about time. How would you like to be able to envision yourself spending your time? So what I want you to do right now is pause this shit. Seriously, pause me. Turn off this podcast for a second. If you turn this on, you probably believed you had enough time to listen to the whole damn thing. So instead of finishing this now, finish it. After you've come up with your life's purpose, I'm taking a long pause now so you can easily find this section when you return. Okay, So I'm assuming now that you actually listened and you came up with some kind of life's plan and that you wrote that shit down. If you didn't, I'm goingto hope that your intention is to do that the moment you have a bit of free time. I don't care if you do this while driving while pooping or after meditating out in the shade of a giant oak tree. Just make sure that stuff is done. It may take 1/2 day. It may take a week, but that is your primary goal right now to look inward and get your life's purpose down on paper. Okay, now that you've got your life's purpose, read that every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep, think about what each piece means to you. I'll break mine down for you even further. My life's purpose, if you remember, is to become the best version of myself to add value to the lives of others and to build a successful, stable life that can sustain a large family. Let's start with the first line to become the best version of myself. Everything I've been reading about successful people starts with the same concept. They all worked on themselves. First, they figured out what their passions were, where their weaknesses were, what their limitations were, and then they figured out how to overcome them. Jim Quicks biggest problem was his mind. He believed he wasn't capable of learning. He researched the fuck out of that idea, applied what he learned to himself, and now he's a leading memory expert and he travels the world teaching others how to learn more effectively. Mel Robbins was feeling stuck in her life. She was in debt in dealing with businesses that were failing and bills that were piling up. She didn't know how to motivate herself to get moving. She didn't knows, though. She learned she had a brief idea of shooting herself out of bed like a rocket ship from NASA and then from there, researched the fuck out of her idea and her own personal fix and figured out why what worked for her did and how she could help others with it. She came up with the five second rule, which I highly suggest you check out on YouTube when you have a second. It's super brilliant. I watched a video from another man who was saying that he was scared he wouldn't have the time to learn anything new because he had an infant daughter now. So he spent all of his available time researching how to make the most of your time learning. He figures out that it takes, on average, about 20 hours of learning and practice to become good at something, starting to notice a pattern here for me to become the best version of myself means I needed to stop being so angry all the time to stop allowing anxiety and depression to keep me from doing the things I wanted to stop being ruled by my emotions and start learning to control them. So I have been researching the fuck out of it. In case you haven't noticed, I watch fewer TV shows and game a bit less in my free time. But damn, dude, my mind is lit the fuck up. I researched and learned so much about trying to be a better version of myself that I was able to secure that time a guardian con to do a 90 minute solo presentation on the topic. The next part of my life's purpose. Waas toe add value to the lives of others. Interesting how that kind of came into play on its own. As I started learning about myself, I told you, You don't have to know all the details of your dreams. Just be willing to write it down and commit yourself to it. The rest will work itself out as you work on yourself. As I gradually learned more and more about how to manage my mental health I started to notice opportunities that would allow me to help others with theirs. As I said at my guardian con talk, I didn't start working on myself for you. I did it for me. And then I strangely realized that I could use it to help others, to add value to the lives of others. I've always known I wanted to help others, but I didn't know how. I contemplated tons of different career paths, but none of them felt just right. It wasn't until I started to understand myself more that the ideas came into play. It wasn't until I began fighting to overcome my limitations instead of keep them, but I realized I wasn't as limited as I thought. Now I have all these ideas just flowing daily, and I learned more about all kinds of new things daily because it's become a parent that it all ties in together with my life's purpose. The coolest thing is that they even brought me straight to the information. I'd need to be able to accomplish the final piece of my life's purpose, which waas to build a successful, stable life that can sustain a large family. When I think of success to me. I imagine financial freedom. I imagine not having to worry about bills and knowing that I have the free time and the resource is available to help teach my future kids about the important things in life by traveling with them and experiencing things with them. I imagine having a lasting legacy and knowing that my finances will allow them to pursue their passions and determine their life's purpose is to this idea this dream. It's starting to take form along with all of the items I mentioned previously. Since I've started working on myself since I've figured out some ways to accomplish my goals of helping others. And since I've determined that financial freedom is important to me, I started to come up with ideas and learn new ways to accomplish every piece of that. I spend the majority of my free time researching and learning about me, researching and learning about how to accomplish my now specific goals of helping others via speaking engagements. Happy weeks come into stream if you want to hear about that, and of bringing back my nonprofit that was dedicated to helping families in need. I also research money. How to make it, how to save it out of spend it. I'll be honest. This isn't some instantaneous success story, but rather a story of hope, which is something I didn't have for a very long time. I have spent too many damn days stressing over what I don't have instead of spending those days figuring out what I want and how to get it. I am done with that shit. The coolest thing about this is is that even though I can clearly see how far away I am from my goals, I am not bothered by it anymore. I'm encouraged. I've seen so many examples of people setting their minds to shit in accomplishing it. But I understand that it doesn't all come overnight. It takes a lot of hard work, and there will be days where you don't get anything done. Those days will be fewer if you took my previous advice and got yourself on a good routine for your mental health, make this a part of your routine status. Side pockets of time to work on your goals. You have the time. Trust me, listen to podcasts or watch videos on topics you're interested in while you're doing the dishes or cleaning your place. Turn on audio books in the car and let other people teach you about anything and everything that will help you accomplish your goals there. Those are all things you can do for a pretty low cost. But if you've got some extra funds, go to some seminars to go learn and interact with other people who are going through what you are going through. Community and collaboration are so important. You can learn so much from others. But you gotta fucking talk to him first. I know, I know. Scary thought. I've come up with so many ideas and I'm in the beginning stages of getting so much shit done now all because I started with myself at the beginning of this year. Since then, I've launched a new podcast, started the patri on and then added Monday morning positivity podcasts to that. I've gotten over halfway through the first book I'm writing, started planning a second podcast, made new content creation plans, gained several new sponsors, did my first solo speaking engagement, came up with plans to start touring country and the world, and came up with a plan to bring my nonprofit back next year. The ideas just keep coming. I keep learning Maur and Maura and I keep having idea after fucking idea. It's great. And remember, I didn't come from any super special upbringing. I don't have a college degree. I've fought with my family and friends over what I feel my path should be and what they believe it should be. But ultimately I chose to continue on the path that felt right to me. And here I am. I may not be enough of a success story for you to feel motivated by what I've accomplished yet, but I know I will be. I'm just bringing you along for the ride and hoping that you'll start working towards your own path to I wake up most days, excited to work, excited to get shit done. I don't always finish every task I start, and I still struggle with all kinds of things. I previously saw his limitations, but now, when I noticed the struggle instead of feeling defeated by it, I research it. When I struggled to get shit done. I research productivity tips when I struggled to manage my anxiety. I've researched, calming methods and new forms of meditation. What? I'm struggling to express myself well enough to get others on board with what I'm saying. I research communication. So if you're looking for ways to figure out how to start, you've already taken a step in the right direction. You maybe unintentionally just researched how to get started, and you were given some advice on how to do exactly that. Maybe this was enough for you. Maybe it wasn't if it wasn't. Keep researching it. Type those words into Google or YouTube or your source for books or podcasts and keep learning. Commit right now to start. I know you're capable of it. You know you're capable of it. So stop making excuses about time or money or mental capacity and start working. If you want to be, do if you want to have a certain life, figure out what it looks like and then figure out how to get there. You can do this. Just fucking start. Thank you for listening to another episode of mind of snaps. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and instagram that mind of snaps and check out the stream and page Rianna twitch dot tv slash she snaps and patriot dot com slash she snaps Have a killer day. Guys, go start something great.